A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1091 Tongtian Lingbao Black Hole

At this time, the reverse star board controlled by Linglong was the first to show its power.

I saw a flash of starlight in the middle, and countless fist-sized light groups rushed out, as if thousands of stars were pouring out, instantly cutting through the space and leaving golden traces, like a waterfall reversing, and the Milky Way flowing backwards. A feeling of ecstasy.

The two-headed monster wolf staying in the center of the vortex saw this attack but paid no attention to it. It just rushed the black vortex, causing it to absorb more and more white light spots and compress itself faster.

But the next moment, Hei Lang became stunned.

Because the golden starlight in the sky passed close to the top of the vortex, but did not hit the vortex.

"Mistake? What a joke, how could such a ridiculous thing happen with the guidance of spiritual thoughts." The two-headed giant wolf was surprised for a while, but suddenly sensed something, and turned around to look at one of its heads, and was suddenly startled.

Suddenly, another head quickly spit out a series of spells, and the five-color glow sprayed out from the vortex suddenly rolled up, cutting off the golden starlight that flew past.

But a cold voice came from Linglong’s mouth:

"I realized it now, it's too late! He has already been released by me."

As these words fell, a large group of stars gathered dozens of feet behind the black vortex, and then a figure flashed inside for a few times before condensing and appearing. After a flash, this person floated out of the starlight, looking around with a surprised look on his face, looking very sneaky.

Han Li, who had just reached the edge, looked back and was shocked when he saw this person.

"Is it him? How could this person appear here!" Han Li felt a little confused.

This smooth-looking old man was actually Xiang Zhili, who was banished to the Huanmiao Celestial Statue by the new spirit condensed by the Demon Soul and Long Meng as soon as he entered Kunwu Mountain. At that time, the new spirit formed using the spirit-melting method had the support of the silver wolf body and was proficient in various secret techniques of the ancient demon and the spiritual world. Its magical power was far superior to that of the current demon soul and Linglong, almost two times. It is several times as high as the one in his heyday, and has even reached a terrifying level of cultivation that is close to the early stage of Void Refining.

Only then can he be in the seal, but he can spread his spiritual power out of the seal through the air, directly sealing Xiang Zhili temporarily.

And this miraculous celestial phenomenon is an ancient secret technique that has long been lost in the human world. In fact, it is essentially just sealing people into a space crack temporarily formed with great magical power. This crack cannot exist for too long, and the caster cannot enter it on his own. Due to the nature of the space crack formed, there are many different names, such as "Trapped Immortal Cage", "Nightmare Abyss" and so on.

Of course, the actual effect against the enemy depends on the opponent's and one's own cultivation.

But if a low-level monk is trapped by a high-level monk using this spell, he will most likely be in bad luck. Except for waiting for the day when the space crack disappears on its own, or there is some sharp magic weapon to forcefully break the space barrier, otherwise I can only stay trapped in it and wait for this magic to be lifted.

However, except for some special circumstances, this spell is not very practical. After all, if high-level monks deal with monks lower than themselves, there are many other magical powers that they can easily use, so why bother using such a secret technique that consumes a lot of mana and spiritual energy. If a low-level monk uses it on a high-level monk, he can easily break through the space barrier with his own magical power.

In this way, monks of the same level will use more techniques, but if the timing and occasion are not right, it will be difficult for the other party to accurately absorb the cracks. And if you want to use this technique, you must at least be in the middle stage of divine transformation!

These many restrictions are probably one of the reasons why this secret technique has been lost in the human world.

On the other hand, it doesn't take much spiritual energy or mana to dispel this spell. With the help of the power of the reverse star chart, Linglong can barely lift it.

Although Xiang Zhili didn't understand this secret technique, he had heard some related rumors. During the days when Gui'er was trapped in the magical celestial phenomena, he had been sitting quietly in the crack, because if he moved, he would most likely fall into the illusion. But just now he was in a depressed daze, and the next moment he suddenly appeared here, making him overjoyed and a little confused.

At this moment, Xiang Zhili blinked his eyes and glanced around in confusion.

But at this moment, the two-headed giant wolf flashed a fierce look in its eyes, and opened its mouth without hesitation. Immediately, two black light pillars hit the black wind flag in front of it. The flag suddenly shook, and suddenly Ranjian released countless black threads of light, flying in all directions at the center of the vortex.

The black vortex that had originally shrunk to a size of about ten feet, suddenly shrunk all over, and then sharply shrank toward the center, turning into a hole about a foot in diameter in the blink of an eye.

The center of this hole is as dark as ink, and does not leak any light. Instead, the surrounding area fluctuates in size and size, and continues to swallow everything. The nearby space, which was already severely distorted, immediately showed signs of being torn into pieces.

Such a weird sight is really scary! I am afraid that only spiritual treasures with spatial magical powers such as Black Wind Flag have the ability to do such incredible things.

Xiang Zhili's eyes were naturally attracted by the strange situation of the black hole, and his expression suddenly changed and he shouted "No!"

He opened his mouth hurriedly, and a triangular red arrow spurted out of his body. In a flash, the treasure's entire body glowed with golden flames, and then the golden light exploded, transforming into a golden fire beast.

This beast is covered in armor, has two horns on its head, and is wrapped in layers of golden flames. It looks like a cow but not a cow, and looks like a tiger but not a tiger. But as soon as it emerged, the beast jumped deep without hesitation, turned into a golden rainbow, and shot straight towards the black hole.

At the same time, the seemingly inconspicuous robe on Xiang Zhili's body shone brightly, and a purple shield appeared from it, and then he looked nervously at the black hole.

As a result, when the fire wolf entered the target, before the fire wolf pounced on the target, a maniacal laugh from the black-armored woman came from inside the black hole, and then the hole suddenly sank downwards and moved to the low altitude above the altar in a strange teleportation manner. It suddenly swelled and shrank, then burst open.

In Han Li's eyes, as the black hole on the altar exploded, countless black cracks ranging from several feet thick to as thin as an inch appeared in the distance instantly, followed by the harsh sound of thousands of birds chirping, and extended in all directions like lightning. go.

Looking from a distance, it looks as if a huge mirror has been shattered in the distance, which is shocking.

Han Li's face turned a little pale. Could it be that he was going to experience space collapse again!

But the space collapse on the eighth floor only touched the original prohibition set by ancient cultivators, so it was just a near miss. But this time it was obviously different. When you look at the appearance of these space cracks, there are no rules. Not only are they different in size, but they are also extremely unstable with the flickering black light. Even if you are lucky enough to be sucked into it by a larger crack, it will be a dead end in all likelihood.

Unless by chance the crack can lead to a small stable space like last time, it will be absolutely unreasonable.

And as he watched, Qimiao Zhenren, who was too close to the altar, was hit by seven or eight feet of thick cracks. His body and protective treasures were reduced to seven or eight pieces, and then his body was broken into pieces and those who were shot from it were trying to escape. Nascent Soul was submerged by a larger crack, and without even a scream, it disappeared from the world without a trace.

But what made Han Li secretly complain was that there were several cracks of different sizes at the same time, and they arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye. It happened to be stuck in the middle from all directions, making it impossible to avoid it. At this time, there seemed to be another scream, and the sound seemed to be Gui Ling's voice.

But Han Li was too preoccupied to take care of himself at the moment and had no time to see what was going on. He immediately gritted his teeth and suddenly rushed towards a crack that was only a few inches thick. At the same time, the Xutian Cauldron floating in front of him flew out first. Headed directly towards this crack.

Han Li had no choice but to bet that the cauldron, which was also a spiritual treasure, could withstand the cutting of this crack.

A scene that made Han Li very happy appeared. A thin crack was cut on the Xutian Cauldron. The green glow flashed and the small cauldron made a muffled "buzz" sound. The crack suddenly stopped.

Without thinking, he flashed his light and bypassed the crack. Then when I looked back for a moment, I saw that the place where I was originally had been crisscrossed by several black cracks at the same time, turning it into a piece of blackness.

This made him sweat again!

But immediately, these black cracks suddenly trembled, and the black light inside started to shine. This made Han Li's face look ugly, and he felt relieved again.

But what happened next immediately stunned Han Li!

After the black lights in these cracks flashed, they suddenly shrank and retreated just like when they first appeared, as if time was being reversed, shrinking backwards one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the cracks near Han Li disappeared, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

Han Li felt relieved, and then he remembered the screams just now, and hurriedly looked towards Gui Ling's position.

I saw that everything where he stood was as before, except that there was no trace of the ugly woman.

Han Li's heart trembled, and he looked at the monster's natal card with a thought, and sure enough, the card disappeared out of thin air. This demon was actually swallowed up by the crack.

Han Li sighed secretly, and without giving any more thought, he quickly scanned the entire space to see what the current situation was like.

It turned out that although Lin Yinping and Corpse Bear did not escape to the edge like him, they were not injured at all.

The corpse bear's whole body was wrapped in a ball of dazzling blood, and his expression was relatively calm, but Lin Yinping's face was extremely pale. Because there were several cracks passing by her just now, she was really lucky to survive.

I don't know if the so-called Tianlan Holy Beast is really so powerful that it can secretly protect this saint.

(Chapter two!)

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