A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1082: Tongtian Lingbao, True Demonic Qi

The two demons were also surprised when they saw two monsters that seemed to be condensed with demonic energy attacking.

Silver-winged Yaksha swayed without thinking and disappeared in the wind.

The lion beast turned around with ferocity, a rumbling sound came from its mouth, and a golden wave hit one of the monsters.

The monster just raised the sword in his hand to block it for a moment, and was immediately submerged by the golden waves. Its body was shattered inch by inch, and turned into a faint demonic energy again.

The other monster waved its hand, and then released a large sword light about a foot long, and the silver-winged Yaksha appeared strangely behind it.

With a flick of his ten fingers, ten gray evil soul threads shot out, instantly piercing the monster's body and tearing it into pieces.

After killing these two monsters so easily, Silver-winged Yaksha stared at the demonic energy in front of him, his brows furrowed with a solemn expression.

Obviously this demon didn't believe it either, and he really solved these two monsters like this.

Sure enough, the demonic energy in front of him was rolling and surging, and in the flash of black light, it re-condensed into the two monsters just now and came out.

As soon as these two monsters appeared, one of them immediately pounced hard. At the same time, he opened his mouth and sent waves of demonic energy straight towards Silver-winged Yaksha. .

Silver-winged Yaksha frowned, raised one hand, and the evil spirit threads shot out again, entangled with the black energy for a while. The other monster changed its shape and turned into a giant eagle about 10 feet tall. It approached the lion beast and started a hand-to-hand fight with its pair of black sharp claws and hook-like beak.

Suddenly, black and purple feathers scattered between the two giant birds.

The lion beasts obviously have the upper hand, but no matter how much damage the black giant eagle suffers, the black light flowing around it will immediately return to normal, as if it is immortal.

The same situation applies to Silver-winged Yaksha. No matter how many times the evil soul silk destroys the monster, it will re-condensate and appear again in the blink of an eye.

Obviously these two monsters are something similar to the incarnation of the body. If the main body is immortal and supported by abundant demonic energy, they are basically immortal. No wonder the Holy Ancestor of Yuan Cha was distracted and used them to entangle the two demons. Obviously, we don't expect the monsters to defeat them, as long as they entangle the two demons so that they can no longer destroy the stone pillars.

Silver-winged Yaksha also knew this well, but although these two monsters had extremely poor defense, the demonic energy they spewed was the same as that of giant wolves. The two demons had no choice but to try their best to avoid and resist, and they really couldn't concentrate on anything else.

As for the stone pillar that was more than half destroyed, it repaired itself in a flash of light in just a moment, and the shattered part was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

This made Silver Winged Yaksha feel even more depressed.

The situation on the second demon's side also fell into the eyes of Corpse Bear, which also surprised this demon.

"Hua Tianqi" was condensing several big hands with his spiritual thoughts, and kept smashing the demonic energy below, but he suddenly said coldly to the corpse bear:

"Don't worry. This kind of magic power that temporarily separates spiritual thoughts and refines the incarnation outside the body, using it to separate the gods, releasing two is the limit. Otherwise, this demon doesn't have to consume us like this, as long as we release a few more If we only come out, we will definitely be defeated. The important thing now is that this demon actually forcibly demonized my body with demonic energy. Although it is only temporary, but it continuously absorbs the pure demonic energy from the altar, Keep tempering this body, and soon the demonic transformation will be truly fixed. At that time, the demon soul and body will merge into one, and I will never have the chance to take back the body. As for this demon whose magical powers have been completely restored, we, Even if people join forces, they will never be rivals. It seems that I just took the risk."

"Take a risk! What does the princess mean?" Corpse Bear was surprised, but asked respectfully.

"I will use secret techniques to try to get into the body of this wolf, and forcefully compete with the demon soul for control of the body. Although the body has been demonized, it is impossible to gain the upper hand. But it makes the body of the silver wolf temporarily lose control for a moment. What follows What should be done? You should know it very well." Longmeng said calmly.

"I understand what the princess means. But isn't it too risky to do this?" Corpse Bear hesitated while driving the blood light to split a large group of demonic energy below.

"Risk? If we don't take the risk, once the seal of the altar is unlocked, we really won't even have a chance." Long Meng said angrily.

"What is sealed under this altar? The princess seems to be very afraid of it. Could it be those powerful magic weapons left behind by the ancient demon world in the human world?" Corpse Bear couldn't help but ask.

"It would be great if it really is a magic weapon. No matter how powerful this demon is once we get it, we can evacuate this place first, and then summon other human monks to surround it alone. There will always be a way to kill this demon. I will still be here. Do you continue to hold on? What is sealed by this altar is probably the true demonic energy that was transmitted after the ancient demonic world opened the passage to the human world." Long Meng said with a gloomy face.

"The real demonic energy coming from the ancient demonic world?" Corpse Bear was shocked.

"Before you transformed into a corpse, you should also know the power of some real demonic energy. They are different from ordinary demonic energy. Not only can they pollute the spiritual energy of the human world, but once they spread in large numbers, no matter ordinary humans or low-level people, The monks will gradually be transformed into demons. Over time, they can even transform the human world into an existence like the ancient demon world." Longmeng said solemnly.

"But I heard that after the First World War, all these evil spirits were completely purified by those ancient cultivators. How can it still exist in the human world and under this altar?" Corpse Bear still said in disbelief.

"Purification? Ordinary demonic energy can be purified naturally with the magical powers of ancient monks. But true demonic energy contains the demonic essence of the ancient demon world. When it is transmitted to the human world, it is originally intended to be used to transform the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the human world. Where is it? It can be erased so easily. If we were in our spiritual world, there might be a way to completely eliminate it. But in the human world, it is extremely difficult. Before I was sealed, I heard the three elders of Kunwu say once. We must wipe out most of them after the war. Some of the true demonic energy was collected and imprisoned, and distributed to several places in the human world with the most abundant spiritual energy, and suppressed with pure spiritual energy. The ancient demon saint ancestor and I were once fused together, and this is the one who can faintly sense the seal under the altar. Plant evil spirit."

"This is not surprising. Kunwu Mountain was the most famous fairy mountain in the human world at that time. It is a matter of course to use the spiritual veins of this mountain to suppress the demonic energy. They hope that after being washed with pure spiritual energy, these demonic spirits can be eliminated. The energy was worn away little by little. And the spiritual energy of this mountain is really much thinner than when it sealed me. It seems that it is probably still useful. But without a million years, these evil energy cannot be truly purified. Now If it is released, it is just wishful thinking for human monks to control and seal it again. Not to mention, after the incarnation of the ancient demon ancestor absorbs the true demonic energy, I am afraid that no one in the entire human world can defeat him. "

Longmeng was silent for a moment, then said it all in one breath.

After hearing this story, Corpse Bear was extremely shocked, and his face became uncertain.

"Even if this human world is completely demonized, so what? What does it have to do with us people? Back then, the demon clan and humans sent the princess and I to the lower world to expel the cross-border ancient demons. We have already done it. If something happens now, you can't blame it on us. Why don't we..." Corpse Bear suggested hesitantly with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"I knew that you, the Corpse Bear, was a human spirit beast back then. How could you rush to the Demon Suppressing Tower to save me? I still want to use the counter-spirit passage to return to the spirit world. However, your cultivation level is not the same. Beyond the stage of divine transformation, even if you enter it, you can only be reduced to nothing by the power of space. And how do you know that I know the location of the counter-spirit passage?" Longmeng suddenly asked with a sneer.

"Princess is joking. Being a human spiritual beast was something I did before I opened my spiritual wisdom. As for how I will cross the passage, please rest assured, Princess. I have been preparing for so many years, and I am still somewhat sure. And Princess As the concubine of Demon King Tiankui, if you don’t know where the passage is, I don’t know who else knows about it.” The Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear said with a bit of a smile on his furry face.

"Huh, let me just believe you. To tell you the truth. Only if I completely get back my original body can I find the location of the counter-spiritual passage again. So, don't think about running away. Just be honest. You must do as I say." Longmeng said unceremoniously.

"Yes, as long as the princess can fulfill her promise and really agree to take me back to the spirit world. The villains will naturally fight to the death for the princess." Corpse Bear grinned and replied without hesitation.

"That's enough! You protect me first." Long Meng nodded with satisfaction.

Then Hua Tianqi, who was possessed by this woman, suddenly made a hand gesture with his hands, and a dazzling silver light appeared all over his body.

At this moment, Han Li, under the watchful eye of Master Qimiao, rubbed his hands together without saying a word, and struck downwards one after another with the evil-dispelling divine lightning. Defeat the clumps of demonic energy and disappear.

But when the giant wolf below faced the joint efforts of the monks, the demonic flames just rose. The demonic energy in its mouth and the black light beam kept spitting out, suppressing the yellow sword energy, blood light and other attacks, and retreating step by step. Seeing that the demonic energy was getting more and more, it almost occupied most of the space. Under the overwhelming force, it seemed that everyone was trapped inside.

At this time, the stone pillars around the altar gradually became dazzling and began to make a low humming sound. Strange ancient runes appeared on the surface of each stone pillar and trembled slightly.

The humans and demons who noticed this scene were secretly surprised.

Seeing this, Qimiao Zhenren, who was holding a small red drum in his hand, his face darkened.

Although he did not hear the conversation between Long Meng and the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear, an unpleasant premonition emerged in his mind very clearly. This person gritted his teeth and finally threw the small drum in his hand into the air, and at the same time shouted:

"Fellow Taoist Xuan Qingzi, what are you waiting for? Quickly sacrifice your newly acquired thing. Otherwise, disaster will really come!"

(First update!)

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