A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1068 Tongtian Lingbao Regaining the Old Treasure

This time, the ancient demon's mind was completely attracted by Han Li who suddenly appeared behind him. When the magic marrow drill and the flying knife appeared again, the reaction was obviously a beat slower than last time. And with the strange speed of the flying knife, when the ancient demon looked horrified and wanted to avoid it again, it was already too late.

The same scene happened again on the Ancient Demon's neck, blood lines appeared, and the Ancient Demon's other head also rolled down cleanly.

When Han Li saw this, he was naturally very happy. But before a smile appeared on his face, the two swords in the headless ancient demon's hands did not collapse and disappear. Instead, they turned into two black lights and shot towards Han Li. Then with the strong wind, the headless demon's body turned into A thick demonic energy exploded.

Although Han Li was shocked, how could he let his prey really escape? Without thinking, he made a seal with both hands, and the purple fire dragon he originally shot exploded with the same sound.

Purple flames that were about an inch in size spread all over a radius of ten feet, like rain.

Dozens of golden swords were densely packed together, and the two black blades were instantly reduced to nothing. Then all the flying swords dispersed in a rush, and golden arcs ejected from the flying swords, forming a huge golden net. Followed by Zi Yan and hooded her head.

The voice of "Zila" was loud!

Most of the demonic energy didn't even run far before it was frozen inside by pieces of giant purple ice. The rest of the black energy hit the golden grid, and after a burst of thunder, it naturally turned into nothing.

Seeing this, Han Li still cautiously made a hand seal and softly uttered the word "explosion" in his mouth.

The entire golden net exploded, countless slender arcs struck down, and the purple ice immediately disintegrated and collapsed under it.

The black energy in the broken ice and the countless strands of ancient demon spirits hidden in it were naturally swept away.

Several treasures fell from the demonic aura.

Han Li's eyes lit up when he saw two of the objects wrapped in black silk.

With a flick of his finger, two golden arcs shot out, and the black threads immediately disappeared, revealing two small golden swords. The surface was slightly dim, as if his spirituality was damaged.

They were the two Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Swords that Han Li had lost for many years.

Han Li was overjoyed and hurriedly tried to urge him with his spiritual thoughts. The two flying swords were ejected and fell into his hands.

Han Li's worries were finally relieved.

Fortunately, although Feijian has been sealed by the ancient demon for many years, the spirit inside the sword has not been completely lost. As long as it is re-refined, it can be restored to its original state immediately.

At this time, the young man surnamed Xu, Silver-winged Yaksha and others in the distance watched helplessly as Han Li just injured the ancient demon, and then chased after him, killing the ancient demon in three strokes, five by five, and two by two. , even the soul did not escape, they all looked at each other, and they could see a bit of fear in each other's eyes.

As for the new humanoid puppet, these few people were naturally confused. They didn't know where Han Li recruited such a powerful monk. Everyone teleported in before, but there was no such person at all. Could it be that this person's escape skills are so good that he can hide it from so many people at the same time?

With this thought in their hearts, these few people naturally felt even more uneasy.

However, they were not ordinary people. They immediately suppressed this thought in their hearts, and instead involuntarily attacked the restrictions below.

Surrounding the black teleportation array, there are several array flags, forming a layer of gray light that isolates the array within it.

It is this restriction that makes the teleportation array at the other end useless.

Various attacks roared downwards.

After the flash of spiritual light and the rumbling sound, beyond everyone's expectation, the gray mask formed by the formation flag turned out to be extremely tough. Whether it was the evil soul thread of the silver-winged yaksha, the pair of sharp claws of the lion beast, or even the blue ball in the ball of light sacrificed by the young man named Xu, there was only a faint ripple when it hit it. The seemingly simple seven or eight gray flags only flickered in the restricted area as if nothing had happened.

This scene made the few people who originally had a smooth road out because there was no ancient demon as a roadblock, all felt nervous.

The lion beast had the most violent temper. When he saw that his claws were useless, his eyes flashed fiercely. Without thinking, he opened his mouth wide and golden sound waves rushed out from the mouth, finally letting the wall go. It is deeply sunken, as if it is somewhat unsupported.

When the young man surnamed Xu saw this, his spiritual thoughts moved. The peacock hovering above his head flapped its wings, and the five-color aura swept out in the strong wind. Lin Yinping on the side pinched his jade fingers and sprayed out balls of silver light from his mouth, hitting the light mask one after another. In addition, the silver-winged Yaksha suddenly condensed countless evil soul threads and turned them into a giant python, delivering the final blow viciously.

Everyone knows if they can get out of here, just strike right in front of them, and naturally attack with all their strength, without leaving any remaining strength.

In an instant, an astonishing spiritual light submerged this restriction.

The gray-white light shield finally made a cracking sound, and at this moment, Han Li and Gui Ling took off the light and flew back here after a few flashes.

The humanoid puppet was hiding, lurking nowhere.

Han Li's arrival seemed calm, but it made everyone else greatly fearful. Just when several formation flags whined and broke into two pieces, many figures suddenly moved and rushed towards the formation at the same time.

But after several groups of spiritual lights burst apart from each other, several figures fell away at the same time.

They actually attacked each other at this time and drove the others back to Kai Lai.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what do you mean?" The young man named Xu looked livid, holding a green ball in one hand, staring at Han Li and asked angrily.

"What do you mean? You have to ask Fellow Daoist Xu himself." Han Li said with a half-smile. There were several golden swords floating in front of him, but in one hand he was holding the three-flame fan that made other people's hearts tremble.

"The first wave of people to be passed on must be me. I can't trust you human monks!" Silver-winged Yaksha protected his body with a pair of fleshy wings, and said coldly to Han Li and Han Li.

"Haha, this is difficult. This small teleportation array can only teleport two people at a time. If those who left early destroy the outer array, then those who stay here will die." Han Limian His smile faded and his voice turned cold.

While he was talking, Lion Bird, Gui Ling and others also slowly gathered around.

The three parties were afraid of each other, and they were deadlocked here for a while.

At this moment, a cold and charming sound came from the distant direction of the palace!

"How dare you kill members of my holy clan in front of me. Don't even think about leaving any of you!"

The voice was bone-chilling, it didn't sound loud, but it sounded clearly in everyone's ears after it came from afar. It was actually the voice of the woman in black robe.

The incarnation of the Holy Ancestor of Yuan Cha sensed this matter at the moment when the ancient demon died. But at this moment, he just regained control and said angrily.

At this moment, the black wind flag exerted nearly half of its power in its hands, crushing the Jiuzhen Demon Subduing Formation into pieces. Even the Eight Spirit Rulers above the palace also drove the phantoms of eight spirit beasts to appear here with a buzzing sound. He was near the demon and participated in its siege. However, the incarnation of the Holy Ancestor, under the almost heaven-defying offensive and defensive power of the Black Wind Banner, was unable to harm him at all.

This woman originally planned to deal with the demon-suppressing formation first, and then take action to subdue the Eight Spiritual Rulers. However, when she saw that her only subordinate died unexpectedly, she immediately aroused the murderous intention of the Saint Ancestor. .

The black-robed woman's face was as dark as water, and she sprayed several mouthfuls of essence and blood onto the small flag in the air. Then she flicked her ten fingers and fired one magic spell after another.

The small flag emitted a dazzling black light, and its shape suddenly grew. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant flag that was more than ten feet long and as thick as a bowl. Purple runes were flowing on the flag, and black energy was lingering.

After the flag changed, the power of the nearby hurricane also increased greatly. The evil wind swept everywhere and even broke the altar in the Jiuzhen Demon Subduing Formation. Several golden knives were spinning around in the wind, and he saw that Jiuzhen's demon subjugation was about to be broken!

As for the Eight Spirit Ruler, before the Jurchen approaches the palace, its power will not be fully revealed. However, the eight demon beast phantoms transformed from this Ruler will attack the girl non-stop, but they are also shot up to the sky under the Black Wind Flag. The wind pillar blew him to and fro, and his body was unstable.

On the other side, the young man named Xu, Silver-winged Yaksha and others were shocked when they heard the solemn words of the black-robed woman, and then sensed the sudden change in the wind. If the three parties hadn't stared at each other with eagerness, they would have all rushed into the teleportation array and fled. .

"Let Fellow Daoist Gui Ling and Fellow Daoist Lin teleport over first. Fellow Daoist Gui Ling is a monster and Fellow Daoist Silver Wings are old acquaintances, and I am confident that Fellow Daoist Gui will not abandon them and leave. , if Fellow Daoist Lin goes there first, Fellow Daoist Xu can also feel more at ease. The second batch of Fellow Daoist Lion and Bird and Fellow Daoist Xu will pass over, and Fellow Daoist Silver Wings and I will go last. Start quickly, and things will change if you wait too late!" Seeing the roar in the direction of the palace. It was deafening, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and more than a dozen black wind pillars were intertwining and merging together, and even the air nearby began to tremble slightly. This gave Han Li a vague premonition, and he said suddenly without thinking too much.

The young man surnamed Xu and the silver-winged Yaksha also felt the changes in this space. Even if some of them were still wary, they had no better plan at the moment. If they delayed it any longer, they might be in trouble. They could only look at each other and said, He nodded slightly.

Immediately following Han Li's instructions, Gui Ling and Lin Yinping jumped out and were about to walk into the transmission array.

But who knows, as soon as the two of them stepped forward, white light flashed in the teleportation array, and a figure appeared in the middle of the array. Someone actually teleported in from outside at this moment.

This time, Han Li and others were stunned!

At this moment, a cold voice from the woman in black robe suddenly came from the center.

"Chaos opens the sky!"

As Shisheng finished speaking, a jet-black light pillar shot up in the distance. Then the light pillar paused strangely in mid-air. Then the entire sky was bounded by the light pillar, and suddenly split into two halves. The sun was still shining brightly on one side, but on the other side, boundless darkness swept in, covering most of the sky at once, and in the blink of an eye, it was above the heads of Han Li and others.

(Second update! It’s the last few hours of 2009. If you still have monthly tickets, don’t forget to vote. Haha, don’t waste it! Finally, the new year is coming. Wangyu wishes all book friends good health and all the best. !)

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