On Nanling Street, the most prosperous street in the southern part of Jiayuan City, there is a huge house covering an area of ​​several acres. On the black door of the house, there is a plaque with the word "Mofu" written on it. Under the plaque, there are eight well-dressed men standing on both sides. He doesn't squint, and has a well-trained and capable look that makes people dare not look down upon him at first sight.

Across the street not far from Mo Mansion, there is a three-story Xiangjia Restaurant. This restaurant is also one of the largest restaurants in the entire Jiayuan City, especially its signature drink "Thyme", which is famous for its good wine and has attracted many well-known merchants.

It was lunch time at this time, so Xiangjia Restaurant was very crowded. There were people sitting at the tables from the first floor to the third floor, and they were crowded with people eating.

Pedestrians passing by on the street outside the restaurant can smell the strong aroma of wine and rice coming from the restaurant, which makes people salivate and is very tempting.

A young man sat at a table by the street window on the second floor. There were some delicious meat and vegetable dishes on the table, as well as a bottle of the famous "Thyme" sake. Standing behind the young man was an intimidating giant man. This man was Han Li who came out to inquire about the news.

Han Li was looking down from the window at something condescendingly. He was also playing with a small wine glass filled with wine in his hand. He didn't take a few bites of the food on the table, and he looked distracted and lazy.

Han Li glanced sideways at the Mo Mansion not far away, then looked back at the street in front of him. The expression on his face did not change, but he raised his head, drank the glass of wine, and then continued to look at the building. God outside.

After some inquiring, Han Li found out that Dr. Mo's two biological daughters and the adopted daughter were all as beautiful as flowers and jade. They were the three most famous beauties in Jiayuan City, so they were nicknamed the Mo Mansion. Three prides.

Because they are famous far and wide, there are countless princes, young heroes and heroes who pursue them.

Among them, Mo Yuzhu is even more stunningly beautiful and is the one with the most pursuers among the three. Her engagement caused a great uproar and made most of her suitors heartbroken. Some of them had martial arts skills and challenged Mr. Wu. As a result, Wu Jianming defeated sixteen love rivals in a row. , on the contrary, it created his reputation for excellent martial arts, and made him and Mo Yuzhu even more inseparable, and they became in love with each other.

As Han Li thought about it, he felt that this matter was really funny. Others didn't know the details of Mr. Wu, but Han Li knew it very well.

This Wu Jianming was most likely sent by Dr. Mo's enemies. It seemed that Dr. Mo's absence for so many years had aroused the suspicion of his enemies, and the arrival of Mr. Wu was probably a test. I just don't know what method he used to win the trust of the Mo Mansion. I think ordinary tokens and letters would not be easily believed by Dr. Mo and his wives.

Han Li tapped his fingers on the table while pondering the questions in his mind.

"Sir, please sit over here! Your order will be here soon." A waiter in a white jacket led a young man in blue in his mid-twenties to the second floor and said He took him to an empty table next to Han Li and sat down, then hurried down to greet other guests.

The young man in blue has regular facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there is a certain heroic spirit between his brows.

After he sat down, he looked around and happened to catch Han Li's eyes.

Han Li felt that there was an inexplicable depth in the other person's eyes, as if there was a strange gravitational force that was about to suck him in. Han Li was taken aback, and quickly turned his head away, his expression changing slightly.

This man was unexpectedly shocked, but then he gave Han Li a cold look, turned his head, and ignored him.

Han Li's face turned a little pale. The look from the other party just now made him feel like he was being seen inside and out, which made him very shocked.

This was the first time Han Li had tasted the feeling of being seen through by someone at a glance.

The man in blue waited until the table was filled with food and wine, and then he started eating and drinking. The food was very delicious, as if no one else was watching.

At this moment, Han Li was restless and uneasy.

Although he had not used the Sky Eye Technique to observe the other party at this time, the powerful spiritual power vaguely emanating from the man in blue still shocked him. He knew very well that the other party was definitely an immortal cultivator with much deeper magic power than himself.

Han Li had only seen two immortal cultivators, Yu Zitong and Master Jin Guang, before. One of them was a spiritual soul who had lost all his physical power, while the other had pitifully low power. He killed them as soon as they met. Therefore, Han Li still didn't know much about immortal cultivators, and they were still full of mystery in his mind. He really didn't know how to deal with this situation where the opponent was much stronger than himself.

"This man in blue will not kill him without mercy like he did to Master Jin Guang, right?" Han Li couldn't help but think of the worst place.

As a result, the man in blue finished his meal while Han Li was distracted and worried. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, then threw down a piece of silver and floated away. From the beginning to the end, he never glanced at Han Li again, and seemed to have completely forgotten about Han Li.

Han Li waited until the man completely left the restaurant, then he let out a long breath and lay down on his chair. Although the time for the man in blue to eat was short, he felt as if a whole day had passed. His mental oppression was too great, as if he had just fought a life-and-death battle with someone.

At this time, the man in blue appeared at the alley at the other end of the street, where another man in yellow, about thirty years old, was waiting.

"Fourth brother, why are you late? We still have to meet up with eldest brother and the others!" the man in yellow shirt said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe! Second brother, don't be angry! I just haven't eaten secular food in several years, so I went to taste it again!" The man in blue said with a smile.

"You're just greedy! How many times have I told you that we cultivators should be abstinent and avoid eating and drinking like this. But you don't listen. Every time you eat and drink, at least your character will be lowered. Less." The man in yellow glared at the man in blue and said angrily.

"Haha! Got it, got it, I won't do it again! By the way, I met other immortal cultivators at the dining place." In order to change the subject, the man in blue hurriedly brought up the incident about meeting Han Li.

"Oh! Really? Does the opponent have deep magic power?" The man in yellow shirt really turned his attention to this.

"My magic power is very weak. It seems that I have just reached the seventh or eighth level of basic skills, and I am barely qualified to participate in the Immortal Ascension Association. I really don't understand? Why would such a small magic power come to Lanzhou to join in the fun? Do you really think you can With such bad luck, can you finally win the Immortal Ascension Conference?" The man in blue curled his lips.

"Is the other party older?"

"Looks like seventeen or eighteen years old."

"That's right. The other party is most likely here with his elders. He should be here to gain experience and broaden his horizons. It is estimated that when the Immortal Ascension Conference is held again in the next ten years, this person will actually participate. "The man in yellow shirt said with a smile.

"Let me tell you! In this way, the other person's qualifications are pretty good. If ten years pass, this person may really be able to reach my level." The man in blue said proudly.

"Stop boasting about yourself! The tenth-level technique you just mastered is of this level. There are many Immortal Ascension Conferences every year. If you really practice it to the eleventh level, it's not too late to boast about the second level." Huang Shan The man said angrily and funny, then ignored this living treasure and turned around to leave.

"Really, if I can reach the tenth level or above without taking the Foundation Establishment Pill, then why would I attend the Immortal Ascension Meeting? Why don't I just go and become a disciple?" The man in blue followed him with a murmur, and also left. Got here.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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