A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1038: Tongtian Lingbao, Two Fairies

"Now that the monsters are present, the two fellow Taoists should think about how to get rid of them. Otherwise, collecting the treasure will just be a dream." After hearing the conversation between the two old demons, the young man surnamed Xu turned his head and looked at the scene with dissatisfaction. said.

"Hehe! This is Brother Tianlan Xu, right? I'm not interested in not seeing the treasure. I'll fight with something first and both sides will suffer. Besides, even if everyone present joins forces, I'm afraid they can't do anything to these three." Gan Laomo After sneering, he unexpectedly said this.

"Brother Qian, what do you mean by this?" Although Tianlan Grassland and Yinluo Sect have always been on good terms, the young man's face darkened when he heard this.

"It's nothing. Since these three people have been lurking beside me and not taking action when the fight between Daoist Fellow Ye and I was fierce, they must have some other purpose in mind. Otherwise, if they are really going to be detrimental to us, the best time to take action is now." A faint sound came from the huge white shadow.

"It's good that you know about this. Even if you want to take action, do you really think you can do anything to us? There is nothing to hide. The three of us also came here for a few things in Kunwu Palace. Before entering the main hall, I don’t want to do anything either.” Silver-winged Yaksha’s eyes flashed with green light and he said calmly.

The ugly woman and the lion and beast stood beside it without saying a word, as if it were the head of a horse.

"The Saint and I are not interested in the treasures in the temple at all, but our Tianlan Temple is bound to get the things from the boy named Han. Of course, if the Ghost Luo Banner is found, Xu will return the original to your sect. "The young man surnamed Xu naturally didn't want to risk his life here with three monsters with powerful supernatural powers. As soon as he heard the meaning of the old demon Qian's words, he just pondered for a moment and said with a calm expression.

"In this case, there is no need for us to fight here. It is better to work together to break the restrictions and get the treasure first. Otherwise, if there are so many people here, we will be swept away by outsiders. This is a big joke. !" Ge Tianhao also said so following the trend.

No matter whether the monks or monsters here have lived for an unknown number of years, it is naturally impossible for them to do stupid things to benefit others. A tentative agreement was reached almost in the blink of an eye.

Although there is a high probability that this agreement will break down as soon as they arrive at Kunwu Palace, it is still better than killing each other before they see the treasure.

"Since we all have no objections, let's break the ban together." Seeing this, Old Demon Qian let out a strange laugh, and then the huge white shadow flicked its sleeves, transforming into two giant white pythons, and pounced on top of its head. light curtain.

The square-faced monk on the side silently pointed at the two flying swords hovering above his head, and immediately two startling rainbows struck the air.

The three demons and the young man named Xu outside did not relax their vigilance against each other, but seeing this scene, they also attacked the ban one after another.

For a time, all kinds of rays of light and demonic energy were mixed together, bursting out simultaneously inside and outside the light curtain, and the rumbling sounds continued one after another.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that Gan Lao Mo would look so hot, but in a blink of an eye he could join forces with monsters like Silver-winged Yaksha and Lion Beast. In the future, you should be more careful when you meet Lao Mo, don't let him give in to you. The deception has passed." In the stone forest at the foot of the slope, a graceful green figure hid in a thick stone pillar and murmured in a low voice.

"Hmph, with your current cultivation level, there is no need for Old Demon Qian to have any plans for you. If his five demons of the same mind pounce on you, there is no way you can avoid it." The other green figure who was next to him had no intention of avoiding it. He said politely.

These two people were clearly Mrs. Mu from Huaxian Sect and the beautiful young woman.

"Senior sister, I really have no way to deal with the old devil." The young woman looked a little unconvinced.

"What does a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul want to do to a later monk? Not to mention you, even if I face the old devil head-on, I can only protect myself. Our sect's skills are not good at facing the enemy head-on. But if I were allowed to get a trace of the old devil’s essence and blood and secretly cast a spell, I would be 70% to 80% sure that I could hit him hard secretly!” Mrs. Mu said with a sneer.

"Our Immortal Transformation Sect is a semi-hidden sect. In terms of martial arts and secrets alone, I'm afraid it's not much weaker than the ten major sects. If we hadn't been required to abide by those rules in all generations, I'm afraid we would have developed into late-stage great monks long ago. There is no need to be afraid of fucking Lao Mo and others." The young woman said somewhat unwillingly.

"The founding founder of our sect was originally a descendant of the three elders of Kunwu. When he founded the sect not far from the seal and made regulations for guarding the city, it was originally to guard the seal of Kunwu Mountain nearby. It has only been so for thousands of years. In the past, this matter has been forgotten within a few generations. If it weren’t for the fact that we received a letter from Xiang Lao not long ago and re-examined the founding books of our sect, I’m afraid we would still be confused about the seal. We don’t know anything about it. Otherwise, why would we have to take the risk to enter this mountain?" Mrs. Mu sighed.

"Speaking of Qian Lao Mo, I am more concerned about the young man who uses the evil thunder. The feather fan in this person's hand is so powerful that even the monks in the late Yuan Ying period would retreat three feet away. If used in a closed space, the power of this treasure is even more powerful. The one that has doubled is definitely an imitation of the famous Seven Flame Fan in ancient times." The beautiful woman suddenly mentioned Han Li.

"It's true that it's an imitation of the Tongtian Lingbao, but it's hard to say if it's not the Seven Flame Fan. However, this man's face is very strange, and his other magical powers are not small. The silver wings on his back can also perform the rare thunder escape technique. It's true. Ordinary monks. But this person doesn’t seem to be our Dajin monks, and he doesn’t belong to the same family as the Ye family. Forget it, no matter how powerful this person is, we don’t need to pay much attention to it. Speaking of which, Mr. Xiang should have entered this mountain long ago; "Hey, why didn't you take action to stop these monks? With his magical power, if he takes action for a moment, how can Old Demon Gan and others be so rampant?" Mrs. Mu became a little confused.

"Maybe I have something important to do, senior, or go directly to the Demon Suppression Tower. After all, that's the most important thing." The young woman said hesitantly.

"Impossible. Although the Demon Suppressing Tower is the center of the formation that truly controls the seal of the entire Kunwu Mountain. But if you want to re-strengthen the seal, you must need the Dragon Transformation Seal in the Kunwu Palace. Senior knows the pros and cons. , how could you not go to Kunwu Palace to get the treasure first?" Mrs. Mu shook her head gloomily.

"Senior Sister, what you mean is, what happened to Senior Xiang? How is this possible? With Senior Xiang's cultivation level, how could anyone in this world be able to do anything to him? Could it be that that person has already escaped from trouble?" said the last sentence. At this time, the beautiful woman's face instantly turned extremely pale.

"It's impossible to come out. The previous restrictions were just broken. If that person had escaped, all the restrictions would have been broken long ago. How could he wait until now. Maybe Senior Xiang was delayed by something, and he still You haven't entered this mountain yet." Mrs. Mu's expression changed and she said with a forced smile.

"I hope so. In any case, we still have to follow these people and see if we can get the Dragon Transformation Seal first. But in the past, besides the Dragon Transformation Seal, there was another one that could strengthen the seal. A sky crystal monument? Why not just leave the whereabouts of that treasure to our descendants? Otherwise, why take the risk of following these people." Upon hearing this, the beautiful woman complained again.

"You don't know this. The crystal tablet was just a spare thing that day. Its whereabouts are in the hands of another descendant of Kunwu Sanlao. In order to prevent any accident from happening to one of our two families, there might be another one. Things can control the seal of this mountain. I heard that this treasure is in an unexpected place. Except for the group of people whose whereabouts have long been unknown, no one else knows where it is hidden in Kunwu Mountain. With this preparation, both overt and covert , it can be seen that the ancient cultivators who participated in the sealing spent a lot of effort."

"I don't know what Elder Kunwu thought back then, why he left such a big trouble for us. Can't we just kill that man with one sword? Why seal it and waste such a spiritual mountain in the human world?" The beautiful woman said with a slight frown.

"This point is mentioned in the classics. It seems that the identity of the person who was sealed is very special, and his life and death are even involved in matters in the upper world. Therefore, none of the ancient cultivators in the human world dared to take action on their own, so they had to kill him It's sealed in the mountain." Mrs. Mu hesitated for a moment, but still told some things she knew.

"So it's like this. No wonder the people back then were so timid. But how high is this person's cultivation? Even mentioning this person to Lao Yi, he seems restless. We have known each other for a long time , but I have never seen old monsters like them so uneasy." The beautiful woman asked again curiously.

"No matter how high this person's cultivation level is, he will definitely be able to kill us with just one little finger. What's the use of guessing this." Mrs. Mu glanced sideways and replied angrily.

"That's true!" The beautiful woman looked helpless.

"By the way, you brought the Four Elephant Ruler. You can rely on this treasure to grab the Dragon Transformation Seal later." Madam Mu changed the topic and brought up another matter.

"Senior Sister has repeatedly warned me several times. How could I not bring this treasure that can protect the clan. But it is a pity to say that, if it weren't for the attributes of Senior Sister's practice and the Four Elephant Ruler, it would be most appropriate for Senior Sister to drive it. . Senior sister said that one of the two heavenly spiritual treasures used to suppress that man was the Eight Spirit Ruler. Isn't it the same treasure that this Four Elephant Ruler was imitated from? I really want to see with my own eyes what it looks like. " Xiuli. The woman's bright eyes turned down and she said with a smile.

"The Eight Spirit Rulers and the Black Wind Flag are only briefly mentioned in the classics. Whether they can really be seen, I also... Hey, Gan Lao Mo and the others have broken the restriction, let's follow quickly." Mrs. Husband Just as he was about to say something more to his junior sister, when he turned his eyes, he saw that the light curtain on the platform was broken inch by inch under various attacks, and he hurriedly said with a condensed expression.

The beautiful woman's heart trembled, and she also looked up. Just in time to see Qian Laomo and others pass through the collapsing light curtain and rush towards the mountain gate.

(First update!)

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