A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 1033: Tongtian Lingbao Yin Soul Condensation

Han Li was not surprised by this. Coming to such a remote place this time, it was quite a chance to get such a harvest.

Half a day later, when Han Li finished searching the last building and returned to the stele building of Zhuling Hall, he hesitated while looking at the white curtain of light.

It was still early now, so he left it entirely up to him to explore the remaining places, but doing so seemed to involve taking some risks.

Who knows if there are other monks who have also searched somewhere and gone to other places.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's the old man with the surname Fu and others. Han Li won't be afraid of the people who are responsible for the old devil and the Poison Saint Sect. But if they encounter the first wave of monks who enter the mountain, they will be in big trouble. It is estimated that there is a high probability that they will attack him immediately.

But if Han Li was allowed to stay here like this until the crack passage was restored in a few days, he would be unwilling to do so.

Han Li thought about it and laughed again.

Even if he hides here and doesn't leave, if someone really searches other places, won't they take the initiative to find the Soul Casting Hall? Moreover, according to his calculations, after such a long time, I am afraid that the important places in Kunwu Mountain that Gan Laomo and others went to would have collided with the first wave of monks, and even started to take action.

If that's the case, it's better to search a few more places while others have no time to look around, or even fish in troubled waters. After all, you can find good things like Taiyin True Fire in this small mourning hall, and there should be some gains in other places.

Moreover, with his current magical power, even if he is under siege by several late-stage Nascent Soul monks at the same time, even if he cannot win, he can still be sure of escaping.

After some consideration in his mind, Han Li took out the three-flame fan without any hesitation. After the three-color flames flashed, he easily broke through the light curtain in front of him and went directly down the mountain.

Almost at the same time, in a hall with a faint blue light flashing underground in Kunwu Mountain, a big-headed weirdo, an ancient demon, and a Ye family monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul were being surrounded by seven or eight red-haired and naked evil ghosts. middle.

These evil ghosts all had green faces and fangs, and breathed out yin energy. With a movement of their ten fingers, a series of black claws clawed at the three of them.

The big-headed monster and others who were trapped in the middle by the gray clouds of Yin Qi used defensive magic weapons to arrange several layers of light shields of different colors. No matter how violently the Yin Qi cracked and how sharp the claws were, they could not shake the appearance.

However, in contrast, the ancient demon with a yellow flying sword driven by the weirdo and a small black sword and a white jade ruler driven by another old man from the Ye family, although they were radiant, they could not do anything to these evil ghosts. .

No matter whether the flying sword cuts the evil ghost in two, or hits the ghost's head to pieces with one foot, as long as the other evil ghosts aim at the same time and spray the Yin Qi from their mouths, the killed evil ghost will immediately return to its original state and become full of life again. They pounced on each of them as if they were immortal.

At this time, the old man from the Ye family rubbed his hands and raised them again, and a series of red fireballs sank into the body of an evil ghost, blasting the ghost to pieces. But as soon as the Yin Qi gathered nearby, the ghost immediately reappeared and fiercely pounced on the mask of light again.

"Uncle Qi, Elder Han, we can't go on like this. These evil ghosts have been nourished by the Yin Qi here for countless thousands of years, and they have obviously cultivated to the realm of Yin Soul Condensation. Ordinary spells and magic weapons cannot kill them. Only It can only be effective if you use Zhiyang's skills and treasures." The old man of the Ye family said anxiously.

"Hmph, if it were so simple, I would have taken action a long time ago. These evil ghosts are not only cultivated into Yin Soul Condensation, they are basically clones of the same ghost king. As long as they cannot kill all the evil ghosts at the same time, they will immediately appear. It was resurrected from the Yin Qi. I didn't use thunderbolt methods, I just kept looking for its true form." The big-headed weirdo snorted and replied angrily.

"Are they all clones?" The old man was surprised.

"Yes, otherwise, even if the evil ghosts who have practiced Yin Soul Condensation are killed so many times by us one after another, their vitality should be severely damaged. But look at them, they never look tired. It seems that this ghost king plans to He killed us alive before using it to deal with us." The ancient demon said calmly, and then pointed at the small black sword and pierced through another evil ghost.

"That's it. It's a pity that the fifteenth brother was hit by the shadow sandblasting of the black shadow snake when he went up to the next level and only escaped from the Nascent Soul. Otherwise, he would be most suitable to deal with these evil ghosts with his Zhiyang magical power. ." The old man looked at the gray surroundings and said with a slightly changed expression.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Who would have thought that there is such a demonic snake in the world that can escape into the shadows, and suddenly attack from the shadow of the wise nephew Mingli? Even I can't help him in time. Moreover, this snake The poison was so violent that in a matter of seconds, nephew Mingli's body was completely necrotic." The big-headed weirdo sighed.

"My nephew has no intention of complaining about Uncle Seven. It's just that this demon-suppressing tower is really weird. Not only is it built upside down, with the entrance at the top and the top of the tower facing down, but the demons and ghosts on each floor are more difficult to deal with. We It took so long to only get to the seventh floor. Elder Han said that this tower should be on the ninth floor. It’s hard to believe what kind of monsters will appear on the lower two floors. Do we really want to continue? ?" The old man hesitated.

"Hmph, you are scared after encountering some dangers. The more powerful the things below are suppressed, the greater the chance that the Tongtian Spirit Treasure will appear on the lower two floors. After all, only demons that are feared by ancient cultivators may need to be used. Tongtian Lingbao suppressed it. Do you want all the plots of our Ye family for hundreds of years to come to nothing?" The weirdo's voice turned cold and he scolded him rudely.

"Uncle Qi is right, my nephew is a little timid." After hearing this, the old man of the Ye family could only use his magic weapon to deal with the evil ghosts that rushed towards him, and promised Nuonuo.

"I found the Ghost King." At this moment, the ancient demon suddenly said.

"What, where is the real body!" The old man became energetic and asked hurriedly.

The ancient demon's eyes flashed and he was about to reply when his face suddenly changed and he let out a soft sigh. Then at this moment, a muffled sound of "bang" suddenly came from the distance, followed by a flash of light at the entrance of the hall, and suddenly A huge green ball of light flew in from inside, and then after the light converged, four figures of different sizes appeared in the light ball.

When these four people saw the ghostly shadows dancing in the hall and the three trapped ancient demons, they also exclaimed in surprise.

"Ye Yuesheng! Haven't you fallen long ago? It turned out that the Ye family opened the seal?"

The person who spoke was a monk with green lines on his face, it was Hua Tianqi. And of course these four people are the four elders of the Poison Saint Sect.

At this moment, Hua Tianqi recognized the seventh uncle of the Ye family, and his expression changed uncertainly.

When the three people in the hall saw the members of the Poison Saint Sect, their expressions turned pale. Especially when they are temporarily haunted by evil spirits.

"Who am I? It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Hua. I didn't expect that Poison Saint Sect was not slow in its movements. It entered the mountain so quickly. I wonder why these fellow Daoists came to this Demon Suppressing Tower if they didn't go hunting for treasures elsewhere. Intention." The gloom on the weirdo's face flashed away, and then he said nonchalantly.

"Hehe! Hua and others also want to ask Ye about this. Moreover, after not seeing each other for hundreds of years, Brother Ye has quietly advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage after he faked his death. If the Zhengmo guys know about this, I'm afraid I'm going to be restless." Hua Tianqi watched with cold eyes as the weirdo used the flying sword to easily smash an evil ghost into pieces, and said calmly, but his thoughts were racing in his heart, and he was thinking about something.

"Senior Brother Hua, do these people also know that there is a rare treasure in this tower and came here specially to get it!" Hua Tianqi heard a message from an elder of the Poison Saint Sect, and he looked slightly worried.

In the last words left by the founder of the Poison Saint Sect, he briefly mentioned the rare treasure hidden in the Demon Suppression Tower. It's just that the specific thing is vague and unknown. But just like this, the four elders of the Poison Saint Sect will naturally not take it lightly. The first person to come is the Demon Suppression Tower.

Although when they broke through the first few floors, they found that other monks were ahead of them. But they originally thought that a dangerous place like the Demon Suppression Tower would not be paid much attention by the previous wave of monks. With the strength of four people, they should be enough to deal with those who take the lead. But they never expected that there would be a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage waiting for them on this floor.

If the seventh uncle of the Ye family and others hadn't looked like they were trapped by a group of ghosts, I believe Hua Tianqi would have turned around and left without saying a word. The great monk in the late stage of Yuanying, plus the two monks in the early stage of Yuanying, were really not something that the four of them could handle.

"I don't know. Maybe like us, we just got a few clues." Hua Tianqi replied with a gloomy expression, his lips moving slightly, but his eyes were fixed on the three weirdos without blinking.

"It seems that Brother Hua Daoist is not planning to leave just now." When the big-headed weirdo said this, there was a fierce light in his eyes. Then he suddenly opened his mouth, and a silver light disappeared in a flash.

And at the next moment, a ball of silver light suddenly erupted somewhere in the corner of the hall, followed by a low roar.

Immediately, a gray blurry ghost appeared there. A gray ball as big as a thumb was spitting out from its mouth, resisting a silver flying fork, and because it was forced to retreat step by step, it made a strange roar.

When they saw this ghost, the four elders of the Poison Saint Sect had not yet had time to react. The ancient demon on the side was silent but moved his sleeves and robe, and a mirror as black as ink suddenly appeared in his hand, and it swung rapidly at the ghost figures around him.

A piece of black light swept out from the mirror, and all the evil ghosts were involuntarily swept by the strange black light. Then they screamed one after another, and the ghost bodies were torn apart one by one in the light. The black clouds are as sharp as a mountain of swords and a forest of swords.

However, although the ghost king's true body was entangled by the silver flying fork, these evil ghosts could not be restored by spells. But when the ghost shadow screamed loudly, their dissipated Yin Qi suddenly turned into thick rolling balls of Yin Qi, and the ancient demon and others were tightly wrapped in it.

Even though the black cloud released by the ancient demon's mirror is powerful, it cannot be broken at once.

Hua Tianqi's expression finally changed.

(First update!)

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