Lanzhou is the eighth largest state capital among the thirteen states of Yue State, but in terms of wealth, it ranks second only after Xinzhou. It is located in the southern part of Vietnam, with fertile land and countless waterways, lakes and canals within its jurisdiction. Coupled with the always good weather, it is extremely suitable for growing rice and is the leading grain-producing area in the country.

Jiayuan City, located in the middle of Lanzhou, is not the capital city of Lanzhou, but it is truly the largest city in Lanzhou. The Xiang-Lu Grand Canal, which runs through the north and south of Vietnam, passes through the center of the city. In addition, several other water and land roads also pass through this place. Therefore, the transportation is extremely developed and it can be called a water transport hub and an important trade route. Every year, countless merchants and travelers pass by, which greatly boosts the economic and trade activities here. Therefore, it is not unusual for Jiayuan City to become the largest city in the state.

In Jiayuan City, there are many large and small car dealerships, wharves, and boat operators, scattered throughout the city. There are so many coachmen, coolies, and boatmen engaged in this industry, tens of thousands of them, and Sun Ergou is one of them who makes a living by the dock.

As his name suggests, Sun Ergou has a slanted eyebrow and crooked eyes, and looks like a scoundrel who rots pears and rots dates. However, because he is good at observing people's movements and flattering horses, he became a small gang leader on the dock, with dozens of people in charge. Coolie porters make a living by helping passing merchants carry goods and luggage.

So when Sun Ergou came to this small dock early this morning, several of his men hurriedly came over and respectfully called:

"Good morning, Second Master!"

"Second Master is here!"

When Sun Ergou heard these titles, he couldn't help but feel a little elated. After all, being able to be called "Master" by others also showed that he was considered a person of status here. Therefore, he put on an air of arrogance and snorted from his nose, which was considered as a response to the greetings of these men.

"What second master, isn't he just Ergou?"

"That's right, it's still a two-legged dog, a dog that looks like a human!"

"Ha ha ha ha!……"

A burst of sarcastic laughter reached Sun Ergou's ears without concealment.

After hearing this, Sun Ergou's face suddenly darkened, and his mood turned bad in an instant.

He slowly turned his head and looked at the dozens of people standing on the other side of the pier. His eyes fell on a big black man with a big waist and a round waist, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

When it comes to the person Sun Ergou hates the most in Jiayuan City, this black man can definitely be ranked in the top three. If someone told him that all his family wealth could be exchanged for this black man to completely disappear from the world, Sun Ergou might hesitate, but if he changed his mind and only needed half of his property, then he would agree without hesitation. Of course, because of this, he After eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling, the so-called entire family wealth is actually not much.

No one knows the original name of this black man. People at the dock either call him "Hei Ye" or call him by his nickname "Black Bear". He is the leader of another small gang, the "Iron Fist Club", and his status is not much different from that of Sun Ergou in his gang, the "Siping Gang", so he was also sent to this dock to manage another group of coolies.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, let alone this small dock. Therefore, the two groups were not at odds with each other from the beginning. After several conflicts over competing for customers, the relationship between them became even worse. Now that they met each other, the two groups either laughed and cursed, pushed or pushed, or even took action in a big way.

If the subordinates are like this, let alone Sun Ergou and Black Bear, who are the biggest beneficiaries of this business. The two of them looked at each other with displeasure. But as small gang leaders with some status and status, they knew that the "Iron Fist Club" and the "Siping Gang" where they belonged were allied gangs and were jointly fighting against another larger gang, the "Poison Dragon Gang". Therefore, although both of them wanted to drive each other out of this place and monopolize this pier, they could only forcibly restrain themselves for the time being. However, their pent-up dissatisfaction and anger were vented through verbal conflicts among their subordinates, which became their daily morning ritual.

No, before Sun Ergou's men could wait for him to signal, a few sharp-tongued people started to fight back unceremoniously.

"Do you know what is the stupidest of all beasts?"


"What is the stupidest bear among bears?"

"Of course it's a black bear!"


Black Bear, who originally had a proud look on his face when he heard his subordinates mocking each other, suddenly turned dark after hearing this. Sun Ergou laughed, and he patted the shoulders of these subordinates with satisfaction to show encouragement.

Not to be outdone, Black Bear's men spat out all kinds of filthy words. Sun Ergou won't be polite to you. We are all big men, so who is afraid of whom? Naturally, whatever is unpleasant to listen to, whatever is unpleasant to listen to, we should pick and fight against.

As their leaders, Sun Ergou and Black Bear stood aside and watched with cold eyes. They were people of some status, so naturally they could not join in this shrew-like scolding activity.

Just as the two groups of people were talking, their mouths were dry and they were frothing, suddenly one of Sun Ergou's men exclaimed: "A ship is approaching!"

This sentence immediately caused nearly a hundred big men who were in a rage to scold, and they all stopped talking and turned to look towards the river. After all, free money is much more attractive than a temporary headache.

But when the big men took a clear look at the boat that docked at the dock, they felt a little disappointed. It was just a small flat-leaf boat. It looked like it could only seat three or five merchants at most. It was not a big business trip. .

It's no wonder that this pier is dilapidated, small, and in a very remote location. Normally, no big ships would come here. Only during the peak trade season will large ships that cannot dock at other docks have to land here.

After the small boat stopped at the dock, two people got out of the boat. One was a young man who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old and had an ordinary appearance, while the other was a giant man who was two heads taller than an ordinary person.

The young man was wearing an ordinary green shirt with a yellow bird on his shoulder. He looked around as soon as he got off the boat, looking like a countryman who had just entered the city. The giant man was wearing a cloak and a green robe. His face could not be seen clearly, and he was dressed a bit strangely. The giant man followed closely behind the young man, never leaving, looking like a servant.

This young man and the giant man were Han Li and Qu Hun who had just arrived at Dr. Mo's hometown after traveling for three months.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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