A million ways to survive in the dungeon

Chapter 452 Four Five Two: Let’s decide the outcome, []!

Time flies, and three days pass quickly.

In the past three days, an army of tens of millions of people had refreshed themselves in the camp.

Everyone has said goodbye to their loved ones.

Everyone is ready.

In the early morning, the army began to advance into the desert.

Today is the day of decisive battle.

There are still 2 hours left before the decisive battle.

Everyone's face showed the determination to fight to the death.

Thousands of miles away in the royal city of Eastern Sichuan.

Everyone is praying sincerely.

The fact that Zheng Qian was in coma was not reported to the outside world, so everyone was praying that the god they believed in: Lord Jiuyang Shengzhulong could bring victory to mankind in this fateful battle.

"Everyone is praying to you, praying that you can bring victory, bitch."

Gently, he covered Zheng Qian with a quilt.

Even though there was only an hour and a half left before the decisive battle, Mao Nanbei still firmly believed that Zheng Qian would wake up.

Everyone who knew about this firmly believed that Zheng Qian would definitely come.

Get dressed and put on your cage and heel harness.

Mao Nanbei came to Zheng Qian for the last time, possessed him and kissed him on the forehead.

"Well, shit, I'm leaving, meow. If I'm in danger, you must come. We have an appointment, meow."

Looking at his lover affectionately, Mao Nanbei was not worried about Zheng Qian at all.

On the contrary, there was only trust in her eyes.

Walking to the window, he glanced back at Zheng Qian for the last time, Mao Nanbei smiled slightly, and then his eyes suddenly condensed.

【Drill Phantom】

It took off like a rocket, flying nearly a hundred kilometers with just its leaping force.

Mao Nan headed north and south in the direction of the battlefield and disappeared into the sky.

In an empty room, Zheng Qian was lying on the hospital bed.

His weak fingers suddenly clenched slightly into a fist, but soon they were released again.

If Mao Nanbei were here, he would definitely be exclaimed, right?

Because Zheng Qian's brows were wrinkled for no reason, as if he was resisting something in pain.

On the electronic instruments next to him, all the physiological indexes that were calm except for the heartbeat suddenly fluctuated significantly.

But soon, this subtle change returned to calm.

"In this battle, the location and time of the opponent's appearance have been determined. The number can be easily calculated based on the missing people. There are about 60 million lemures and 50,000 demon gods."

In the mobile combat armored vehicle, the three old men in the mountain cautiously reported the situation to Situ Xing as the commander-in-chief.

Although he is a god, Situ Xing's main development direction is his brain power.

Therefore, as one of the first batch of gods, his level is only lv480. This is not because he is not talented enough, but because he concentrates his energy on his intellectual attributes.

And since he grew up in the North, his tactical talent is completely superior to any wise man.

Therefore, after Jin Ge left, he decided to take over Jin Ge's position and do a good job as a commander in the rear.

With the support of Kota State Technology, the holographic terrain tactical table presents the entire battlefield terrain in the form of 3D modeling.

All personnel are marked as tiny triangles to facilitate detection of their facing positions.

The destination is still half an hour away.

Situ Xing pondered for a moment and then said: "We have more than 750,000 main combat personnel, and 20,000 Tianshan veteran regiments are still on their way. After counting all combat forces including the Titan cannon...

The combat power difference between us and the Demon God is about 300 to 1. "

300 to 1.

This is an almost hopeless combat power gap.

After Zheng Qian's death, the protection of civilians basically collapsed.

This resulted in the number of civilians being kidnapped soaring from 10 million to more than 60 million in the final period.

In addition, on the day when [] came, Zheng Yang led the demon god to kill 50,000 gods and men. Zheng Qian fell into a coma, and his Zhulong essence and blood were not provided in the last 15 days.

As a result, our combat power dropped sharply.

Over and over again, the original combat power gap budget could be controlled within 10 times, but in the end it became 300 times.

The 10 times difference in combat power can be made up with tactics and strategies.

But 300 times, any tactics and strategies will not work.


Just when everyone was despairing, Situ Xing raised his head.

"Everyone, it's too early to give up."

Yes, just like Zheng Qian believed in us, we must also believe in ourselves.

Even if the possibility is close to zero, we must believe that the possibility that only exists on the other side of imaginary numbers can be realized.

He slapped his hands on the table and shouted: "The known information so far is: "This time [ ] will be full of firepower. He has absorbed the truth and can return to his full strength.

Without Zheng Qian, our command headquarters is the core of this battle.

【】will definitely order the demons and lemures to destroy our headquarters at all costs.

The communication signal coverage of the headquarters is only 100 kilometers, and the battlefield coverage is more than 90 kilometers, so we can only stay at the rear, but not more than 10 kilometers away from the combat zone.

Therefore, in this battle, we can refer to the design of Warcraft's absolute defensive battle. "

At this point, Situ Xing revealed the strategy he had been thinking about for five days.

"No matter what, our command post cannot be destroyed, otherwise the entire battlefield communications will be cut off.

Without tactical command, the entire unit's coordination capabilities and battlefield information coverage will be very inconsistent.

Therefore, if Zheng Qian cannot come, the headquarters is the key to this battle. The other party must know this and will definitely find ways to destroy the headquarters. Once the headquarters is destroyed, we will lose this battle.

Therefore, the entire army formed ten fronts.

The first, second, and third fronts have the most elite divine men as forwards, who can handle the most pressure.

The fourth and fifth fronts have Yashen warriors as the center, mainly providing auxiliary support on the battlefield and checking for leaks and filling gaps.

The six and seven fronts were bombarded by Yashen magicians at short range.

The eighth front consists of Harrier fighter aircraft and artillery positions, which conduct medium-range bombing and mobile support from fighter aircraft.

The ninth front consists of the remaining mortal warriors and magicians, forming the rear defense line, while also providing personnel support and basic protection for the tenth position.

The tenth front consists of all 30 magic reactors and 3,000 Titan cannons to form a rear super-heavy bombardment artillery array.

Everyone, this is the last battle, cheer up! "

Having said this, Situ Xing's eyes sparkled, as if the 300 to 1 combat power difference did not exist at all.

In the tactical heavy armored command vehicle, all commanders and dispatchers sit at the console.

Everyone worked hard and conveyed Situ Xing's tactics to the front troops one by one, allowing them to complete their position arrangements during the march.

Everyone got into their positions and started the final pre-war work in full swing.

"Is there any news from the gods?" Situ Xing asked.

"I haven't received a letter from the other party yet."

"Report to Commander, there is an emergency communication from the royal city. Miss Mao Nanbei has set off and is expected to arrive at the battlefield in ten minutes."

"Very good, she is a non-staff combat force. Notify the rear logistics troops. When she arrives, give her the communication equipment and let her accept Zhao Aotian's arrangements alone."


"How about the Xiao Urinal?"

"Reporting to Commander-in-Chief Situ, a report came 10 minutes ago that the lunar and space-based weapons have been powered on and are entering the final review process. It is expected that the eight super-large Titans can be put into official use after the war."

"Good, everything is ready."

Situ Xing stared at the huge screen in front of him.

The war timer has officially entered its final hour countdown.

The time has come.

Let’s fight to the death, []!


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