A million ways to survive in the dungeon

Chapter 366 Three Six Seven: Strategy against the Demon God*World Unification Plan

Chapter 366 Three Six Seven: The Demon God’s Strategic World Unification Plan

To my son:

The first three words in the eye made Situ Xing's hands tremble slightly.

These three words simply and clearly explained that Situ Zhou's letter was addressed to Situ Xing, and he firmly believed that he was the first one to see it.

"Dad..." Situ Xing pursed his lips until they turned white.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked down as if to inspire courage.

When you read this letter, your father will probably be gone, right?

When you read this letter, you must be confused, right?

In these years, when you were growing up on the border, your father only visited you three times. I can see that you are a good boy with ideals and ambitions, unlike your sister.

But your straightforward temperament and reckless personality have always worried your father.

After you take office, you will definitely want to clear my name as the Fool King, right?

To be able to see this letter means that you must have been in trouble, or you are on the verge of it.

My father's advice is to give up.

Because running a country is far from as simple as you think. Simple and simple emotions must make concessions in front of the country and even the race.

See this, it's the first page.

Situ Xing raised his head, a little impatient.

This page contains almost no nutrition other than platitudes.

But Zheng Sepi saw through his thoughts, and before he spoke, he stepped forward and took away the first page: "The late king will not let his most trusted warrior keep it for some useless nonsense. Read on."

Although I felt unhappy, I thought that Situ Zhou was indeed not such a person.

He doesn't go to all the trouble of being stupid and leaves a bunch of crap behind.

So Situ Xing took a deep breath, regained his patience, lowered his head and continued reading.

My father knows that you are also out of filial piety, and it is not easy for you to just give up.

And you are the new king of eastern Sichuan, so there are some things that my father feels it is time to tell you.

Twenty years ago, the truth about the dispute between Sichuan East and Eagle Valley.

the truth? What truth could there be in this?

Situ Xing continued to read.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Situ Xing is not feeling well at first glance.

Twenty years ago...did this happen?

A long time ago, the Situ family that founded eastern Sichuan had a book passed down from its ancestors called the Ancient Secret Scroll.

It is rumored that this book can only be read and read by the clan leaders of the past generations, and it will be passed down from generation to generation by the clan leaders.

Legend has it that this book contains some secrets handed down from ancient times.

The ancient period is the name of the third era*the era of gods and men.

The documents handed down from ancient times to this day are extremely valuable. This ancient secret volume is undoubtedly the most precious treasure of mankind.

But this treasure will not bring wealth to mankind. On the contrary, it will bring a harbinger of disaster.

Because the Situ family believes that the value of ancient secret scrolls is not its identity as a cultural relic, but the content it records.

Therefore, when the Situ family was establishing Sichuan East, this ancient secret scroll was also destroyed.

However, the contents of the ancient secret scrolls were passed down from writing to oral transmission by the kings of eastern Sichuan.

In order for this secret to be passed down, the king of eastern Sichuan must be a member of the Situ family to ensure that the ancient secret scroll can be passed down while maintaining confidentiality.

The content of the ancient secret scroll is...

The existence of the devil, the reason for its destruction, and the role of human beings as power banks.

That's right, Situ Zhou has known about the existence of the devil since he was born.

All the ancestors of Situ's family knew it.

But this kind of thing cannot be said.

Once it is announced to the world, it will only accelerate the demise of mankind.

Twenty years ago, Situ Zhou sold his land not because of the threat from Eagle Valley.

It is true that Eagle Valley could indeed threaten Eastern Sichuan.

But Sichuan East was actually far from being forced to the point where it had to sell its territory to deal with it.

Even if there is a fight, even if there is no previous war king Zhao Tianxiang, Sichuan East is likely to be able to destroy Eagle Valley.

The reason why Situ Zhou sold his land was...

He must weaken Sichuan East.

Judging from the experiences of the age of gods and men described in ancient secret scrolls.

Aware of the existence of the devil, a certain country is too powerful.

These will draw the devil's attention.

Human beings are too weak, and they are the livestock of the devil.

Whether you like it or not, this is an undeniable objective fact.

The first step for a domestic animal to resist its owner is definitely not to show its fangs, but to secretly accumulate strength before the owner discovers that you have this idea.

If Sichuan East really destroyed Eagle Valley at that time, then Sichuan East's development would have been unstoppable and it would have become a superpower soon, right?

That won't work.

Humanity does not have enough power to develop.

When human beings develop to a certain level, they will definitely attract the attention of the devil.

This is definitely not an enemy that a country can fight against.


A plan came into being in Situ Zhou's mind.

Plan for world unification.

Since Eastern Sichuan cannot develop too large.

So, then develop the heritage of other countries.

Maintain Sichuan East's national power at the critical point that will be noticed by the devil.

Then let other countries encroach on eastern Sichuan.

Every time Eastern Sichuan grows stronger, it will give benefits to other countries and establish good relations with these countries.

When the time is right, develop together with other countries, and strive to increase humankind's maximum combat power before the devil discovers it.

This is the world unification plan.

In the battle against the devil, the only way out is for all countries to unite and form a coalition government.

Child, I know you must not understand, but humans have no choice.

When the Situ family established Chuandong, they foresaw that there would eventually be a battle between humans and demons.

Humans are not domestic animals, humans are humans.

Eastern Sichuan will be the starting point of human continuation.

Maybe, I will be notorious as the Fool King for eternity?

But Xing'er, the king's responsibility is not to manage a country well, nor to be famous for generations.

The king's responsibility: to let his people get out of this underground city called the human world!

Zheng Qian, Zhao Aotian, Jin Ge, and those who follow them are all trustworthy warriors and the pioneers of the rise of mankind.

Xing'er, I now entrust you with the layout of more than 20 years of inaction, and them.

This is the only gift a father can give you.

At this point, the suicide note is completed.

Situ Xing's hands were already trembling slightly.

"The late king had long expected that there would be a battle between humans and demons, and he was already aware of the existence of demons."

Zheng Sepi stepped forward, raised his foot, and picked up the Nine-fold Dragon's Back Spear into his hand.

He said: "The demon gods who chose Eagle Valley as the next generation of degraded humans have probably noticed Chuandong a long time ago, right?

However, such a huge country fell into the hands of a foolish king, and he had to rely on selling land to barely maintain his country.

In the eyes of the devil, Chuandong is just a flea that jumped up suddenly, right? Even if you leave it alone, it will disappear on its own and is not worth a second glance. "

When Shen Jingbing heard this, she realized: "Deliberately pretending to be a fool to make the devil relax his vigilance?"

"That's right."

Zheng Sepi stared at Situ Xing and said, "The late king's vision has long gone beyond the country of Eastern Sichuan and has been set on all mankind.

This country, East Sichuan, is not a nation, but a pioneer leading the rise of mankind! "

"No no no no."

The suicide note fell to the ground. Situ Xing's heart was completely broken at this moment: "My dad... dad... never told me! He threw me on the border and isolated me from the world. How could he entrust such an important responsibility to me?" Give me?!"

"It is precisely because you know nothing that you are the best executor."

Zheng Sepi stepped forward and picked up the suicide note that was scattered on the ground page by page: "As the letter said, if a domestic animal wants to resist its owner, it must first deceive the owner. I have no ill intentions and I don't know anything.

If you can't even fool yourself, how can you fool those beings who have defeated the gods?

He lived a mediocre life, bearing the reputation of a fool and being infamy for thousands of years, just to entrust everything to future generations and lead the rise of mankind...the greatest wise king. "

Handing over the compiled suicide note, Situ Xing's breathing completely stopped at this moment.

“Even if the odds of winning are infinitely close to zero, we still have to find a way to victory.”

There was a bang.

After Zheng Sepi finished speaking, he mobilized his fighting spirit and burned the eight-page suicide note to ashes in front of Situ Xing.

However, among the ashes, eight pieces of paper that could not burn were left floating on the ground.

"Your father, the late king, never needed you to clear his name. He is the trump card that mankind can use to win!"

The paper fell and four words came into view.

At this moment, following Zheng Sepi's words, Situ Xing's tear glands completely collapsed.


Powerless cries echoed throughout the palace.

Those four words clearly mean: The time has come, tell the world!


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