A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 728 Novel (Complete)

"Krypton money... Maybe you are the only one who can come up with such a crazy money-making model!" Facing Makoto Takahashi who was lying leisurely on the sofa, the heir to the game company's "Forgiveness" Jing Zhonghao said with resentment, "When I first heard you propose this idea, I was thinking...A Cheng, there is definitely a devil living in your head!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Jisang, if you say this... won't your conscience hurt!?" In response to Uncle Jing Zhonghao's complaints, Takahashi Cheng retorted angrily, "You know you were the first to support me at that time. Oh man! And as far as I know, you sold the four limited edition [Blue Eyes White Dragon] cards for an incredible price!"

"...That's not because of the influence of animation!" After a moment of unnatural silence, Uncle Jing Zhonghao hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Speaking of which, Cheng... have you really decided not to continue the series? Is it a comic?”


"Of course, I'm not that guy who starves to death without taking a bite of food...so of course what I said must count!" Makoto Takahashi looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and took out a thick copy from the desk drawer. He planned thickly and handed it to Uncle Jing Zhonghao who was full of doubts, "This is the planning document for the new game... Hey, hey, hey, don't look at me with that look, Hun Dan!"

"...Is it another work used to make money?" After Uncle Jing Zhonghao took the planning book, he did not look through it in a hurry, but asked with great interest, "It is still the same as the previous "Yu-Gi-Oh!" style. Same, does the game run simultaneously with the animation?"

"Hmm, let the humans in this world feel the feeling of being so depressed that you vomit blood!" Staring at the planning book in Uncle Jing Zhonghao's hand, Makoto Takahashi sighed with resentment, "Although serialized comics can also I get enough [pleasure], but compared to animation... it’s better to play animation effects!”

"Bang! I have already felt the malice emanating from your heart and soul, Acheng..." After Uncle Jing Zhonghao complained, he began to look through the game planning book in his hand, "Huh? Discharge Mouse Pikachu..." ...? Looks cute..."

"Father, these are all drawn by me!" Rin, who looked like a little cat, ran quickly from the study room to Takahashi Makoto with a small stack of comic manuscripts, holding up his work proudly. Putting on a look like "Dad, please come and show off to me", "This is the follow-up story about the bald caped man!"

"Yeah, that's good, Rin!" Takahashi Makoto reached out and rubbed Rin's head, and nodded with satisfaction, "But Rin... I remember saying it many times! You have to always keep..."

"Be elegant at all times... Hey!" Rin reached out and snatched back the completed manga manuscript, turned around and ran to the study next to her, "My stupid brother, sister, my manga manuscript has been approved by my father. oh!"

"Should I say that I am worthy of being your daughter? The style of painting is still the same as before... it maintains the ferocious [demon nature] of the cartoonist Phoenix Academy!" Uncle Jing Zhonghao, who had just peeked at the comic manuscript out of curiosity, twitched the corner of his mouth After a moment, he said to Takahashi sincerely, "Speaking of that kind of style... is he really a man?"

"Sa, what path Rin will choose in the future is a matter for Rin to decide..." Squinting his eyes and staring at the direction in which Rin was going, Makoto Takahashi said in a somewhat ethereal tone, "If that child really chooses to become a manga in the future Home... Hum, isn't this a very interesting thing? "

"A-Cheng, you...could it be that you are..." Uncle Jing Zhonghao, who seemed to have figured out something, suddenly changed his expression. Just when he was about to say something, he instantly felt the cold and piercing killing intent!

"Sometimes knowing too much is not something to show off! Because..." gently stroking the magic sword, Takahashi Makoto said methodically, "Curiosity may also lead to death!"

"As expected, Cheng, you..."

"Oh, it's almost time... That guy should have arrived, right!?" Taking out a thick pile of manuscript paper from the drawer again, Takahashi Makoto began to issue an eviction order to Uncle Jing Zhonghao, "By the way, Jing Zhonghao Hao Jisang, how long do you plan to stay here?”

"Huh? Didn't I just come here for a while?" Uncle Jing Zhonghao, who deliberately pretended not to understand the order issued by Makoto Takahashi, took a sip from the black tea on the table and said slowly, "And here After reading the game plan you provided, I can answer any questions on the spot, right?"

"It's up to you!" Takahashi Cheng pulled the white coat on his body and warned Uncle Jing Zhonghao with a serious expression, "But if you dare to disturb my next behavior..."

"Don't worry! My suicide note is ready!" Faced with Takahashi Makoto's threat, Uncle Jing Zhonghao already knew how to resolve it!

"Hmph! That's best!"

"...It should be here, right?" The black-haired professional woman stood in front of the door, looked at it, and then confirmed the content of the small note in her hand, "It's really unexpected! I didn't expect the popular manga from the weekly "Shounen Jumk" Is your home really...? Excuse me, does Mr. Ji Zhen from Phoenix Academy live here?"

"Yes!" A group of good friends from Acheng Mu Mengye were preparing. When they heard someone asking, they immediately turned around curiously and asked, "Excuse me, are you..."

"Ah... Excuse me! I'm Machida Sonoko, the editor of the Fuzugawa Fantastic Bunko!" After introducing herself, the editor named Machida Sonoko asked the group of people in front of her curiously, "Excuse me, who are you..."

"I'm from Eiji Nizuma!" After answering the question, Eiji Nizuma immediately knocked on the door of Takahashi Makoto's house and shouted, "Teacher Hououin Kyoma, we're here again!"

"Eiji Nizuma...?" Machida Sonoko felt like she had heard of this name before. After a little thought, a look of realization appeared on her face, "Is it the popular cartoonist in Weekly Shonen Jumk?"

"Editor... of the Fuzugawa Fantastic Bunko?" Yashiro Mumengye noticed Machida Sonoko's profession , looked at each other, and then a yellow-haired man with glasses whispered to his good friend, "The editor of the light novel came to see Acheng, could it be that guy Acheng..."

"It shouldn't be..." Although he almost believed it in his heart, Lan Dai still said stubbornly, "It's impossible for Acheng to change his job from a popular cartoonist to a light novel author! Akito, this should be impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible in the world, good friends!" The one who responded to Lan Dai was Takahashi Makoto who had already opened the door, "It's a little later than the scheduled time, but forget it..."

"Well, although I have heard some rumors in the industry, but..." Looking at Takahashi Makoto in a white coat, Machida Yuanzi hesitated for a moment before slightly bowing, "You should be the author of "My Youth" The author of "Haru Renai Monogatari is Wrong, As Expected", Hououin Kyouma, right? Excuse me! I am Machida Sonoko, the editor of Fuzugawa Fantastic Bunko!"

"Machida Sonoko..." Takahashi Makoto looked her up and down, and a look of realization appeared on his face, "Oh, you are the editor of Kasumi Shiko!"

"Huh? You actually know me?" Machida Sonoko showed a hint of surprise on her face, and then immediately turned into a smile, "In that case..."

"Before talking about that, let me solve my personal problems first!" Raising his hand to stop Machida Sonoko who wanted to continue talking, Takahashi Makoto looked at several friends on the side of the cartoonist, and a smile called [joy] appeared on his face, "The King of Black Flame, and my good friend Yajo Mumeha... I already know why you are here! But as you can see, I have found a new [toy] now, so let's stop here! "

"As expected, you are planning to develop in the field of light novels, Makoto..." The disappointment in the eyes of the yellow-haired glasses man flashed away, "But we will not give up like this!"

"...So, do you plan to use the animated works to decide the winner?" Before the yellow-haired glasses man could express his thoughts, Takahashi Makoto, who had already predicted it first, immediately said, "I have no problem at all... But you should understand, right? The conditions for deciding the winner... are no longer the previous level of serialization!"

"What? Teacher Hououin Kyouma... are you looking down on us?"

"I should be the one to say this... right?" Looking at the cartoonist whose obsession has completely transformed into fighting spirit, Takahashi Makoto showed a [happy] smile on his face, "You... are you looking down on the crazy novelist Hououin Kyouma! ? "

(The whole book is finished)

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