A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 677 This world needs change

"A Cheng, you guy... what on earth are you thinking about!?"

While roaring like a ghost, Yoshida slammed the manga manuscript he had just finished on the table...

"The scene of Yoshida-san's [soul-vomiting roar]..." Uncle Tintin, who was frightened by Yoshida's sudden roar, trembled slightly in his hand holding the brush, looked up at the angry Yoshida, and then looked again Makoto Takahashi, who had a [joyful] smile on his face, twitched the corners of his mouth, silently swiped his brush again, and whispered, "For me, this kind of scene... It's been a long time coming!"

According to common sense, as the editor-in-chief of the weekly... no, now he should be regarded as the small and medium-sized boss on the editorial side of the weekly, Yoshida should not do this in front of the cartoonist [throwing the completed cartoon manuscript on the table] That's rude behavior!

However... what Yoshida is facing is not an ordinary existence, but a certain middle-class cartoonist who is full of madness and will do anything to seek "pleasure"!

I clearly know that the other party definitely did it on purpose, and I know that the other party expects me to show that "I am angry but helpless" look. I also know that the angrier I am, the more "pleasant" the other party will be... But unfortunately, some Time's mere [reason] cannot prevent the sudden outburst of human emotions. In the end, Yoshida failed to control his emotions, and still embarked on the path that Takahashi Makoto had clearly planned to trap him!

"Oh, this is the expression I want to see!!! My beloved cat, your current expression... really makes me [pleased]!" He glanced at Uncle Tintin who was pretending to be calm next to him. After conveying the hint of "I'll harvest pleasure from you later" with his eyes, Makoto Takahashi stared at Yoshida with a smile on his face, "I wasn't able to collect enough [pleasure] from the King of Black Flame, but I still let him I thought that the [Confusion Technique] implanted in the comic manuscript failed... But now after seeing your performance in My Belonging Cat, I understand that the reason for the failure should not be on my side, but on my side. Because the resistance of the Black Flame King is a bit high!"

"I told you not to show the completed manga manuscript to other cartoonists before it is serialized!" Yoshida slapped the table hard and continued to roar, "A-Cheng, you have never worried about others. Will I plagiarize your comics because I read them in advance?”

"Plagiarism? I'm very worried..." In order to get "pleasure" from his editor, a certain middle-level cartoonist deliberately followed Yoshida's words and patted his chest while showing a "scared" look. ! "Yeah, I'm very worried!"

"Damn! If I can't beat him... If I can't beat him..." No matter from his tone or expression, Yoshida can feel the perfunctory attitude of a certain middle-class cartoonist, so Yoshida also knows very well that the only thing he can do now is , just draw a circle in your heart and curse a certain cartoonist who laughs so hard!

To be honest, Makoto Takahashi is not worried about plagiarism from other cartoonists...

Let’s not talk about the character of other cartoonists who can be recognized by me... Which cartoonist who is truly capable of serialization is not a proud person who is absolutely confident in his own talent! ?

And for things like plagiarizing other people's works, even if you can achieve certain results in a short period of time, if you don't have the strength, the consequence of long-term serialization will be that the comics will be sold out and cut in half!

Besides, the comics created by a certain second-grade cartoonist are themselves plagiarism of other people’s works!

The world does not revolve around you, and the laws of physics do not exist because of you... Since you can copy others, why don't you allow others to copy you?

not to mention……

A truly talented cartoonist may suddenly have a flash of inspiration after plagiarizing certain plot settings, and then his mind will be opened up, and he may be able to create even better cartoons! ?

Therefore... rather than Yoshida worrying about the occurrence of [plagiarism incident], it would be better to say that from a personal perspective, Makoto Takahashi is very much looking forward to the occurrence of [plagiarism incident]!

"Speaking of Cheng, it turns out that Mr. Eiji Niizuma has been hiding with you these days..." Seeing the expectant look on the face of a middle-level cartoonist, Yoshida, as an editor who has worked with him for many years, although Yoshida cannot master the [Mind Reading Technique] This kind of ability to commit fouls, but he also roughly guessed the other party's thoughts... In order to avoid the occurrence of [a certain second-year manga artist inciting others to plagiarize], Yoshida tried his best to calm down his anger and began to change the topic, "But Why did you say that Teacher Eiji Niizuma was not here when I contacted you before?”

"Because the King of Black Flame went out to buy juice at that time, and he was not in the barrier I arranged!" Seeing the small veins on Yoshida's forehead jumping, a certain middle-class cartoonist seemed not to have enough, and continued to be angry. To add fuel to the fire, he added, "My beloved cat, you also know that I have always been honest, so since the person was not in my field of vision at the time, I naturally answered no!"

"What you said makes sense..." Yoshida's mouth twitched several times before he said this dryly in a bitter tone, "Therefore, Teacher Eiji Niizuma cannot contact the outside world, and it is also with you, Cheng. It’s irrelevant…right?”

"Of course! As for not contacting the outside world, it's because the Black Flame King thinks that what we are talking about needs to be kept confidential... Hey, hey, hey, my cat, don't look at me with your pet-like curiosity. Since it is a confidential matter, I will certainly not tell you!" Takahashi Makoto, who suffers from the terminal disease [cannot feel happy without complaining about Yoshida], successfully complained about his own editor-in-chief, and continued the previous topic in a [happy] mood, "So, the Black Flame King has turned off his mobile phone since the discussion began... Well, it has nothing to do with me!"

Really has nothing to do with you? I think it was actually you, Acheng, who instigated it?

You know, because of the sudden [mysterious disappearance] of Niizuma Eiji, the editor-in-chief Yujiro on the editorial side was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot! When the location and phone calls could not be connected, Yujiro borrowed a motorcycle from Yoshida and ran through the streets and alleys of the city, looking for any place where Nizuma Eiji might appear...

"...In other words, when Yujiro came to the door before, Nizuma Eiji also [happened] to be out, right?" After watching Takahashi Makoto nod and put on an expression of "this kid is smart for once", Yoshida sighed silently and felt a little sympathetic to his colleague... It is said that after finally contacting Nizuma Eiji, Yujiro cried like a baby! "Yujiro is such a tragedy..."

"Oh, it's a pity that I couldn't participate in it!" After listening to Yoshida's story about the event of "Searching for Eiji Shinzuma", Takahashi Makoto smacked his lips helplessly and waved impatiently at Yoshida, "My beloved cat, since you provided me with information and pleased me today, I will be merciful once... Now pick up the comic manuscript and leave with peace of mind!"

"I am really grateful... Wait! Ah Cheng, don't try to fool me!" When mentioning the comic manuscript, Yoshida finally remembered that he had almost forgotten something because of gossiping about some gossip just now! "About the comic manuscript... we haven't finished talking about it yet!"

"Huh? My beloved cat, the comic manuscript has been handed over to you!" After squinting his eyes and observing Yoshida for a while, Takahashi Makoto laughed sinisterly, "Or do you, my beloved cat... want to have a real sword fight with me today!?"

"Don't change the subject, Cheng!" Yoshida spread the comic manuscript on the table and his face became serious, "Two consecutive chapters are depressing plots... Cheng, aren't you worried that because of such a plot, the performance of the comic will decline, and then the whole comic will be cut off?"

"Not worried at all!" Facing Yoshida's doubts, Takahashi Makoto's tone was a little more serious, "Because this is a masterpiece!"

"Yes, yes, judging from the performance, this comic is indeed impeccable..." Yoshida did not deny the performance of the comic, but changed the subject, "But Cheng, you should also consider it a little, the comic series environment! The weekly magazine that has always been serialized with the themes of [Passion], [Friendship] and [Victory] suddenly serialized several depressing content in a row..."

"My beloved cat, conservative will eventually be eliminated! Don't you think the environment of the weekly magazine is boring? That's right! The weekly magazine needs to change! The comics industry needs change! ! "Takahashi Makoto stood up and pulled his white coat, with a firm look in his eyes, "Since no one is going to do this, leave it all to me!"

"No one needs to allow, no one needs to approve, and no one needs to admit..."

"I will take up the banner of change and change this decadent era!"

"In the end, I will stand on the top of the mountain that can look down on you ants because I have obtained enough [pleasure], and be crowned as the God of the new world!"

"Since I can't destroy the world as a demon king, then I will create a new world as a God! Hahahaha..."

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