A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 465: Phoenix Courtyard's evil intrusion

"Pfft hahahahaha..." A certain second-grade cartoonist was laughing wildly...

"You bastard!" Looking at Makoto Takahashi, whose face was completely paralyzed by laughter, Yoshida felt a murderous aura that made people shudder!

"A-Cheng, are you okay? A-Cheng, how are you? A-Cheng, you...Pfft hahahahaha..." Although Takahashi Makoto tried his best to suppress the urge to laugh wildly and imitate Yoshida's anxious tone just now, but... the result Obviously, Makoto Takahashi failed! "My beloved cat, as a toy, you are indeed quite interesting! What a masterpiece! Hahahaha..."

"Kill, kill you! I'm going to kill you! What I want to do most at the moment is to kill you, a bastard!" Do you know where the black lines on the man's head in the cartoon come from? Just look at the way the veins on Yoshida’s forehead are now showing!

"Kill me? You can! Whether you use hot weapons or cold weapons, there are no restrictions on the method or venue of the duel... As long as you, my beloved cat, really have the consciousness to kill me, you can do it anytime, anywhere, in any way. It's okay!" Looking at Yoshida who was filled with murderous intent, Takahashi Makoto laughed disdainfully, "But... you stupid My Familiar Cat, with your current strength, you can definitely [kill] Me]? Hey, my beloved cat, are you too underestimated by the arrogant Fierce Demon King of the Phoenix Academy?"

"..." Regarding a certain middle-class cartoonist who just made fun of him, Yoshida said that he really didn't want to talk to him at the moment...

Regarding the state of a middle-class cartoonist just lying dead, Yoshida said that he was really shocked! But just when Yoshida looked panicked and was about to call an ambulance, a certain middle-class cartoonist who had been in a state of "lying corpse" suddenly faked his corpse!

It wasn't that he woke up from a coma because of Yoshida's affectionate call, nor that he felt Yoshida's worry and couldn't pretend anymore. Of course, he didn't wake up from his long sleep because he received a kiss like Sleeping Beauty... Takahashi Seiyuki The reason why he suddenly pretended to be a corpse was entirely because he couldn't hold back his smile, so he automatically stopped pretending to be a corpse!

"By the way, my beloved cat, don't show that expression of being deceived! In the final analysis, this matter is all your own fault!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida's face full of resentment, but did not feel any regret. Instead, he began to mock even more fiercely, "I was just lying on the ground sleeping..."

"Sleeping? Is your position of lying on the ground called sleeping?" Recalling the previous situation, Yoshida, who had gradually calmed down, showed signs of violence again! "Speaking of which, when a normal person sees that kind of scene, his first reaction is of course...ah, it makes him so angry when he mentions it! By the way, Cheng, if you want to sleep, just lie down on the bed and sleep!"

"Tsk, because there are too many manga drafts to be completed, walking from the drawing place to the bedroom is a waste of time!" Makoto Takahashi deliberately pretended to be helpless, spreading his hands and explaining to Yoshida, "But I really didn’t expect you, my beloved cat, to be so naive...you couldn’t even tell the difference between red ink and blood! You’re so useless!”

When I first saw Makoto Takahashi lying on the ground, with a fallen chair next to him, and comic manuscripts and some debris scattered around... No matter how you look at this scene, it will make people think [a middle-class cartoonist because of too much I fell off the chair and fell into a coma due to overexertion] The conjecture of this kind of thing, especially the bright red behind the white coat, and the ink bottle lying crooked next to it, no matter how you look at it, it looks like [a certain second-grade cartoonist fell down] The next time I was unlucky enough to be hit by an ink bottle, my brain started to bleed...

Therefore, it is only natural that Yoshida was deceived... What's more, who would have thought that the bright red stain on the back of Makoto Takahashi's white coat was actually not blood at all, but a very common red ink ah! And... even if Makoto Takahashi is a manga artist, the manga drafts you need to complete are only in black and white, right? There’s no use for red ink or anything like that, right?

Well, what really made Yoshida angry and even murderous was when he found out that the water bottle used to hold black ink actually contained red ink...

"Oh, that's how it feels... You obviously want to kill me, but after knowing that you are not strong enough, you rely on your strong spirit and will to suppress your murderous intention and hostility... This kind of look is really amazing Ah!" Seeing Yoshida taking deep breaths repeatedly, trying to calm down, Makoto Takahashi was certainly not happy... so he had this kind of malicious mockery that reached the level of [Ghost Beast Demon Man]!

"The joke's over, Cheng!" As expected, Yoshida has grown up very quickly after being under the pressure of [ghost beast] training like Takahashi Makoto for a long time... He is not a person who can regain his sanity from the edge of violence. It can be done! "I came to you today to ask about the plot in the latest chapter of the comic "Dream Eaters"..."

"Eh? You didn't become so violent that you lost your mind... Well, my beloved cat, for the sake of your progress, do you have any questions you need me to answer for you?" Takahashi Makoto put on a pose [ I looked like I was in a good mood today, and stopped taunting Yoshida, "Looking at how hard you tried to please me today, I will mercifully reveal to you some things you want to know and things you don't want to know. Yo!”

“…Acheng, I have read all the latest chapters! Although the comic manuscript you gave me is just the beginning, I already know roughly how the plot will develop later!” Yoshida, who has completely entered the [Editor-in-charge] mode, was silent for a moment before speaking, but this was just to organize his words, and he definitely didn’t want to complain about Takahashi Makoto!

…As for Takahashi Makoto’s tone that deserves a beating, Yoshida said that it’s better to ignore it!

"Tsk, there's nothing to brag about! Although the comic "Dream Eaters" is based on reality, you know that My Favorite Cat, as the protagonist of the comic, has the legendary protagonist halo! So, combining this common sense, to deduce the next development of the comic "Dream Eaters"... will it be difficult?" Takahashi Makoto looked at Yoshida with contempt and shook his head slightly, "If My Favorite Cat is all you want to say... Humph, I think you can start writing a suicide note now!"

"How the comic plot develops and how the comic plot changes are all controlled by the cartoonist... This is what we agreed before! But of course, this is not what I want to say!" Yoshida took out the comic manuscript from his bag and pulled out the He spread out the marked pages of the comics in front of Makoto Takahashi, and asked suspiciously, "Ah Cheng, you once said that as a cartoonist, you, Hououin Kyouma, would never appear in the comic "Dream Eaters", right?"

"Yes, I said so before, and you're right..."

"So... in the comic "Dream Eaters", what's the story of the character [New Cartoonist Hououin Kyouma]?"

"It's a real man! He just appears occasionally, just for show!" Makoto Takahashi tapped the comics on the table with his fingers, and a smile that Yoshida couldn't understand appeared on his face, "By the way, tell the readers about the secret of cartoonist Hououin Kyouma that has been hidden... Although I guess most readers won't believe it!"

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