A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 381: Serving the Body and Soul

"CLANNAD" is a tear-jerking drama. In addition to the powerful story itself, the music is also an important part of it!

Although "CLANNAD" is now serialized in the form of comics, Makoto Takahashi has always believed that "CLANNAD" without related music is incomplete! Therefore, in addition to completing the comics of "Dream Eater" and "CLANNAD", Makoto Takahashi has spent more time copying the music related to "CLANNAD"!

Although part of it has been completed before, and the public beta of the assistant and editor side shows that the effect is also very powerful, Makoto Takahashi does not feel satisfied! Of course, it is not just because he wants to restore the original work 100%... According to Makoto Takahashi's words, just killing the editor and assistant side, this kind of petty behavior can not satisfy the pleasure of His Majesty the Great Demon King Fenghuangyuan Kyouma!

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺】

So Makoto Takahashi moved his target to the readers who were still waiting for the next chapter and were still unaware of the content!

Although the professions of cartoonists and singers are different, they still have some similarities! When the comics are completed, the author needs to invest passion and bring in the author's emotions, and try to make the comics and the author achieve a resonance of the soul... and the same is true when the singer sings the song! So the reason why Makoto Takahashi told Rina about the content of "CLANNAD" in advance was that he hoped that Rina would have enough knowledge and understanding of the content of "CLANNAD" so that when recording the song, she could bring in emotions and passion and complete the achievement of [singing a soul resonance that touches the heart]!

As for the reason why Makoto Takahashi was working overtime to complete the comics during this period, the reason was also very simple...

"...In other words, the reason why you, Cheng, were so crazy about completing the comics during this period, even making your assistants busy, was that you just wanted to see the complete content of the comic "CLANNAD" as soon as possible?" After listening to Makoto Takahashi's explanation, let alone the assistants who were busy to death during this period...even Yoshida, who was on the editorial side, wanted to beat up a certain middle school cartoonist!

"That's right!" After answering simply and roughly, ignoring the somewhat excited assistants and Yoshida, Makoto Takahashi turned on the "devout believer" mode unusually calmly, crossed his hands, closed his eyes, and raised his head to pray like a priest! "My God warns us that lies and war are the essence of human communication! Lies are a common way of communication used by a group of hypocrites who are not in harmony with each other before the war, and war is an extension of the anger after the lies are exposed! Therefore, war comes from lies, and lies come from war..."

"Ah Cheng, are you sure this is your 'explanation'?" Although he deliberately emphasized a certain word, looking at Takahashi Makoto's as if it was a matter of course, Tintin, who was originally the questioner, did not show the strength he should have at this moment, but was full of helplessness and confusion!

"My God warns us that we should always be humble and honest, but why do humans deceive each other? Because humans clearly yearn for a group life but are on guard against each other; My God warns us that we should always be kind and tolerant, but why do humans fight each other? Because lies can no longer achieve effective communication and cannot meet each other's needs for good or evil..." The prayer continues! However, Takahashi Makoto changed his posture and walked from his previous seat to the window...

Kneeling on one knee means humility and admiration... But the one you worship as a god and devil... is he really the [True Demonic Chuuni Big Devil]?

"See, see, I knew it would be like this!" Miss Ueno Aoi put on a look of 'I have seen through everything', and complained to her companions around her with resentment, "What did you say before? Something about Acheng entering a self-abuse venting state because of a dispute with Rina-chan... But how do you explain this now? Some scumbag is teasing us like clowns!"

"Didn't you agree with this before, Aoi-chan... uh..." Shizukawa was hit directly by the [Destruction Ray] fired by Ueno Aoi's eyes before she finished half of her words! Jinghe River immediately swallowed back the words that he had not said, spread his hands helplessly, sat back at the table, and continued to work...

"However, the lost lamb has gone astray and is trapped in the mouth of the lion beast. Lies cannot escape, and only war can save itself! If you abide by the teachings of my God, although your faith is firm, you cannot be saved; if you violate the teachings of my God, although you can be saved in the end, your faith in life will collapse..."

Although Takahashi Makoto did not directly answer the questions from the assistant and Yoshida, the voice of [Chuuni-style Prayer] seemed to be full of magic... The voices of the assistant and Yoshida talking became lower and lower, while on the contrary, Takahashi Makoto's voice became higher and higher!

"Hey, hey, hey, why do I suddenly feel very dangerous..." Yoshida, who was closest to Takahashi Makoto, felt something was wrong first! Looking at Takahashi Makoto with a somewhat horrified expression, some bad memories from the past are reviving...

"...Fooling the world for pleasure...I am the agent of my god! ELPSYCONGROO!" The last voice should be described as [excited]...

"..." The assistants, Side and Yoshida, have completely fallen into a state of silence. They don't even dare to make too much noise even breathing... Is it because of Takahashi Makoto's [Second Form Prayer] or is it a biological instinct? Do you feel the [high energy ahead]?

"Hey, gentlemen, use your bodies and souls to remember the time now!" A mysterious smile appeared on Takahashi Makoto's face, he stood up and walked to the desk, picked up the completed manga manuscript, sorted it out and distributed it to his assistants Side and Yoshida, "Your efforts, your grief and anger, all of this will be reproduced in the manga manuscript..."

Although it was a very happy thing to be able to communicate with Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida and the three assistants couldn't be happy after witnessing Makoto Takahashi's strange behavior! Because ever since Makoto Takahashi started distributing manga manuscripts, the look on Rina's face became very strange...

"Makoto-kun, I'm going to rest first..." After Rina sighed, she leaned slightly towards her assistant and Yoshida and others, and walked directly to the bedroom. When the bedroom door was about to close, Rina stopped closing the door, stretched out her head and said to Takahashi Makoto, "Don't go too far! I'm worried...forget it! I should be able to understand what Makoto said. of!"

"A real man!" Makoto Takahashi raised his thumbs at Rina and showed a hearty smile, "The possibility of mischief is not very high... So, rest assured, witch! Everything is under my control!"

"Cheng, what do you want to do?" If it's just Makoto Takahashi, that's fine. After all, both his assistants and Yoshida are used to the abnormal behavior of a certain middle-school cartoonist...

But this time, even Rina was like this... Not to mention Yoshida who had already noticed something was wrong, even the three assistants had an ominous premonition!

"It's nothing, I just want to let you know..." Seeing everyone holding the comic manuscript with puzzled expressions, Takahashi Makoto showed an expectant smile on his face, banged the table hard, and after attracting everyone's attention, he slowly He said, "Although you have more or less understanding of the plot of the comic "CLANNAD" during the completion process, because it is missing some important parts, the "CLANNAD" you see is not complete. manga... But now, the most critical part of the manga "CLANNAD" has been completed by Witch Rina! As a reward for your pleasure during this time, I will now let you watch the manga "Hohoin Kuma" CLANNAD" the right way! Hahaha..."

Although due to the level of race value, there will be differences between individuals who are also [human], and there will be differences in the speed when Yoshida and others read comics, but given that this time the [Guide] is Takahashi Makoto , so the speed at which everyone reads comics is also limited to the same level by a certain middle-level cartoonist... The purpose of this is of course to achieve the achievement of "coordination between comic music and comic gods"!

Although Yoshida and others were a little stunned when they heard the music at the beginning while reading the comics, when they remembered that similar things had happened before, everyone just sighed like "A Cheng really knows how to play"... But then As Yoshida and others gradually became addicted to the comic plot, the brutal lethality brought by the music of "CLANNAD" was truly revealed!

What’s even more crazy is that Makoto Takahashi also deliberately adjusted the order of music playback, whether it was cheerful daily music or tear-jerking sad sounds. In perfect cooperation with the comic plot, Yoshida and his assistants The three of them suffered [fatal attacks] again and again and burst into tears...

Especially when everyone saw that in the comics, Nagisa Furukawa was sick and died after giving birth to Shio. Tomoya Okazaki held onto Nagisa Furukawa's hand tightly, crying and trying to prevent Nagisa Furukawa from passing away. In a certain paragraph, With the cooperation of the music, the lethality was overwhelming... Not to mention Miss Aoi Ueno, who had already burst into tears, even the three men who took care of themselves and claimed to be tough guys, tears kept pouring out. …

Although both Makoto Takahashi and his assistants worked very hard and diligently to complete the manga draft some time ago, this does not mean that Makoto Takahashi and others can complete the remaining works of "CLANNAD" in just two weeks. Draw all the contents! Not to mention the weekly comic "Dream Eater". As a monthly comic, the content and quantity required are beyond what a mere weekly magazine can match!

Therefore, the manga manuscripts in everyone's hands only cover the part where Furukawa Nagisa passed away... This is definitely not the deliberate intention of the devil in a certain card plot! Accident...everything is just accidental!

"...After that, there should be more after that, right? There will definitely be more!" Ueno Aoi stared at Makoto Takahashi with red eyes, her voice became hoarse from crying before, "Cheng, if you dare to say "CLANNAD" "It's over like this, I will definitely kill you! I will never accept this!"

"I think after this plot is serialized, if Cheng doesn't give an explanation later, I guess... no, it will definitely be criticized by readers!" Ding Ding wiped the remaining tears from the corners of his eyes, with a helpless smile on his face. "And what's even more sad is that we, who are obviously also victims, in the eyes of readers, are actually accomplices in Xiao Nagisa's death..."

“…Defeat the Great Demon King…Houhouin Kyoma…” Hey, hey, hey, Shizukawa-san, your character is broken! The one who stuttered was the muscular man Wei Yan who shouted ‘Who dares to kill me?’, not a frail pretty boy like you!

“Is this the music you once said, Cheng, to be released together with the monthly magazine?” Should I say that it is worthy of being an editor? Yoshida, who came to his senses first, thought of this aspect first! After seeing Takahashi Makoto nod his head to confirm, Yoshida’s face turned ashen in an instant, “It is indeed the case! Ah, I have seen the end of the monthly magazine! By the way, Cheng, do you know my title on the monthly magazine side? [Spokesperson of Disaster] and [Unknown Yoshida], all of this is thanks to you, Cheng!!”

“It seems that everyone is a little excited! Sure enough, my previous preparations… were really foresighted!” Seeing Yoshida and his assistants’ increasingly gloomy expressions, Takahashi Makoto showed a satisfied smile on his face, as if he didn’t care at all that he was trapped in the siege of the crowd , and said slowly, "Just like a certain Red A needs to chant when using the inherent barrier [Infinite Blade], even as the God's Agent, I have to chant the spell when exerting the anti-military level of combat power... But unlike a certain Red A, the reason I do this is just to control the output of damage! So, a pair of pants..."

"Fuck! Wait, wait..."

"We just..."


It's too late to say anything now... From the moment you started to denounce Takahashi Makoto, the ending has been determined!

"... That's basically the situation!" Ignoring the three dead bodies lying on the ground, Takahashi Makoto turned to look at the pale Ueno Aoi, with a smile that he thought was 'kind' on his face, "Sister Aoi, because of the witch and the special treatment for women, doesn't have to be like the three of them... Either feel the repressed sadness, or experience physical pain. The soul and the body, one must always be dedicated to please my Phoenix Court Kyouma, that's what it says, right?"

Now I have realized it. I wanted to do a 2K chapter yesterday, but I thought about it and gave up. 3k and above firepower output is the destiny of a certain cat~ Hahaha

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