A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 354 This development is a bit unconventional

What is the most controversial comic recently?

It is not the comic "REVERSI" that will compete with "DN" in animation, nor is it the "ZOMBIE GUN" with fierce battles, nor is it the "Dream Eater" that can make people excited by drawing a comic, but "Magical Girl Madoka Magica" with a healing title, which is evaluated by readers as the "benchmark of depression" comic!

So who is the most controversial cartoonist recently?

It is not Ajo Mumenoha who is holding his breath to draw the black and white devil duel to the end, nor is it Nizuma Eiji who has completed one of the weekly double serializations, nor is it the cartoonist Hououin Kyouma who is cheating in double serialization in monthly and weekly magazines, but the cartoonist [Makoto Shinkai] who is named one of the "scumbags" by readers!

Rumors are just hearsay and entertainment after dinner for many people... After all, it is human nature to be skeptical. If you have not experienced it, rumors are just rumors after all, and you can't believe them! Just like many people didn’t believe it when they first heard how dark and depressing the manga “Madoka” was!

Take Naoto, who is studying at university!

“Magical girl? Humph! What’s the point of a daily comic that uses a wooden stick as a magic wand and laughs with a pet all day? Shonen Jump actually started serializing such an outdated comic. It’s really going backwards!” This was the disdainful sigh that Naoto made after flipping through a few pages of “Madoka” when it started serializing!

In fact, it’s not just Naoto, even for most readers, the setting of magical girls has been almost the same development model since its birth! Generally, the story unfolds as a girl who accidentally encounters a creature with magical powers. Then, due to some unexpected events, with the help of these magical creatures, she changes her job to become a magical girl with gorgeous transformation, fighting against evil forces, protecting humans and the world...

Although the main task of these magical girls is to fight against evil forces in the inner world, in this type of work, the daily life of hiding the identity in the outer world is often used to drag the plot. Such content basically occupies more than half of the work... Most comics or animations are almost of this type!

Although Naoto was a little surprised by the fighting style of the magical girls in "Madoka Madoka" at the beginning, he lost interest instantly after seeing the encounter between Madoka and Kyubey! I originally thought that the manga artist [Makoto Shinkai] who created a new way of fighting for magical girls would have some innovations in the future content, but I didn't expect that this "Madoka" is still the same as those comics describing magical girls in the past. The girl named Madoka also encountered a mysterious creature Kyubey who has the ability to make the girl contract to become a magical girl... So when "Madoka" started serialization, Naoto gave up the idea of ​​following this comic after only reading the content of the first episode!

But now Naoto is holding a previously released "Shonen Jumk" in his hand and reading the previously serialized "Madoka" seriously! Originally, according to Naoto's personality, he would never read a comic he didn't like for a second time, but now he is addicted to "Madoka" because he accidentally heard his classmates discussing a plot of this comic!

In Naoto's memory, magical girls have always been a profession with a relatively low chance of being killed! Although many comics in recent years have also featured magical girls, most of them still follow the old pattern, with more cuteness in their images at most... But looking through the comics featuring magical girls in the past, I have never heard of any comics where a magical girl on the justice side is killed!

However, the cartoonist [Makoto Shinkai] broke this so-called [conventional pattern]! The magical girl, who is respected by readers as a senior and whose actual name is Tomoe Mami, not only died in the comics, but also died in a brutal and bizarre way like [turning around]...

So Naoto, who thought that the cartoonist Makoto Shinkai was really special, took out the previously released "Shonen Jumk" from the bookshelf and observed "Madoka Madoka" from the beginning! Although he learned from spoilers from his classmates and friends that the senior would die in that way, Naoto discovered many different things about "Madoka Madoka" when he reread the comics!

In comics that use magical girls as a selling point, the heroine usually has extremely special abilities... ahem, in layman's terms, it's the so-called protagonist halo! And as long as the heroine completes the contract with the mysterious creature, she can not only gain the skill of gorgeous transformation, but also have extremely rare and special abilities!

But in "Madoka Madoka", Naoto has seen the death of the senior from the beginning. Madoka has not only possessed special abilities or transformation, but has not yet signed a contract with the mysterious Kyubey to become a magical girl!

"Is this Madoka really the protagonist?" Although he hasn't read the latest publication, Naoto is now full of doubts, "Since the name of the comic is written like this, the protagonist should be Madoka... But now Sayaka has become a magical girl, why hasn't Madoka signed a contract yet?"

Putting down the comic book in his hand, Naoto did not directly pick up the next issue of "Shounen Jumk" and enter the observer mode as usual. Instead, he gently rubbed his eyes to relieve the fatigue of his eyes while thinking about what he had done before. What you see!

Although he knew that his senior would die due to spoilers from his classmates, Naoto, who thought he was mentally prepared, still felt his heart tremble involuntarily when he actually saw his senior being killed by a dive...

I have to say that the scenes previously constructed in "Madoka" are really too warm and loving. Even the witch side of the villain camp in the comics, although the style of painting looks a bit weird, is not as bad as those villains in previous comics. It's ferocious and terrifying, but it looks cute! However, this seemingly heartwarming scene suddenly took such a cruel plot turn...

This is probably the so-called [contrast and cuteness. One book is satisfying] effect as mentioned by a certain white coat man!

After that, Naoto knew it was a trap and still jumped into it... Sayaka's plot!

After seeing her friend confess to her childhood sweetheart, Sayaka has lost the faith to support her! Then during the subsequent battle with the witch, Sayaka completely entered the crazy side! He refused the help of another magical girl Kyoko, completely ignored the witch's attacks, and attacked head-on again and again... Although it seemed a little wrong, based on Sayaka's style, it was at least acceptable to Naoto. but……

While laughing wildly, he waved the sword in his hand fiercely and kept hitting the witch... This is completely the beginning of the rhythm of blackening and collapse, is it true?

"Oh no! This... I guess Sayaka is going to be a tragedy too!" Looking at Sayaka who was gradually collapsing in the comics, the corner of Naoto's mouth began to twitch, "Although before reading this chapter, I had seen it on the Internet Some information, but this development is too…that?”

Although Naoto feels that letting a vitality complaining girl turn black and collapse, in fact, this setting itself not only has no problem, but is more attractive... But as a reader of observation comics, the development of this plot is really very interesting. Torturous!

Although I really want to know what will happen to Sayaka next, and whether Sayaka will kill her friends and childhood sweethearts after the Black Collapse, but looking at the girl who was originally full of energy, she gradually became known as "Realistic" Development] played badly, Naoto felt a little depressed!

"Sure enough... this cartoonist named [Shinkai Makoto] definitely deserves the title of 'scum' given by everyone!"

In the past, when Naoto read comics, he could basically keep reading for one breath, but for the manga "Madoka"... Naoto felt that the increasingly depressing plot unfolded as if it was challenging human beings. The bottom line of depression you can bear!

【The shocking truth! The relationship between magical girls and witches! 】

Naoto looked at the newly purchased "Shounen Jumk" and saw the red note below the title of the manga "Madoka" on the cover, with a trace of confusion on his face! Many serialized comics will write some titles below the title to attract readers' attention. This is not something worth puzzling about...

"Eh? Wrong, is it an illusion? Why do I feel an unknown feeling when I see this blood-red title?" Well... the reason that really makes Naoto feel confused is actually this! The color red can originally make people feel excited, but now that it is used as the title of "Madoka", it makes Naoto feel uneasy...

After shaking his head slightly and getting rid of the uneasiness in his heart, Naoto took a deep breath and turned directly to the serialized part of "Madoka"!

At the beginning of the comic, there was no too weird development. It did not tell about Sayaka, who worried Naoto the most, but instead turned to Madoka's side! Sayaka had a big quarrel with Madoka because of her blackening, and then ran away in anger. Madoka, feeling confused and at a loss, met the mysterious man again on the way to find Sayaka. Bio Kewpie!

"I always feel that Kyubey is too obsessed with Madoka..." Looking at the comics, Kyubey once again tried to induce Madoka to sign a contract to become a magical girl, but Naoto gradually realized that something was wrong! "Even if Akatsuki Homura said [Witch Night] is coming and several magical girls need to join forces to fight, Kyubey shouldn't focus all his attention on Madoka! Although according to Kyubey, Madoka is The kind with super potential, but it shouldn’t be like this... Could it be that "Madoka" will be like other magical girl comics, imposing cheats on the heroine to save the world?"

However, the scene Naoto expected did not appear! Although in the comics, Kyubey used saving Sayaka as bait, which had shaken Madoka's heart, and made Madoka prepare to sign a contract and change her job to become a magical girl, but she was stopped by the sudden appearance of Akatsuki Homura! Just when Madoka was about to make a wish, Kyubey was beaten into a sieve by a bullet...

"Holy shit! Kyubey just died like this?" Naoto was stunned by this development!

By the way, in comics related to magical girls, familiar pets are allowed to receive lunch. There have been many plot developments like this in the past! But those plots are usually designed to awaken the heroine's powerful potential, or to strengthen the heroine's determination... In short, the death of the so-called supporting character must be a meaningful sacrifice!

But in "Madoka" Kyubey... was actually killed like this!

Although Naoto felt that Kyubey had gone too far after experiencing some of Sayaka's plot, he shouldn't be killed just like that, right? And the one who killed Kyubey was actually the magical girl who signed a contract with Kyubey... So the question is, what will happen to the next plot?

With curiosity and doubts, Naoto couldn't wait to turn to the next page of the comic manuscript...

Well, I wish all the readers a happy New Year's Day. I worked overtime a little late today, so the update is a little late. Sorry.

Seriously, this book will not be discontinued!

I've been very busy with work recently, so I'm not very good at updating, but it won't be discontinued!

Hey, readers, please believe in me! Believe in the cat who believes that you believe that I won't be discontinued~ Hahaha~

Happy New Year's Day, I wish all the best to you in 2016. That's all~ Meow~

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