A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 339: The assistant's awareness

What Makoto Takahashi handed over to Shizukawa was about the content of Kotomi's chapter in "CLANNAD". It was also a chapter about how Kotomi gained happiness with the help of Okazaki Tomoe and his family and friends! The comic "CLANNAD" tells a lot, but upon in-depth study, you will find that the theme of the entire comic basically revolves around friendship, family affection and love, which are the three major emotions that can infect human beings. !

Kotomi has been living alone since her parents died. Although she can make delicious and delicious dishes, she has no family to share them with! Therefore, every time she saw Okazaki Tomoya, Kotomi would always hand over the food, not only because she was happy to reunite with her childhood friend, but perhaps more because she wanted a partner who could share her loneliness!

As for Kotomi's enthusiasm for the violin... ahem... being able to use the violin to create [destructive sound waves], this kind of lethality is suspected to be against the military or someone with higher-level combat power. There is really no need to dwell on this!

At least from Shizuka's point of view, the opening part is very happy, especially after Kotomi got the violin, she immediately transformed from a cute and cute girl into a seven-star magician family who can use the [Wave Diffusion] skill! Especially when he saw Kotomi planning to hold a violin recital after school, Jinghe had a premonition that the audience who came to participate would be tortured by brutal zombies...

Also in the manga, the part about Anzu giving a lecture to three naturally stupid girls is part of the Kotomi chapter, but Anzu’s queen-like look is so eye-catching! Especially when Xing showed such strength, there were three weak girls huddled together, trembling and weak as a contrast...

However, the content of Kotomi's chapter does not go directly into the sad content. After all, there are more joyful parts in the front, so starting with the sad route... This too direct approach will make the story more appealing. Big discount! So in the comics, Jinghe saw an unexpected character!

In the manga, when Tomoya Okazaki and four girls were struggling in front of the claw machine, Fuuko appeared randomly! Although everyone present has forgotten Fuko, the bond from the soul cannot be erased. Although Okazaki Tomoya didn't understand why, he still made familiar complaints to Fuko, and Fuko was still like Just like before, after completing the task of [acting cute], leave decisively!

Although the chatting conversation between Fuuko-chan and Okazaki Tomoya seemed full of joy, when he thought of the story of Fuuko-chan, the joy in Shizukawa's heart completely dissipated, and was replaced by a faint feeling. I'm so sad...because until now, Fuuko-chan is still lying in the hospital like a vegetative state and has not woken up!

The reason why Jinghe thought of this incident was not only because the plot of Fuuko-chan was very touching, but also because he thought that a certain crazy cartoonist gave a decisive line in the plot where Fuuko appeared. Remark!

"This is... Fuko-chan?" Looking at the notes in the comic, even a person with autistic tendencies like Shizukawa can't help but want to slap Takahashi Makoto! "Speaking of which, the Phoenix Academy teacher will be punished by God if he does this...!

I have now read nearly half of the manga manuscript that Takahashi Makoto handed over to Shizugawa! Although I enjoyed watching the joyful unfolding of the manga at the beginning, in fact, what Shizuka really paid attention to was the content of the second half of Kotomi's chapter!

You will laugh to death in the front, cry to death in the back - this is the direction and general outline of the development of comics proposed by Makoto Takahashi when he started serializing "CLANNAD"!

In fact, when I first heard that "CLANNAD" was going to be drawn in this style, both Yoshida and his assistant refused! Because there are many comics that can make people cry and laugh at the same time, but most of them are passionate and inspirational, and they are basically serialized in "Shounen Jumk" in a weekly format!

The story of Fuko Chapter has well proved Takahashi Makoto’s idea. Although the remaining Kotomi Chapter is only serialized in the monthly magazine, maybe the readers don’t know it, but Shizuka, as the assistant, although I've only read half of the comic draft, and I've already decided that the whole story is about to get sad!

"Perhaps... what Teacher Phoenix Institute really wants me to read is also..." Jing Hehe, muttering to himself, turned to the next page of the comic manuscript with trembling hands, but his heart was filled with anticipation...

At Makoto Takahashi's house, Makoto Takahashi is busy completing the manga draft, while the three gods beside his assistant have different colors! Compared with Ueno Aoi's cold expression, Tintin's expression is quite complicated, while Mayuri continues to be naturally dazed...

After Shizuka received [Important Item: Manga Manuscript to Untie the Soul Binding] from Takahashi Makoto, he followed the Great Demon King's decree... er, no, it was out of wanting to save the souls who were lost on the road of life, watch carefully Start the comic draft! Because it takes time to complete the manga draft, and it also takes time to observe the manga draft, so... Shizukawa classmate, with the approval of Makoto Takahashi, and with the help of several other people on the assistant side who did not know the inside story, he openly entered the holiday mode of skipping work. !

"Cheng, Shizugawa-kun really didn't come today?" Ueno Aoi looked at Shizuhe's empty seats and asked Takahashi Makoto with a shameless face!

"Huh? Ryuko?" In response to Ueno Aoi's question, Takahashi Makoto stopped painting and looked at the other party with a blank expression. After pondering for a moment, he often sighed, "Ruko said that the world is very big. He wants to Go out for a walk!”


Well, I have to admit that sometimes, carbon-based creatures like humans obviously do not have any superpowers or magic fluctuations, nor do they have any fighting spirit or momentum when using internal power, but the emotions generated by obsession , after integrating will and consciousness, it is able to release [spiritual shock] that interferes with other people's will through the eyes!

"The world is such a big place, and it is actually very common to occasionally get lost on the road of life! But don't worry, this guy Liuzi will be back in about three days, right?" trying to divert Ueno Aoi's attention. , Takahashi Makoto began to change the topic to other aspects, "But I think after Liuzi comes back, knowing that everyone... a certain eldest lady actually cares about him so much, will definitely be moved to tears!"

"Humph! I'm not concerned! I'm just worried that after Jinghe-kun comes back, the manga manuscript of "CLANNAD" won't be completed, and we have to work all night long to catch up on the manga manuscript... Well, I'm just worried about this!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this tone is so arrogant..."

"Don't say tsundere! I'm not tsundere! I, I have to work!"

Facing the weird looks in Takahashi Makoto and his assistant's side, Ueno Aoi's face turned crimson and her words became stammered! So in the next three days, Ueno Aoi never had the courage to face Makoto Takahashi and the other two assistants, and she entered the ostrich mode of avoiding disaster!

Makoto Takahashi successfully sank the [Ueno Aoi. Tsundere]!

"Is there really no problem?" There is no doubt that the person who asked this question is naturally the person who knows that Takahashi Makoto triggered the strategy... No, it is Tintin from the [Guide the Quiet River] mission!

"Sa... this is hard to say!" Faced with people familiar with the matter, Takahashi Makoto expressed his conclusion directly, "Although I really like to make others fall into a world of self-doubt, and then use various hints to make them become A slave doll that is loyal to me... but I don't have the most advanced expertise in this area, such as directly destroying personality and making a puppet, so I think if I have the chance, I should work with the [Puppet User] or a certain detective. Let’s have a good exchange!”

"Hey, hey, Cheng, didn't you promise to say that before... uh, forget it! Maybe you are right, you still have to rely on yourself to do this kind of thing!" Seeing Takahashi Cheng's nonchalant attitude It seems that Ding Ding did not have the idea of ​​"Tomorrow I will make it impossible for you to climb up". He just sighed helplessly and took the initiative to change the topic to the comic manuscript of "CLANNAD", "Then the remaining comics over Jinghe What should I do with the manuscripts? Although it is a monthly series, there is no particularly strict deadline for manuscripts, but if it piles up like this... Speaking of the manga manuscripts for "Puella Magi Madoka Magica," how about I be responsible for the auxiliary work? "

"Ding Ding, are you questioning the previous decision made by the fierce demon king of the Phoenix Academy? Humph!" Makoto Takahashi did not stop the idea of ​​communicating with Ding Ding, but quickly waved the brush and raised his head at the same time. He explained without any hesitation, "As for the comic manuscript of "CLANNAD" that will be serialized in the monthly magazine, it is actually almost completed!"

Makoto Takahashi, you are lying again... If it is really completed, what are you drawing now?

Although he only took a sneak peek, Tintin, who was responsible for the support from all sides, judged immediately that what Takahashi Makoto was leaning over to complete... was the comic draft of "CLANNAD"! You must know that no matter "Dream Eater" or "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", there will never be characters named Okazaki Tomoya and Kotomi in them! "Dream Eater" doesn't have many problems, but for "CLANNAD", whether it's the comic manuscripts that are in high demand or... If all of these are left to the cartoonist, do you need any assistants?

It’s a time like this, do you still have to carry it all by yourself handsomely? I have to work on the comic manuscript that I left behind, so I have to work all night again, right? So Takahashi Makoto, you, a middle-grade idiot cartoonist, are really...

"Yes, really? Haha..." Seeing Takahashi Makoto's busy appearance, Ding Ding could only smile awkwardly. Instead of continuing to ask, he turned back to his seat with a serious look on his face. Start busy with your work...

At present, "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" has not started serialization, so what Cheng is really busy with is only two comics! Although Jing Hehe has delayed the completion of the "CLANNAD" comic manuscript because of Cheng, as long as I work harder, by then, in cooperation with Jing Hehe, I should be able to complete the progress of "CLANNAD"! Once Yoshida confirms the serialization of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", then Cheng will...

Thinking of this, Ding Ding looked up at Makoto Takahashi, with a determined expression on his face. He clenched his hand on the brush and sped up again!

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