A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 304 Little Sea Otter Proposes Marriage

Like Takahashi Makoto, Little Sea Otter, as a cartoonist discovered by Yoshida, naturally received a lot of care from Yoshida! Although from the perspective of cartoonists and editors, Takahashi Makoto and Little Sea Otter belong to the same level of existence, the so-called [root nature] nature has led to different treatment of the two... At least in front of Little Sea Otter, he always displays the S attribute Yoshida is definitely not an S in front of Makoto Takahashi, just an M!

This may be the so-called [strong will win]!


However, because Yoshida's appearance time has been greatly shortened recently, Takahashi Makoto, who was a little curious, asked the universal butler Sebastian to investigate, and found some interesting things... It seemed that Yoshida was planning a famous... How to make the little sea otter successfully propose to Miss Cang Shuhong!

The reason why Yoshida doesn't want Takahashi Makoto to know about this is because Yoshida's instinct reminds him all the time that once a certain chuunibyou is involved, let alone whether the little sea otter can successfully propose. In terms of the development of things, it will definitely take an unpredictable turn!

Yoshida took advantage of Makoto Takahashi's role as a comic selection, and secretly collected a large number of manga manuscripts, and sent them to Makoto Takahashi when he was about to start a double series! According to Yoshida's calculations, completing the "CLANNAD" manga manuscript required for the monthly magazine and the "Dream Eater" manga series in "Shounen Jumk" will take up a lot of Makoto Takahashi's time, plus the work of reviewing the manga manuscript , Makoto Takahashi will be very busy in the next period of time, so he should not interfere with his plans!

If he were an ordinary cartoonist, Yoshida would never go to such an exaggerated level. After all, the main job of a cartoonist is to complete the cartoon manuscript, and reviewing the cartoons is just a formality at the request of the superiors! However, considering the speed with which Makoto Takahashi completed the manga manuscript, and the existence of the drawer in Makoto Takahashi's house that is suspected of being Tinker Bell's interdimensional space, the exaggerated number of manga manuscripts required for the double serialization cannot delay too much time at all!

And once Takahashi Makoto joins the little sea otter's marriage proposal plan, Yoshida can fully imagine how the little sea otter will be crippled by playing... and maybe he will marry him! Therefore, Yoshida, who was ready to plead guilty and apologize to Takahashi Makoto, finally chose this unkind delaying tactic with all his might!

"Hiramaru-kun, as I said before, today is the moment to decide your fate!" Yoshida looked at the nervous little sea otter with a serious look on his face, patted the other's shoulders hard, and gave him the final encouragement, "What should I do specifically? Do it, I have taught you from beginning to end! It’s all up to you, show your manly side in front of Miss Cang Shuhong, and use your actions to prove your determination to love!”

"Mr. Yoshida, are you really a man if you don't let Kami-sama know about this matter?" For the little sea otter, there is always a feeling of uneasiness in the heart without the participation of spiritual mentor Makoto Takahashi in matters like marriage proposal! Although from an emotional point of view, the little sea otter also believes that Yoshida's choice is correct, but the slavish rational instinct established under the long-term training of Takahashi Makoto is very resistant to the battle plan given by Yoshida!

"Hiramaru-kun, you can't rely on Cheng for everything!" Although there are many ways to persuade, for Yoshida who is worried about the [Changes Later] incident,

At this moment, every second is quite precious! Seeing the worried expression on the little sea otter's face, Yoshida coughed lightly, turned his head and explained slowly, "Ahem...it's not that Acheng doesn't know about this matter! It's just because Acheng has to finish a comic series recently. You also have to review the comics, so you don’t have enough time, so you asked me to help you!”

Although this was not the first time he lied to deceive the little sea otter, this time, Yoshida himself felt a little guilty! Especially looking at the obvious doubts in the eyes of the little sea otter, Yoshida was really worried that the little sea otter would call Makoto Takahashi to confirm!

"Eh? Is this what God-sama means? I understand!" The little sea otter looked at Yoshida seriously, "Yoshida, I'm asking you for help!"


Did Yoshida completely overestimate the IQ of the little sea otter? No, it should be that the little sea otter has been enslaved by Makoto Takahashi for a long time and has completely become a die-hard believer in Makoto Takahashi. As long as Makoto Takahashi says it, the little sea otter will completely believe it! In a sense, the most successful male contractor of Makoto Takahashi's family should actually be the little sea otter!

Needless to say, the meeting between the little sea otter and Miss Cang Shuhong went into detail. Yoshida, the stalker who completely transformed into the "Tailwalking Maniac", saw that the little sea otter carried out exactly according to the previous plan, with a relieved smile on his face! But before I could express anything, the phone in my pocket suddenly began to vibrate crazily!

"This is Yoshida, is there something going on over there?" Yoshida looked at the number on his phone, with a solemn look on his face! Because the caller was the monitor arranged to ensure that Makoto Takahashi did not suddenly appear, and he was also an editor on the editorial side of Yueisha!

"Yoshida-kun, as you expected, Takahashi Makoto has already set off from home and is heading towards the amusement park where you are!" As the editor of Cang Shuhong, he did not originally intend to get involved in the private life of the cartoonist. Yes, but out of a friend's request, I agreed to Yoshida and helped monitor Takahashi Makoto, and...

"Hey! Is this really the case?" Yoshida spat bitterly. After hesitating for a moment, he took a deep breath, with a look of determination on his face, "Since the target has appeared, then follow the instructions As stated in the previous plan, interception will be carried out!”

"But Yoshida-kun, do this..." Before the other party could finish speaking, Yoshida hung up the phone!

Putting down the phone in his hand, he turned around and observed the two people who were visiting the amusement park over there. The solemn look between Yoshida's eyebrows became even stronger! Although he had deliberately teased the little sea otter before, Yoshida never expected that the little sea otter would be so nervous when getting along with Miss Cangshu Hong! Especially when he saw the mechanized postures and movements of the little sea otter walking, Yoshida, who was hiding behind and watching, immediately covered his forehead with his hands!

"Although you can delay that guy Cheng, Hiramaru-kun, please try your best!" Seeing the little sea otter's overly nervous behavior, Yoshida, who was furious, suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. He sighed helplessly, "The time is almost up, I have to stop Takahashi Makoto... Hiramaru-kun, I can only help you get here!"

At the entrance of the amusement park, Makoto Takahashi was wearing a white coat, squinting his right eye and looking around, while Rina beside him was wearing sunglasses and holding Takahashi Makoto's arm tightly! Although Rina was quite dissatisfied with Makoto Takahashi's white coat, but when she thought that today was the date proposed by Makoto Takahashi, her dissatisfaction disappeared instantly!

"Witch, check the equipment!" Makoto Takahashi turned his gaze back to Rina, who looked happy, gently pulled the blindfold on his face, and said seriously, "I have already felt it, hiding around Those monsters! They haven’t even mastered the low-level skills of concealing murderous intent, but they still want to ambush the devil and the witch. It’s so sweet!”

"Eh? Ambush..." Looking at Makoto Takahashi who was on guard, Rina lowered her head in frustration, tightened her hands on Makoto Takahashi's arms, and murmured dissatisfiedly, "It turns out that Cheng-kun today...it turns out It’s not just a date…”

"My witch, don't show such a sad expression!" Makoto Takahashi gently rubbed Rina's head, "Today is indeed a date, and the main program is 'Mortal Struggle'! But follow the normal procedures , before the main program starts, we need to enjoy the side show specially arranged by some kind people, so we..."

Takahashi Makoto was interrupted before he finished speaking to comfort Rina! In order to delay Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida deliberately broke the news on the Internet, saying that manga artist Shoin Kouma would appear at the amusement park today with his wife Rina Ogata! Although many people have doubts about the authenticity of this news, there are still some enthusiastic fans who came to the entrance of the amusement park to wait...

"The white coat...the eyepatch...that's right, it's indeed the manga artist Shoin Kouma!"

"Huh? Is the Phoenix Academy really fierce? So the woman next to you is Her Royal Highness Princess Rina?"

"It actually appeared! I just took the opportunity to ask about the follow-up development of "CLANNAD"!"

"I just want to know if there will be another chance for "The East" to appear in the future?"


Although today is a working day, there are not many people in the amusement park, but in just a moment, Takahashi Makoto and Rina were surrounded by people! Yoshida, who was hiding in the distance, sighed after seeing such a scene and whispered, "I'm sorry Cheng, today is a very important day for Hiramaru-kun, so..."

I have to say that Yoshida took into account the popularity of Makoto Takahashi and Rina and specially arranged for fans to implement the interception plan at the door. It was quite successful! At least the sky was getting dark, and Yoshida, who had been tracking and monitoring the little sea otter, didn't see [Takahashi Makoto's intrusion]! But before Yoshida could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone in his pocket vibrated again!

"Nani? Acheng is missing?" After hearing the news from his companions, Yoshida had an ominous premonition in his heart! If it weren't for the close distance to the little sea otter now, Yoshida would definitely use [Cat's Roar]! "What's going on? Didn't I tell you to pay attention to a good place before?"

"Ahem... At this time... it shouldn't matter anymore, right? Yoshida-kun, that's it, I'm going back!" The other party seemed to be in a hurry and hung up the phone before Yoshida could finish speaking. !

"Ouch! Damn it!" Yoshida complained unwillingly after listening to the busy tone on the phone. He turned to look at the little sea otter and let out a long sigh, "But it shouldn't matter now... Now Hiramaru-kun and The eldest lady got on the Ferris wheel. As long as she completes her proposal of marriage at the highest point, even if that troublemaker Cheng shows up..."

Although things developed as planned with the little sea otter, Yoshida always felt a little uneasy! Is it because of Makoto Takahashi, or...

"Eh? What's going on?" Yoshida, who was monitoring the little sea otter with a telescope, suddenly found the little sea otter in the Ferris wheel and started to take off his clothes crazily! After Yoshida pondered for a moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he complained in a tone of hatred, "That idiot Hiramaru-kun! How could he lose his engagement ring at this time?"

In order to create a romantic proposal environment for the little otter, Yoshida had spent a lot of effort to persuade the staff of the Ferris wheel in the amusement park to stop the machine for fifteen minutes when the Ferris wheel they were riding reached the highest point... However, the little otter forgot to bring the wedding ring due to nervousness, which made Yoshida feel like digging his own grave!

"Oh, my cat, your practice is not enough!" Just when Yoshida was complaining about himself, Takahashi Makoto's voice came from behind, "Although heroes always appear at critical moments, it's a pity that this time... it's the devil and the witch!"

"Sorry, Makoto, I didn't mean to..." Yoshida turned his head with an apologetic look. He originally wanted to briefly explain the whole story to Makoto Takahashi... But after seeing the pose Makoto Takahashi was posing at the moment and the weapon in his hand, Yoshida's face turned pale instantly, "Ah Cheng, the weapon in your hand... are you going to start a war?"

A cat hates naughty children! The network cable was cut yesterday, and the host keyboard was full of drinks. Damn, it's lucky that it can still be used today!

'XX, what did you learn in school? Sing and dance? Perform for uncle, okay? Do it again.' In revenge, a certain cat made the naughty child sing and dance non-stop. If it creates a psychological trauma or something, he probably won't come to the certain cat's house again in the future, right?

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