A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 104 Comics are fine as long as they are interesting


"Hey, Acheng, I just got some good or bad news..." Yoshida spoke softly on the phone, his tone completely full of hesitation, and he hesitated for a long time without saying anything. Seems like a hard thing to tell!

"..." After Makoto Takahashi was silent for a moment, he hung up the phone decisively and educated Sadaharu who was lying at his feet, "Sadaharu, when a man does something, he must not hesitate, otherwise he will end up with My companion is like a cat, destined to live alone! The so-called reserve only exists in rare species like eldest ladies, but for men, it is a barrier that must be broken! Emotions such as deception, concealment, and shyness must be eliminated. rounding!"

"Although I really want to ask Cheng, is it really okay for you to educate dogs like this..." Li Byung-yin looked at Takahashi Cheng helplessly, with black lines on his head, "But Cheng, why do you keep staring when you are talking? Are you looking at me?"

"The omniscient Demon King is in the sky, overlooking everything in the world..." Makoto Takahashi looked at Li Byung-yin meaningfully, "Trying to deceive the Demon King will lead to endless disasters and inescapable disaster... ...Brother Muzi, when we go on a date next time...you understand what you said!"

"..." After Li Byung-yin was silent for a moment, his face turned red due to shyness, and he looked at Cheng Takahashi unnaturally, "A-Cheng, when did you... know about it!"

"This was a long, long time ago..." When Takahashi Makoto was trying to tell an ancient story, Yoshida called again! Makoto Takahashi tried to ignore Yoshida's call, but the phone kept ringing, and it had a tendency to explode without answering the phone! Makoto Takahashi spread his hands helplessly, made a vague gesture to Li Byung-yin, then walked to the balcony and answered the phone!

"Huh? Release a special issue? Will this kind of thing happen again?" Makoto Takahashi listened to Yoshida's words, with a look of displeasure on his face, "My Familiar Cat, have you forgotten that the same moves are used against The Saint Seiya is ineffective! And now I am in the first step of forging the magic sword. I don’t have time to attend any parties! If I want to complete the magic sword that can kill gods, it is impossible to stop in the middle of the forging! "

"It's just a short comic, it shouldn't take up too much time, right?" Yoshida tried his best to persuade Takahashi Makoto on the phone, "The editor-in-chief has said that he hopes you can participate in this event! Although he didn't say it explicitly, But I think if you, Cheng, participate in this event, maybe the serialization of "InuYasha" can be moved forward, right?"

""Inuyasha" will be serialized after "Higurashi" is completed. This matter cannot be changed!" Makoto Takahashi slowly explained to the phone, "Although I also want to serialize "Inuyasha" as soon as possible, but Now is not the time! You have to eat one bite at a time, and of course you have to whip Yoshida one at a time! To hold such an event suddenly... I guess that's what happened this time! The theme of the special event should be to promote beautiful feelings such as family love, huh, it’s really a hypocritical and despicable temptation!”

"... Why do you know, Cheng?" Faced with Takahashi Cheng's mocking words, Yoshida's voice sounded a little guilty! "You know this... from Acheng Mu Mengye, right?"

"Hey! The restless undead are roaring and roaring, making me unable to sleep every day! Holding this special event..." Takahashi Makoto's words were like a sword piercing the soul, making Yoshida on the phone feel uneasy! "Is it really because of the resentment of the Chongshu Chapter? Regarding the ending where everyone was wiped out, the Commander must have collected a lot of negative energy and started to transform into the Lich King? Humph! But if he wants to challenge the Demon King...he It’s not that ignorant!”

"..." Yoshida was speechless, and when he was about to hang up the phone, he heard Takahashi Makoto's furious declaration!

"Hmph! Such hasty actions are not the usual style of the Commander. As for the specific reasons, I will kindly not ask further! But as a duelist, I will not run away from any duel!" Takahashi Cheng sneered, "You want me to participate, yes, absolutely! But are you ready over there? Once the dark game begins, it cannot end until the winner is determined! The winner can escape all dangers, while the loser... You will lose your soul and be completely sealed in the endless darkness!”

"So, Cheng, have you thought about what you want to draw for this event?" Yoshida kindly told Takahashi Makoto about the theme of the event, and tried to give psychological hints to Takahashi, "Because the theme is limited to family and affection. aspects, so it’s better to have something more realistic..."

"Huh! Of course I know this kind of thing!" After a moment of silence, Takahashi Makoto showed a melancholy expression on his face and sighed, "Alas! The cruelty of reality, the beauty of fantasy, intertwined worlds, intertwined trajectories ... Even though we know that hope is closely followed by despair, human beings still chase and yearn for it at all costs... Is it because the fantasy is too beautiful and makes human beings look forward to it too much, so they choose to forget the cruelty of the world? Creatures are really sad existences! But let’s let those who try to provoke others realize for themselves that the so-called truth is to give arrogant humans appropriate despair!”

"A-Cheng is this guy..." When Yoshida was about to say something else, Takahashi Makoto hung up the phone! Looking at the phone hung up by Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida looked a little worried! "It's exactly what the editor said. Have you guessed the meaning of this event?"

The ending of the Chongshu chapter is inconsistent with the theme that "Boyen Jumk" has always adhered to, causing many readers to call the editorial department to complain! Regarding this, the editor-in-chief and other editors who have seen some of the follow-up parts of "Han Cicada" know that everything is just a foreshadowing! The real theme of "Han Cicada" is to show the good, evil and ugly beauty of human nature through different worlds. Friends who firmly believe in the bonds of friendship finally work together to get rid of the control of fate. It conveys that people must learn to trust friends and learn to Talk and learn the works of rationality and positive energy!

But for those who have not watched the follow-up to "Higurashi", the ending of the Chongsha chapter is really hard to accept! Just like Takahashi Makoto said, because reality is too cruel, that’s why we have longing and expectations for the fictional comic book world. If something is not satisfactory at all, we will start to feel conflicted! This special event was held suddenly after the end of the Chongsha Arc, and the scope and theme were very narrow... Takahashi Makoto could detect this unreasonable event! The reason why Takahashi Makoto participated in this event was because he ran away without fighting in the face of provocation. This is something that the pride of a Demon King and the self-respect of a duelist cannot allow!

But talking about temptations and the like is just pure paranoia! The inherent manifestations of the second grade are full of hostility towards the entire world and strong paranoia of being persecuted. The seemingly careless actions of others are regarded as temptations and provocations to oneself!

"Do you have to compromise because of some unexpected oppression? A soulless puppet is really a boring existence!" Makoto Takahashi sneered and muttered to himself, "I have made it very clear in the program before, Comics are just entertainment! If you have to use things like fantasy masters to enhance the style and level of comics, is it inevitable that the brain will collapse? Besides Koizumi, there are still remnants of the cult! Huh! If you want to pursue the truth stubbornly, let us have a good time this time!"

In the editorial department of Yourongshe, the editor-in-chief looked a little ugly, his brows were furrowed, and he fell into a long state of meditation! After Yoshida made the call, he came to the editor-in-chief without saying a word, but the expression on his face was full of sorrow!

"How's it going with Makoto Takahashi?" The editor-in-chief didn't raise his head, but asked Yoshida coldly, "You should have agreed, right?"

"I promised, but the editor-in-chief..." After Yoshida hesitated for a moment, he still asked the biggest doubt in his heart, "What exactly is this event..."

"This is a proposal from the board of directors, and we can only be responsible for its implementation! There have been some changes in the board of directors recently, and the people who proposed this event are some new members who have joined the board of directors!" The editor-in-chief did not explain too much, but just said casually Said a few words, "The original words are: Some comics are too bloody and violent, and the themes are too dark, making many readers forget the original harmony and love between people! The reason why this event was launched, I hope that more cartoonists will draw more works that can express the beautiful feelings between people! Comics are not only a form of entertainment, but also have a very special educational significance, so it is best not to appear some. It’s a dark story, just praise some good people and things and have a happy ending!”

"Comics that are violent and bloody, with dark themes, shouldn't they refer to Acheng..." Yoshida frowned tightly, with a look of anger and unwillingness on his face, "Also, depicting the beautiful feelings between people , comics with happy endings...these statements are simply nonsense! I see...the reason why the theme of family affection is limited is..."

"Yoshida, don't question the decisions of the superiors casually!" A faint smile appeared on the editor's face, "You'd better talk to Makoto Takahashi about these words! I think he will definitely create an interesting comic. !”

"Tell Acheng...I know, editor-in-chief!" Yoshida was still very angry just now. After understanding the editor-in-chief's voice-over, he now had the same expectant smile, "I also want to know, Acheng knows about this. What kind of comics will you draw after that?”

"No matter whether the final ending is sad or happy, as long as the comics are interesting!" The editor-in-chief looked at Yoshida leaving with a smile on his face, "Since you don't understand comics, don't point fingers! Like life, comics have joy and joy. It’s sad, that’s why it’s interesting! The pursuit of a perfect ending in comics is the most boring thing in the world, just like the pursuit of a perfect life!”

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