Hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him in amazement, with a bitter smile on his lips, "What can you tell these can prove? Prove that you are old, or do you think this can touch me again and make me fall again Into your gentle trap, when I was addicted to it again, you told me that you have been playing with me? Do you think I will be so stupid?"

Long Sihao narrowed his narrow and long eyes, and looked at her with a deep gaze, his voice was low and he could not hear the anger, "Go to the bath."

"No need." Li Xiaoman tossed the quilt around her body and threw it aside. He raised his eyes and looked at him flatly, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips. "You brought me here, not for I……"

She bit her lower lip tightly and she still couldn't say the word "go to bed".

After a pause, she continued to say calmly: "You can start now."

Long Sihao stared at her soberly, "What do you think you are?"

Li Xiaoman slightly tickled his lower lip and smiled at himself, "Of course it's a plaything, don't you think so?"

Hearing the words, Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, squeezed his big hands tightly, his knuckles were white, and made a gurgling noise.

His deep eyes flashed with grief, and his heart suffocated.

Sure, he clasped her red luo's incense shoulders tightly with his palm, "Xiao Xiao, are you punishing me? Do you have to belittle yourself and insult yourself like this?"

The more she devalued herself and insulted herself, the more he felt heartache, which was more painful than being hurt by her.

What should he do before they can go back?

As long as she wants, he can think that nothing has happened, but she...

She must drive him crazy, is she satisfied?

Does she know how much his heart hurts when she devalued herself like this?

The shoulder was hurt by Long Sihao's five-finger button like iron tongs. Li Xiaoman frowned lightly and looked at him plainly, "Punish you? What do you punish you? Long Sihao, you don't love me, What can I punish you?"

Long Sihao clasped her shoulders tightly, crimson narrow eyes fixed on her, and shouted: "Xiao Xiao, how many times do you want me to say, I love you, I love you, I just love you too much To force you like a lunatic, threaten you, force you..."

Looking at Long Sihao, who was about to go crazy, Li Xiaoman froze.

He even said that he loved her, and all he talked about was fart five years ago.

Long Sihao saw Li Xiaoman just staring at him, but did not say anything. He tightened his narrow eyes and looked at her deeply. "I know you don't believe me, but whether you believe it or not, I must I’m telling you, those words I said five years ago are farts, and they are not from my true heart. I love you. I have never stopped in these five years. It’s compelling to leave you.”

"Must do it?" Li Xiaoman squinted at him. "Okay, you tell me, why are you forced? You tell me why."

"I..." Long Sihao looked down at her with complicated eyes, and did not want to tell her about his illness.

Seeing that he didn't say it, Li Xiaoman collected a glimmer of expectation at the bottom of his eyes, and coldly hooked the corner of his lower lip. "Can't I say it? Is there no reason, right?"

After a pause, she looked at him indifferently, with a sneered smile on her lips, "While I still have some **** now | Fun, if you want me, just come, I may still cooperate with you A moment, it will make you more excited and more fun, but remind you that once I have no **** | fun, I will be like a dead fish, and you will not be full of fun when you arrive."

She insulted herself and degraded herself like a sharp blade in Ling Chi's heart.

His heart was bleeding, and the pain that was tearing his heart spread to the whole body, and it pained into his bone marrow and heart socket, making him afraid to breathe too hard.

His white, tight-eyed red eyes looked at her for a long time before turning back, and turned and strode away from the bedroom.

After Li Xiaoman left the bedroom, his tears could not be restrained and fell down.

She won, in order not to let him touch her, she practised herself, degraded herself, and he did not touch her.

But her heart was so painful, she was about to die.

Why is this heartache so intense after five years? Did she really forget Long Sihao in her life?

Just as she was about to collapse, six maids came in.

The six maids had food, meals and special dim sum in their hands.

The head maid was Li Xue. She was surprised and delighted to see Li Xiaoman.

"Young... Young Lady, you... are you back? Where have you been in all these five years?"

Li Xue walked to Li Xiaoman, with tears in her eyes, looking at her with joy and surprise.

Hearing Li Xue's familiar voice, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to her, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, "I didn't expect you to be here."

Her tone was lukewarm, and there was a sense of alienation and strangeness.

Li Xue looked at her deeply and saw that she was only covered with a quilt, exposing her delicate snowy shoulders and white and slender legs. Guessing that she might not be wearing clothes, she looked at Li Xiaoman with a slight smile, respectfully Said: "Young lady, young master said that you haven't eaten yet, these are all sent by the young master, let's eat slowly, young lady, we won't disturb you anymore."

After finishing talking, Li Xue and the five other maids put the meals and snacks on the bed stool and turned around to leave.

Li Xiaoman glanced at the meals sent by the six maids, and then lifted his eyes to Li Xue, remembering her premature delivery five years ago, she then called out to Li Xue.

The remaining Li Xue walked to Li Xiaoman after the other five maids left, looked at her respectfully and asked, "Young lady, what's the matter with you letting me stay?"

Li Xiaoman lowered her eyebrows and squinted at her. "Five years ago, you and I went to Antai Cemetery. There were some accidents on the way. You let me wait for you in the car. You get off and watch. See, I have been waiting for you in the car for a long time, and you haven't returned to the car. What did you see after getting out of the car? What happened in the back, why did I wake up and see red?"

When Li Xiaoman mentioned the matter five years ago, Li Xue frowned tightly, showing guilt in his eyes, bowed his head, and said apologetically, "Mrs. Young, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you. I gave birth prematurely. The snow was heavy that day. After I got out of the car that day, I saw the driver falling to the ground and went forward to take a look. However, I didn’t see what happened to the driver and was stunned from behind. When I woke up with the driver, I discovered that Madam Young was missing, Madam, sorry! I’m sorry, I didn’t take good care of you, I was so premature, I’m sorry.”

Li Xiaoman apologized when she saw Li Xue, and her face was guilty. She frowned deeply. "I didn't blame you. What happened later, don't you know?"

Li Xue looked at Li Xiaoman and shook his head, his eyes were a little bit red, "Young lady, I'm really sorry, I didn't take care of you."

"You don't have to apologize to me." Li Xiaoman said with Li Xue's tone calmly, and then thought of what looked like Li Xue asked again: "How do you know that I gave birth prematurely?"

Li Xue looked up to Li Xiaoman, "Young lady, I heard the housekeeper say."

Even Li Xue didn't know what happened later, Li Xiaoman's expression was indifferent, "Don't call me Young Lady, I have nothing to do with Long Sihao."

Li Xue heard the words and looked at her. When she saw her expression indifferent, she frowned slightly and said, "Young lady, it's the young master who asked us to call you like this. No matter whether you have a relationship with the young master, we must call you like this, young lady The food is getting cold, and I won’t disturb you.”

When the words fell, Li Xue turned and left the bedroom.

Li Xiaoman glanced at the food on the stool at the end of the bed, and she clearly loved it, but now she had no appetite.

She was forcibly brought here by Long Sihao, and her Yanyan must be very worried about her now.

Anyway, she must first find a way to leave here.

Although she didn't want to eat the food that Long Sihao had prepared, she had to eat and run if she wanted to leave. Only when she ran away could she leave with strength.

She picked up her rice bowl and forced her to eat most of the rice bowl before putting down the chopsticks and standing up to the wardrobe.

When she opened the closet and saw that the clothes she had passed through five years ago, the clothes she had not worn were still hanging in the closet as they were five years ago, she was stunned and her eyes were open when she opened the closet. Wet a little bit.

She took a piece of clothing, and she went to the bathroom, but saw that her toiletries were all in the bathroom.

The mouthwash cup, half of the toothpaste, and skin care products are placed in the original position.

Even the bath towels she used in the bathroom were there.

The eyes were moistened a little bit unconsciously. She sniffed her nose slightly, changed her clothes, and left the bathroom.

She didn't want to stay in this bedroom anymore, she went out and went downstairs.

As soon as she reached the lobby on the first floor, she met Ji Yuqing, who was wearing an elegant white dress.

She stood at the same place, her eyes were plain and smooth, and her temperament was as elegant as Lily's Ji Yuqing. For a moment, she saw her shadow on Ji Yuqing's body five years ago.

When Ji Yuqing saw her, she was a little surprised and surprised. She didn't think much. She walked to Li Xiaoman with a soft smile on her face, "Are you called Li Xiaoman, right? I often listen to Lott. Mention you."

Looking at the gentle and elegant woman who smiled in front of her, Li Xiaoman remembered the scene where Long Sihao walked with her everywhere, her heart tightened violently, Xiumei couldn't help but scrambled, her face was not very good .

Seeing this, Ji Yuqing frowned and asked, "Miss Li, what's wrong with you? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

If Li Xiaoman did not return to Ji Yuqing, she turned around and did not look at her.

She believes that the psychological quality has become very strong in the past five years, but when facing Ji Yuqing, she still can't calmly and calmly face her.

With her back to Ji Yuqing, her tone was indifferent, "I'm fine."

Then, she left the hall straight away.

After Ji Yuqing saw her leaving the hall, she frowned deeply and went up to the second floor.

After leaving the hall, Li Xiaoman wandered around in this amazing villa.

She is wandering on the surface, but in fact is looking for the opportunity to escape.

In the villa, the cold-faced bodyguards in black clothes and black pants "stand guard" at regular intervals.

She went straight to the gate of the villa and tried to swing out, but was stopped by the black bodyguard who was guarding the gate of the villa.

"Young lady, please come back."

Looking down at the row of meat walls that stopped him, Li Xiaoman's clear water eyes narrowed coldly, "Get out, I'm going out."

The cold-faced bodyguards stand in a row, blocking the door of the villa, like a robot, repeating the words just now, "Young lady, please come back."

Knowing that these black bodyguards could not hurt themselves, Li Xiaoman decided to break out, but she had just lifted her feet, and more than a dozen black bodyguards in front of her pulled out a sharp dagger and took the sharp The end of them is facing themselves, and the handle is facing Li Xiaoman. Qi Qi also said: "Young lady, you can go out and stab us first."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's slender hands clenched tightly, sheer, she strode forward, took the dagger in one of the black bodyguards, and pointed it at her own chest, staring at them coldly, The voice was cold, "Keep off, otherwise I..."

Her voice didn't fall, and the black bodyguard who had taken the dagger suddenly flashed forward, snatching the dagger in her hand quickly, still with a cold face: "Young lady, please come back."

Li Xiaoman, who was robbed of his dagger, glared at the black crushed meat wall in front of his eyes, concealing his anger, and turned back to the hall, where he met Uncle Cheng, the housekeeper.

After five years, Uncle Cheng is full of silver hair. Although he is more than 70 years old, he still looks sparkling, energetic, and healthy.

Presumably, although he is over 70 years old, he must still exercise regularly.

For the old man, Li Xiaoman is still very respectful, and her indifferent Qingli face smiles slightly, which is counted as hello to Uncle Cheng.

Then she looked at Uncle Cheng and said to see Long Sihao, then went straight back to the bedroom on the third floor.

After she entered the bedroom, her **** was still hot, and Long Sihao walked in, striking in and closing the bedroom door.

He walked with long legs and walked directly to Li Xiaoman. The narrow, long eyes gazed at her deeply. The expression on her beautiful face was deep, and she couldn't see the anger, and her thin lips were light, "You want to see me." ?"

Li Xiaoman did not expect Long Sihao to come so soon. She at first thought he had left the villa. It seems that he did not leave at all, but did not know where to hide, otherwise, he would not ask her After seeing him, he quickly appeared.

After just going downstairs in the villa to "sway" for a while, her emotions calmed down. When she saw Long Sihao, she neither yelled at him angryly nor treated her too indifferently.

She raised her eyes lightly, gazing at him plainly, with a calm tone, "Long Sihao, let's talk about it! What should I do before you can let me go?"

Seeing her indifferent, Long Sihao glanced at her, and the expression on Junmei's face was still deep, and her voice was low and clear, "You just want to leave? Is it what I let you do, what do you do? I think If you want a daughter, you give me a daughter."


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