Su Yu just brought three South China tigers into the door.

   On the other side, on the Jianghang Expressway, inside a passenger car.

   A young man stood up excitedly: "Professor, a major discovery. The South China tiger that I found yesterday has appeared again, and it seems that there is more than one. This time I brought out two cubs!"

   "What? Really? There are two cubs? Xiao Chen, you can't talk nonsense."

   The young man named Xiao Chen: "Professor, it's true. If you don't believe it, you can go to Shiya live broadcast! Those three tigers are now showing their faces again."

   Professor Wang quickly took out his mobile phone to open the live broadcast software.

   His mobile live broadcast was just downloaded yesterday.

  Professor Wang Lin usually focuses on studying South China tigers for the country. How can he watch the live broadcast, if it weren't for the whereabouts of South China tigers, he would not download this software.

  Professor Wang’s Shiya live broadcast only followed one person.

   Su Yu!

   Click to open the live studio of Su Yu.

   I saw in the live broadcast room, the popularity has exceeded two million.

   Sure enough, a big tiger can be seen on the screen.

   Behind this adult South China tiger, there are indeed two small figures.

   That's right!

   is the young South China tiger!

  Professor Wang Lin has been studying the South China Tiger for almost half a lifetime, and it is impossible to admit it wrong.

"Good! Good! Great! I didn't expect to encounter real wild South China tigers before I retire, and there are three at once. This is really a major discovery! These three South China tigers are too precious, we must bring them. Go back and protect it!"

  The intern graduate student Xiao Chen in the back row asked, "But, Professor, will these three tigers follow us obediently?"

   Xiao Chen is a little embarrassed, after all, that's a tiger!

   and it's still a wild tiger, which is very dangerous.

  Professor Wang Lin didn't even think about it: "Although we can't subdue these tigers, this anchor is capable! You forgot, he was able to beat the tigers away with a punch yesterday, and he must be able to subdue them."

   Xiao Chen: "But, professor, would he be willing? Now it seems that these three tigers seem to have a good relationship with him. Can he agree to let us go?"

   Professor Wang listened to Xiao Chen's words, this time, his face faded.

"Xiao Chen, what are you talking about? What do you mean by letting us? How can this be called letting? The South China tiger is originally a national-level protected animal, how can it be personal property? You have to know that, except for a national-level zoo, No one else has the right to breed South China tigers privately! He is a Chinese citizen, so he must have this kind of consciousness. The big deal is to give him a pennant. This is a contribution to the country!"

   Listening to the words of the impassioned Professor Wang, Xiao Chen nodded thoughtfully.


   I hope so.


   Sendai Village.

   Su Yu's house.

   Three South China Tigers were brought in by Su Yu.

   To be honest, Su Yu was actually a little panicked at first.

   After all, this is a tiger!

   Just take it home.

   does feel a little awkward.

   And my family is now a big white snake and a big yellow dog, and now there are three South China tigers.

   Su Yu felt that he would be able to open a zoo again and again.

   Su Yu: "By the way, when you came here, you weren't seen by other villagers, right."

   South China Tiger: "Roar! Don't worry, we came here by a small road and we weren't seen."

   Su Yu: "That's fine, but there is one thing I want to talk about first, you want my Reiki Water, I can give it to you, but we want three chapters of the law."

  South China Tiger: "Three chapters about the law??"

   Although this South China tiger has a bit of wisdom, it does not understand a few human idioms.

  What does the three chapters about the law mean?

   Su Yu: "The three chapters of the agreement are what I mean by agreeing with you on a few things."

   South China Tiger: "Roar! That's it, get it! You'd be over if you couldn't say this a long time ago? What are you doing?"

   Su Yu was speechless: "Okay, talk about business, first, you have to listen to me if you want to stay, that is, as you said before, I will give you Reiki water, and I will be your master in the future."

   South China Tiger: "No problem, that's for sure!"

Su Yu nodded: "Second, without my consent, you can't go out casually, and you can't hurt anyone who enters the yard. Of course, unless it is a person with bad intentions, you can only hurt or catch him. He can't be killed! Can't eat people, do you understand?"

   South China Tiger: "No problem! This tiger promises not to kill anyone!"

   Su Yu: "Very good, just these two requirements for the time being."

   Su Yu did not target anyone.

   does the same with Xiaobai.

   Xiaobai's body is too big, too swagger.

   itself is a python type.

   There are dozens of families in Sendai Village, and many elderly people live here.

   Both Xiao Bai and this South China tiger are too scary.

   Even adults have to be frightened.

   let alone an old man.

   It’s not good to go out and run around and scare others.

   Fortunately, this South China tiger was more obedient, so Su Yu let it live.

  The audience in the live broadcast room also liked these tigers.

   is a national-level protected animal after all.

   and it is a very rare South China tiger.

   The kind that is more precious than the giant panda.

   "Anchor, can you really talk to animals? What did you say to the South China Tiger just now?"

   Su Yu: "I just had three chapters with them, and they will live here in the future. There are more people in the village. I told them not to run around. They have agreed."

   "Seriously, I now doubt whether Su Ye has any special powers that can actually talk to animals."

   "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe that anyone in this world can talk to a tiger!"

   Su Yu: "Don't believe it? Okay, then I will show you and you will believe it."

   Su Yu said, turning the camera to the three South China, you guys, all sit down for me! "

   The password of the Su domain is out.

   The three South China tigers immediately sat on the ground one after another as if they had been professionally trained.

   "Get down!"

   "Turn around!"

   "Shake hands!"

   Su Yu commanded.

   The three South China Tigers, the king of the forest, are actually like three puppies, commanded by Su Yu.

   "My grass! So obedient! God!"

   "I'm kneeling, the anchor has super powers, right?"

   "Is this the tiger I know?"

   "Surprised! The tiger is so obedient! Next time I go to the zoo and try it in a cage!"

   "I advise you not to try it anymore. The last one to try now has no bones left."

   "Damn! Tame wild tigers from a distance. Isn't this the **** spreading blood than the Bos?"

   "Su Ye, give them a name, can't all three of them be called South China Tiger, it sounds awkward."

   "Yeah, yeah, let's have a name."

   "I have a good suggestion. How about calling Peppa, George, and Susie?"

   "Talent! Why don't you call it SpongeBob SquarePants, Brother Octopus, or Pai Daxing?"

   "Hahahaha! God **** Peppa Pig, I laughed off my head!"

   Su Yu said at this moment: "Peppa George Susie? Sounds good."

  The audience in the live broadcast room: "???"

   "Damn! Anchor, are you serious?"

   "We are just making a joke, you don't really intend to use such a name, right?"

   "They are three orthodox South China tigers! Peppa is the name of a pig! Su Ye, the crime does not end here!"


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