A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 820 Loki, the favored one, why did the tyrant become merciful (1/2)


An Asgardian guard walked into the King's Hall. He looked at Odin who had his back to him, "Excuse me, Your Majesty, I have news from the Dark World."

"Thor?" Odin said in a muffled voice.

"I didn't see him, nor did I see the weapon, but..."

"What happened?"

"Found a body."

Odin was silent for a few seconds, "Loki?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The guard lowered his head, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Loki." Odin said again, his tone more certain than before.

The guard's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Odin with a dull expression, pretending to be puzzled and asked: "Your Majesty, are you going to check Loki's body?"

Odin looked at him deeply, and then sat on the newly moved throne, "Where do you get the courage to think that your illusion can deceive the eyes of the father of the gods."

"Your Majesty, you may have misunderstood something?" The guard knelt down anxiously, "Loki is really dead."

"Really? Then who is kneeling in front of me now?"

The guard wanted to continue explaining, and the Queen of Gods Frigga appeared beside him and helped him up, "Loki, I taught you magic."

Hearing this, the guard smiled shyly, a layer of green light flashed on his body, and he turned back into Loki, the second prince of Asgard.

"Okay! This is my mistake. I didn't expect that Your Majesty and the Queen of Gods could see through my magic."

"It's my father and mother." Frigga said pretending to be unhappy.

"It doesn't matter." Loki didn't care. "Should I go back to my room now?

The bright cage, the table and chairs, and the books, I miss them for some reason!"

"Loki." Frigga glared at him. "Don't be disrespectful in front of your father. Do you really plan to stay in the dungeon for the rest of your life?"

"Don't..." Loki paused, and a completely impossible guess suddenly emerged in his mind, "Is the father of the gods going to let me go?"

"What? Don't you want to?" Odin knocked the ground with the Eternal Spear in his hand, and the majestic impact sound hit his heart directly.

Loki immediately realized that Odin was not joking, "Of course I am willing, but... why?"

"You are my son after all." Odin's tone was full of complexity, "Although you always get into trouble."

"Get into trouble?" Loki disagreed, and said angrily: "What trouble did I get into?"

"Killing wantonly and starting wars without authorization." A trace of disappointment flashed in Odin's eyes, "Have you never reflected on yourself during this period?"

"I just took back what I deserve? You told me more than a thousand years ago that I was born to be a king.

I have always believed this, but how did you do it? You gave all your preference to Thor.

Odin, the father of the gods, I don't care about the throne at all. I just want to prove myself, to you and Frigga that I am no worse than Thor."

"Is this what you think in your heart?" Odin asked in a deep voice, "It's really stupid, stupid."

Odin raised his The Spear of Eternity hit the ground heavily, "Favoritism? You said favoritism?

I do favoritism, but it's for you, not Thor."

"Because Thor is my biological son, and you are adopted, so you naturally think that I favor Thor? How ridiculous."

"Isn't it?"

"You, Loki Odinson, the second prince of Asgard.

You have always been the prince. For more than a thousand years, your food, clothing, housing, transportation, status, treatment, education, and family affection are no different from Thor, and even better than Thor.

How many pranks and mistakes have you made since you became the God of Trickster? These are enough to sentence you to death many times, but you are still standing here."

"Just yesterday, you showed the way to the cursed warriors.

Thanks to you, the dark elves invaded the interior of Asgard, and your mother was almost killed."

Loki opened his mouth and refuted without words.

That was indeed the thing he regretted the most.

"It's okay, I'm still alive, right?" Frigga consoled with a smile, "But you can't be so willful in the future."

"Don't persuade him, Frigga.

If he can be persuaded back with just a few words, he won't be the God of Trickery."

Hearing this, Loki's resentment, which had disappeared due to guilt, was ignited again, "What about being born a king? You gave Mjolnir to Thor.

But after he made a big mistake, you exiled him to the courtyard, and it turned out to be just an absurd test. Does this mean that you have already decided on Thor as your successor?"

"Yes." Odin nodded solemnly.

Loki was stunned for a moment. He thought Odin would make up some excuses to perfunctory him, but he didn't expect him to admit it so straightforwardly.

"Are you surprised?" Odin looked at Loki's uncertain face and explained patiently: "You are indeed born to be kings, because you have the status of princes and the potential of kings.

But I also said that it depends on your performance."

"Is my performance worse than Thor's?" Loki asked unconvinced, "Thor is a reckless man who only knows how to solve problems with his fists."

"Yes, you are smarter than him, I admit that.

But what did you do?" Odin asked meaningfully, "Tell me what you have done that is meaningful to Asgard, even if it is only one thing."


"You can't answer it, right?

Thor is indeed a bit reckless, but you can't deny that he has fought for many years to maintain peace in the Nine Realms. At least he has shouldered this responsibility.

As for his arrogance..." Odin was silent for a while and sighed deeply; "In my opinion, it's not a big problem. "

"Huh?" Loki blinked in shock and couldn't help laughing, "Did I hear wrongly?"

"You heard me right, I was more... arrogant than him when I was your age.

Countless lives have died on my hands because of disobedience, and the blood on my hands is far beyond your imagination. "

"Odin." Frigga shook her head slightly at him and said with some worry: "You don't have to..."

Odin waved his hand nonchalantly, "Always let him know."

"what do you know?"

"I know your father was once a cruel and murderous tyrant." Odin's deep eyes became sharper, mixed with disdain and contempt, making people shudder.

Loki couldn't help but swallowed, but Odin's pressure came and went just as quickly, and the feeling of hair standing on end disappeared in just a moment.

"I've been through this before. I know that Sol's character can be changed. How?"

Loki seemed to understand something, "So you arranged that test for him?"

"Let nature take its course!" Odin said without comment, "Thor did not disappoint me after all. From the moment he broke the Rainbow Bridge, he had the qualities of a king."

"As expected of the father of the gods." Loki said in a sinister tone, "What a foresight!"

"At least Thor is qualified, but what about you?" Odin looked at him meaningfully, "You are smarter and more talented than Thor. Your mother is also a famous mage in the Nine Realms. The entire magic of Asgard Knowledge is open to you.

But how did you do it? It has been more than a thousand years, like a child who has not grown up. "

"I am the God of Trickery, the God of Deception." Loki smiled, half complaining and half self-deprecating, "How can the God of Deception be compared with the God of Thunder?

Is this not your arrangement, Father of the Gods?

You asked me to learn magic, but you gave Thor the power of thunder. "

"Do you think magic is worse than lightning?" Odin laughed angrily.

"Is not it?"

"Then do you think Thor's lightning can hurt me?"

Loki pursed his lips, not knowing how to answer.

"Magic is a miracle, omnipotent. It is difficult for Thor's magical talent to touch such a miracle, but it is possible for you. Although it is difficult, you do have hope.

I have always had high hopes for you, but you... don't tell me. Odin shook his head distractedly and said angrily: "The preference has always been with you, whether it's me or Frigga, but you never seem to realize this." "

Loki fell silent again, feeling dizzy.

Odin's words pierced his heart like an awl again and again. It didn't hurt that much, but it was so cold, as if he had been deceiving himself all along.

"Okay, Loki." Frigga patted his back comfortingly, "You should apologize to your father."

"If..." Loki suddenly said, looking at Odin with an extremely solemn look, "If my performance is no worse than Thor, will you let me inherit the throne? The throne of Asgard?"

"You want to know the answer?"

"I only have this question, and I hope you can answer me honestly, father."

"You know how to call me father, which makes me feel a little relieved!" A gentle smile appeared on Odin's face. "I have told you the answer a long time ago. You are born to be a king."

"I understand." Loki nodded slightly, "But now I have no chance of the throne, right?"

"Yes, not just you, but also Thor."


"The situation has changed, Loki." Frigga said patiently, "This is why your father told you so much."

"Wait, Queen Mother, what are you talking about?"

Frigga looked at Loki and said hesitantly: "The Twilight of the Gods is coming, and Asgard will face destruction."

Hearing this, Loki was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Mother, that is a ridiculous legend. The Fire Giant is no match for Odin."

Frigga remained silent, and the ridicule on Loki's face gradually solidified, "No way!"

He wanted to use the throne to prove himself, but he failed again and again, but Odin said so many 'frank' words to him, he accepted the joke.

After all, he didn't care much about the throne. Besides, with Thor's brains, he could fool him into giving up the throne to him in a matter of minutes.

But now it seems that the throne of Asgard itself is a joke, this is too outrageous!

"I don't have much time." Odin said easily, "After I die, Asgard will lose the power to resist Ragnarok and officially enter the countdown to destruction.

This is also the main reason why I am worried about you and Thor. You are too young and do not have enough power to protect Asgard, and I, as a father, do not have time to wait for you to grow up. "

"But my father, you are the heavenly father." Loki couldn't believe it. "Your divine power is extremely vast, and your life should be longer. How could it be?"

"Why did a tyrant become a peace-loving emperor?" Odin asked meaningfully, "My ambitions were too great before, but on the way to war, I encountered terrible enemies."

"Wait, you said... scary?" Loki was stunned. In his impression, Odin had always been the pinnacle of divine power, an insurmountable mountain, and there was actually an enemy that he found difficult?

“They are gods, almost every one of them is a heavenly father, and the strongest among them is no worse than me.

I am not afraid of any of them in a single fight, but in order to stop my conquest, they sent out several gods.

I killed one, cut off his head, and shocked them all.

But when my divine power was severely damaged, I had to negotiate. "Odin talked eloquently, his tone was very calm, as if this humiliating history had nothing to do with him.

"Did you get injured in the battle with the gods, so your lifespan was shortened?" Loki asked cautiously, and at the same time he became afraid of the gods.

"That's only part of the reason. Another part of the reason is that I used most of my divine power on a seal later. The consumption of divine power that lasted for thousands of years is the key point."

"What seal?"

"Hades." Frigga said deeply, a trace of sadness and sadness flashed in her eyes.

"Heim Hades?" Loki's eyes widened in shock, "What kind of devil would be sealed by his father to the desolate and lonely place of Hades, or would it be suppressed by divine power for thousands of years?

Isn't this price too high? Can't we just kill him directly? "

"No, absolutely not." Frigga shook her head seriously, "Because the one who is sealed is you and Thor's sister, the goddess of death, Hela Odinson."

"Sister? Hela, the goddess of death?" Loki looked confused, "I don't think I've heard of it."

"Of course you haven't heard of it because your father erased that history."

"It's not erasure, Frigga." Odin corrected, "It's just hiding."

"What's the difference?"

"Uh...it doesn't seem like it."

"Did Hela make a big mistake?" Loki asked sadly, "She was suppressed by Odin in the underworld for thousands of years."

Odin and Frigga looked at each other and said solemnly: "Hela's ambition. She is the vanguard of Asgard's external wars. War, killing, conquest, and death have greatly expanded her ambition, even surpassing mine. .

When I stopped my conquest, she was the first to express her dissatisfaction, so I could only suppress her. "

"Didn't you explain to her why?"

"Alas! She is too stubborn." Odin was speechless. "This is not the inconsequential treason committed by you and Thor. She really rebelled at that time, and the famous Valkyrie Legion was even annihilated because of it. The army was wiped out, and it was a mercy to spare her life.”

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