A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 816: Escape from Asgard and Enter the Dark World (1/2)


Loki looked at Thor, who was wearing a robe outside the cell, with interest through a golden barrier.

Although he was in prison, his treatment was obviously much better than other prisoners. He had a clean and bright single room with tables, chairs, fruits, sofas, beds, books, and everything else. I thought he was here to work.

"Thor, it's been so long, why are you here to see me now?

What are you doing here? Are you gloating? Laughing at me?"

"I'm here to ask you for help."

"What?" Loki said sarcastically, "What did you say? Is there anything in Asgard that the great Thor can't do?"

"You should know what happened in Asgard!" Thor said lightly, "The Queen Mother specifically ordered you to keep an eye on the outside world."

"Yes! Thank Frigga.

The dark elves invaded, Asgard was threatened, the Rainbow Bridge was forbidden to be activated, and so on." Loki said lightly, then approached the barrier and said to Thor. Thor smiled, "Being parasitized by ether particles, the situation of the woman on Earth you love doesn't seem to be very good."

"So I need you to help me." Thor said seriously, "You will definitely help me."

"Why do you say that?"

"The queen mother was attacked by the dark elf who sneaked into the dungeon. If Aaron hadn't arrived in time, Asgard would have prepared a funeral for Frigga."

Hearing this, Loki's smile on his face instantly converged, "They didn't tell me this."

He was in awe of Odin, envious of Thor, and looked down on others.

If there was anyone in Asgard who deserved his respect and care, it was probably only the Queen of Gods Frigga, the woman who treated him as her own son.

"I don't think my mother will let you know unless she dies."

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"Help me escape from Asgard." Thor said seriously, "Revenge my mother, and then come back here."

"I understand, you want to go to the dark world.

You want to use Malekith's hand to take out the ether particles that are lodged in that woman's body." Loki saw through the truth at a glance, "You must be desperate, so you come to me for help."

"Even if it is!" Thor said without comment.

"Why do you think you can trust me?"

"To be honest, I don't trust you.

When we fought in the past, I still had a glimmer of hope that my brother had not completely disappeared.

But this glimmer of hope has been shattered, and I can no longer protect you. If you dare to betray me, I will kill you."

Loki didn't care, just smiled and said, "When are we leaving?"



Thor quietly took Loki out of the dungeon, and he still kept a vigilance, but Loki was a little free.

After all, he had been in the cell for so long. Although Frigga would visit him from time to time and the Asgardian warriors would constantly bring him new "friends", freedom was always desirable.

"This is so unlike you, brother." Loki grinned, "In such a secret operation, you really don't want to rely on brute force to fight your way out?"

"If you don't shut up, I'm going to do it."

"Okay! I'll listen to you. I'm not here."

A layer of green light flashed across Loki's body, and he turned into an ordinary Asgardian guard, "Is this better?"

"Much better than you."

"But we can be more low-key." Loki was interested. This time he turned back to his original appearance, but turned Thor into Sif, "Brother, you are so beautiful."

Thor looked at himself, "Even if it becomes like this, I can still make you die miserably."

"Okay! Maybe you want your new friends, after all, you seem to like them very much."

Another layer of green light flashed, Thor returned to his original appearance, and Loki turned into Steve Rogers in uniform and holding a shield.

"This is much better!

The clothes don't fit well, they're too tight, but I can feel the confidence and justice surging in my body.

Want to talk to me about truth? Or honor? Patriotism..."

Thor covered his mouth and piled him behind a pillar.

"What for?"

Thor didn't answer, but looked at the roadside, where two patrolling Asgardian warriors happened to pass by.

Loki paused, "You should at least give me a weapon! My dagger or something."

Thor looked at Loki's expectant eyes, took something out of his pocket and put it in his hand.

"That's right! Finally some courtesy."


Loki's face changed, and he raised his hands that were tightly locked in handcuffs.

"Don't you like little tricks?" Thor laughed and continued to lead him forward.

At the same time, Sif had come to Jane's dormitory. She unexpectedly dealt with several guards and took her to the scheduled meeting place.

"You?" Jane saw Loki and unconsciously quickened her pace.

"I'm Loki, you may have heard of me..."


Before Loki finished speaking, Jane slapped him in the face, "This slap is for New York."

Loki blinked in confusion, and before he could react, he was slapped in the face again.


"This slap is for Eric."

"Haha!" Loki smiled, "I think I understand why you like her."


Rainbow Bridge.

Odin arrived here with a team of soldiers. He looked at Heimdall standing on the console, "You want me to come over and say there is an emergency. What is it?"

"There is a traitor, Your Majesty."

Odin seemed not surprised at all, "Who is it?"


As soon as he finished speaking, a group of soldiers ran over and said, "Your Majesty, that mortal has been kidnapped."

"Stop Thor at all costs."


"They're out there, catch them."

A group of Asgard warriors discovered Thor and others and immediately stepped forward with weapons to arrest them.

"I held them back and took her away," Sif said.


Thor didn't hesitate much and immediately took Jane to the dark elf's spaceship.

As soon as Loki took a step forward, a silver sword was placed in front of his neck.

Sif looked at him seriously and warned: "If you dare to betray him, I will kill you."

Loki smiled sarcastically and opened the distance between his neck and the blade, "I'm glad to see you too, Sif."

Sif bought time for them, and the three of them arrived in front of the spacecraft smoothly. Volstagg had been guarding here early in the morning.

"I'll try to delay it for you."

"Thank you, my friend." Thor patted his shoulder and took Jane onto the spacecraft.

Volstagg stopped Loki and issued the same warning as Sif, "You dare to think of betraying him..."

"Are you going to kill me? Then it looks like you have to line up."

Not long after the three boarded the spacecraft, a group of Asgard warriors chased after them.

Volstagg raised his ax and blocked dozens of Asgardian soldiers with difficulty, preventing them from passing.

Although he was pinned down by this group of soldiers in less than half a minute, he still couldn't help laughing when he saw the spacecraft take off successfully.


The airship stopped quietly above the sea, with two figures standing on it.

Aaron was leisurely admiring the lakes and mountains, while Fandral was nervously staring in the direction of the fairy palace.

"Don't be so nervous, they will come out safely." Aaron said with certainty. Odin and Frigga had already predicted Thor's next actions. The so-called interception was just a pretense to add a little excitement to the two sons. That’s all.

"Why aren't you worried at all?" Fandral asked in confusion. When he approached Aaron, he thought he would have to spend a lot of time, but he didn't expect that Aaron agreed simply and neatly, without any hesitation.

Although he didn't lend out the magic carpet, at least people came with him.

Of course Aaron has to agree to help Sol, which is a good thing for him.

First, he wanted to remove the ether particles from the body, but as long as Odin didn't take action and he couldn't use magic casually, Malekith could help him complete this task.

To put it bluntly, even if Malekith fails, there will be no one in the dark world, let alone any big boss, and he won't have so many worries about using magic. If it doesn't work, he can do it himself.

Secondly, he always felt that Odin's attitude towards him was a little strange. Just in case, he needed to leave Asgard as soon as possible.

And Thor's plan can make his departure logical. As for how to return to Earth in the future... Without using the portal, celestial convergence can perfectly solve this problem.

"You know, I'm a fortune teller." Aaron pointed out.

"Did you predict that they will come out smoothly?"

"Of course." Aaron nodded seriously.

The next moment, a battle-shaped black spaceship sailed out of the Immortal Palace, and several airships were chasing after it, constantly firing golden energy bombs in an attempt to shoot down the spacecraft.

"They are coming." Fandal breathed a sigh of relief and immediately controlled the airship to follow.

After a while, Loki screamed and fell from the spaceship, and Fandral accurately caught him with the airship.

Thor also left the spaceship with Jane, who was almost unconscious, and landed firmly on the airship, while the following airships were led to the horizon by the unmanned spacecraft.

"After being in prison for so long, you are still so graceful, Loki."

"Elegance is necessary." Aaron said lightly, "That is the most basic quality of a noble."

"You, why are you here?" Loki asked in surprise, then looked at Thor dissatisfied, "You didn't tell me that he would also come with you."

"I didn't expect that he would actually help me." Sol was inexplicably moved.

"Actually, I have my own purpose." Aaron said bluntly, "I only do three things. The first is to make sure that your good brother will not stab you in the back.

Second, ensure that Malekith can remove the ether particles from Jane's body, but don't get me wrong, her life or death is not that important to me.

Third, I want to leave Asgard as soon as possible.

As for the rest... don't look for me. After all, I'm not a god and I can't bear too many risks. "

"Hahaha!" Loki seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help laughing, "Are you actually afraid of those dark elves?

No, that's not right, if you were afraid of them you wouldn't participate in Thor's plan to go to the dark world.

Gaius, I'm curious, what are you worried about? "

I'm worried that your father is plotting against me. Can you tell me this?

Aaron secretly cursed, but his face was calm, "The celestial convergence is about to happen, Daisy is still on the earth, she... is my woman, so..."

"Daisy?" Sol's mouth twitched, "Are you really with her?"

"Can't you?" Aaron asked confidently, "At least she won't slap me twice as soon as she sees me."

"You...were also slapped? Two slaps too?" Loki grinned, "Seriously, Thor, this mortal you are interested in is really extraordinary."

"It's time you kept your promise and took us to your secret passage."

Loki showed an excited smile, grasped the joystick with both hands, and controlled the airship to fly at high speed.

The tail fin of the airship flies across the sea, and the white waves it stirs up create a colorful halo under the sunlight.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Two rows of light bombs suddenly struck from high altitude. An airship discovered them and launched an attack.

However, Loki's driving skills are still very good. He drifts and moves along the sea surface, perfectly avoiding those light bombs.

"Fandral." Thor looked at him.

"Okay." Fandral grabbed a rope on the airship and said easily, "For Asgard."

After saying that, he jumped directly and used the rope to swing himself to the airship behind him.

"Don't take it personally, guys." Fandral said as he knocked down the three pursuers on the airship. It was relatively easy for one of the Three Warriors of Asgard to defeat these ordinary soldiers.

After getting rid of his pursuers, Loki controlled the airship and flew towards a cliff.

"Loki." Thor looked worriedly at the deep gap in the mountain. I'm afraid even the airship might not be able to squeeze in.

"If it were that easy, anyone could do it."

"Are you crazy?"


"Um..." Aaron raised his hand and said, "I would like to put in a weak comment. Apart from me, Loki should be the one who cherishes his life the most.

In other words, if he was not sure, he would never crash into it and die. "

"Did you hear that, brother, this is the smart man." Loki said meaningfully, and immediately controlled the airship to rush into the crack.


Colorful sparks flickered on both sides of the airship, and it passed through this bizarre tunnel in less than a few seconds.


The airship flew out of the tunnel and slid against the ground for dozens of meters before barely stopping.

"Victory arrives."

"Is this the dark world, Watt Alheim?" Aaron looked at the surrounding environment with interest.

A black sun hangs high in the sky, and the dim light shines on the barren black land, showing the desolation. The wreckage of the huge battleship and the billowing black clouds in the sky exaggerate the loneliness and heaviness of this world.

"It's so depressing. How did the dark elves survive in a place like this?"

"Perhaps what we hate is exactly what they need." Loki chuckled and said, "They like darkness and days without light, and the dark world is as warm as home to them."

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