A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 813: Dark Elves invaded Asgard, but they did not arrive in time (1/2)

Aaron returned to the abandoned factory, stood on the circular magic circle left by the Rainbow Bridge and shouted: "Heimdall."

"Does this really work?" Ian asked doubtfully.

"I don't know." Daisy said uncertainly, "Jane has never stood on it and shouted before, but she never succeeded."

A few seconds passed, and nothing happened. There was no sign of the Rainbow Bridge opening.

"It seems that I need a little reminder." Aaron said with a smile, and immediately took out the Ice Box from the space ring, "Heimdall, this was given to me by the father of the gods.

I know you can hear me, I have something very important to go to Asgard now, involving the life of God Queen Frigga.

So open the rainbow bridge quickly, otherwise... you will spend the rest of your life in self-blame and guilt. "


As soon as he finished speaking, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky and took Aaron away from the place.

The three people standing by were stunned at this scene. This is okay!

Passing through the colorful space tunnel, Aaron once again set foot on the land of Asgard, "Hello, Heimdall, it's not easy for you to bring me here."


Heimdall inserted the Bult steel in his hand into the switch and closed the Rainbow Bridge.

"Too many people call my name every day. Generally speaking, I only respond to the calls of Asgardians."

"I guess so."

"What do you mean by what you just said? What is related to the safety of the God Queen?"

Aaron simply adjusted his expression, looked directly into Heimdall's golden pupils, and said solemnly: "The dark elves who have been sleeping for thousands of years have awakened because they sensed the birth of ether particles. Malekith, the king of the dark elves, will personally lead the army. Invade Asgard, and Frigga will die at the hands of the Cursed Warriors."

Heimdall's pupils shrank suddenly, "Do you know what you are talking about? The dark elves were wiped out by King Bol thousands of years ago."

"This is the prophecy given by the prophecy book." Aaron explained calmly, "Half an hour ago, I didn't know what the dark elves were, and I didn't know what ether particles were. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't want God Queen Fuli to I’m so confused that I’m too lazy to come to Asgard!”

Heimdall pondered for a moment, "I will inform the king to strengthen the protection of the God Queen."

"Just strengthening the protection may not be safe. It's best to let her..." Aaron's voice stopped suddenly, and Heimdall's expression became extremely solemn.

In the two people's perception, a huge transparent object was flying from one side, and it was approaching towards the direction of the fairy palace.

"They're coming," Aaron murmured.

Heimdall immediately turned around and ran towards the bridge. He had doubts about Aaron's words before, but now the appearance of the intruder convinced him.

He ran for tens of meters to catch up with the invisible spacecraft, then jumped up and pulled out two golden daggers from behind and stuck them on the invisible spacecraft.

In an instant, the invisible spacecraft revealed its true face, a black spacecraft tens of meters in size, shaped like a war gun.

The spacecraft under attack emitted black smoke and its flight trajectory deviated somewhat, but it was still moving forward.

Heimdall noticed the drive core of the spacecraft, immediately slid down, and threw a dagger into the red energy furnace.


Violent flames broke out, the spacecraft exploded and crashed on the Rainbow Bridge.

Heimdall jumped to a safe position at the moment of the explosion, perfectly avoiding the impact of the explosion.

"You are worthy of being the gatekeeper of Asgard! Fighting against a spaceship without any injuries will only make you breathe faster, but..." Aaron looked back and said solemnly, "This doesn't seem to be enough! "

I saw a thousand-meter-high black giant ship rising from the end of the Rainbow Bridge. The crimson drive core in the center looked like the eyes of a devil, which shocked people.

Dozens of warship-like spaceships flew out from the battleships and invaded Asgard's territory.

Asgard's air defense towers were all activated, and airships took off one after another, launching a counterattack with artillery fire all over the sky.

The golden light bombs formed a dense fire net. This layer of protection shot down most of the dark elves' spaceships, but a small part still passed through the fire net and approached the fairy palace.

At this moment, Heimdall used the Guardian Sword to open the protective net of the Immortal Palace, and a golden barrier quickly rose, blocking all intruders from the Immortal Palace.

Aaron looked at the sky rendered by black gunpowder smoke, then at the fairy palace protected by the barrier, and finally set his sights on Heimdall, who was holding the sword of guardianship.

"Do you think this is useful?"

“As long as they can’t enter Asgard, the firepower outside Asgard is enough to annihilate them.

And...it's the only thing I can do right now. "

Aaron nodded noncommittally, and then changed the subject, "Then the question is, we are outside the Asgard, and Frigga is within the Asgard.

If the prophecy is correct, how did the God Queen who was protected by the protective net die? "

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, and seemed to have thought of something. His face became extremely ugly, "Unless they invaded the fairy palace before this, they can only destroy the internal protective net, and the external..."

Before he finished speaking, the energy barrier that surrounded the Asgard in all directions quickly faded away. Several spaceships stagnant outside the barrier immediately seized the opportunity to invade the center of Asgard.

"It seems that your judgment is right." Aaron sighed softly, "There is no time. I will go to Frigga first. I hope I can change the prophecy in time."

"Wait a minute." Heimdall reminded anxiously, "I'm going to find someone to bring an airship over. I'll go with you."

"By the time you call in the airship, the battle will be over long ago." Aaron rolled his eyes at him.

"This is the fastest way I can think of."

"Tch!" Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, and then took out the dark blue magic carpet from the space ring.

"This is this?" Heimdall's eyes moved slightly, seeming to realize the strangeness of this blanket.

"Come up!" Aaron said, stepping on the magic carpet, and the dark blue blanket floated up.

Seeing this, Heimdall did not hesitate and jumped up.

The magic carpet carried the two of them to the Asgard, and they were inevitably pointed at by cannons along the way. However, with Heimdall as the gatekeeper, the Asgardian guards acquiesced that Aaron was one of their own, but they didn't Who opened fire without permission.

The two of them flew into the fairy palace from the entrance of the center smoothly, but what they saw made their hearts freeze.

A warship-shaped spaceship was parked in a wide square. Dozens of huge stone pillars were broken as it passed by, and there was a fierce battlefield right in front of it.

Dozens of Asgardian soldiers holding swords and shields engaged in a fierce battle with more than a dozen dark elves. They had the upper hand but were at a disadvantage. Most of the corpses on the ground were Asgardians.

But this is not incomprehensible. These dark elves survived on the battlefield thousands of years ago. They are completely veterans of the old era and can be called the last elite of the dark elves.

In addition, they invaded suddenly and used long-range attack weapons such as energy guns. Asgardian soldiers who did not have much defense were naturally caught off guard.

Heimdall jumped directly from the magic carpet, opened and closed the guardian sword, and the sharp blade split several dark elves in half with their guns without any hindrance.

With his joining, the situation was immediately reversed, and these dark elves were eliminated in less than half a minute.

"Who can tell me what happened?" Heimdall asked breathlessly as he looked at the remaining guards.

"There was a riot in the dungeon, and His Majesty the King sent troops to suppress it. As soon as our team arrived here, this spaceship broke in.

And then...we started fighting these invaders. "

"I remember there is a throne here." Aaron looked at a gap directly in front of the hall, "It seems to have been dug out by some force."

"Black hole bomb." Heimdall said solemnly, "It can break down matter and absorb it into alien space."

"Oh!" Aaron said with interest, "I didn't expect the dark elves to have such a weapon.

I roughly understand the situation. If Asgard's troops go to suppress the riot, then the defense forces in other places will naturally weaken. "

"The Queen of Gods." Heimdall murmured subconsciously, and then his expression changed drastically, "Quickly go to the Queen of Gods' palace, there needs to be guarded."

"Are you sure this is the dormitory? What if you find the wrong place..."

"It won't be wrong." Heimdall promised firmly, "Follow me, quickly."

Aaron didn't have much to say, he just silently took out Captain Jack's compass and compared it with Frigga's correct position.


At the same time, Malekith, the king of the dark elves, also followed his perception of ether particles and headed towards Frigga's palace.

The guards along the way were no match for him, and he killed them all.

Finally, Malekith opened the palace door.

Seeing him come in, Frigga and Jane Foster, who had been staying with her, couldn't help but become nervous.

"Don't go any further." Frigga said, holding the dagger. "I can still spare your life."

"You can't do anything to me, woman."

"Who are you?"

"I am Malekith, and I am here to get back what belongs to me." Malekith said, while looking at the terrified Jane Foster. He was very sure that the ether particles were in this woman's body.

Malekith ignored Frigga and walked straight towards Jane.

However, the next moment, he was forced back by a flash of blue sword light.

Malekith angrily drew his sword and attacked Frigga, but he underestimated the Asgardian queen.

The sword in his hand was knocked down as soon as it collided with it, and the sword light that followed grazed his cheek, making him take a step back.

Frigga's swordsmanship was light and agile, flowing smoothly, and the blue sword light kept sweeping across, firmly suppressing Malekith. After a while, the cold sword blade was pressed against his throat.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded from the side. Frigga frowned, and she pressed the sword on Malekith's neck and immediately stabbed to the right side.


A huge palm slapped the dagger away, and Frigga was grabbed by the neck and lifted into the air before she could react.

It was the Cursed Warrior who took action. He was Malekith's most trusted confidant, Agrim, and the second-in-command of the Dark Elves.

The dark elves were able to easily invade the Asgard. Agrim was indispensable. He disguised himself as a rebel and was imprisoned in the dungeon by Asgardian soldiers. Before that, he had buried the cursed stone into his body through the wound.

After entering the cell, he took out the cursed stone from the wound and used its power to transform into the strongest cursed warrior among the dark elves.

This is a powerful power gained through the loss of life. The body undergoes transformation in severe pain, and even completely loses the characteristics of the dark elf.

It was because of this power that he was able to break the cell barrier, release many prisoners, cause a riot, and cooperate with Malekith to successfully invade Asgard.

Malekith ignored Frigga and continued to walk towards Jane, "You took my things, child, give them back to me."

However, as soon as his hand touched Jane's body, she turned into green light and dissipated.

Malekith immediately realized that this was an illusion magic, and looked at Frigga in anger, "Witch."


The door of the palace was suddenly knocked open. It was obvious that Heimdall and Aaron did not come in time.

"Uh... Let me guess." Aaron pursed his lips and looked at Agrin who held the Queen of Gods hostage, "This should be the Cursed Warrior.

The other one should be the King of the Dark Elves, Malekith."

"Who are you?" Malekith asked.

"That's not important." Aaron waved his hand, "Can you let him release the person first?"

"Hand over the ether particles, and I will release them immediately."


"Can't give it to him." Frigga said immediately, but then she was lifted up by the cursed warrior.

"You don't have the right to speak yet."

"God Queen." Heimdall shouted subconsciously.

"You idiot." Aaron shook his head speechlessly, "I would have come here alone if I had known."

"God Queen?" Malekith was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "So she is the wife of the God King of Asgard? What a pleasant surprise!"

Heimdall's face changed, and he accidentally revealed the identity of the hostage.

If Frigga was killed or tortured because of this, he would probably have to die to apologize.

"Okay, this is not a bad thing. They may not care about a hostage who has no weight." Aaron said helplessly, "Since the words have been spoken, there is no need to hide anything.

Release the Queen of Gods, and I will persuade Odin to let you leave Asgard."

"I don't bother to negotiate with you Asgardians." Malekith sneered, "This woman's value should be greater than I thought.

Inform your God King that if you don't want this woman to die, let him send someone to send the ether particles to the dark world."

At this time, a Wargo spaceship flew over from the window. Seeing the spaceship that was waiting, Malekith smiled, "Agrin, take this woman, let's go."


As soon as Malekith walked to the window, a golden bullet flew past his eyes and accurately hit the power supply device of the spaceship.

The red-gold flames bloomed instantly, and the entire spaceship was wrapped in a huge fireball. The extreme high temperature made the air distorted.

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