A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 810 Jane Foster is missing, what a great mother (1/2)

"This is really... incredible." Jane said in surprise, and then picked up a can and threw it into the sky.

The can did disappear, but it didn't fall down after waiting for a long time.

"What happened?"

"The space is unstable. If nothing unexpected happens, the can is left in a certain space, and it may not even be on the earth."

Jane thought for a while, "Tell us what you know?"

"The reason why such a space singularity appears on the earth is that a cosmic wonder that happens once every thousands of years is about to happen. The nine kingdoms on the world tree will converge together, and the spatial distance between the nine kingdoms will no longer exist.

To put it simply, there will be portals to eight other kingdoms on the earth, and these eight portals are likely to appear in the same place."

"Portal?" Daisy smiled far-fetchedly, "Is it the kind that appears over Manhattan Island?"

"It's not impossible, but don't worry too much. .

Because Odin is still alive, the father of the gods is pressuring the nine kingdoms, and they dare not act rashly.

And this spectacle will not last for a long time, maybe a few minutes, maybe more than ten minutes. Even if any kingdom has some ideas, it will be too late.

In short, there will definitely be chaos and danger, but it will not cause a disaster like the invasion of the Chitauri.

Dr. Foster, I give you a piece of advice, don't study this spectacle that happens once every thousands of years too deeply, you can't grasp it.

If you accidentally enter other kingdoms and the portal is closed, you may not be able to come back. "

"Hey! You said it's a cosmic spectacle that happens once every thousands of years, do you think I will give up?" Jane raised her eyebrows, showing eagerness to try.

She dared to confront SHIELD for a rainbow bridge, and this celestial gathering seems to be more rare than the rainbow bridge.

"I knew it would be like this." Aaron sighed lightly, "Be careful when researching, and take care of yourself!"

"Jane." Daisy looked at her embarrassedly, "Why don't we not do it this time..."

"Are you going to back down?" Jane rolled her eyes speechlessly, and advised earnestly: "Daisy, this is not a few years, decades or even hundreds of years, this is thousands of years!

Thousands of years, if you want to find this store again after this village, you can only reincarnate."

"I understand what you said, but...Okay!" Daisy nodded with a wry smile, "Who made us all come here!"

Hearing this, Jane felt quite relieved.

Just as she was about to say something, the experimental equipment rang.

Jane immediately picked up the calculator-style detector on the equipment and checked it carefully, "The last time I saw such a reading was in... in..."

"New Mexico?" Daisy reminded jokingly.

Jane looked at the detector in her hand, and her mood unconsciously became excited, "Don't touch anything."

After that, she walked quickly to the other side, using the detector in her hand to look for something.

"I understand her feelings, but she's too anxious!"

"It's Saul's fault. He hasn't come back to visit Jane for a long time. Eric is considering arranging a blind date for her."

"Speaking of Eric..." Aaron hesitated. After a brief thought, he decided not to tell them for the time being. After all, streaking is really a bit too much.

"What happened to Eric?"

"It's okay, go back and watch the TV news and you'll know.

Also, don't tell anyone I know him in the future."


"Don't, that's it."

"Okay!" Daisy said indifferently, "But how did you know that celestial bodies would converge?"

"This is not a difficult task for a fortune teller." Aaron said mysteriously, "I predicted that this cosmic wonder that happens once every thousands of years will appear in London, but I ran here non-stop just to observe it up close.

But it hasn't happened yet, and I don't know the specific location. I only found a place with more space nodes."

Daisy didn't doubt it, and turned her head to look at the intern standing aside, "I also want to throw something, take off your shoes."


What an unreasonable request.

"Don't tease the intern, there are not many sundries here, but it's enough for you to play with."

"Just a joke!" Daisy shrugged, picked up some stones and bottles at random, and took Ian to the second floor.

The two threw the debris down one by one, watching them rise and fall on the two space nodes, having a lot of fun.

But there was a little accident in the middle. Ian grabbed something from his waist and threw it down. When he reacted, he found that it was the car key.

And what a coincidence that the car key did not appear again after it fell down, obviously it fell into a certain space.

"Master, are we leaving?" Abe asked in a low voice.

"Wait for Jane to come back! After all, she is the girlfriend of Odin's son. Try to take care of her as much as possible!"

As time passed, Aaron was getting impatient. When he was about to find Jane, he suddenly felt a violent space fluctuation.

Along with the space fluctuation, there was also Jane Foster's panicked cry.

His hearing was far better than that of ordinary people. Although the sound was a little smaller, he could still hear it.


"What's wrong?" Daisy asked.

"Call Jane quickly, I hope she is still on Earth."

"What did you say?"

"No time to explain, hurry up."

Daisy didn't ask any more questions, and immediately took out her cell phone and dialed Jane's number.

Beep beep...

"No one answered." Daisy put down the phone in a daze, and looked at Aaron with some worry, "Maybe she was too focused on her research!"


Aaron took a deep breath, "Pray that she hasn't been teleported to a dangerous place!"

"No way?"

"I'm not kidding you.

By the way, don't call the police for now. The things here are not something the police can handle, even SHIELD can't handle it."

Aaron picked up Abe and walked towards the place where the space fluctuated before.

"Wait." Daisy asked in panic, "Where are you going?"

"I'll try to find her back."

Daisy and Ian looked at each other and followed immediately.

The three of them came to a dilapidated corridor, at the deepest part was a rotten black wooden door, and the fallen leaves on the ground created a strange atmosphere.

"Is it here?" Daisy grabbed Aaron's arm and swallowed nervously.

"I'm a step too late. The space node has disappeared."

"What should I do?"

"Either wait for it to appear automatically, or... find a way to reopen it." Aaron said with some entanglement. The portal of Kamar-Taj might be able to achieve the second point, but this would inevitably expose the identity of the magician.

"Eric." Daisy suddenly said, "Eric might have a way."

Aaron's mouth twitched. The candidate was right, but you have to find a way to get him out of the detention center first.

"That... Eric, don't consider it for the time being.

You two don't talk for now. Let me do a divination. If it doesn't work... think of another way."

"Divination?" Ian asked blankly, "Is it the kind of divination I understand?"

Daisy glared at him fiercely, "Don't talk."

Aaron took out the crystal ball from the space ring and placed it on the ground, then focused his attention on it.

Layers of fog were cleared away, and a picture appeared in Aaron's eyes.

Jane Foster floated in the air with lifeless eyes, her body tightly wrapped in a ball of dark red liquid...


Aaron came back to his senses and met two pairs of expectant eyes.

"What happened?" Daisy asked hurriedly.

"Good news, she's still alive."

"Uh... Is there anything else? For example, where is she?"

"If my divination is correct, she will come out from another space node, which is where you two play high-altitude throwing."

"So Jane went in from this door and came out from that door, right?"

"You can understand it that way, but the process in between may take a little longer."

Daisy breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that she's okay."

"Daisy." Ian hesitated, "We seem to have thrown a lot of bricks and bottles into it, do you think..."

Daisy's expression froze, Jane shouldn't be so unlucky!


Aaron took out the tent from the space ring and camped directly in the factory.

"You also brought a tent?" Daisy said in astonishment.

"It's a must-have for traveling!"

"Can we stay here for one night?" Ian asked with a wry smile, "I just lost my key and now I can't even get into the car."

"Sure, but try not to tell anyone."

"No problem."

The two followed him into the tent, and then opened their mouths at the same time, looking at the scene in disbelief.

I thought it would be crowded, but this tent seemed more magical than they thought, with sofas, tables and chairs, fireplaces, study rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms.

"Please shut up, both of you. It's too unsightly."


Daisy swallowed her saliva, ran out quickly to take a look, and then turned back to look at the environment in the tent at a loss.

"Is this a tent? Are you kidding me?"

"I would believe it if you said it was a presidential suite, even though I've never stayed there."

"Luckily you lost your key, otherwise we would have to sleep in the car tonight.

Shit! Suddenly I feel like the intern did a good thing."

"Don't ask unnecessary questions, and I don't want to answer them." Aaron said lightly, "You two can spend the night on the sofa."

"Isn't there a bedroom?"

"Nonsense, you sleep in the bed, so why should I sleep?"

"I don't mind sharing a room with you." Daisy said shyly, with a blush on her face.

"Are you sure?"

"Um...should I step away?" Ian said tactfully, "Give me a blanket and I'll be out right now. It would be even better if there was a quilt."

"Interns are still conscious!" Daisy gave him a satisfied smile, "You will definitely get the credits for this semester, I said."

"What a pity! If you had come a few months earlier, I might have accepted it. After all, living alone can feel lonely sometimes.

But I already have a girlfriend, and I'm already on second base, and third base is just around the corner."

"Who? Who?" Daisy said dissatisfiedly, how dare you snatch a man from me?

"It's better if you don't know, you can't beat her."


"Okay! You already have three women, and it doesn't seem so unacceptable to have one more."

Hearing this, Aaron couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

I have to admit, this mind is really big! But basically I still lusted after his body.

"It seems that I am quite popular with girls." Aaron smiled nonchalantly, and then changed the topic, "But again, you lack understanding of me..."

"We can try dating first!"

"If you do decide to hang yourself from my tree, you'll find that you and I are on par with Jane Swift and Thor."

"How many years do we meet? I don't mind." Daisy pouted and said carelessly, "And the fact that you talked about this proves that you are definitely not a bad man.

My mother said that if a man can block my affection, he is either incompetent or he is really good to me.

Marriage is not necessary for love, and you are definitely the right choice. "


Aaron blinked blankly, his whole body was shocked.

Good guy, really a good guy.

Unexpectedly, I deliberately restrained myself, but I still couldn't suppress my damn charm that had nowhere to go.

And... what kind of great mother is she who can raise her daughter like this?

"Master." Abe carefully interjected, "I observed for a while, Daisy is really serious.

She's not bad looking either, otherwise you..."

"Shut up, I'm not that kind of person." Aaron blurted out.

"No, no! Why are you so excited?" Daisy said aggrievedly. Unexpectedly, she risked everything, but was still rejected.

"Don't be angry, I didn't tell you." Aaron took a deep breath and continued to persuade patiently: "I advise you to think carefully. I will go a long, long, long road in the future, across the stars and the sea. But it is full of ups and downs and thorns.

If you really decide to follow me, you have to be mentally prepared. "

"OK! I'm ready." Daisy smiled slightly, then leaned into Aaron's ear and whispered as thin as a silk, "I'm still a virgin!"

"Master, she is serious." Abe said weakly, "I am 100% sure."

"In that case...then share a room with me!" Aaron no longer hesitated. Beautiful girls took the initiative to do this, so he really wasn't restless.

"Great, I'll go to the bathroom and take a shower first. You wait for me in the room." Daisy said shyly, and then walked towards the bathroom with small steps.

"Wow! How did you do it?" Ian was curious and admired at the same time. "If you include Daisy, you should have...five, right?"

"These days, college students have clear stupidity in their pupils." Aaron shrugged, "Don't envy me, you can't learn from it."

"I know, I'm just curious."

"Looks, ability, character, taste, wealth, etc., etc., except for wealth, I can't compare to Stark, but I can beat him by a few miles in other aspects.

But if we really look into it (inheriting family property), I should be much richer than him.

To sum up, you only need to do one thing. "Aaron patted the intern on the shoulder and said seriously: "It's a good birth. "

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