A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 805 Naked threats, leniency for those who confess and severity for those who resist (1/2)


A glass straw was put into the drink made from the rainbow fruit, and Aaron took a big sip. The multi-layered taste made him smile with satisfaction.

Opposite him, Miles and Skye were sitting on the sofa solemnly, looking as sad as prisoners awaiting trial.

Ten minutes later, the door opened again, and Coulson walked in with other members of the team.

Seeing Skye sitting with Miles, they seemed to understand something, and their moods became mixed.

"Everyone." Aaron looked at them sympathetically, "I know you don't want to believe this painful truth, but facts speak louder than words."

"Alas!" Coulson sighed deeply, and then ordered Fitz and Simmons to check their computer equipment, while he casually looked through other records.

"I know it looks..."

In the middle of Skye's words, Coulson held up a finger and interrupted, "How long have you been in contact?"

"I contacted him once the day I joined to tell him I was fine and then earlier today."

"You tipped off the suspect?"

"It's not what you think," Skye explained, "Miles and I... were in a bad way when we met.

No, it’s him who’s worse, and I’m very bad.

But we always looked out for each other, so I gave him a heads up, not because we were accomplices, but because we were... friends.

I am really sorry. "

"I understand." Colson said calmly, "If it's not you, then who is Mr. Leyden cooperating with?"

"Nobody, he's an idealist, he believes in freedom of information."


Aaron couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of colorful juice, "Hahaha! What did I hear? There are still idealists these days?"

"This information cost a man his freedom, and you destroyed our chance of redress," Colson said.

"No, I'm here to find out how much Miles knows about Chen."

"Then what?"

"Know nothing, learn nothing, Miles is not a threat."

"It depends on the situation."

"Really, I planned to find all the clues to help you, but I just feel...I can't confess everything to you."

“Understood, but it’s not nothing for us.

By the way, this ‘we’ does not include you. "

Skye lowered his head guiltily, speechless.

"I'll take the liberty to ask." Aaron looked at Miles, "Who did you give those confidential information to?"

"That's information, and it's not controlled by anyone."

"Smooth talk, but I'm not in the mood to joke with you because my name is on that list.

Now Chen Haoran on the list has been captured by unknown forces. I don’t know when it will be my turn. Aaron pretended to be worried, and then changed the topic, "One thing I hope you understand is that I am different from these SHIELD people."

Since this matter poses a threat to me, I have to find a way to eliminate this threat, so... I don't mind using any means to make you speak. "

Miles' heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Aaron said lightly, "Is there anything you value? For example, wealth, lover, technical ability, etc.?"


Miles swallowed, "What do you want to do?"

"I will destroy these things one by one, but don't worry, I will definitely take your life last."

"Don't scare him." Coulson said speechlessly, "Although he is indeed a bastard, but the crime will not lead to death, SHIELD will not allow you to kill people casually."

Aaron smiled and shrugged, "You know me, I have always been a law-abiding citizen, how could I do that?

Freezing accounts is your SHIELD's job, and I won't interfere casually, but if someone like him doesn't cooperate, he will definitely go to jail, right? "

"That's true."


Aaron clapped his hands and said, "This is the end.

You also know that I work in Hell's Kitchen for a living, and I have some friendship with Kingpin. As long as I am willing to pay a small price, he should not mind arranging for people to do things in the prison.

Hackers rely on their hands for food. If you accidentally break a few fingers in a weapon fight..."

Wo Nima!

Miles stood up in fear, looking at Aaron who was talking eloquently, he was horrified and speechless.

"This... your SHIELD is a formal and legal organization, right?"

"Of course." Coulson nodded, and then changed the subject, "But Gaius is a senior adviser to SHIELD, so he can only be regarded as half a SHIELD person.

Moreover, he has a good relationship with the Avengers. He once went to Asgard with Thor and was summoned by the God King Odin. "

"Low-key, low-key." Aaron waved his hands pretending to be displeased, and then showed a kind smile to Miles, "Don't worry, I'm really not a bad person, what I just said was all a joke.

I will never contact those disgusting gangsters and have your hands destroyed in prison.

I will not contact those shady killers who will kill you after you are released from prison. You will definitely believe me, right? "

Miles nodded blankly, but his heart had completely sunk to the bottom.

Threat, this is a naked threat, but...

The situation is stronger than the person! He is just an ordinary person, and there is no other way to go except to admit defeat.

"I, I will tell you.

If you want to know anything, I will cooperate."

"Your attitude is very good!" Aaron patted his shoulder with satisfaction, "But don't worry."

Miles immediately became anxious, "I will cooperate, what else do you want from me?"

Aaron shook his head at Skye, and said meaningfully: "You have some time to think about it, and give us an answer after you get on the plane."

"Collect all the evidence and control the prisoner.

We have got what we are looking for here, and we can go to Hong Kong."

May escorted Miles to the door, Fitz and Simmons packed up the equipment and materials, and Ward hesitated for a while and walked towards Skye.

"I'm so sorry, Ward.

Things are not what you think."

"Put your hands out."

Skye pursed her lips and raised her hands.

Ward took out the handcuffs directly and handcuffed her hands, "Stand up."

Skye cooperated very well and followed behind Ward silently.


"What is this place so big, Reina?" Chen Haoran observed the environment of the laboratory curiously, and then looked at several people wearing white protective suits, "Who are these people?"

"They will meet any of your needs." The flower-dressed girl Reina said, and then motioned him to look at the screen, which showed the activity of cells and genes, which was very vivid.

"We monitor your signs while observing your abilities. The reason why this place is so big is that we need space." Reina explained patiently, and then looked at an experimenter who was using a syringe to draw a small bottle of red solution, "This serum can strengthen the cytoskeleton of every cell in your body.

Just one dose, you will have an incredible feeling until it fails."

Chen Haoran just showed an excited smile, and was splashed with the word "failure", "Will it fail?"

"Yes, but the effect obtained on ordinary experimental individuals is very good, I am looking forward to the effect you will produce."

At this time, the experimenter came to Chen Haoran with the injection, and he smiled and asked, "What do you think of the name of the Blazing Man?"

The experimenter ignored it and just injected the serum into his body.

"Breathe." Reina reminded.

Chen Haoran took a deep breath, a carefree smile appeared on his face, and endless power seemed to flow out of his body.

"Do you feel it? Let's see what you can do!"

Chen Haoran opened his right hand, and a ball of fierce flames swirled on his palm, and the blazing flames illuminated the surroundings.

He looked at the flames in his palm excitedly. Before, he could only summon a fist-sized flame with all his strength, and at most he could do magic tricks and make a little money.

But now he can easily conjure a basketball-sized flame, and the temperature is higher, and the power is at least dozens of times higher.

The Blazing Man, this name will surely resound throughout the world, and he will become a big star admired by thousands of people.

Chen Haoran threw the fireball with a surge of emotion, and easily blew a big hole in the wall.

"I'm sorry." Chen Haoran looked at the panicked expression of the experimenter with embarrassment and excitement, "You were almost burned by the scorching flame, it's incredible."

Chen Haoran cheered and looked at Lena with admiration, "You are a beautiful angel, do you know?"

"Your ability is an amazing talent."

"But SHIELD doesn't allow me to use it.

Thanks to you, the world can finally see my ability.

From now on, no one can stop me." Chen Haoran said, and he couldn't wait to experiment with his ability again. The sound of the burning flame also ignited his suppressed ambition.


Airbus, interrogation room.

Miles and Skye sat opposite each other, Aaron and Abe sat next to them, one person and one dragon were holding a straw, drinking drinks comfortably.

"It seems that due process is not the way SHIELD does things!" Miles said stiffly.

"It depends on the situation." Aaron explained with a smile, "In fact, the style of SHIELD can be summed up in one sentence: leniency for confession, severity for resistance.

Do you want to confess? Or do you want to resist?"

"Confess." Miles said from the heart, "But I am just trying to protect our basic rights."

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Aaron couldn't help smacking his lips, "I really admire your cheek! At this time, you are still holding high the banner of idealism as your fig leaf?

Is it because your girlfriend is here? Don't want her to see your image collapse?"

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" Skye asked puzzled.

"Nothing, I just can't stand some guys who like to deceive themselves."

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened, and Ward walked in with a file bag.

He looked at Miles with disdain in his eyes, "She has always defended you and said that you are an honest person, so I will give you a chance."

Ward threw the file bag on the table, "Did you tell her or did I?"

"I don't have to listen to you."

"You have no chance, I will do it." Ward opened the file bag and took out a few receipts from it, then looked at Skye and said, "Your boyfriend went to deposit money several times in the few days after the information was leaked, and the total amount was about one million US dollars.

Really honest!"

"What's the matter?" Skye looked at Miles angrily.

"I can explain."

"Are you selling information, Miles?

Yes or no? Yes?"

"Yes, but..."

"You're dead." Skye couldn't stand it anymore. If her hands weren't cuffed, she would have slapped Miles in the face.

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

"One million dollars! One million dollars is enough to change my life, our lives."

"Very pragmatic, but some money is not so easy to make." Aaron curled his lips, "Now you can confess and be lenient. Which bastard bought the list?"

"A woman." Miles said, "I investigated, she has no ill intentions."

"If there is no malicious intent, who would spend so much money to buy information." Skye said angrily, "Have you thought about this question?"

"Of course I have thought about it. If I knew her purpose was not pure, I would never..."

"Who is that woman?" Ward asked directly.

"A fan of the Rising Tide Organization, a rich girl in a flowery dress.

She knows me and says I'm talented. She thinks people like us deserve more."

"Idiot." Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly. "You're really stupid. You want to challenge jail time just to satisfy your vanity and get a million dollars."

"I checked the data flow. The information she wants is similar to what we released before.

I also checked the company that sent me the money to make sure it's not an evil company. It's just an ecological research laboratory. Otherwise, I would never..."

"Wait, you said laboratory?" Aaron interrupted, "Are you sure it's ecological research?"

"Yes, research insects, centipedes and so on."

"Centipedes." Aaron sneered, "This solves the case."

"What solves the case?" Miles' heart skipped a beat. "Is there any harm in studying these?"

"Generally speaking, there is no harm. , but this is not necessarily the case.

As far as I know, they have developed a centipede serum that combines the genes of the Chitauri, the gamma rays of the Hulk, the super soldier serum of Captain America, the Extremis virus and other extraordinary factors. It is very unstable.

They use humans as experimental subjects. I don’t know if there are any successful examples, but failed works will become powerful bombs. As for how many people died, you can think carefully. "

"What?" Miles couldn't hold it anymore, "I, I don't know this, I really don't know."

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. What matters is that my name is on the list you leaked. If I don't catch them, I'll be in danger.

If I'm in danger, you can't expect to be well. "Aaron took a deep breath, his eyes were aggressive, "Now you have a chance to make up for your mistakes. Take us to find the so-called ecological research laboratory. "

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