A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Who would study with eyes like these?

Aaron looked at Professor Quirrell who was stuttering, and millions of horses were galloping through his heart.

I thought today would be a brand new beginning, and I could grow up peacefully as usual, but I didn't expect the shock to come so suddenly.

Professor Quirrell's invitation? Don't be ridiculous, this is 99% of Voldemort's intention.

Reject this invitation, must reject it.

The Dark Lord's methods are not what he, a small senior magician, can imagine. Going alone to meet him is like being a butcher and a fish.

"Mr. Gaius." Professor Quirrell called softly, "Can you come over?"

"Professor, I'm afraid I have to say sorry." Aaron said sincerely and regretfully, "I have to go to Professor Snape to ask for advice today. This was agreed yesterday."

Quirrel was stunned for a moment, "How about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is not possible either. I have to ask Professor McGonagall about advanced Transfiguration. This is an appointment."

"The day after tomorrow?

The day after tomorrow should be free, right?" Professor Quirrell gritted his teeth in a struggle. He didn't believe that Aaron could refuse. Even if he had to make an appointment, it should be his turn for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class!

"This...I'm afraid it won't work." Aaron shook his head, "For some reason, Professor Dumbledore specifically asked to see me. I have to spend some time to deal with this matter. What a coincidence it is the day after tomorrow."

"Dumbledore...Principal?" Professor Quirrell frowned.

Aaron noticed the flash of fear in his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay to be afraid.

"I don't know why he came to me. I guess Hagrid told him about the Forbidden Forest." Aaron deliberately glanced at Abe, his eyes full of worry.

Seeing this, Quirrell felt relieved.

He still knew Hagrid. He probably told Dumbledore that Aaron had raised a magical animal.

This is a big deal. It is normal for the principal to care about it.

"Okay! Since it is the principal who came to you, it is not convenient for me to compete with him.

But if you are free, you must come to me. You are very talented, but you still need a little practice. I will personally guide you."

"Really?" Aaron was very happy. "Don't worry, professor, I will definitely go if I can spare the time."

"Well! You go back first!"

Aaron nodded and left the classroom as usual.

His back was already wet with cold sweat, but in order to avoid revealing flaws, he behaved very normally, and even the rhythm of his breathing did not change.

After turning a corner, Aaron leaned against the wall weakly, and took several deep breaths to calm down.

He finally got through it, it was so exciting, and he had to give himself a hundred thumbs up for his wit.

With Dumbledore's power, Professor Quirrell would not invite him for a long time if nothing unexpected happened.

The fact was just as he expected. After all the students left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Quirrell quickly closed the classroom door, and his face became particularly cold. Compared with the timid and submissive person in class, he was completely different.

"Master, Aaron Gaius is probably busy these two days, so we may not have a chance to meet him."

"It doesn't matter, there will be a chance." A very hoarse voice came from the back of Professor Quirrell's head, "This is just a whim.

I want to subdue him, and this ghost appearance is not suitable to appear in front of him. I just want to get to know his talent up close."

"Master." Professor Quirrell hesitated, "Excuse me, Dumbledore has noticed him, you see we..."

"Humph! I know that old man too well, he has been wary of Slytherin from beginning to end.

Aaron's emotional intelligence is far higher than his peers, and it may not be a bad thing to have more contact with the old man.

When I return, this grudge may play an unexpected role. "

"Master is wise."

"But Dumbledore will definitely pay more attention to this little wizard in the future, so some plans will have to be temporarily suspended.

If Aaron comes to you, just teach him a few spells and send him away.

Before successfully obtaining the Philosopher's Stone, you can't alert the snake and cause trouble. "

"Yes, Master."

After the conversation, Professor Quirrell instantly returned to his frail appearance and walked out of the classroom slowly like a person who had just recovered from a serious illness.


In early June, the library.

There was one day left before the final exam. Draco was lying on the table and writing down the key points of knowledge quickly. In front of him was a pile of thick textbooks and notes.

His two followers, Crabbe and Goyle, were reviewing on another table.

Although they didn't like studying, this was the final exam, a test that teachers and parents attached great importance to.

If he fails the test, his parents will definitely punish him.

Compared with the excitement here, Aaron is in complete contrast.

On his desk, there is only an ordinary banned book, a dozing holy dragon, and a glass of iced juice.

Others come to review, but he comes to watch others review, and he feels... pretty good.

"You can't do this. The most important thing before the exam is to relax.

You can imagine how your grades will be if you go to the exam with a tired body."

"That's right." Crabbe nodded in agreement, "I just think our efficiency is not as good as usual!"

"That's better than nothing at all!" Draco said speechlessly. Crabbe and Goyle's enthusiasm for learning was purely inspired by him.

If it weren't for him, these two guys would never have been able to last so long. It would be nice if they didn't lie on the bed eating.

"But what about tomorrow's status?" Gower asked.

"Look at them." Draco pointed with his pen at the Gryffindor trio not far away.

With one top student and two poor students, Harry and Ron were much more serious than Crabbe and Goyle under Hermione's supervision.

"I can't lose to Granger, and you can't lose to Potter and Weasley, do you understand?"

"Boss, this..."


"It's too easy." Crabbe saw Draco's eyes and immediately changed his words: "We can't compare with Granger, but Weasley and Potter...

Their usual learning attitude is obvious to all, and even if they just cram for a while, they are not as good as ours. "

"That's not necessarily true." Aaron shrugged, "As the saying goes, luck is also a part of strength.

The two of them have always had good luck, which you cannot compare to. "

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and continued to look through the textbooks.

"Why are you so calm?" Draco asked curiously, "Aaron, I know you study well, but this is the final exam after all, are you taking it too easy?

Even if you openly read banned books in the ordinary area, isn't this bottle of juice going too far? Aren't you afraid of Mrs. Pince's criticism? "

"Haha! The librarian has certain permissions here, and I only brought the drinks in with her approval."

"What? There is still this matter?

how did you do that? "

“It’s very simple, make sure you don’t disturb other students and don’t soil the books.

The most important thing is..."

"Just what?"

"It's just to establish a good relationship with the administrator." Aaron said inscrutably, "I gave Mrs. Pince a gift at Christmas and Easter.

Maybe I am the only student in the entire Hogwarts who knows how difficult it is for her as an administrator.

This glass of juice is a reward. Humanity is worldly and courteous! "

Draco's mouth twitched, and then he gave a thumbs up, "You are awesome."

"low profile.

This kind of thing is easy to say but not easy to hear! "

"Then you don't need to review?"

"Look into my eyes." Aaron pointed to his own eyes solemnly and asked, "Tell me, what can you see?"

"Hmm... quite beautiful." Draco replied tentatively.

"Superficial, although it is indeed quite beautiful, that is not the point.

The point is that this is a pair of eyes with a photographic memory. "

"Hiss!" Draco was stunned for a moment, and then he took a sharp breath of cold air after reacting, "You mean...you only need to read these books once?"

"Roughly the same!

If it were a Muggle exam, I could just lie down.

But this is a wizard's exam, and many lessons require manual operations.

Fortunately, my magic talent and hands-on ability are both good, so it's not a problem to get high scores casually. "

"Why don't I have this talent?" Draco said enviously.

"You have to ask your parents." Aaron said proudly, "Anyway, with such a talent, who would read the textbook?

You do it for review, but I do it just for fun. "

Draco smiled bitterly and shook his head, continuing to focus on the textbook.

Some people are God's favorites and are born superior to others.

He envied this kind of people, but he was not jealous, not to mention that this person was one of his few good friends.

What's more important now is tomorrow's exam, and Hermione Granger is his opponent.

Although the possibility of winning is unlikely, you still have to give it a try. Malfoy still lacks this courage.

Just as he was secretly cheering himself up, he suddenly saw Granger walking over. He subconsciously thought it was because he was concerned, which led to hallucinations in his brain.

But after rubbing his eyes, he realized that he had read it correctly, "Granger, what are you doing here?

You disturbed my study. You are not welcome here. "

"I'm looking for him." Hermione turned her attention to Aaron, "Are you free? I want to talk to you about something."

"No time!" Draco said immediately, "Aaron won't welcome you either."

Aaron spread his hands and pointed at his book, "I still have to have fun, right? What about studying?"

"It's a very important thing." Hermione emphasized, "This is more important than tomorrow's exam."

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