A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 619 Nagini, disguised as Bagshot, successfully infiltrated the top ranks of the Death Eaters

Chapter 619 Nagini, disguised as Bagshot, successfully infiltrated the top ranks of the Death Eaters

"The last enemy to be destroyed is death." Harry frowned and muttered this sentence, "Why does it feel like the purpose of the Death Eaters is the same."

"You may have misunderstood." 'Gandalf' patted his shoulder, "This sentence has two different meanings, one is fear of death, and the other is a calm acceptance of death.

Death Eaters are the former, and your parents should be the latter. "

"Let's go, buddy." Ron comforted, "It's time to go to the next stop. Only by finding Gryffindor's sword can we avenge them, right?"

"Wait a minute." 'Gandalf' said suddenly, "Someone is watching us."

"Who is it?" Harry suddenly became alert and put a hand in his pocket to draw out his wand.

"There seems to be only one person." Hermione looked in the direction of the church in surprise. "It was an old lady. She waved to us, as if asking us to follow her."

"Could it be Bathilda Bagshot?" Ron guessed. "If Dumbledore asked her to give the sword to us, then she must have known that we would come here."

"It's possible, let's go and have a look." Harry made a decision and turned around and walked out of the cemetery.

The old lady was stooped and bloated, and she walked very slowly in the snow.

Harry and Ron followed her closely, but kept a tacit understanding of keeping a few meters apart, and further behind them, 'Gandalf' and Hermione followed cautiously.

"What's the matter, sir?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Something is wrong, very wrong." 'Gandalf' murmured and gave an explanation, "If Dumbledore really arranged a task for her, she only needs to wait at home. There is no need to come out in the middle of the night. What’s more, it’s still snowing heavily outside.”

"You mean, there's something wrong with her?"

"Don't tell them both yet."


“First of all, this is just my guess, and secondly, it’s easy to alert the enemy.

Follow him first to see what kind of medicine they are selling in his gourd, and then make plans. "

"But is this dangerous?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Harry will not die. Voldemort will kill him personally to fulfill the prophecy. You are safe and I will do my best to protect you. But Weasley is hard to say. Please be more careful!"

"You're Bathilda, right?" Harry asked tentatively.

The old lady nodded slightly, and then waved to them to follow her.

A few minutes later Bathilda led them down a path, through a deserted garden, and then turned into a gate.

She picked up the key, opened the inner door tremblingly, and invited them in.

'Gandalf' passed by the door, his nose twitching slightly and his eyes a little more uncertain.

He noticed the smell of Bathilda's body. The smell of old musty and spoiled food were mixed together. It was very unpleasant, especially when mixed with it was a hint of the stench of death.

In addition, her eyes were dull and dull, and there were intermittent blood vessels and age spots under the wrinkled skin, but there were hard-to-find corpse spots hidden behind her hair.

"Interesting, really interesting!" 'Gandalf' showed a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth, holding Hermione's right hand tightly with his left hand, "Don't run around, okay?"

Hermione nodded blankly. She could see a hint of solemnity in Gandalf's eyes, but she was sensible enough not to ask any further questions.

Bathilda took off her hood, revealing thin white hair.

With small, shaky steps, she came to a candle and took out the matchbox with trembling hands.

"Let me do it!"

Harry walked up to her and easily struck a match and lit the candle.

By the light of the fire, he saw a photo on the table in the corner.

The photo showed a handsome blond young man, exactly the same as the man he saw in his dream who stole Grigovitch's wand.

Harry was a little excited, this time he really came.

He wasn't sure whether he could find Gryffindor's sword, but at least he could get information about this person and then find the wand that Voldemort longed for.

As long as he could take the lead, it wouldn't be easy for Voldemort to kill him.

"Ms. Bagshot, who is this man?" Harry asked, picking up the photo.

Bathilda had no intention of answering, and ignored 'Gandalf' while holding the candle. Hermione and Ron slowly walked towards the stairs to the second floor.

"You come with me, the others stay here." Bagshot made a strange noise to Harry.

"Bathilda is calling you, Harry?"

"It should be, maybe Dumbledore asked her to give the sword to me, but only to me."

"Harry." Hermione shook her head slightly and said worriedly, "I still think this is too risky."

"It's okay, you can tell by the look on her face that I can subdue her."

"Sir." Hermione turned to look at 'Gandalf', hoping that he could persuade Harry.

“Be safe, keep your distance from her, and never look away from her.

Also...delay a little longer. "

"It's not necessary!" Ron didn't know why. "We don't have time to make things up. Get Gryffindor's sword as soon as possible and leave this place."

"Believe me." 'Gandalf' patted Harry on the shoulder, "Shout or make some noise when you need help."

Hearing this, Harry's calm heart immediately jumped.

Before he could ask clearly, Bathilda's urging voice came from the stairs, "Come up quickly, Harry Potter."

Harry swallowed and climbed the steep and narrow stairs nervously.

He pulled out his wand and illuminated it with a fluorescent spell, which seemed to bring him some sense of security.

Bathilda took Harry into the room on the second floor, turned around and closed the door.

'Gandalf' took a deep breath and said, "Ron, go and monitor Bathilda. Once you find something strange about her, attack her immediately. Don't hold anything back."

"Huh?" Ron looked confused, "Why?"

"That's a dead man.

I used to work as a forensic examiner, and the smell of death on her body couldn't be hidden from me. "

"Uh...what is a forensic doctor?"

"You can understand him as a professional in dissecting corpses." 'Gandalf' said quickly, "There is no time to explain, so hurry up."

Ron pursed his lips, took out his wand and ran up the stairs.

Although there were a lot of doubts in his heart, Harry's safety was more important right now.

"Sir? What should we do?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"Pack your things and take away all the books, information, and photos you can see. Be quick." 'Gandalf' threw the backpack behind him to Hermione, and then tapped his staff hard.

A white magic circle was summoned by him, and the dazzling white light spread from the tip of the staff, instantly lighting up the entire dark first floor.

Hermione immediately opened her backpack and stuffed the photo of the blond young man into it first, then several books on the table, and she also dug out some letters in the drawer.

Originally she felt very guilty, after all, what she was doing now was no different from that of a robber, but when she saw the large mottled blood stains on the wall, she immediately understood that she had done nothing wrong.

This is a trap, they are deep into it, and it will not be easy to come back after missing this time, so they must take away all valuable information before evacuating.

boom! boom! boom!

After a while, the sound of fighting was heard upstairs. Looking up from the first floor, there were irregular depressions and cracks in the ceiling.

"Sir." Hermione looked at 'Gandalf' anxiously, "I have installed everything I can, the two of them..."

"Wait a little longer." 'Gandalf' said solemnly: "They will encounter this kind of thing again in the future. This is not too dangerous now, but it can also allow them to accumulate some experience."


As soon as he finished speaking, a large piece of the second floor collapsed.

Harry and Ron fell from the hole. Fortunately, there were a few quilts and a pile of clothes as cushions, so they were not seriously injured.

"Harry, Ron." Hermione screamed, trying to run to help, but was blocked by a staff.

Just as Hermione was about to ask a question, she saw a black thing jumping down from the second floor. If she had run faster just now, this thing would have landed on her head.

"It hurts me so much." Harry and Ron hurriedly got up.

"'Gandalf', hurry up, the snake is here." Ron said incoherently, "Nagini is the Horcrux."

"I saw it." 'Gandalf' suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at the python that was spitting snake messages at Harry. As for the others, it didn't seem to care at all.

Another Horcrux, it’s really a flower planter that’s not happy, but a willow tree that’s unintentionally planted!

Sure enough, following Harry was the fastest way to find the Horcrux.

Thinking like this, Aaron immediately suppressed Nagini with his telekinesis.

"Snakes are great! I like snakes the most." 'Gandalf' walked up to Nagini with a smile, nailed the staff seven inches, and pinched the snake's head with both hands.

Nagini roared angrily, opened his bloody mouth and showed his fangs at 'Gandalf', but she couldn't reach him at all.

"Congratulations to the host for finding the Horcrux Nagini. I will be rewarded with 1,000 magic points."

The sweet voice in Aaron's head and the smile on his face were a little uncontrollable.

Why don't he kill the snake now? Five hundred magic points are quite precious to him now. If he misses this village, he may have to wait for the final battle if he wants to encounter this shop again.

However, he still had some concerns. After all, he had just told Harry and the others some time ago that he did not have the ability to destroy Horcruxes. It would be easy to kill Nagini, but it was not easy to explain.

And according to Dumbledore's plan, Nagini's Horcrux would be the last to be destroyed.

"Sir, let's get out of here quickly." Harry gasped, "Nagini's purpose is to keep me here, I can feel Voldemort..."


A sharp burning sensation came from the scar on Harry's forehead, and he screamed in pain.

"Come on, he might be outside the door already."

"I didn't tell you earlier." 'Gandalf' cursed, and the power of speed suddenly burst out, turning into an afterimage and catching Hermione, Harry and Ron.


There was an explosion and the four people disappeared into the void.

At the same time, the door was blasted open by a bright light, and Voldemort walked in quickly.

Before he could stop the four people from escaping, a hint of anger flashed across his face, and the flames of anger ignited in his scarlet eyes.

"It seems you failed." A man in black and purple robes with high courtesy walked into the house, "You let them escape."

"It's just good luck." Voldemort calmed down, "I was ahead of them every step of the way, and escaping was just a matter of survival."

"Explain it however you want, but I only promise to be loyal to the final winner. You are not qualified yet."

"I admire your pride, Jack.

You will find that choosing me is the best decision you have ever made in your life."

"Wait and see."

Voldemort sneered. This rude remark did not make him angry, but made him appreciate it even more.

Jack Moens, an elite who joined the Ministry of Magic just a month ago.

The last member of the pure-blooded Moens family, with amazing talent, even not inferior to Aaron Gaius.

More importantly, he has outstanding political talent and unique insights. Whether it is the world view, outlook on life or values, they all coincide with his.

After learning about this, he specially held a small-scale Death Eater meeting at Malfoy Manor, wanting to recruit him and entrust him with important tasks.

Although less than half of the people came, this has given him enough face. After all, it is just to welcome newcomers. It is the first time that a Death Eater meeting can be held for a newcomer alone.

However, Ake refused without hesitation. He directly stated his attitude. Serving the Ministry of Magic is to contribute to wizards, while serving the Death Eaters is to serve Voldemort. The former is not dangerous and just needs to do his job well, while the latter has to face enemies lurking in the dark.

This angered the dozen Death Eaters who attended the meeting. After all, this sounded like a wrong interpretation of not supporting the Dark Lord.

They drew their wands and attacked Ake with Voldemort's tacit consent.

However, in less than ten minutes, more than a dozen Death Eaters were defeated by him.

Ake was very sensible and showed mercy. He did not kill anyone, but just chuckled and left Malfoy Manor.

Voldemort did not stop him, and even felt excited.

He wanted to become a god, so he needed to find a spokesperson for himself to maintain the stability of the magic world on the surface.

Originally, this position was prepared for Aaron Gaius, but he refused his kindness without knowing what was good for him, but the appearance of Ake Moens made him see another possibility.

Therefore, he was determined to get this talent.

The next day, he personally came to the door, took Acker to a forest, and defeated him with his powerful strength, but he still refused to be loyal. Voldemort was not angry, because he had never lacked patience for outstanding talents.

After a lot of emotional appeal, reasoning, inducement, and threats, he reluctantly agreed to stay by his side.

As long as he could become the final winner, Acker would officially become his loyal servant, but before that, they were simply in an employment relationship. He could help the Death Eaters, but the premise was that there was an order from the Ministry of Magic.

Voldemort naturally met his insignificant little request. After all, Sinix was just a puppet. After the situation stabilized, the position of the Minister of Magic would still be left to talented people.

In order to show his importance, he also asked his Death Eaters to respect him. It was a bit exaggerated to say that he was second to none, but he was also at the core level, and his status was not lower than Bella and Crouch.

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