A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 609: Grindelwald wanted to escape but couldn't, he bullied the weak (1/2)

Chapter 609: Trying to escape but being unable to escape, using the older one to bully the younger Grindelwald


Aaron looked at the exit getting closer and closer, with a hint of joy on his face.

Grindelwald is much more powerful than him, but he cannot leave Nurmengard. As long as he passes through this entrance, he will be safe.

But no matter how hard Aaron ran, it was difficult to get close when he was only half a step away from the entrance, because the entire corridor was retreating rapidly, and the retreating speed was almost the same as his running speed.


Aaron cursed secretly, the rabbit pattern in his pupils became brighter and brighter, his speed increased by one level, and he easily crossed the half-step distance.

But before he could be happy, he was beaten back by a powerful force.

Aaron fell heavily to the ground, watching himself getting further and further away from the entrance of the teleportation distance, and out of strong unwillingness, he once again burst out at a speed that exceeded the limit.

He didn't know what happened just now, but now he had to stay away from the stone chamber where Grindelwald was imprisoned.

"Interesting." Grindelwald chuckled and shook his head, "But he's still a little immature."

He knocked lightly on the wall, and the black aura spread outwards with him as the center, instantly enveloping the entire Nurmengard.

Before Aaron could react, he found himself in an endless gray-white space, and everything around him disappeared, as if it had never existed.

He wisely stopped, not because he didn't want to run, but because he didn't want to waste his efforts.

Da da da...

Footsteps came from behind, and every step seemed to step on Aaron's fragile heart.

Grindelwald's body was no longer stooped, his waist gradually straightened up, the wrinkles on his face were obviously reduced, and even his bald head had white hair.

"It seems you are well aware of your situation."

"An illusion created by magic." Aaron sighed, "This cannot be hidden from my eyes, but being in an illusion means that the owner of the illusion is not far from me.

It's not difficult for me to break this illusion, but only if no one stops me. Obviously you won't give me this chance. "

"Smart." Grindelwald clapped his hands, "No wonder Dumbledore admires you so much."

"But pull it down! If he appreciates me, he won't lie to me. He said you wouldn't do anything to me."

"Hahaha! If you had believed him just now, he wouldn't have run away." Grindelwald smiled meaningfully, "The speed was very fast, so fast that I almost couldn't react.

But unfortunately, the moment my magic power appeared, the barrier at the entrance was activated.

Although Nurmengard is a prison, I built it after all. I am the real master here, and I have always been. "

"The rumors mislead me!" Aaron said angrily, "Which bastard said that you lost all your mana?"

"I don't know how it spread in the wizarding world, but the source must be Dumbledore." Grindelwald said firmly, "Because he felt that it would be much safer if I was not a threat.

It's really ridiculous, as if those who want me to die immediately can do anything to me.

No one can kill me if I don't want to. "

"What do you want?"

"I promised Dumbledore that if you came, I would give Fawkes to you."

"But you didn't, and you still wanted to attack me."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just interested in you.

Dumbledore had many students, but none of them had such a special status as you, the heir of the Gaius family. "

"But bullies don't bully people like this." Aaron said on the verge of tears, "I am just a student who has not graduated yet, and I am no match for the pinnacle magister."

"Correction, it's the Holy Magister." Grindelwald said calmly.

Aaron:! ! !


"When Dumbledore died, his death helped me break down the barrier to the Holy Magister."

"Beautiful." Aaron was speechless. Are all Holy Magisters so good at playing these days?

With the magic power of the junior great magician, he could barely fight against the peak great magician, but the holy magician...if he didn't add the magic power of the missing body, he could be defeated directly.

"My lifespan has come to an end, and the reason why I linger is just to wait for two people, but it's not too much to find some fun for yourself before dying!" Grindelwald said, grabbing a wand from the void, "You Are you ready?"

"Wait, wait," Aaron said hurriedly, "We can talk, are you serious? Fuck!"

A ray of green light shot towards Aaron, and he was so startled that he hurriedly avoided it.

But in the next moment, Grindelwald came to Aaron, with the black wand pointing at his chest.


A pale yellow magic circle suddenly appeared in front of him, barely blocking the green magic, but he was also knocked back several steps.

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then increased his attack intensity.

Click! Click!

There were dense cracks in the magic circle, and Aaron was shocked. He didn't expect that the advanced defensive magic could not hold on for even a second.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"

As soon as the defensive magic was broken, the red flame passed through the pale yellow light spot and collided with Grindelwald's attack.


There was an explosion, and Aaron's body flew out and landed heavily on the ground.

"Are you going to kill me?" Aaron asked as he got up.

"No, I didn't mean that.

This is just a simple warm-up, but if you can't even handle this, it can only be said that you are not strong enough if you die.

But your reaction was pretty good. I was not merciful just now, and... your physical fitness is also beyond my imagination. If it is an ordinary person, it will be comatose for at least a period of time, but you have not even broken your skin. "

"This is all trained from pain, but it is difficult to improve now." Aaron sighed, and then opened his right hand to Grindelwald.

Immediately afterwards, a red magic circle appeared in front of him, facing Grindelwald.

"It feels pretty much the same as before. Am I looking down on me too much?"

"There is no way, my magic power does not allow me to squander it wantonly."

The next moment, fireballs flew out of the magic circle and hit Grindelwald from all directions.

Grindelwald raised his wand expressionlessly, and a transparent barrier enveloped it. The fireball hit it without causing any ripples, but instead scattered like fireworks.

"It's so disappointing to this extent."

"I didn't expect this to hurt you either."

Grindelwald didn't know why, but then his expression became solemn, and a terrifying magical aura hit his face accompanied by a dazzling red light.

The red magic circle in front of Aaron changed its appearance while he was defending. A huge oriental fire dragon flew out from the higher magic circle, roared and launched a charge.

A huge roar sounded, and the place where Grindelwald stood turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the hot air waves spread layer by layer in the gray-white space.

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A few seconds later, the sea of ​​​​fire split into two, and Grindelwald's figure slowly walked out of it.

He patted the scattered sparks on his clothes, "This is not bad, it almost broke my defense.

I haven’t played against anyone in decades, and yet I was fooled by such a little trick.

First, he distracted me, and then used more advanced magic to attack, but unfortunately the strength was a bit lacking. "

"Is it really appropriate for you, a holy magician, to be here and be weird?"

"This is a fact, child." Grindelwald smiled, "You are very talented, and you are no less talented than Dumbledore and I have been for many years."

"Then can you let me go?"

"What do you think?"


Aaron swallowed, "You're not going to beat me seriously, are you?"

“No, I just want you to hold nothing back.

Besides, Fox is here! "Grindelwald said meaningfully, there is a phoenix that can bring you back any serious injuries as long as you are not dead.

After speaking, Grindelwald raised his wand, and the majestic magic power gathered at the tip of the wand.

"You'd better be serious, or you'll really die."

"Death?" Aaron chuckled and pulled out his wand, "I quite agree with what you said before. As long as I don't want to, no one can kill me."

The corners of Grindelwald's lips curled up slightly, his arms moved forward lightly, and a shrill roar suddenly sounded in the gray-white space.

The ground shattered in an instant, and hundreds of boulders floated into the air, roaring toward the opposite side.

Aaron decisively apparated to avoid the all-devouring torrent, but as soon as he appeared, a crimson light hit the door directly in front of him.


The curse almost brushed against his face, shattering a rock behind him.

"Apparition is a good magic, but whether it is Apparition or Apparition, there will be a momentary sign, and being caught is a fatal danger." Grindelwald talked like an old-timer, "If I face someone stronger than you, Or people with strong fighting instincts, it’s best not to play like this.”

"You don't need to remind me, my understanding of Apparition is definitely as good as yours." Aaron said stubbornly. He had used precognition magic before the Apparition appeared, otherwise he might not have been able to avoid the blow.

"I think it is necessary." Grindelwald said meaningfully, and his whole body disappeared in an instant.

Aaron's pupils shrank and he followed the apparition.

A bright red light hit the place where he was standing just now, but nothing hit it.

Aaron appeared behind Grindelwald and cast a petrification spell unceremoniously.

However, this ball of white light flew less than halfway before it was defeated by a burst of red light. The red light continued unabated and crashed straight into Aaron.

He immediately raised his wand to defend himself. After blocking the curse, he did not dare to pause at all and rolled to avoid the curse coming from behind.

"You said you didn't want to kill me?" Aaron looked at the shattered ground, his voice was calm, but his heart was filled with raging anger.

"This won't cost you your life." Grindelwald said calmly.

The next moment, the two of them used phantom appearance in tacit agreement and fought with teleportation in the gray-white space.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Harsh sounds sounded one after another, and the two figures continued to disappear and reappear in different directions. Each appearance was accompanied by a fierce exchange of spells.

For more than ten times in a row, it was hard to tell the difference, but compared to Grindelwald who was calm and composed, Aaron was a little unable to hold his nerve.

Apparition consumes a lot of magic power. His magic energy cannot fight a war of attrition with Grindelwald. If it continues, he will definitely lose.

With this in mind, Aaron turned on the precognition magic with all his strength, and in the next few rounds of confrontation, he seized an opportunity when Grindelwald was close and cast an anti-Apparition spell.

While confining the space, a Cruciatus Curse hit him from the front.

Aaron groaned, holding back the heartbreaking pain, clenching his fists and hitting Grindelwald.

Grindelwald was surprised for a moment. Just as he was about to apparate, he unexpectedly found that the space was difficult to cross.

"I see!"

He understood everything in an instant, and hastily added a layer of defense to himself, and at this moment, a flaming fist had already been attached to the left side of his face.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"


The fire flickered, and Grindelwald was sent flying more than ten meters before he stopped.

He staggered to his feet, the left side of his face was slightly swollen, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Beautiful." Grindelwald wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, "To me, you belong to the second type, with a strong fighting instinct."

"But it's still useless." Aaron said regretfully, "The gap in strength is too big."

"Maybe!" Grindelwald couldn't deny, "If your magic power could be increased by one level, the punch just now could destroy at least half of my face.

There are not many people in this world who can hurt me, but you are probably the only one who can hurt me in a head-on battle under the age of twenty. "

"Should I thank you for the compliment?"

"That couldn't be a coincidence just now, right?"

"Precognitive magic." Aaron said bluntly, and he couldn't hide it in front of Grindelwald. "I saw your next move, but it's not very possible to counterattack based on this."

"That's why I traded injuries for injuries." Grindelwald said with a smile, "I'm really curious about how your family raised you? Most people don't have the willpower to fight back with the Cruciatus Curse."

"It's time to start the next phase."

"You're still here?" Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, "I injured the Holy Magister with the power of the Junior Grand Magister. Doesn't this prove my ability?"

"You have proven it, but it is not enough." Grindelwald said, waving his wand vigorously, and a blue beam of light rose from the ground, summoning majestic waves of water.

The ground beneath their feet turned into a vast ocean, and before they could react, Aaron sank into the water.

Then the ocean slowly rose, forming a huge square water prison.

The water element formed a chain and imprisoned Aaron in the center of the water prison. Grindelwald watched with interest as he struggled violently in the water.

"Water repellent spell!"

At a loss, Aaron used this magic.

A spherical barrier protected him, all water elements were isolated, and even the chains completely collapsed.

"Dumbledore told me something about you. Fire is ineffective against you. I want to try the effect of water." Grindelwald gently touched the water prison, and the water element in it began to rotate rapidly, forming a violent waterspout. .

Although he was clearly in the water, Aaron felt like he was in mid-air, facing a typhoon that could destroy everything.

"The last guy Dumbledore favored was Newt Scamander. Although I could kill him very easily, his luck did cause me a lot of trouble.

And this time he is more optimistic about you than Scamander. To be honest, this kind of appreciation makes me a little jealous, but you barely deserve it.

Just say something when you can't hold on any longer and I'll let you go immediately. "

Aaron: ...

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