A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 This year’s Academy Cup is stable

"Professor, this isn't appropriate!" Ron said hesitantly.

One second he was gloating about everyone's misfortune, but the next second the punishments of the two Slytherins were reduced by more than half.

This huge gap inevitably made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"You still have the nerve to say it? All this is not a good thing you three did.

I've never felt so blushing for a Gryffindor student as I did today. "Professor McGonagall said angrily, "I stole Aaron's pet and almost hurt it.

If it weren't for the fact that they also violated school rules, you would be fully responsible.

If you are not convinced, I can inform your father and I believe Mr. Arthur Weasley will seek justice for you. "

“No need to.

Professor, the punishment you gave is reasonable.

I accepted it, and I accepted it with all my heart. Ron said immediately, and the word "concerned" was vividly reflected in him.

The Weasley family is a harmonious family with not so many rules. Although they are a little poorer, it is undeniable that they are still very happy.

But there is a small premise: don't make mistakes, especially those that are unspeakable.

If his father Arthur found out about what happened tonight, he might be punished because the school had already punished him.

But if his mother, Molly, found out, he would probably be scolded five times for saying anything less. He would have to bear her mother's anger for a long time in the future, which would be quite uncomfortable.

"Hmph! Filch, I'll leave these children to you.

Business is business. "

"Understood, Professor McGonagall." Filch chuckled, looking at several people with sinister eyes, "You must think twice before violating school rules in the future.

But you should be glad that the current punishment methods are completely different from those in the past. "

"Professor McGonagall, can you please let me send Abe back before he is put into confinement?

It needs a good rest. "

"Of course, this is what it should be." Professor McGonagall looked at Abe with some distress. It was hard to imagine how such a harmless and cute little guy could face a fire dragon. It must have been frightened.

"Your punishment is scheduled for tomorrow night. Mr. Filch will be waiting for you in the foyer at eleven o'clock tomorrow night.

Before that, you can take a good rest for a day and think about how to explain it to your respective colleges. "

After saying that, Professor McGonagall looked at the three Gryffindors disappointedly and left without looking back.

"Let's go too!" Aaron sighed and walked towards the castle with Abe in his arms.

Hermione opened her mouth, but hesitated, and no words came out.

"Everyone, see you tomorrow.

Fifteen points and one hundred and fifty points, a tenfold difference.

Tsk tsk tsk! I already think of you reduced to mice crossing the street. "

When the three of them saw Draco's gloating look, they gritted their teeth and were very angry, but at the same time they also felt uneasy.

Slytherin's score was far ahead, and both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were left behind by a large margin, but Gryffindor might not have no chance of catching up.

But what they did tonight directly wiped out that slight possibility.


Back in the dormitory, Aaron sat on the bed and placed Abe opposite him, with a serious look on his face.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s exposed this time, but we should take it as a warning.

If you are wronged, just come back and tell me, and I will vent your anger for you, but don't do anything casually again, do you understand? "

Abe nodded repeatedly, then took off his coat, revealing the burnt clothes underneath.

"Oh! Let's change it first!

I know you can't bear it, but life still has to go on. "

Abe put down his clothes, then stretched out his paws to dig into the front pockets of his clothes, including candies, chocolates, lollipops, bread, apples, and a few pieces of dried meat.

What's even more outrageous is that there are more than a dozen gold galleons and dozens of silver coins inside, which is simply arrogant.

Half a minute later, Aaron first looked at a pile of coins, and then at a pile of snacks on his bed that was twice as big as Abe and was speechless.

He picked up an apple and took a bite in front of the pet. "It tastes good, confiscated."


Abe pointed at the pile of snacks with tears in his eyes, showing deep reluctance to give them up. They were saved one by one by being frugal and being cute.

"Still not convinced?

Who exposed you tonight, this is punishment. "

Abe turned a deaf ear and pounced on his mountain of snacks, showing his strong possessiveness.

But when it met Aaron's eyes, it still felt a little guilty, and carefully separated half of the hug.

I'll give you half of this, and I'll keep the other half. There can't be any more.

Aaron shook his head slowly. Abe's eyes became more sparkling. He bit the dragon's teeth and separated another half from his own. This time, there really couldn't be any more.


Aaron was amused, patted its faucet, and then pushed three-quarters of the snacks it had divided, "I just want an apple. Look, I scared you."

Abe was stunned for a moment, crying with joy, stretched out his Xiaolong Fist and started beating Aaron's chest.

"Okay, stay safe from now on, or I will confiscate all your treasures." Aaron said angrily.

Abei stood up straight in an instant, quickly put on another new set of clothes with a traceless stretching spell, and stuffed the snacks and coins he took out one by one.

After emptying out, the whole dragon feels at ease, which is the satisfaction of having settled down.

Before the smile on its face dissipated, Aaron picked it up and placed it on its exclusive bed, "Sleep well, you have to go to confinement with me tomorrow!"

After covering Abe with a blanket, Aaron also lay on the bed, but looking at the burn marks on Abe's clothes, he always felt that his dragon was suffering a bit.

Abe did beat Norbert violently, but he was able to crush him with his physical body due to his age advantage. Without the dragon's breath, he wouldn't have much advantage in attack.

"System, open Abe's property panel."


[Pet: Abe]

[Race: Dragon (Saint: Unawakened)]

[Magic energy: 304 (increases a little every day, although the potential is endless, but now it is extremely weak.)]

[Innate ability: flying,? ? ? 】

"Alas!" Aaron sighed with regret. He only had 304 points of magic energy. If he expected it to naturally evolve to the next stage, it would still take 196 days, which is more than half a year.

But by that time, Norbert's size will have increased at least ten times, and he will probably be able to kill it with one paw.

"No matter, add more points and evolve.

The ability to breathe fire must be assigned to it. "Aaron hesitated for a moment and generously invested 190 magic points to increase Abe's magic power to 494 points, leaving 6 points as a buffer.

He didn't dare to feed Abe all at once. This was Hogwarts. What if it made some noise when it evolved?

The whole school would know that he had a magical animal, and he didn't want to experience the feeling of being in the spotlight.


After class the next day, the students stopped when they passed by the huge hourglass that recorded the score of the college. Some even rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

This hourglass has changed so much in less than a day, something must have gone wrong.

But when they looked at it again, they sadly discovered that they had seen it right the first time, and had no choice but to accept this cruel fact.

The first place, Slytherin, has 462 points, which is 15 points lower than yesterday's 477 points. Although I don't know what happened, this fluctuation is not an exaggeration.

The second place, Ravenclaw, 406 points, the third place, Hufflepuff, 332 points, there is no change.

But the problem is that the fourth place Gryffindor has 299 points, which is a full 150 points lower than yesterday's 449 points. This is too exaggerated and simply outrageous.

Before the students could figure out what was going on, news came out about Slytherin.

Draco admitted in person in the auditorium that he had been deducted ten points, Aaron had been deducted five points, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione of Gryffindor had all been deducted fifty points.

He didn't say the specific details, but the students didn't need to know the details, and they didn't even doubt the fairness of the matter.

Because these points were deducted by Professor McGonagall, who was the Head of Gryffindor and would not use 150 points to make such a big joke with her own house.

There was only one possibility. Harry and the others made a mistake, and it was a pretty big mistake.

After the news spread, Harry and the three of them were indeed reduced to street rats as Malfoy said. Although not everyone shouted for beatings, almost no one gave them a good look.

Gryffindor fell from second place to fourth place. This gap was too big.

The same is true for Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. They have no joy in rising up one place, because Slytherin is still the first place, firmly pressing on them.

The Snake Academy has won the College Cup for six consecutive years. Both of their colleges have endured it, but they have to endure it some more.

Under this situation, they tacitly put their hopes on Gryffindor, hoping to defeat Slytherin this school year.

After all, the scores are not much different. As long as we work harder, it is entirely possible for the latecomers to come out on top.

But now, the dream is shattered.

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