A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 589 The Ministry of Magic’s new policy, Remus Lupin comes to visit (1/2)

Chapter 589 The Ministry of Magic’s new policy, Remus Lupin comes to visit

Diagon Alley.

Aaron silently put away the Galleons used to communicate with Hermione, and then looked helplessly at Sirius and Moody, who were watching eagerly, "A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Good news." Moody said without thinking.

"No." Sirius waved his hand, "It's better to hear the bad news first."

"Clever." Aaron gave a thumbs up, "But let's hear the good news first! There are clues to Slytherin's locket."

"Where?" Moody asked.

"That's the bad news. The locket is in Mundungus's possession."

Sirius and Moody looked at each other, "This shouldn't be bad news! At least it's in the hands of Order members."

"I do look down on Mundungus, but he will definitely not hand over Horcruxes to Death Eaters." Moody said with some displeasure, "What's more, he doesn't even know they are Horcruxes."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Aaron clapped his hands, "Seeing how optimistic you are, I can't bear to hurt you."

"You two, according to normal logic, your idea is correct.

But a year has passed since Mundungus got the Horcrux, and unfortunately, I saw him selling Black family items outside last year. "

"That means..." Moody's evil eye turned twice, and the scars on his face became more ferocious, "That bastard Mundungus may have sold the Horcrux?"

"Nine times out of ten, and from what I can tell he'll probably sell it for cabbage price."

"Is that a matter of price?" Sirius couldn't laugh or cry.

"It has something to do with it." Aaron curled his lips and said, "If he knows the goods, the Horcrux may be bought by a well-known wizard, so that he will have a deeper impression on the buyer.

But if he doesn't know the goods...an ordinary buyer buys an ordinary product at an ordinary price. After a year, can you still remember what the buyer looks like? "


"Doesn't that mean the clue has been broken again?"

"It depends on your luck! Find Mundungus first."


August passed day by day.

The Ministry of Magic's 'change of government' did not seem to have much impact, and the coup was unusually smooth.

Scrimgeour was indeed dead, but the official statement was that he resigned due to illness. Piers Thicknesse naturally succeeded the position of Minister of Magic with the support of most members.

After a period of time, the Ministry of Magic changed a series of policies, the most targeted of which were two arrangements.

The first investigation of Muggle descendants starts from the Ministry of Magic. Wizards need to register their identities. Pure bloods can rest easy and half-bloods are safe. However, wizards born in Muggles need to be investigated at any time, whether they want to or not.

As for the findings...

If you are lucky and have strong connections, you may be able to leave the Ministry of Magic, but this does not mean you are safe, because the Ministry of Magic has left a file and will find you again at any time.

But if you are a bit unlucky, it doesn't matter, and you have no background, then you may be in jail. If you have any personal grudges with the investigators, you can only say that you have hit the jackpot. The dementors will be very excited to learn new things. soul.

Because of this policy, many Muggle-born wizards have urgently revised their family trees. The fact that their parents are Muggles cannot be changed, but if their ancestors have some relationship with wizards, they can be considered to have wizard blood, at least when they are caught and investigated, they can Give some explanation.

Second, it is mandatory for all young wizards to attend Hogwarts.

Wizards must also be arrested from children. This policy can make it easier for underage wizards in the British wizarding community to be under surveillance.

Every student must hold a bloodline certificate, and only wizards with a wizarding bloodline certified by the Ministry of Magic can be admitted to the school. This can be regarded as a disguised elimination of Muggle-born wizards.

"It's outrageous and heartbreaking." Sirius patted the "Daily Prophet" on the table. "This kind of policy can actually be issued, and a considerable number of wizards will be persecuted."

"Voldemort has wanted to do this a long time ago, and now it seems he has finally succeeded." Aaron said lightly, "Secretly controlling a puppet minister without standing in front of the stage, this move is very clever.

By giving the Death Eaters an official identity, even if some people suspected that Voldemort was behind the scenes, there was no evidence. "

"It would be better if he directly usurped the throne and became a minister. Many wizards would definitely unite to resist him." Moody said with a solemn expression, "But he is hiding behind the scenes, and even if he wants to resist, he can't find a way."

“As long as you have real power, it doesn’t matter whether you are a minister or not.

Controlling the policies issued by the Ministry of Magic and classifying the status of wizards based on blood is only the first step in Voldemort's plan.

The second step is to extend the sphere of influence, extend the Death Eaters' tentacles to countries outside of the United Kingdom, and then rule the entire wizarding world.

The third step is to massacre and build a world without Muggles.

The fourth and final step is to push yourself to the altar and become a wizard's belief like Merlin, in order to achieve the goal of becoming a god. "

"How do you know so clearly?" Moody frowned.

"I have dealt with him much more than you think." Aaron said with emotion, "It is true that immortality can be achieved by relying only on Horcruxes, but this kind of immortality has hidden dangers.

But after becoming a god, his life will undergo transformation, his abnormal longevity will be corrected, and he will truly gain a long life without side effects. "

"The heart is as high as the sky," Moody hummed. "He will never succeed."

"But he can withstand failure." Aaron disagreed, "Before all the Horcruxes were destroyed, he had countless opportunities for trial and error.

He failed more than ten years ago, but more than ten years later he successfully took the first step, while the Order of the Phoenix, who was most able to stop him, lost its soul.

To put it bluntly, even if he puts his life through it, he can survive all those who stand in his way. "

"We still have Harry!" Sirius said not to be outdone.

"The prophecy only said that one of them will die at the hands of the other. In other words, Harry Potter only has a half chance of success."

"Can you not embolden others and destroy your own prestige?" Sirius gritted his teeth, "It's a bit pessimistic!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just discussing the matter." Aaron spread his hands and said, "In a sense, Harry Potter still has enough time, just kill Voldemort before he completes the fourth step.

Because the person belonging to the deity after the fourth step will affect the prophecy, it will no longer be accurate. "

"Don't talk about the fourth step. He doesn't even know how many people will die after the first step." Moody said seriously, "Is there no news about Mundungus yet?"

"No." Aaron shook his head, "Hermione and I have contacted me many times these days, but Mundungus has not been found yet, and Grimmauld Place is also under surveillance by Death Eaters like the homes of Order members.

Fortunately, they went there earlier and thought there was no one in the house. If they stayed there for two days at night, they would be in trouble. "

"Is there someone watching?" Sirius' expression changed slightly, "Their situation is very dangerous, let them move immediately."

"No, at least until we find Mundungus." Aaron said melancholy, "The more you do, the more mistakes you make. Relatively speaking, the risk of staying where you are is smaller."

boom! boom! boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then Lupine's voice came from outside, "Is anyone there?"

"No one," Aaron said angrily, winking at Moody and Sirius.

The two looked at each other. One turned into a skinny kitten, squatting in the corner and licking the plate very discerningly. The other pointed the wand at himself, wrapped the bandage with dried blood on his body, and limped. He lay crookedly on the bed in the bedroom and closed the door tightly.

"I know you are inside, and I have something important to discuss with you."

"How many people are here?"

"only me."

Aaron raised his eyebrows, snapped his fingers, and the barrier on the door disappeared.

Lu Ping looked around guiltily before walking into Aaron's shop.

"Professor Lupin, you still dare to appear on the street now. You are really not afraid of being arrested by Death Eaters!"

"I got rid of the people watching me before I came here.

Moreover, Voldemort wanted to win over the werewolf race, and the laws against werewolves were looser than before. Lu Ping smiled mockingly, "But this is only temporary. When he takes control of the wizarding power, the werewolves who don't surrender to him will not be able to escape the reckoning." "

"Still sober." Aaron poured himself a cup of tea calmly, "But you really shouldn't come to me. I'm not under surveillance here. It'll be hard to talk to you after you come."

"I...sorry." Lupine lowered his head.

"Forget it." Aaron waved his hand, "With the constraints of the contract, the Death Eaters won't dare to embarrass me even if they come.

Say it! What do you want from me? "

Lupine hesitated for a while, then took out a copy of the Daily Prophet from his sleeve, "The Ministry of Magic issued it today."

"Wanted order?" Aaron looked at the photo of Harry Potter in the newspaper with interest, "Wanted for the cause of death of Albus Dumbledore.

Interesting, it’s so interesting, he’s actually worth ten thousand galleons, which is almost my three-year turnover. "

"The reward amount is not the point, the point is Harry's situation, do you understand?" Lupine said anxiously, "The Ministry of Magic links him with the cause of Dumbledore's death, which will make many people who defend and support him doubt. "

"So, does this have anything to do with me?"

Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, caught off guard by these words.

But when he thought of Aaron's relationship with the Order of the Phoenix and his previous contract with Voldemort, he had nothing to say.

"Well...I want to help him."

"Then go!"

"But if we go directly, Harry will definitely not agree." Lupine said bitterly, "What he fears most at this time is not Voldemort, but the harm to the people around him."

"Humph!" Aaron said disdainfully, "You know him well."

Ron and Hermione were friends who had fought side by side with Harry for several years. They knew each other very well and had deep feelings for each other. It was difficult for him to refuse, and he could not refuse.

But Lupine was his elder, and he had only married Nymphadora Tonks not long ago. He had already caused Sirius trouble. If Lupine was hurt again, he might not have the face to face Tonks in the future.

"So I came to find you." Lu Ping said awkwardly but politely, "He should listen to what you say."

"I'm sorry, you may think highly of me." Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly. He was not Dumbledore, so he didn't have that much respect.

"No, just listen to me first.

You showed me Dumbledore's memory. In other words, I know the secrets that Harry and the others don't know, even though I can't tell them.

I don't know what task Dumbledore left for Harry, but as long as you can testify for me that I can help them, then..."


Aaron squirted out a sip of tea, and then looked at Lupine's haggard face in surprise, "Is this still the honest man I know? When did you become so thick-skinned?"

"Whatever you say!" Lu Ping said with a blushing face. This time he came here and showed off his old face.

"The door is over there." Aaron pointed to the door and then made an inviting gesture to him.

"You agreed?"

"Haha! Professor Luping, you may be shameless, but I want to be ashamed." Aaron said with disgust, "Abe, see the guest off."


The white holy dragon immediately roared. It looked harmless to humans and animals, even a little bit fierce, but it made Lu Ping shiver uncontrollably.

"Wait a minute." Lupine stood up immediately, "In addition to protecting Harry, I will also help protect Hermione."

"Huh?" Aaron raised his eyebrows, asking Abe to stop grinning.

"If this is a bargaining chip, I don't seem to be losing money."

"Of course you are not at a loss." Lu Ping said with a sigh of relief.

"But it's not enough, because once you join Harry's team you will take on this responsibility yourself."

"What?" Lupine thought there was something wrong with his ears. After a moment of silence, he said, "I can protect Hermione first. That's alright!"

"This is okay, but it's still not okay."


"I'm going to ask you, Professor." Old Aaron stared at him with a hint of teasing in the corner of his mouth, "Professor, I think you are very reliable.

Your character determines that you will not let them take risks easily. Your rich experience can help them avoid detours, and your relatively strong strength can help them solve a lot of troubles, but..."

Lupine's heart skipped a beat, "But what?"

"Professor, your current state and mentality make me feel uneasy.

Uneasy, helpless, restless, anxious, and worried, but still having to pretend to be relaxed, he is exactly the same as Sirius when he stayed at Grimmauld Place, even worse than him! "


I'm still here! Don't I want to lose face?

"Now that the Death Eaters are so powerful, it's normal for me to be like this!" Lu Ping said with an unnatural expression.

"No, no, you can't lie to me, you must be hiding something from me.

I won't help you if you don't make it clear, and your uncertainty will add additional risk to them. "

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the room became silent.

Ten seconds later, Lupine took a deep breath, silently raised his head to look at the ceiling, and said deeply but helplessly: "Tonks is pregnant."

"Ah?" Aaron blinked blankly, "Uh... congratulations, but does this have anything to do with them?"

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