A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 576 Gringotts is as complex as an ant nest and is difficult to invade (1/2)

Chapter 576 Gringotts is as complex as an ant nest and is difficult to invade

Aaron looked at the entrance to Gringotts with extremely complicated emotions.

In the past dozen years, he would also store his extra pocket money in this bank, but since the battle of the Department of Mysteries a year ago, all his property has been frozen by the family.

In other words, he couldn't even get a single Knut out of Gringotts, so he was extremely poor.

Aaron lowered his head and glanced at the motionless hands, then walked into the shiny bronze door. The goblin guard at the door wearing scarlet and gold uniforms bowed respectfully to him.

Then there is the second silver door, with a few lines of text engraved on the door:

Come in, stranger, but be careful what happens if you get too greedy.

Asking blindly and getting something for nothing will be punished severely.

So if you want to take a piece of wealth from our underground vault that was never yours

Thief, you have been warned, beware not of treasure but of evil retribution.

"I didn't feel guilty when I came here before!" Aaron smiled to himself, because the purpose of his coming here was to take away a piece of wealth that did not belong to him, although it had nothing to do with greed.

Walking into a spacious marble hall, about a hundred goblins were sitting behind a long counter, registering and stamping their names in a large ledger, and some were weighing coins with scales or using eyepieces to detect precious treasures.

There are countless doors in the hall, and many wizards enter and exit these doors under the guidance of goblins.

Aaron knew that Hufflepuff's golden cup might be behind one of the doors, but it was impossible to avoid the flow of people without anyone noticing.

He also didn't want to use the Disguise Charm or illusion to test Gringotts' defense strength. The only wizarding bank in the wizarding world, who knew what anti-theft methods there were.

Voldemort had invaded once before, but he would not have robbed the bank if he had not been desperate. Moreover, he had a definite goal at that time, although judging from the result, he failed.

"Hello, sir." A goblin came over, "How can I help you?"

"Well..." Aaron hesitated for a while, "I want to inquire about Vault No. 1001."

"No. 1001?" The goblin frowned and said cautiously, "Sorry, sir, please tell me your identity."

"Aaron Gaius, he is the owner of that treasury... he should be!"

"Please follow me, sir." The goblin said respectfully, and then led Aaron to the counter.

He took out a thick account book and flipped it through, and after a while he looked at Aaron solemnly, "Dear guest, your treasury was sealed in June last year.

With all due respect, if you want to turn it on it's probably not possible, not even with an order from our supervisor.

The vault is protected by extremely complex magic, and anyone who comes near it will be transported to an unknown place until the magic is lifted. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, there really wasn't any loophole for him to take advantage of at home!

"Then I want to know how much money is in it, right?"

"This is possible, but it will take some time." The goblin said with some embarrassment, "Because vault No. 1001 has hundreds of deposit records in the past ten years, it will be troublesome to count."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Aaron said, but he was relieved in his heart.

It takes time. The more time it takes, the more things he can find.

Aaron carefully took out the compass, but his eyes widened the next moment because the pointer pointed straight down.


Aaron cursed in his mind, and at the same time activated his detection ability to sense the situation underground.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters...

Aaron could sense some vaults even though they were 10,000 meters away. One of them he was particularly familiar with contained his seized property.

But that's not important. What's important is that the underground situation in the three-dimensional view that Aaron saw was an extremely complicated ant nest.

There are tunnels extending in all directions, winding corridors, various mist-like traps, and in addition there are some giant dragons exuding powerful auras guarding the doors of individual vaults.

"This is troublesome." Aaron couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, "Helga Hufflepuff's golden cup should be hidden in a vault somewhere.

But trying to find a small golden cup in a heavily guarded underground city is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack."

No wonder Voldemort hid the golden cup in Gringotts. It may not be as dangerous as the cave where the locket is hidden, but it is several levels higher in difficulty.

First he has to figure out which vault he hid the gold cup in, then he has to get the key to the vault, third he has to avoid the Gringotts guards, and finally he has to avoid the dragon guarding the vault...

The most important thing is that he may only have one chance. If he fails, the news of the invasion of Gringotts will be published in the Daily Prophet. With Voldemort's IQ, it is not difficult to guess that someone is trying to plot his Horcruxes.

"Distinguished guest." The goblin's voice brought Aaron back to reality, "Your vault currently contains 1.5 million gold Galleons, 120,000 silver Sickles and 90,000 copper Nats. .

In addition, there were thirteen chests of precious stones and seven chests of gold and silver products, which could be counted as half a million galleons. "

Hearing this, Aaron was a little unbelievable, "I didn't expect that I was so rich. I could be considered a multimillionaire in the Muggle world."

"Yes, sir.

But you won't be able to withdraw a single knut until your vault is unlocked. "The goblin said very realistically.

Aaron's heart twitched inexplicably, but his face remained calm.

There is definitely some heartache, but it definitely doesn't count as heartache.

After all, he has now inherited 90% of the Black family's wealth. In comparison, his treasury does not even reach one-tenth.

"Sir, what else can I do for you?"

"Well... not yet, but I may come again in the future."

"Gringotts welcomes you at any time."

Aaron was still in a daze when he walked out of the gate of Gringotts. He originally thought that the most difficult Horcrux to deal with was the python next to Voldemort, but now it seems that the most difficult thing to deal with is Hufflepuff's golden cup.

"Let's find a way to get Slytherin's locket first!

As for the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, there will be a chance in the future. "Aaron comforted himself silently, and then went to Ollivander's Wand Shop to continue the construction of the teleportation array.

Furong thoughtfully placed a cold drink and two pieces of cake next to the base.

She didn't interrupt, just glanced at him once or twice while working.

Ollivander noticed this scene and couldn't help but smile.

It's great to be young, but it's probably going to take a lot of time for the two of them to really get together!


Back in his shop, Aaron put his backpack on the table casually.

Sirius ran over impatiently, "Did you gain anything?"

“The harvest is great, so great that you can’t expect it.

But I had a very fulfilling day, how about you? "

"Uh..." Sirius scratched his head in embarrassment, "I brewed a bottle of joy potion."

"Just one bottle?" Aaron looked at him with disgust, "The formula I left behind was specially improved by me. Can you, a magister like you, make sense if you don't produce two bottles?"

"There is no room for sloppiness in brewing the potion. One bottle is already very good." Sirius said confidently, and then pointed at Abe, "If you don't believe me, ask him."

Abe nodded, "He failed when making the second bottle and almost exploded the crucible."

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that he needed to get a defensive spell in the house.

"Forget it, just one bottle! Let me take a look."

Sirius put a glass bottle in front of Aaron, but the yellowish solution inside made Aaron swallow involuntarily, "This thing... won't be poisonous if you drink it, right?"

"Absolutely not. I guarantee that you will stay in a good mood after drinking it."

"No, I'm talking about the side effects, such as singing or twisting your nose."

"Probably...and not."

"Really? You drink one and I'll take a look."

"Uh..." Sirius was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I admit that there are a few flaws, but my level of potions is just like that, and I have been in Azkaban for more than ten years, so I can do it. This step is already quite difficult.”

"I really shouldn't have any hopes for you." Aaron shook his head, "You won't need to brew the potion in the future."

"Then what should I do?" Sirius frowned. If I can't do anything, what's the difference between that and being a wanted criminal in the Order of the Phoenix?

“You can read a book, read a newspaper, or sleep.

In short, I don't dare to hand over my materials to you. It's a despicable waste. "

"But that's a waste of time." Sirius said unhappily.

"You can understand it that way.

I'd rather you waste your time than be too active. "Aaron said very bluntly, "I don't want to say this, but the fact is that you have to be as cautious now as you were a year ago, or even more cautious.

A year ago the Order of the Phoenix didn't dare to let a wanted criminal like you roam around for fear of attracting the attention of the Ministry of Magic.

A year later, I dare not let a person who should be dead appear in front of the world. That would have a greater impact than a wanted criminal.

The Order of the Phoenix has to be careful when facing the Ministry of Magic, and I am just one person. Without a family background, I can't compare to the Order of the Phoenix, and the Ministry of Magic cannot compare to the Death Eaters. "

"Understood, I understand everything you said." Sirius nodded disappointedly, and then smiled mockingly, "Dumbledore has said similar things to me before, and I won't cause you any trouble before taking official action. of."

"That's good."

"Have you found the Horcrux?" Sirius asked, "I have no other intention, I just care."

"I found it, but it's quite difficult to get it."


"Gringotts." Aaron said bluntly.

"Huh?" Sirius frowned, "How could Voldemort think of hiding something there?"

"The reason is simple and simple, two words." Aaron raised two fingers, "Safety."

"Did you know that Hufflepuff's gold cup is in that vault?"

"have no idea."

"Can you search Gringotts with great fanfare?"

"This is even more impossible."

"That's right! Even if the Ministry of Magic dares to do this, countless wizards will stand up to protest. Who knows if you will embezzle their hard-earned money in other ways."

"Then there's no way to start? We can't even take the first step."

"Don't be too pessimistic. There must be opportunities, maybe three." Aaron said seriously, and then saw Sirius' expectant eyes.

"Ahem! The first thing is the prophecy. Dumbledore's plan has always been based on the prophecy. We can also believe that Harry Potter will get the Horcrux from Gringotts one day in the future.

Secondly, I can barely determine the direction of the Horcrux. If that doesn't work... we can try robbing a bank. "

"Are you crazy?" Sirius asked in shock, "Gringotts has been successfully invaded only a handful of times since its establishment."

"I'm 70% sure." Aaron jumped out of the passage, guided by Captain Jack's compass, and quickly arrived at the vault at super speed. He is also a dragon whisperer, and he can also think of ways to instigate rebellion against the fire dragon guarding the vault. If the other party doesn't agree, he will I can only be a dragon slayer once more.

The trouble for him is just the door of the vault. If he forces an invasion, the goblins will definitely find that when he gets the gold cup, he will most likely be surrounded by Gringotts' guards. It will not be easy to fight out from deep underground.

"What if it fails?"

“That’s the third time.

If you were Voldemort and you knew that the vault where you kept your Horcruxes had been invaded, what would you think? "

"I must take people over there immediately to ensure the safety of the Horcrux."

"Yes! He will definitely not feel relieved, and even thinks that Gringotts is no longer safe.

But in fact Gringotts is really safe, but as long as he takes the Horcrux out of Gringotts, unless he keeps it personally, I can find it wherever he hides it.

But this is too risky. If possible, it is best to succeed at once to avoid unnecessary complications. "

"Then let's look for Slytherin's locket first?" Sirius asked tentatively.

"This is the only way, but that will happen after Harry leaves his aunt and uncle's house. Before that, he should recharge his batteries first!"


After the plan was finalized, Sirius spent time reading books and newspapers every day, and his personality became much calmer, mainly because there was a dragon staring at him and he couldn't think about being calm.

Aaron builds teleportation circles at Ollivander's Wand Shop every day, and spends the rest of the time practicing magic circles.

While increasing the number of instant magic arrays, he finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and opened the magic book about fusion magic written by ancestor Wicht.

This book opened the door to a new world for him. The integration of elements was more colorful than he thought, but the difficulty was also relatively higher.

Before returning to the family, fusion magic could only be learned but not used. Aaron only had an in-depth understanding of some theoretical knowledge and did not waste much time on it. He did not even conduct a single experiment.

As the time approached Harry's birthday day by day, Aaron and Sirius found it difficult to remain calm. They both knew that Harry would definitely leave the Dursleys before then, but they didn't know exactly when.

Aaron hesitated for a long time, took out a special gold Galleons from his pocket, and prepared to contact Hermione. In his opinion, since Hermione decided to participate, she must know the specific time.

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