A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 574: Isn’t this prophecy with pitfalls too just? (1/2)

Chapter 574: Isn’t this prophecy with pitfalls too just?

After closing the shop door, Aaron set up a defensive barrier, and then used detection magic to confirm that there were no ears or eyes around, and then pointed the wand at the Welsh green dragon crawling out of the bag.


A white light hit the green dragon, turning Sirius back into a human.

"Just find a place to sit. My store isn't big, but it won't be a problem to accommodate one more person."

"We'll talk about that later. Can you get me something to eat first?" Sirius said sheepishly. He had been really hungry all day and couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay!" Aaron smiled and snapped his fingers, "Abe!"

"That's too much! Can't I stop eating?" Sirius's face instantly turned ugly. The word he heard most in the past two days after crawling out of the coffin was 'Abe', that white one. Dragon Claw has almost become his psychological shadow.

If he is dishonest, disobedient, or even speaks loudly, he is a big jerk. The key is that he doesn't even have a magic wand, so he has no capital to resist.

Although he didn't think that the gap between him and a giant dragon could be bridged by a magic wand, the feeling of being unable to do anything and just being punished was really uncomfortable.

"Master, he said this himself!" Abe silently took out his paws from his pocket, and looked at Sirius with a hint of pity.

Aaron looked at Sirius dumbfounded, "You may have misunderstood something, I won't let the tool man, no, let the guests starve."

"Then why did you call it just now?"

"Let Abe give you a share of the rations!" Aaron said matter-of-factly. "It has a lot more supplies in its pockets than I have in my bag."

Abe nodded proudly, and then took out ten breads, ten egg tarts, a bottle of jam, and two bottles of beer from his pocket.

"Is this... completely vegetarian? I remember it had meat in its pockets."


Abe growled at him unhappily, "You're good if you're not hungry, but if you still want to eat meat, you're a little bit crazy!"

"Okay! I understand." Sirius smiled awkwardly but politely, and wisely took a bunch of snacks and started eating.

"You may feel unhappy, but I still want to ask, do you and the girl... do they know?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"You can't say that." Sirius opened a bottle of beer, "I have to work hard for you for another year. I have a feeling that you will be very busy in the next year and cannot be affected by women."

"Tch!" Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, "So this is the reason why you have been single for more than thirty years."


Sirius inexplicably felt like he had been stabbed in the chest, "I was just delayed by the jail sentence."

"What a stubborn explanation."

"But you'd better think carefully about what I say. After you deal with Voldemort, you will have plenty of time to fall in love."

"There's no need for you to worry about it. Hermione and Clea both know that Fleur works in Diagon Alley, and they are also aware of my relationship with her."


"Just pretend I didn't say anything just now!"

"Have you finished eating?" Aaron said impatiently, "After you finish eating, go and wash up and go to bed. But I don't have a guest room here, so you can only make a bed here."

"It doesn't matter." Sirius said easily, it doesn't matter if you make a bed on the floor, it's better than sleeping in a coffin!

After sending Sirius away, Aaron returned to the bedroom, closed the door tightly, and skillfully set up a soundproof circle.

Then he picked up the wand, shook his wrist quickly, and the words glowing red floated in the air one by one.

The bones of my father, the flesh of my servants, the blood of my enemies, the broken souls...

"Flesh and bones shape the body, and the soul and body are merged to be truly resurrected." Aaron murmured to himself, "But what if there is something wrong with the material?"

Bone, flesh, and soul are definitely fine, but the blood of the enemy comes from Harry Potter.

Thinking of this, Aaron continued to wave his wand and added Harry Potter's name in mid-air, and added the emphasis (blood), blood, blood relatives, blood relatives protection spell...

Aaron wrote down these derived terms in a daze, and couldn't help but admire his own reasoning ability.

If he guessed correctly, the blood flowing in Voldemort's body at the moment was Harry's blood, which meant that Voldemort had become Harry's blood relative, and even accidentally extended the blood protection spell.

"Interesting, so damn interesting." Aaron showed a relaxed smile, "Professor Trelawney, your prophecy has caused great harm to Voldemort."

One of Harry and Voldemort must die in the hands of the other, but if the blood bond is continued and the soul is still involved, then Voldemort will have difficulty killing Harry.

Harry does have power that Voldemort never had, but this power was accidentally given to him by Voldemort. This is really ironic.

As long as Voldemort believes in that prophecy, he will not give up killing Harry with his own hands. Once he fails to succeed, he will believe in that prophecy even more... This is an endless cycle!

"This is a trap. Prophecies and everything else are lies." Aaron held his forehead and shook his head. Harry could die in countless ways, and he could die at the hands of anyone, but only Voldemort's magic could not kill him.

But the prophecy asked him to kill Harry Potter himself. This prank was really outrageous. Voldemort would probably be angry to death if he knew that he had been defeated by such a prophecy.

Thinking like this, Aaron suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Harry's fate was stronger than he imagined, so the contract between him and Voldemort could be postponed for a while.


The next day, the alarm clock rang at six o'clock on time.

Aaron opened his eyes drowsily and called Abe up.

Seeing Sirius sleeping peacefully on the floor, he poured a water-like spring spell on his face.

"Fuck!" Sirius stood up in confusion, "Are you just asking people to get up like this?"

"At least you don't have to wash your face." Aaron said lightly, "I'm just reminding you that this is not Grimmauld Place, nor is it my Hall of Gods, and you are already dead. If someone accidentally discovers that you are still alive, you will Causes me trouble."

"I know, I know." Sirius said impatiently, "How many times have you said this, my ears are calloused."

"It's always good to be careful."

Aaron simply made three breakfasts, and after eating, he placed the two pictures in front of Sirius, "Let's take a look!"

"What is this?" Sirius asked curiously, but after just a glance at his face, his expression became wonderful, "Isn't this too bullying?"

"I think it's very suitable." Aaron said seriously, "I drew this with great difficulty. It is the best cover for your identity."

"A yellow dog with one leg lame, and a skinny white cat." Sirius looked confused, "Is it necessary to be so miserable?"

“During business hours, he turns into a yellow dog and just rests in the backyard.

If you want to go out and relax, you will turn into a white cat. If you are skinny and skinny, ordinary people will feel disgusted at a glance, and no one will care about you.

If you want to follow me, you can turn into the green dragon from yesterday. It looks similar to the model and won't attract attention. "

"That's what I say, but it's really hard to accept."

"Sleeping in a coffin?"

“No, that’s not necessary, it’s fine to become a cat or dog.

Wait, you still want to open? "

"This..." Aaron frowned, "There really isn't much traffic in Diagon Alley at this time."

"That's not what I meant. It's a waste of time to do business!" Sirius looked at Aaron anxiously. Although he didn't want to admit it, in his opinion, Aaron was the main force in finding Horcruxes, and he should spend more time doing business. Just get down to business.

"I'm sorry, it's not my time for you to give me your opinion.

I can temporarily give up my business, but that doesn't mean I have to spend my time looking for Horcruxes. Aaron said very seriously, "Are you going to turn into a dog and stay here to look after the house, are you going to be a cat and go out on your own, or are you going to be a green dragon and go out with us." "

"Still the green dragon!" Sirius said helplessly.

"Wise decision." Aaron smiled slightly and tapped Sirius' head with his wand, turning him into a palm-sized green dragon.

Abe snorted and opened his pocket reluctantly.

Sirius knew the current situation and got in decisively.

"Where are we going?"

"Of course it's Ollivander's Wand Shop. I said I would go find him today." Aaron said as he should, and then hung the closed sign on the door.

Ollivander's Wand Shop.

This is the only store in Diagon Alley that is still open.

Even dark wizards need wands. Under normal circumstances, no one wants to offend a master wand maker, let alone Aaron getting an amulet for Ollivander.

Pushing open the store door, Aaron walked directly in.

Fleur was sitting behind the counter. When she saw him coming in, she rolled her eyes at him angrily, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"It's okay, where is my uncle?"

"Mr. Ollivander didn't sleep well. I seemed to have disturbed him when I used the unlocking spell last night." Fleur said with some resentment, "You have to bear half of the responsibility for this."

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Let's be honest, what are you going to do?" Fleur slapped the drawings Aaron gave her last night on the table, "I can't understand these things at all."

"I would be surprised if you could understand it." Aaron thought to himself. Fleur was indeed an outstanding graduate at Beauxbatons, but this is a construction drawing of the teleportation array. To non-professionals, it is similar to a heavenly book.

"We'll talk later, get me a wand first!"

"Is there something wrong with your wand?"

"That's not true, it's just that a friend's wand was broken and he asked me to buy him a new one." Aaron said seriously.

Sirius was inexplicably moved, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, if you don't even have a magic wand, how can you work for me?"

Sirius: I was moved early.

"What's his size? Is he left- or right-handed?"


"You're not planning to buy him a random wand, are you?" Fleur asked with a smile, "This may not be suitable for him."

"Do you remember what your wand looks like?" Aaron asked in dragon language.

"Remember, of course I remember." Sirius said hurriedly, "It is made of oak, twelve inches long, and the core of the wand is made of phoenix feathers."

"Made of oak, twelve inches, with a phoenix feather core.

This is the wand he used before, just get me one and that will do. "

"Wait a minute." Fleur turned around and pulled out a box from the narrow aisle, "There happens to be one exactly the same, but the price is slightly more expensive, eleven Galleons."

"No problem." Aaron put away his wand, then took out eleven gold galleons from Abe's pocket and placed them on the counter.

"Can you tell me now what these drawings are for?"

"Teleportation array, I plan to build a teleportation array in the back hall of Ollivander's Wand Shop."

"What?" Ollivander's surprised voice came from the second floor.

"Good morning, uncle." Aaron greeted.

"Okay, okay, I just woke up and heard a piece of news that made my heart a little bit unbearable." Ollivander said displeased, "Teleportation array, don't you think about how small a place like mine can accommodate it?"

"It's still okay if you squeeze it. If it doesn't work, I can use the Seamless Stretching Charm."

"But why did you build the teleportation array?" Ollivander frowned. "That was the ancient way for wizards to travel between two places. But now, whether it is Portkey, Floo Network, or Apparition, it is more convenient and faster than the teleportation array. Don't tell me that you are teleporting items?"

“Items are only secondary, the main thing is to transport people.

Activating portkeys takes time and can be easily interrupted, floo connections cannot bypass the Ministry of Magic and are easily blocked, and not everyone can disapparate. "

"Wait a minute." Fleur interrupted, "You mean everyone? How many people do you plan to teleport at once?"

"I'm not sure yet. If it's a few, it could be hundreds." Aaron said lightly, but Ollivander and Fleur opened their mouths in surprise.

"Merlin's beard! Please tell me you are joking."

"This is no joke. My serious uncle, I have brought all the drawings."

"Reason, I need a reason."

"Dumbledore is dead. If nothing else happens, Hogwarts may be occupied by Death Eaters in the future. I have to leave a way out for myself in advance."

"Retreat? You?" Ollivander smiled, "Don't be ridiculous, you are better at Apparition than Jeans. If you want to run, no one can stop you. Do you need this kind of retreat?"

After saying that, Ollivander was suddenly startled and looked at his grandnephew in disbelief, "You're not planning to run away with a group of students, are you?"

"If necessary." Aaron said unequivocally.

"That's crazy. I know you have a sense of justice, but isn't this too righteous?"

"Nip it in the bud." Aaron shrugged, then looked at Fleur, "As I said last night, Hogwarts is never safe, and no one knows what will happen in the seventh year."

"Well... why did you choose Ollivander's Wand Shop?"

"Because of safety." Aaron said confidently, "I signed a contract with Voldemort. Ollivander's Wand Shop is one of the few places in the wizarding world that Death Eaters dare not invade."

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