A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 563 Part of Dumbledore’s plan, where the Horcrux is hidden (1/2)

Chapter 563 Part of Dumbledore’s plan, where the Horcrux is hidden

"Can I take a look?" Klea asked curiously, "I don't have to participate, but it's okay to get to know it!"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't take out these two memory bottles in front of you.

But we can only look at what's in the green bottle. As for the red bottle, it's the confession of an undercover agent. It's not appropriate to show it now. "Aaron shrugged.

In his opinion, Clea is a well-deserved daughter of heaven, but most of her life experience so far has been obtained from books. This time, let her see Dumbledore's plan, and she can understand some people's hearts. complex.

The two of them plunged their heads into the pensieve at the same time and entered Snape's memory.

"You must kill me yourself, Severus.

This is the only way, only then will the Dark Lord completely believe you. "

"The time has come. You have to tell Harry Potter something, but you must wait until Voldemort is at his weakest."

"What do you want me to tell him?"

"That night, Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry. Lily Potter blocked her son with her body. The Killing Curse rebounded. At that time, a fragment of Voldemort's soul attached to the only living thing in the house at that time. , that is, Harry.

This is why Harry can speak Parseltongue, why he can see Voldemort's thoughts, and part of Voldemort's soul lives in Harry's body. "

"So this child will definitely die by then?"

"Yes, I must die.

And Voldemort must do it himself, which is the most important thing. "


"You must tell Voldemort the exact date that Harry left his aunt and uncle's house. Voldemort thinks that you are very well-informed and if you don't do this, he will arouse suspicion.

But you have to instill the idea of ​​using a double into others. I think that should keep Harry safe. Try using the Confusion Charm on Mundungus.

If you have to participate in the chase, you must do so convincingly. I count on you to continue to gain Voldemort's trust, otherwise Hogwarts will be at the mercy of the Carrow brothers. "


After reading the two short conversations, Aaron exhaled slowly. He couldn't help but feel grateful that he had successfully extracted Professor Snape's memory today. Otherwise, one day in the future, Harry Potter, a living Horcrux, would have 50% chance of death by his hands.

"It's okay if you don't accept it, an old fox is an old fox!

This is so sophisticated! Look at their plans, how rigorous they are.

Professor Snape, Harry Potter, and even Voldemort have all arranged it clearly, and this is only a small part of the memory. Aaron said, looking at Klea meaningfully, "Do you have any thoughts?" "

"Why didn't Harry Potter die when Voldemort personally killed him?" Clea asked in confusion.

"Did I ask you this?" Aaron said angrily, "A smart mind is important in any era, but just relying on the mind is not enough.

Sometimes, in order to achieve the goal, it is appropriate to give up some things, such as face, morality, and even the bottom line. "

"Just like our great headmaster, I can't find anything wrong with his plan, but it is particularly unfair to Professor Snape. Almost all the risks, suffering, and even pain are placed on Professor Snape alone.

Sacrificing him alone will bring happiness to millions of families. If I hadn't obtained this memory, if Professor Snape had died, the entire Order of the Phoenix would have celebrated with a party. "

Hearing this, Klea blinked Kazilan's big eyes, looked at Aaron with a little dodge, and a slight blush appeared on her face.

Aaron's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition flashed away.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I remember what you said." Klea waved her hand, "But the question I just asked..."

"I don't know. The connection between Harry and Voldemort is too deep. Maybe there is something I overlooked." Aaron said and looked at the blank photo frame on the wall. "But what I need to worry about now is something else. one thing."


Night falls.

The missing body patiently guarded the blank photo frame of Phineas in the Hall of Gods, while Aaron quietly came outside the castle under the cover of the Disillusionment Curse.

At the same time, Harry pushed open the door to the principal's office.

He was particularly excited today because Dumbledore promised to take him to find and destroy a Horcrux. This is what the savior should do.

"Harry." Dumbledore looked at the stubble on Harry Potter's chin and teased, "It's time for you to shave, my friend.

Sometimes I forget you've grown so much, and sometimes I can still see that little boy in the closet.

Forgive me for complaining, I'm an old man. "

"As far as I'm concerned, you haven't changed at all, Professor." Harry smiled.

"You are as kind as your mother, and no one will ignore this." Dumbledore straightened his back and looked at the scenery outside the window, "The place we are going to tonight is very dangerous."

"I'm willing to go," Harry said hastily.

"Don't be nervous, I won't break my promise." Dumbledore shook his head in amusement, "But I have a condition, you must carry out all my instructions without hesitation."

"Of course, Professor."

"You may not understand what I mean." Dumbledore said solemnly, "If I tell you to hide, you have to hide. If I tell you to run, you have to run. If I tell you to leave me alone and only save yourself, you must do the same. ”

Harry's face changed slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

It was just one Horcrux, and they had already destroyed two. But what Dumbledore said was too serious, as if he might die.

"I want your word, Harry."

"I promise." Harry hesitated for a moment and nodded seriously.

Dumbledore then stretched out his right arm and said, "Hold my arm."

"Professor, Hogwarts does not allow Apparition?"

"The principal should have some privileges."

Harry smiled knowingly and grabbed Dumbledore's right hand.

The next moment, the two of them disappeared from the spot at the same time.

Upon seeing this, Phineas hurriedly went to the blank photo frame in the Temple of Gods, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Aaron was still there, "Thank you Merlin, you happen to be here."

"Dumbledore took Harry away, didn't he?"

"Yes, that's right."


"I don't know, Dumbledore didn't say the exact location.

But this time it was very dangerous, very dangerous, and he wanted Harry to promise that he would carry out all his orders without hesitation, and even leave him alone to escape if necessary. "

The missing person raised his eyebrows, scorning this statement in his heart.

The place where the Horcruxes are kept is definitely dangerous, but it won't kill him.

Because according to Dumbledore's plan, he had to die at the hands of Snape, which meant that he was absolutely sure to return to Hogwarts alive.

"Did Dumbledore tell me anything else?"

"No more, that's all."

"Okay, I understand, you go back first!"

Phineas did not leave immediately, but looked at the missing body hesitantly, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Want to see your great-great-grandson again?" The Missing Body pouted, "I can't agree to this for the time being. He is well sealed now and it's not time to release him yet."

"No, I just want to ask if you won't help?" Phineas said with some restraint.

Aaron was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Help Dumbledore?

Tell me how to help? I don't even know where they are. "


"Okay, go back and let me know if you have any other information."


The photo frame became blank again, and the missing body finally communicated with the real body outside the school, "You heard what he said, right? Without an exact location, I'm afraid the phantom movement technique won't work."

"It doesn't matter, there are other ways." Aaron took out the treasure hunt compass with some helplessness, thinking about Dumbledore's position, and the pointer started to rotate and pointed in one direction after a while.


Aaron soared into the night sky at extremely fast speeds, leaving Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade behind in the blink of an eye.

The floating of the chicken talisman and the speed of the rabbit talisman, the combination of these two means flying at high speed.

He had wanted to experience the ability to fly for a long time, but it was not convenient at Hogwarts, so today was the first time he tried it.

Following the direction of the pointer, Aaron flew over mountains, rivers, towns and cities, and finally stopped on a coast.

The waves are rolling, the breath of the sea breeze is blowing against your face, and a steep cliff standing here is where the pointer points.

The rocks were rugged and desolate, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. Aaron always felt that this place had a certain evil nature, as if it was covered with a cold curse, which made people feel chills down their backs.

"It seems that I found the right place. The Horcrux must be here." Aaron looked at the dark rock wall in front of him and seemed to understand why Voldemort would hide the Horcrux here.

First of all, this body of water is very dangerous.

The turbulent waves have blocked the approach of ships, and the erosion of the sea water has made the cliffs extremely smooth. Unless you are a rock climbing expert, you cannot climb over them.

Secondly, the pointer points to a gap under the cliff, which has been submerged by sea water. The only way to get in is to swim.

The entrance alone can make most people retreat in spite of difficulties, and coupled with the 100% existence of traps inside, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

Aaron flew to the front of the gap, and the swirling seawater blocked the entrance.

He twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and jumped in directly.

However, the moment he touched the sea, a spherical barrier suddenly appeared and enveloped him.

The water repellent spell isolated the cold sea water, and Aaron entered a dark passage effortlessly. He walked forward according to the pointer, and did not emerge from the water until he entered the depths of the cliff.

It is still extremely dark here, and there is a staircase leading to a cliff cave.

Aaron found a lot of water stains on the steps as he moved forward, guessing that they were left by Harry and Dumbledore, but they were not found when entering the cave.

If the pointer hadn't been pointing at a cliff, Aaron would have suspected that they had successfully obtained the Horcrux and escaped.

"Is there a secret door protected by mechanisms or magic?" Aaron thought for a while, then pulled out his wand and pointed it at the cliff, "Reveal quickly."

Cliff showed no reaction, and Aaron was not surprised. How could the Dark Lord's mechanism be so simple.

"The flames are blazing!"

The blazing fire light shot towards the rock wall, but an invisible barrier suddenly appeared to block the fire light, and at the same time an arch appeared with ancient magic runes written on it.

"You can enter by sacrificing blood?" Aaron couldn't help but sneered after translating. His blood was very precious, and it would be a waste to sacrifice it to this door.

Aaron decisively increased his magic output, preferring to break through violently rather than sacrifice.

Click! Click!

The barrier gradually became dim under the burning flames, and cracks appeared on the arch.

But he was happy for only three seconds before the entire cliff cave began to shake violently. Rocks and gravel fell uncontrollably, and even seawater seeped in.


Aaron decisively stopped, and the cliff cave returned to normal.

But the arch did not disappear, it just stood there quietly, seeming to be a silent provocation.

Aaron was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. Breaking the door violently was not impossible, but the moment he succeeded, the cliff would completely collapse and be buried deep in the sea.

A very powerful anti-Apparition spell has been cast on this place. If you cannot exit in time, being buried alive is the only outcome.

Even if Aaron can guarantee that he is safe and sound, the workload to salvage the Horcrux from the ruins of the seabed is not ordinary.

"Sacrifice, let's sacrifice!" Aaron cursed unhappily. He finally figured out that this door meant that the person who wanted to enter was injured and bleeding, and his strength was reduced. The method was low-level but very disgusting.

Aaron pointed the wand at the palm of his hand, but put it down after hesitating for a moment.

Then, he opened a red magic circle, took out a jar of blood, and poured it directly on the arch.

This is the blood of the basilisk. Aaron did not waste its body after killing the basilisk. The blood, venom, snake skin and even the bones were all drained away.

'Sacrifice blood to gain entry' did not say that you had to sacrifice your own blood. If Voldemort wanted to see this Horcrux on a whim one day, he would definitely not use his own blood.

The blood was swallowed up by the arch, revealing a black doorway.

Aaron did not use the fluorescent spell to illuminate, but walked directly in. After all, he was here to cut off the beard, because it was not worth exposing himself to a bright light.

After walking for a while, Aaron saw a huge black lake surrounded by deathly silence.

In the center of the lake is an office-sized island made of rocks. In addition, there is a bright white light hanging above the island, illuminating the central area of ​​the lake.

Dumbledore and Harry were on the island at the moment. They were surrounding a base that glowed green, seeming to be discussing something.

Aaron approached cautiously, not daring to make any sound.

Just when he was about to go down to the lake, a strong uneasiness rang an alarm in his mind, and he almost instinctively took a few steps back.

The next moment, a pale palm suddenly stretched out from the lake and grabbed the place where he was standing just now.


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