A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 521: Living under someone else's roof? You can't find it even if you turn Hogwarts

Chapter 521 Living under someone else's roof? You can't find it even if you turn Hogwarts upside down

Knock! Knock! Knock!

There was a sudden knock on the door. Aaron turned his head and saw three familiar faces. He rolled his eyes.

Harry opened the sliding door and walked in with Hermione and Ron.

"To be honest, I don't want to see you." Aaron said very bluntly, "Every time you come to me in a group and look like you have a lot on your mind, nothing good is going to happen."

"Uh..." Ron smiled awkwardly but politely, "This time is different. It's good news for you."

"Huh?" Aaron was stunned for a moment, "I remember the sun rose from the east today. Did I remember it wrong?"

"You remember it right. It's really good news." Harry said a little embarrassedly, "We decided to invite you to live in the Order of the Phoenix this summer."


Hearing this, Aaron almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What? Go to the Order of the Phoenix?

Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Sure." Harry nodded seriously, "This is one of the few ways we can help you. After all... you can't go home now."

"Hehe!" Aaron patted his forehead and looked at the three people with a playful look, "Can I understand that you are pitying me?"

"No, don't get me wrong, we just, just..."

"We just want to try to compensate you." Hermione said in embarrassment.

"Yes, that's what I mean."

"Come on, you're clearly trying to trick me." Aaron said unhappily, "What is the Order of the Phoenix? It's the front line against Voldemort.

I can't even hide from him now, and you put me in the Order of the Phoenix. You didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

"But it's safe there." Hermione explained patiently, "Dumbledore is the secret keeper. Unless he dies, outsiders can't find it."

"Safe?" Aaron sneered, "Maybe you're right, but if I live there, I'll inadvertently owe the Order of the Phoenix a favor.

If they or Dumbledore ask me to help with something, I guess it's hard to refuse."

"Ah, this..." Harry hesitated, and mustered up the courage to say, "You may not agree with what I said. I am happy, but since you have violated the rules of the Gaius family, why not..."

"Stop." Aaron waved his hand to interrupt, "Even if I stand on the opposite side of Voldemort, it does not mean that I will join the Order of the Phoenix and fight him to the death. That will not do me any good."

"If you don't want to live in the Order of the Phoenix, how about the Burrow?" Ron suggested, "No need to bring a tent this time, I will give you my room, and you can live in George and Fred's room if you don't want to live in my room."

"It's really hard for you to think so much." Aaron sighed, "But forget it, it's not easy to live under someone else's roof!"

Harry's eyes flashed with embarrassment. Compared to living in the Dursleys, he would rather live under someone else's roof at the Burrow. The Weasleys have never treated him as an outsider.

"Is it necessary to be so clear?" Ron complained, "You saved Ginny's life, and let Abe treat my father's injuries. The Department of Mysteries is also thanks to you, otherwise we might all die.

I'm just helping you arrange a place to live, you really don't have to think too much."

Hermione and Harry nodded in unison, agreeing with Ron's statement.

"You may have misunderstood something." Aaron said with a smile, "I just can't go home, but the shop in Diagon Alley is my private property, I can live there."

"It's not safe there!" Hermione said with some concern, "If you live there, Voldemort will come to your door at any time."

"Voldemort shouldn't be so arrogant as to arrest people in Diagon Alley!"

"Maybe not to others, but it's hard to say about you." Hermione said in a deep voice, "The secrets you hold are too tempting to him."

"That's true." Aaron sighed slightly, "But if you can't beat him, you can still hide."

"No, This is too risky. What if you get caught? "

"I'm sure." Aaron emphasized, "The Floo Network in my shop is still usable."

"What about after that?" Hermione asked, "Where can you hide after that?

For your safety, you must choose between the Order of the Phoenix and the Burrow."

"Impossible." Aaron laughed contemptuously, "You don't need to teach me how to do things.

If it doesn't work, I'll go to the Ministry of Magic to find a job. Diggory owes me a favor, and he will help me with this.

Unless Voldemort is ready to go to war, he will not dare to force his way into the Ministry of Magic. "

The three looked at each other and were speechless.

They never expected that Aaron would rather go to the Ministry of Magic than to the Order of the Phoenix.

The train moved forward, and the trees and lakes outside the window quickly retreated.

Harry and Ron played wizard chess, and Hermione picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet and started reading.

Aaron held Abe, looking at the scenery outside the window boredly, and at the same time divided part of his attention to constructing the spiritual space.

"Hey!" Hermione touched Aaron with her arm. The Daily Prophet covered most of her face, and she looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... I have something to ask you." Hermione lowered her voice and said hesitantly.

"Oh!" Aaron suddenly realized, "It's about the Department of Mysteries!

Everything has passed, don't think too much, we are good friends, and we should save you. "

"Just good friends?" Hermione glared at him angrily, her eyes slightly red.

She gave her her first kiss, and Aaron risked his life to rescue her from the Department of Mysteries. This couldn't be just a good friend!

The slightly reproachful look and the sudden silence in the carriage made Aaron feel inexplicably guilty. He immediately changed his words, "Better than a good friend."

"Just a little stronger?" Harry put down the chess piece in his hand and interjected with interest, "Aaron, I have to say something to you. You seem to have some misunderstandings about the word girlfriend."

"Yes, that's right." Ron nodded with deep understanding, "You should learn from Ginny. She already knew how to find a boyfriend when she was one year younger than you, although I am not very satisfied with her boyfriend."

"What do you know?" Aaron said disdainfully. Again, women will only affect the speed of his becoming a god. Even if he may have some unclear feelings for Hermione, he can only be ranked at the back.

What's more, he has been urged by his family to go on blind dates for several years in a row. If Vico and Lisanna knew that he had a girlfriend at school, who knows how excited they would be, and they would probably put aside even the ancestral precepts. Take him home happily.

"We understand this to some extent." Ron pretended to cough, "From the perspective of a bystander, the relationship between you two is definitely beyond ordinary friends."

"That's enough of you." Hermione said with a blush, "That's not what I want to say."

"Don't be embarrassed." Harry interrupted, "This kind of thing should be bolder."

Harry winked at Hermione as he spoke: "You usually help us two with so many lessons and make us copy homework so many times. We all feel bad if we don't help you this time."

Hermione understood the meaning in his eyes and rolled her eyes speechlessly, but she was somewhat relieved in her heart.

"You two." Aaron gave them a gentle smile, "I would venture to ask, you two...should be single!"


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Harry and Ron felt like they had been stabbed in the heart, and the expressions on their faces instantly froze.

"This...I..." Harry gritted his teeth, "I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs running away."

"Like Cedric and Cho Chang?"

Harry subconsciously covered his heart, his face turned slightly pale, and he was trembling and unable to speak.

Didn't I just say a few words to put the relationship between you two on the bright side, why would I be so murderous?

"Uh... Although I have never been in love, my sister has!"

"Broken up." Aaron said calmly, "As far as I know, Ginny has broken up with Michael Corner."

"What?" Ron exclaimed, but the next moment his face lit up with joy, "That's really great."

"She is now in a relationship with Dean Thomas." Hermione added weakly.


"It's right that she didn't tell you." Aaron glanced at Ron and said, "No one would want others to dictate this kind of thing."

"Yes, but how did you know?"

"While I was reading, I happened to see the two of them walking holding hands and talking and laughing."


Ron's heart was thundering, and it was raining continuously.

It's definitely cause for celebration that your sister dumped that dorky guy in Michael Korner.

But why did you find Dean Thomas? This Gryffindor is not much better!

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" Aaron chuckled and smacked his lips, "Next time when you preach to others, think about whether you are qualified or not!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other and smiled bitterly, they were too embarrassed to speak again.

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Aaron looked at Hermione, "What did you want to ask just now?"

"It's..." Hermione hesitated, "It's the portkey."

Damn it! The Missing Body really got it right, she wouldn't have really discovered the problem, right?

Aaron's heart was going crazy, but his face didn't change at all, "What did you say?"

"Teleportation location." Hermione looked directly into Aaron's eyes, "The portkey didn't teleport me to Hagrid's cabin that night, did it?"

"Ha! You have such a rich imagination."

"No need to lie to me." Hermione rolled her eyes at Aaron with a resentful look, "After I was teleported away, what I saw when I opened my eyes was a neatly tidied cabin, but not only did I pass out, I opened my eyes again. What I saw when I arrived was a ruined and messy hut.

Hagrid was attacked by Umbridge's men. How could there be no trace of a fight in his house? "

"Maybe you saw it wrong.

Too much magic power is consumed, your condition is very bad, and hallucinations are not impossible. "

"There's also a smell." Hermione added, "The place I teleported to has the aroma of lavender, but Hagrid's cabin... you should understand, right?

Even if I'm in a bad state, it's not like I can't tell the difference between two completely different smells! "

Aaron laughed dumbly, "This is my oversight. You are a little smarter than I thought. If it were the two of them, they would definitely not have thought of so much."

"Where is that place?" Hermione guessed curiously, "It should be not far from Hogwarts!"

"Not far from Hogwarts?" Harry looked at Aaron in surprise, "Is there a place to grow lavender near the school?"

"Isn't it the Forbidden Forest?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"It's not the Forbidden Forest, so don't make random guesses."

"Well... I woke up in Hagrid's hut after I was unconscious. You should have taken me there, right?"

"It's me." Aaron didn't deny it. "I carried you on my back before dawn."

Hearing this, Hermione looked away shyly, "Actually, you can tell me, I promise not to tell anyone else."

"That's not possible, that place is very important to me, very, very, very important." Aaron emphasized seriously, "Don't even think about looking for it. That place is even more hidden than the Room of Requirement, and you can't find it. "

"It may not be found." Hermione said unconvinced.

"Hahaha" Aaron couldn't help laughing, "I appreciate your confidence, but it is no exaggeration to say that even if you turn Hogwarts over, it will still take two or three years."

The Shenming Palace is built under the Black Lake, deep underground.

Even if they dig, it will take them a year and a half, and this does not include the water of the Black Lake and the magical creatures such as Grindylow and mermaids in the lake.

"It's not that exaggerated!" Harry doubted.

"If you find that place one day, I will definitely take you there.

But that's not a good thing, because it means that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​at an absolute disadvantage in the fight with the Death Eaters. "

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the carriage condensed instantly.

The expressions of the three people also instantly became tense, and they felt inexplicably heavy.

"That day won't happen, right?" Ron said somewhat unconfidently.

"Absolutely not." Harry said firmly, "We have Dumbledore!"


Aaron curled his lips, disapproving of this.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Dumbledore was very reliable, but he did not think that a White Devil who placed his hope on a prophecy could be reliable.


The train slowed down and stopped at King's Cross Station.

The four people in the carriage got off the train with their pets and suitcases, and then passed through the magic partition between the ninth and tenth platforms.

Moody, Sirius, Tonks, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, George and Fred were all waiting outside the station. They were wearing Muggle clothes, some old and new, some noble and some cheap. The combination was Very conspicuous together.

Mrs. Weasley gave Ron, Harry and Ginny a big hug as soon as she came up, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Ron murmured, then looked at the leather jackets on George and Fred, "What are those?"

"Real fire dragon skin." George said proudly, "The most high-end kind."

"Our business is good, and my mother doesn't even have anything to say."

"Harry." Lupine walked up to Harry, smiled and gave him a hug, "We think we have to have a good talk with your aunt and uncle before you go back to their house."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the shivering Dursley family not far away, "Isn't this not good?"

"I think there's nothing wrong with it, let's go now!" Moody said, and then he and Arthur walked towards the Dursleys. They had to warn the family not to bully Harry during the summer vacation.

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