A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 514 Those who care about details are all bastards, and good people are more cunning than bad

Chapter 514: Those who care about details are all bastards, and good people are more cunning than bad people.

Harry was stunned in surprise, his voice trembling a little as he spoke, "You mean this was all planned by him?"

"Inseparable." Dumbledore nodded seriously, "No, I'm sure that's what he thinks.

According to the ancestral teachings of the Gaius family, as long as he participates in disputes in the magic world, he will be removed from the family. He will not be able to return to the family until everything is settled. During this period, the only one he can rely on is himself.

But as long as Voldemort signed the armistice agreement, he would have enough preparation time. Even if he was involved in the whirlpool of the wizarding world, he could find a way to minimize the impact on himself, and even sit back and watch the events between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. fighting.

As for after the war, no matter who loses or wins, he can return to the Gaius family.

As long as he is reinstated as the family heir, there is nothing we can do against him. "

"Hiss!" Harry couldn't help but gasped, "Is the gap between people really that big?"

"Don't be surprised. Do you still remember the sorting ceremony when you first came to Hogwarts a few years ago?" Dumbledore asked meaningfully, "The Sorting Hat thought he also had the courage of Gryffindor, so he pulled With the wisdom of Winclaw, the loyalty of Hufflepuff, and the ambition of Slytherin, Aaron chose Slytherin House at that time.

Besides ambition, the biggest characteristic of Slytherin students is..."

"Protect yourself wisely." Harry felt an inexplicable toothache.

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded, "In a sense, Slytherin has a higher talent for self-preservation than ambition.

You know Aaron, he can do well in any house, but he took the initiative to choose Slytherin house, and you understand what this means. "

Harry's face twitched as he recalled everything that had happened in the past five years.

"He has offended Voldemort since he was in the first grade. He has done the most to thwart Voldemort's plot every time, but it seems that I have always been the shield.

I know I don't have any reason to complain, but he... this is a bit too stubborn! "

"Maybe it has something to do with family education." Dumbledore murmured with a wry smile. "For a wizarding family that can be passed down for thousands of years, in addition to requiring excellent heirs, the most important thing is the ability to save lives."

"So when he took out the contract, I knew I couldn't wait any longer, and immediately dispatched the Order of the Phoenix to interrupt Voldemort's signature.

I'm sure I read it right. He and his twin brother both felt very sorry and were extremely dissatisfied with the timing of the Order's appearance, but they could only pretend to be relieved. "

Hearing this, Harry felt his scalp tingle.

Damn it! Damn detail-obsessed bastards.

"Professor, no wonder you said Aaron wants to kill you even more.

If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it. "

"It doesn't hurt for now, it doesn't matter if he doubts all this.

He can't beat me, and even if he can, he won't kill me. "

Harry rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I always thought that only the Dark Lord could never forget him, but I didn't expect that you, the White Lord, would do the same."

"This is also a helpless move." Dumbledore sighed slightly, "I can only suppress Voldemort, but I can't kill him.

I put my hope in the prophecy and made sufficient preparations, but I cannot guarantee that there will be no surprises.

So I need to be prepared with both hands. If the plan goes wrong, someone can correct it and ensure that the prophecy develops in the direction I want. "

"So you chose Aaron?"

"Yes and no." Dumbledore said, "What I value more is the Gaius family behind Aaron."

"But you're not talking about their family's ancestral traditions..."

"Harry, there are exceptions to everything.

If my investigation is correct, Voldemort's harm to the wizarding world is not ordinary.

As long as they feel threatened, the Hidden World family will have no reason to stand idly by.

In fact, I have always wanted to talk to the Gaius family, but I also understand that before the time is right, they will not care even if I say nothing. Dumbledore said, raising five fingers, "I've been waiting for an opportunity like last night for five years, five years."

The heirs of the family are involved in the whirlpool of the wizarding world, and Voldemort's threat to the wizarding world is far beyond imagination. They might join in, and everything will be very different by then.

To put it bluntly, even if the Gaius family still adheres to the ancestral precepts, Aaron has already stood on the opposite side of Voldemort, and he will be the guarantee of my plan.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of a thief stealing, you are afraid of being remembered by the thief. If he does not want to be remembered by Voldemort, he must help you complete the prophecy. "

Harry took a while to come back to his senses. He pursed his lips and said, "Professor Dumbledore, you are really cunning, no, you are so scheming!"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly, his eyebrows and beard trembling slightly, "That child will probably blame me for a long time!"

"It's possible in a lifetime." Harry curled his lips.

"It's not that exaggerated." Dumbledore waved his hand, "He is more generous than you think, otherwise he wouldn't have helped you solve those troubles one after another in the past few years."

"Professor, do you mean to visit the Gaius family?"

"Yes, it will be during this summer vacation." Dumbledore said, "I will inform you then."

"And me?" Harry pointed to himself, "I have to go too?"

"Not just you, but Professor Snape too, although he may be reluctant to do so."

Harry smiled forcefully. Although he didn't like being arranged, he had to admit that he felt safe at the moment.


That afternoon, Professor Snape's office.

Aaron made a pot of tea, poured himself a cup, and then pretended to take a sip.

"Tsk!" Aaron smacked his lips, "Not bad.

Professor, would you like a drink? "

"This is my office." Snape said with a dark face, "I don't know if I came in, I thought you were the owner of this room."

"Just kidding, Professor Snape."

"Then please leave my desk and return my chair."

"Okay." Aaron snapped his fingers and immediately gave up his seat, "Professor, you can speak now, I am all ears."

Snape sat down, looked at him deeply, and asked, "Where do you want me to start?"

"Forget it, let me ask you the answer, so that everyone can feel more relaxed." Aaron said, and the embarrassment on Snape's face also eased a little.

"First of all, Professor, have you notified the Order of the Phoenix in time?"

"Notified." Snape pursed his lips, "I confirmed that Sirius is still there, but I couldn't find him in the Forbidden Forest, so I knew he must have gone to the Department of Mysteries."

"How did you learn about what happened in the Department of Mysteries?"

"Are you so sure?"

"answer the questions."

"The Prophecy Ball," Snape said, "Harry and Voldemort's Prophecy Ball was enchanted by Dumbledore and can monitor the surrounding environment.

Even if Voldemort destroyed it, he could still hold on for a while before the magic completely dissipated. "

"As expected." Aaron snorted, "You all saw clearly their every move after Harry got the prophecy ball, right?"

Snape nodded silently, not denying it.

"Dumbledore is quite interested." Aaron said disdainfully, "What is his purpose?"

"Test." Snape took a deep breath, "Test Potter's will, ability, courage and loyalty."

"Well...after Harry hands the prophecy ball to Lucius, are you planning to set off?"

"Both Sirius and Lupine couldn't hold it in any longer, but Dumbledore thought it could wait.

He felt that since you were willing to hand over the magic weapon to Granger, you might also be paying attention to the development of the incident. Of course... he would definitely not let any accident happen to the students.

Sure enough, his bet was right, and you showed up in time to save Longbottom. "

"Immortal." Aaron gritted his teeth, "I should have waited a few more seconds."

"It's normal for young people to be impatient."

"I'm at least better than Lupine and Sirius."

"Dumbledore was pleased by your appearance, so... there was one more subject to test.

The strength you showed shocked us, and even caused the Dark Lord to suffer a little loss.

We only learned about your true family background last night. I have to say, it's very... incredible. No wonder the Dark Lord and Dumbledore value you so much. "

Aaron secretly complained that he couldn't beat them, otherwise he would definitely give these two a big mouth.

He is an honest man, why should he be calculated like this?

"I can reluctantly accept all of this, but when I finally sign a contract with Voldemort, will Dumbledore be unable to sit still?"

Snape fell silent upon hearing this, and then met Aaron's calm gaze.


"Sure enough." Aaron patted his forehead, "That old bastard definitely did it on purpose. He just wanted to drag me into the water."

"The process was indeed unkind and even shady, but the result was successful." Snape said with a complicated expression. "Actually, he has always had this plan since you entered school. He does not expect you to join the Order of the Phoenix, but At least win you over as an ally.”

"Pull him down! I'm just thankful that he didn't stab him in the back." Aaron cursed angrily, "After what happened last night, I can see that Voldemort can't play with Dumbledore.

The battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters may be difficult, but the outcome is almost certain. "

"Professor, I have to criticize you a few words.

You are the head of Slytherin after all, but you are watching your students fall into the abyss.

You can come earlier or later. Why do you have to come here during the truce? "

“This… situation at that time, there was nothing I could do.

Dumbledore has been preparing for this day for a long time. There will be no second opportunity created by Voldemort, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. "

Aaron rolled his eyes and said nothing more.

Professor Snape is only a member of the Order of the Phoenix, so it is normal that he cannot influence Dumbledore's decision.

"I won't just let this go."

"Understood, but listen to my advice and give up!" Snape said earnestly, "He won't make it too difficult for you. He just wants you to give Porta a hand when needed."

"Do you believe this?" Aaron asked, "If it were before yesterday, this would still have some credibility.

But I already showed my strength last night. If you were Dumbledore, would you arrange a wizard who can kill ten Death Eaters like this? "

Hearing this, Professor Snape opened his mouth, not knowing how to comfort him.

He didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking, but if it were him, he would never waste such a top-notch combat power.

"Forget it, the days are long, and what has happened cannot be changed." Aaron said expressionlessly, and then changed the subject, "But I am not a soft persimmon, and I will not follow the route he arranged."

"I don't care about prophecies or anything like that. Harry Potter can die as long as he wants. I will never stop him."

"But you have already been targeted by the Dark Lord. It is safest to follow the prophecy."

"Hahaha..." Aaron couldn't help but laugh, laughing forward and backward, "Professor, in the thousands of years of history of the Gaius family, similar coercion has never happened.

But most of the time, our choice is to rather live in ruins than in ruins. "

"That's serious!" Snape frowned slightly, "I still know Dumbledore very well. Although he tried every means to get you into the game, he just wanted the plan to proceed better and would not let you do it. Things beyond the scope of ability”

"I believe this. Dumbledore is indeed a very good man. I have never seen anyone more kind and kind than him, but he was not very polite when he cheated on me.

But that’s right, if good guys want to fight bad guys, they have to be more cunning than bad guys. "

"Strong words." Snape said speechlessly, "But it seems to be the truth. There is nothing wrong with it."

Aaron shrugged, "Professor, I am very aware of my current situation, but I will not suffer the loss of being dumb. Even if I want to resist Voldemort, I will only follow my own plan.

I can only say that Dumbledore underestimated me, and the Dark Lord underestimated me too. "

"What's the meaning?"

Aaron raised his eyebrows and showed a mysterious smile, "Professor, do you think that's all you saw last night?

Let me tell you a little bit, I almost got killed when Voldemort possessed me last night. "

Snape's pupils shook violently, "Are you kidding?

"This is no joke." Aaron pulled out his wand and pointed at his temple, pulling out strands of white substance from his brain.

These substances flew in mid-air and turned into a projection, and the content played in it was the battle between Aaron and Voldemort in the spiritual space.

Professor Snape raised his eyebrows and looked at this memory with interest. After all, this was something that the Order of the Phoenix had not learned about.

The first half was okay. Although it caused a huge impact on his not fragile mind, he was used to strong winds and waves, so he could barely accept it.

But in the second half, when he saw the ferocious roar of thunder and almost took away Voldemort with one move, he could no longer hold back and stood up from the chair with wide eyes.

"This, this, this...is this true?"

"Calm down, Professor.

You are our Head of Slytherin, this kind of small scene..."

"You told me this was a small scene?" Snape interrupted in surprise, "If that magic circle is used, Hogwarts might be gone."

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