A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 511 The complete version of immortality, digging graves...isn’t it appropriate? (1/2)

Chapter 511 The complete version of immortality, digging graves...isn’t it appropriate?

Hogsmeade, the Shrieking Shack.

While the four of Ron were resting and sleeping, Aaron and Abe came here through phantom movement.

"Thank you for thinking of meeting us here."

"There is no way." Sitting on a dilapidated wooden bed, the missing body spread its hands, "With our magister's ability, we are not able to phantom at Hogwarts. I saw Hermione after I sent her to Hagrid's hut. Ren Liu, I remembered that there is such a secret passage in the school. "

"Just send it to the destination. Shenming Palace hasn't been exposed yet."

"But she has probably discovered something is wrong." Si Nian said playfully, "She has always been very smart, hasn't she?"

"It doesn't matter." Aaron said nonchalantly, "She is just doubtful now. When she really finds out, we will not be afraid of any challenges."

"That's true." The missing body nodded in agreement.

Aaron found a sofa that wasn't too dirty and sat down, and then he couldn't wait to open the task panel.

[Be a conscientious prefect (from now until the end of this semester);

Completing the mission rewards 1200 magic points, and there is no penalty for mission failure; accepted]

[Change the prophecy, change the fate of the dying person;

Completing the mission will reward you with 1,000 magic points, and there will be no penalty for mission failure; Completed]

"System, receive the reward for the second mission.

immediately. "

"Okay, host."

"Then...buy the horse charm."

"No problem at all, host."

One thousand magic points were instantly cleared before he could even warm himself up, but Aaron didn't feel any distress at all.

On the contrary, looking at the octagonal charm with a light blue horse head pattern on his hand, the corners of his mouth could not help but grin behind his ears.

The dog spell gave him the power of eternal life and immortality, and even the God of Death could not do anything to him.

But being immortal does not mean that you will not be injured, feel no pain, or be immune to a series of negative effects such as poisoning, curses, and illness.

The Horse Talisman can make up for this shortcoming. The healing power allows the holder to remove all abnormal influences caused by external forces, heal all diseases and injuries, and even a missing arm or leg can be recovered immediately.

It can be said that the combination of the immortal power of the Dog Talisman and the healing power of the Horse Talisman is the complete version of immortality.

Moreover, the power of the Horse Talisman can not only affect the human body, but also restore damaged objects to their most perfect state.

"Absorb!" Aaron said with excitement.

As he finished speaking, the blue horse head pattern on the charm gradually turned gray, and the exact same horse head pattern flashed across Aaron's pupils.

The healing power swept through his body, and his injuries recovered in the blink of an eye, and his overall condition improved a lot.

"Not bad, I feel very good now." Aaron crushed the charm into powder, "It's a pity that the magic power cannot be restored, otherwise it would be perfect."

"It wouldn't be this price if the magic power could be restored." The missing body smiled and shook its head, and then reminded: "Although the ability to save life has been improved to a higher level, we still can't get carried away."

"Don't worry, I still understand this truth. You have to rely on strength to speak at all times." Aaron said very seriously. Immortality seems to be an unsolvable ability, but it does not mean invincibility.

He has already seen the God of Death tonight. Who knows if there are other gods in the magic world.

They may not be able to kill him, but there are at least 10,000 ways to concoct him, such as sealing, dismembering, devouring, enslaving, etc. These methods can all pose a threat to him.

Therefore, keeping a low profile is the way to go. Unless you are invincible, you have to keep a low profile.

"Let's get down to business!" said the missing body, "After I went back, I thought about it carefully.

Everything that happened tonight was not wrong, it was particularly wrong. "

"I feel the same way. There are too many coincidences." The smile on Aaron's face gradually faded. "It feels like it was arranged by someone."

"The appearance of little Barty prevented us from leaving in time, and then we had to face Voldemort." The missing body took over the words, "The secrets and knowledge of the Gaius family greatly stimulated the Dark Lord's interest in us, and he did not want to be prisoners and experiments. The target can only fight to the death.

Many trump cards were exposed, including the magic circle, Abe, psychic space, dragon transformation, and my clone... The twin brothers looked quite bluffing, but they couldn't withstand scrutiny at all. As long as you spend some time investigating, you will know my identity. The identity is fake.

But the more we were exposed, the more Voldemort became interested in us, and the mere secret of becoming a god was enough for him to focus on us. "

"But what our clan relies on is nothing more than two words, talent." Aaron sighed, "This is the shadow of the ancestors, but he will not believe it, let alone accept it.

And in a sense, tonight has been torn apart, and our threat to him will skyrocket, just below Dumbledore.

After he takes care of Dumbledore, we will naturally become the next target. "

"What's more interesting is the timing of the Order of the Phoenix's appearance." The Missing Body sneered, "They happened to come just when I appeared to ease the conflicts between the two sides and Voldemort was about to sign a one-year armistice agreement.

Tell me, how could such a coincidence happen? This probability is even smaller than the probability of winning a billion-dollar jackpot by buying a lottery ticket! "

"Who says it's not the case? When I tried to climb out of the whirlpool several times in a row, I was pushed down by a black hand inexplicably.

We were forced to stand against Voldemort and were not even given a chance to seek peace. Aaron chuckled, "Originally I was just a little skeptical, but our Professor Lupin actually knew that the Gaius family produced the God of Magic!"

I don’t remember telling him the family secret. How did he know it? "

"Two possibilities." The missing body raised two fingers, "First, he is also investigating the Gaius family like Voldemort, but this can basically be ruled out.

Remus John Lupine is a werewolf. I'm not being racist, but werewolves don't have Voldemort's resources. It's absolutely impossible for him to find Gaius's secret.

There is only one other possibility. Everything that happened in the Department of Mysteries has not escaped their eyes. This is the only explanation.

Logically speaking, Professor Snape should have informed the Order of the Phoenix a long time ago. Harry, the others, and we all put most of our hope in the Order of the Phoenix's support.

But they didn't come early or late, but they came just when we signed the truce agreement. "

"You're absolutely right." Aaron nodded with deep approval, "Coupled with Professor Snape's attitude toward us tonight, with a complicated look on his face, hesitating to speak, and a hint of guilt in his eyes, it's too special How can it explain the problem?”

"Albus Dumbledore." The missing body was angry and helpless, "This old immortal thief really deserves to die!"

"Whether he should die or not, his goal has been achieved." Aaron shrugged, "We were successfully dragged into the water by him, and there are only two ways to get ashore.

Either get on a boat, the pirate ship of the Order of the Phoenix, or swim on your own, which is easier than getting on a boat.

But no matter which path we choose, Voldemort and his Death Eaters are the hurdles we must pass. "

"Haha!" The missing body laughed at itself, "The Dark Lord is pitiful, he thought he was standing on the second level, and plotted against Harry Potter to get the prophecy, and dragged us into a trap.

And we are ridiculous, thinking that we are standing on the fifth floor and exposing most of our trump cards, but we haven't even got enough development time.

Only Dumbledore's immortal figure actually stood in the atmosphere. Voldemort plotted against Harry Potter at most, but he directly plotted against us.

This time he won the pot, which not only pushed us to the opposite side of Voldemort, but also let the entire wizarding world know the news of Voldemort's comeback, and also made Harry Potter determined to promote the prophecy, strategic purposes and politics. The purpose was achieved. "

"The most important thing is that he has nothing to lose." Aaron gritted his teeth and cursed, "Sirius Black, who should have died, was brought back from the brink of death by me.

In other words, the Order of the Phoenix did not lose its members tonight, but several Death Eaters were captured. "

"Old bastard! I finally learned a lesson today. Sure enough, good people can be harmed, but bad people have nothing to do with them.

I thought he was just making small troubles in the past few years, but I didn't expect that he would cause big problems as soon as he took action. "

"My skills are inferior to others, so there's nothing I can do about it." The Missing Body smiled bitterly, "In addition, in a sense, these are all speculations. We don't have any evidence, and we owe the Order of the Phoenix a favor."

"There is still evidence." Aaron took out the glass ball that stored Sirius' soul, "I'm not sure about anything else, but he is definitely an insider.

All in all, this matter cannot be left alone. "

"We can't just let it go, but we can only think about it in the long term." The missing body comforted.

Hearing this, Aaron took a deep breath and gradually calmed down, "I can't climb out anymore, I have to find a way to get some benefits!"

"how do you want to do it?"

Aaron smiled without saying a word and threw the glass ball in his hand.

"This is not good!" The missing body seemed to understand the main body's thoughts, and its expression became particularly unnatural, "I am not against it, but we are decent people after all, digging graves and so on... is not appropriate? "

"This is a necessary bargaining chip." Aaron said seriously, "A Sirius with only a soul left is at most a ghost in Hogwarts, with almost no value.

But a living Sirius is very different. He is the sole heir of the pure-blood Black family, the godfather of the savior Harry Potter, an important member of the Order of the Phoenix, and the best friend of Remus Lupin... .”

"Wait, wait, stop." The missing body interrupted, "I know all what you said, but you must not have done the dirty work of digging graves yourself, right?"

"Uh..." Aaron laughed, "Don't worry about those details, there is no difference between what you do and what I do."

"It's a big difference, isn't it?" Xiannian Fang looked aggrieved and said with his fingers: "Homework, school exams, bullet making, practicing magic circles, making suggestions, etc., etc., etc., although these tasks are more, but I I can still bear it.

But digging and robbing graves, and stealing corpses, is too difficult. "

"To go or not to go?"

"Go." The missing body said with a look of sorrow and anger, "The main body has decided, if I say I can't go, I'm afraid it won't work!"

"You don't need to do it yourself." Aaron smiled awkwardly, "The Black Shadow Ninja can definitely do this job, but they may not do the finishing work well.

I need you to go over and supervise, and add an insurance policy so that no one can see that Sirius's body has been stolen.

But be careful, you have to be quick. It will be difficult if you wait for the body to rot. "

"I understand." The Missing Body's face looked much better, "But after all, Sirius was hit by the Death Curse. He can't be resurrected by putting his soul into his body. His body may even affect the state of his soul. "

"We'll get the body first, and as for the rest... let's figure it out slowly!

If it hadn't been for what happened tonight, I might have been able to use the horse charm to heal him.

But now I'm afraid. The healing ability must not be exposed, otherwise the immortal finger might plot something against us. "

Missing body:......

"It makes sense. The easier it is to get it, the less you know how to cherish it."


The next day.

Aaron left the dormitory early in the morning, as if nothing happened last night.

He changed into a brand new set of clothes and brought Aaron, who also changed into a new set of clothes, to the auditorium.

One person and one dragon seemed to be very hungry, and they kept feasting. They stopped involuntarily until they saw Professor Snape sitting on the staff bench.

Aaron gave Professor Snape a smile and walked over.

"Professor, I have some questions that need to be answered."

"I refuse to answer any questions during meal time," Snape said calmly.

"It's okay, I can wait." Aaron said very straightforwardly, "Professor Snape, you know me and should know what I want to ask.

There were too many coincidences last night. I can find the problem as long as I am not stupid. I just want the truth now. You will grant my little wish, right? "

Hearing this, Snape put down his knife and fork, with a hint of helplessness in his voice, "Do you have to ask me? Can't someone else do it?"

"See what you said?" Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Who else can I ask besides you?"

Snape's expression froze, as if this was indeed the case.

Sirius died, Moody and Tonks were hospitalized, Lupine was getting drunk for the sacrifice of his best friend, Kingsley was dealing with the aftermath at the Ministry of Magic, and as for Dumbledore... he was an old fox with a thick face and a dark heart.

Damn it! If I had known earlier I would not have shown up, at least I would have waited until the news had passed.

But he didn't expect Aaron to return so quickly, and the others were still staying at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters!

Aaron seemed to see his mood and sighed softly: "Professor, you should understand that you can't escape.

Unless you resign right now, I can guarantee that your life at Hogwarts will be wonderful.

Of course, it's useless even if you resign. It's not difficult for me to find someone if I make up my mind. "

Snape's mouth twitched slightly, "I understand, give me some time to think about it."

"Thank you." Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, "Professor, I know this is a bit difficult for you, but you also have to be considerate of your students!

I was living a good life, but I fell into such a pit in a daze, and I couldn't even climb out.

I, I, who the hell did I offend! "

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