A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 496 The crisis caused by the prophecy ball, shooting at the slightest disagreement (1/2)

Chapter 496 The crisis caused by the prophecy ball, shooting at the slightest disagreement

"Neville Longbottom, right? How are your parents?"

"Much better, because I will take revenge." Neville said and raised his wand. Bella was ready to fight back with disdain, but Harry and Lucius stopped them with a tacit understanding.

"Can we all calm down now?" Lucius said softly, "We only need the prophecy ball. If we hand it over, no one will be hurt."

"Why did Voldemort want me to get it?" Harry asked.

"How dare you say his name." Bella couldn't bear it anymore, "You dirty bastard."

"It doesn't matter, he is just a curious little guy." Lucius explained with a smile, "Because only those mentioned in the prophecy have the ability to get it, others will go insane."

"Why doesn't he come and get it himself?"

"While the Ministry of Magic focused their attention on my dear cousin, the Dark Lord exposed himself to them?" Bella laughed maniacally, but quickly calmed down, "But we are almost ready. If you're lucky, you might be able to see him tonight."

"Don't say this casually!" Lucius said with a half-smile, "It would be bad if I scare them."

Harry's face was expressionless, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

From what they heard, Voldemort was coming. If they didn't leave before he came, none of them would be able to escape.

"Do it," Harry shouted.


The six people used sleeping spells at the same time to hit the Death Eaters on the opposite side. The Death Eaters turned into black smoke to avoid these spells, but also made way.

"Run." Harry made a quick decision and led the five of them to run in one direction.

After passing a few corners, Lucius fell from the sky along with a group of black mist, blocking them in front of them.

In order to facilitate the access of staff, the Ministry of Magic did not set up anti-Apparition spells, which actually facilitated the actions of Death Eaters.

That is to say, this room was filled with densely packed shelves, which obstructed the view. If it were in an open place, Harry and the others might not even have a chance to escape.

"Give it to me." Lucius said coldly.

They paused for a moment, then made an instant decision and turned to another fork in the road.

Lucius wasn't surprised either, and he apparated after him.

However, Luna hesitated for two seconds and was knocked to the ground by another Death Eater who was chasing after her.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell."

She hurriedly picked up her wand and cast a spell, and a spell knocked the Death Eater away.

The crisis was temporarily over, but Luna was separated from Harry and the others, but it didn't matter, the destination was the same, which was the exit of this room.

Because Death Eaters would always appear suddenly from time to time, the others had to separate during the escape process.

Neville and Ginny had just used the petrification spell to kill a Death Eater when they accidentally bumped into Luna running over. They wasted no time in talking and formed a team again with a tacit understanding.

A Death Eater turned into black mist and caught up with Harry. His upper body floated in mid-air and looked at Harry.

However, because Harry had the prophecy ball that Voldemort wanted in his hand, the Death Eater was unable to launch an attack. Instead, he was knocked unconscious by Harry's stun spell.

Hermione and Ron were also entangled by a Death Eater. They fought and retreated, but their dueling skills were obviously not at the same level as the other's, and the spells they released were easily blocked.

As the distance between the two sides grew closer, Hermione turned to attack the shelf on one side.

Hundreds of prophecy balls rained down, and the Death Eaters had to deal with the trouble above their heads first.

Illusive milky-white figures floated out of the broken prophecy ball. They were the prophet's prophecies. After they appeared, they recounted the content of the prophecies, barely blocking the Death Eaters' sight.

The six people ran fast and finally gathered together at the intersection closest to the gate.

A strange sound suddenly sounded, and three masses of black mist flew from different directions, blocking the door, and Lucius happened to be among them.

"I knew you would come here and hand over the prophecy ball honestly so that you can suffer less."

"Shattered to pieces."

Ginny suddenly waved her wand, and blue-white light shot straight ahead along with a faint tide of magic.

Lucius raised his eyebrows in surprise, took out the wand from his scepter and held it in front of him.

The curse flew in front of the three people and was blocked by a transparent semicircular barrier, turning into thousands of white light spots and dissipating.

"That's great. Molly must have taught you such a dangerous spell!" Lucius said lightly, "If she were to use this spell, I might not be able to block it, but you are too young and your magic power is still with you. Not on."

Ginny seemed to feel that she was being ridiculed, gritting her teeth and glaring at him, but finally resisted the urge to take action.

The spell just now was already her most powerful magic, but the effect was obviously not ideal.

Lucius stretched out his right hand again, "Give it to me, don't force me to do it."

Harry held the prophecy ball tightly, a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, "If I give it to you, we will really be meat on the chopping board."

"Actually... it's almost as good as not giving it." Lucius sneered.

"Get out of the way, or I'll smash it." Harry said calmly.

"You won't." Old God Lucius said calmly, "Smash it, and we won't have any scruples about doing it.

Potter, you have a big weakness, personal heroism.

The Dark Lord also knows this very well, so he can lure you out of Hogwarts. You don't want your friends to pay a heavy price for your stupidity! "

"Can't give it to him, Harry." Neville said very seriously.

"I know, but..."

"We are mentally prepared," Ron said, although his voice sounded a little shaky.

"I'll do it!" Hermione took a few steps forward hesitantly, "I don't know if it's possible, but maybe I can create an opportunity."

"This is not a time for joking. We might have a chance if we work together." Ginny said solemnly, "There are three of them, but there are six of us. We may not lose if we fight."

"That's right." Luna agreed softly and took out her wand.

"Alas!" Lucius shook his head helplessly, "I won't cry until I see the coffin!"

But the next moment, he couldn't help but swallow.

Hermione was seen pulling out a flintlock short gun from her pocket, and the dark muzzle was facing them from a distance of more than ten meters.


Lucius suddenly had the urge to yell. He had seen the power of this gun with his own eyes, but he definitely didn't want to experience it personally. If he was hit, he would have to shed his skin.

What's even more worth pondering is why this gun is in her hand. If it was stolen, forget it, she probably wouldn't be able to use it, but if Aaron Gaius gave it to her, then how would he treat it? A Muggle-born wizard had to change his attitude, at least not let her die here.

If Aaron was made unhappy, the Malfoy family's escape route might be cut off.

"Stop." Lucius shouted loudly, "Miss Granger, put that thing down. We have something to discuss."

"Malfoy, there's no need to be so nervous!" a Death Eater on the side said in confusion.

"Mulciber, if you want to die, you can try it yourself."

The Death Eater named Mulciber suddenly stopped talking. He had been squatting in Azkaban for more than ten years and did not have a full understanding of the outside world, but he still knew Malfoy well.

His strength may not be the strongest, but his judgment of the situation is very accurate, otherwise he would not be able to thrive in the wizarding world.

"Aaron gave it to you?" Harry's eyes flashed with joy, "Now we are saved."

Hermione nodded slightly, then bravely looked at the other side, "Let us leave."

"I'm afraid this won't work." Lucius' mouth twitched slightly.

Are you kidding me? How could he explain to Voldemort when everyone was released? Even if he had a higher status among the Death Eaters, he could not withstand the Dark Lord's anger.

"Then it's non-negotiable." Hermione said as she was about to pull the trigger.

"Wait, hand over the prophecy ball, and I can take a step back." Lucius reassured, "But I can only make the decision and let you go alone."

"What about them?"

"Then it depends on their luck." Lucius said meaningfully, "I would like to take a step back for the sake of the owner of this gun. You'd better not push the envelope."

Hearing this, Hermione smiled slightly and immediately pulled the trigger.

The other shore pattern on the gun instantly lit up, greedily absorbing Hermione's magic power.

"Run quickly."

The moment she fired, Lucius turned into black mist and flew away from the place, leaving only two words of warning to his companions in mid-air.

Before the two Death Eaters could react, they saw a red bullet rolling over with a red shock wave.

But after all, they were experienced Death Eaters who sensed the huge crisis in their minds. They did not have time to retreat, but almost instinctively held their wands in front of them.


The brilliant fire suddenly exploded, and the magic power released by the two Death Eaters was quickly swallowed up by the fire.

The impact of the explosion knocked the two of them against the wall before stopping. The defense was not timely, but they were not seriously injured, but they just looked in a miserable state.

"What is that?" Mulciber asked with lingering fear. It was unimaginable that a witch who had not yet graduated could make him feel threatened by death.

"You don't know that I know it?" Another Death Eater said angrily, "Malfoy can run very fast. If the three of us work together, we can definitely stop him."

Harry and others looked at Hermione blankly, and Ginny and Luna even had little stars in their eyes.

With just this move, her image instantly rose several levels in their hearts.

Hermione herself was also confused, and was deeply shocked by the power of this gun, but the feeling of weakness coming from her body was not fake. The huge loss of magic power made her almost unsteady.

"Let's move quickly. If we hear the gunfire, the other Death Eaters will be chasing us soon." Harry said, and the others also reacted and immediately ran towards the door.

After all, they were being hunted by Death Eaters, and their lives might have been lost if they were one step too late.

But when they finally broke out of the door and returned to the circular room, they sadly found that the door leading to the hall was mixed with the doors of other rooms, and even the marks they had made on the door had completely disappeared.

"The Department of Mysteries is indeed mysterious, isn't it?" Ron said with a forced smile.

There were rapid footsteps coming from the door behind them, and they realized that the Death Eaters were chasing after them. They didn't dare to pause at all, so they just found a door and got in.


On the other side, the Hall of Divine Sound.

Aaron slapped the table hard, and the image in the crystal ball was once again obscured by fog.

He and the thought body divined four times together. The first time they rode the Thestrals in the night sky. The scene of rushing on the road was meaningless.

The second time was the empty main hall of the Ministry of Magic. He was not surprised. Voldemort had prepared traps. It was not possible that even the security guards on duty could not handle it.

The third time was more important. Harry got the prophecy ball, and then the Death Eaters appeared.

To be honest, the scene of running away was quite thrilling, but Aaron could still accept it. The weapons he prepared for Hermione could still deal with this situation.

But when Hermione fired the gun for the fourth time, he really couldn't hold it back, and he finally realized what he had overlooked.

Whether it was the red spider lily or the moon drop, it was enough for her to save herself. Lucius cooperated very well and gave her a way out.

But she didn't appreciate it. Using the props that can save one person for six people, isn't that a joke!

"Fuck! What kind of hero are you trying to be!

The magic power was not that high to begin with, and that shot at least took away 30% or 40% of it."

"What should we do? Go or not?" the thought body asked.

"I'll think about it."

"Still want to?"

"What else?

She just used the weapon I gave her. Maybe her family will just give her a warning, but if we get involved, our retreat will be completely cut off, and the cost is too high.

Besides, as long as the prophecy is still in Harry's hands, they won't be at the end of their rope. At least the Death Eaters won't kill them easily. As long as they hold on until the Order of the Phoenix comes, they won't be in any danger."

The thought body rolled his eyes speechlessly. If he hadn't seen the original body pack up all the props on the shelf, he might have really believed it.

"Abe." Aaron shouted.

The Holy Dragon immediately jumped onto the table, "Master, I'm here."

"Get ready, we may have to travel at night later."

"Why didn't I realize that I was so hypocritical before!" the thought body teased.

"Hogwarts cannot Apparate. Even if I want to go, I have to leave the school first!

You continue to stay here to divine, and pay attention to the prophecy book. If something goes wrong, notify me immediately."

"This time it may be a tough battle. Voldemort may take action himself. Are you sure you are ready?"

"Professor Snape will notify the Order of the Phoenix. If the sky falls, there are tall people to support it, although they may not be as tall as me." Aaron pondered, "Don't worry, even if I have to get involved, I won't let myself get too deep.

Apparate, I will leave immediately after finding her. As for the others... I will save them if I can, and I can't care if I can't save them."

The thought body also knew that the original body might have made up its mind this time, and let out a long breath and said: "Plans can never keep up with changes. We can look down on Voldemort, but we must not underestimate him."

"That's why I brought all those props. If it gets out of hand, your existence may not be concealed, but the most important trump card will never be exposed."

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