A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 47 The two cat dealers’ tactics upgrade

Gryffindor common room.

Harry and Ron sat at a table, frowning.

"What should I do?" Ron asked depressedly.

The original plan was to get rid of Abe first, but as long as he gained his favor and then sought Aaron's consent, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

But a few days later, Abe had eaten nearly 20 chicken legs, and he still didn't like them, which made the two people who were already guilty even more guilty.

To this day, Aaron can't stand it, because the two of them were too kind to Abe, and both of them made him gain half a kilogram of weight.

When Aaron held up the slightly fat white cat and asked them not to continue feeding it, the two of them were so confused that they could dig out a Hogwarts with their feet.

"How do I know?" Harry was also speechless, "The original plan is canceled for the time being. That cat is cute, but it's just a bottomless pit.

After feeding him to maturity, Snape would probably run away with the Philosopher's Stone. "

"Alas!" Ron leaned on the sofa and said thoughtfully: "It's definitely not possible to borrow money around the corner. Abe is not that easy to walk around, and Aaron may not lend it to us."

Harry was stunned for a moment, looked around, and after making sure there was no one there, he lowered his voice and said, "Then you mean, let's steal?

Isn't this appropriate? Although Aaron is a Slytherin, he is also our friend. "

"Harry, I know this is a bit unkind, but do you have a better way?

Think about Snape, you don't want him to get the Sorcerer's Stone!

Besides, we don’t really want to hurt Abe, we just borrow him for an hour as a reward for treating him to chicken legs for three days. "

Harry was a little moved, but also a little worried, "But what if we are discovered?"

"There is no such thing as a chance." Ron said confidently, "Don't forget, you still have an invisibility cloak.

Aaron couldn't take Abe with him all the time. For example, they would have to be separated when going to the bathroom.

At that time, as long as we were careful, stealing a cat was not easy. "

Hearing this, the corner of Harry's mouth twitched. This method sounded a bit despicable.

And if this is discovered, then the boat of their friendship with Aaron will capsize. The risk is very high, and it is too big to bear.

"No, we can't do this, it's too much.

Simply a human trafficker, no, a cat trafficker. "

"Um...this..." Ron reacted, with an awkward yet polite smile on his face, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm just giving you an idea.

If you have a good idea, put it forward. "

Harry opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but no words came out.

Because he also thinks this bad idea is the only one at the moment.

“What if Aaron finds out the cat is missing?”

"Hahaha!" Ron laughed, "Harry, Abe is a cat, okay! It should be normal for him to wander around while his owner is away, as long as he doesn't disappear for too long.

After we showed it to Hagrid, we released it directly and it automatically ran to Aaron.

The cat can't speak, everything is very natural and there will be no flaws. "

"Wait!" Harry suddenly sat up, "I have an idea."

"What can I do?" Ron was a little curious.

"Didn't you just say it was a cat?

What will the cat do? Catch mice!

If we let Scabbers appear in front of Aaron while he is going to the toilet, and then lead him to Hagrid's hut, wouldn't that be the case? "

"No!" Ron slammed the table angrily, "I absolutely disagree, there is no worse idea than this.

Harry, you also know that cats can catch mice, but cats can also eat mice. What if Scabbers doesn't escape?

It has been following me for a long time, and I can't bear to let it do such a dangerous thing. "

"Sorry!" Harry lowered his head in shame, "Does that mean we can only steal?"

"Yes, but we need a rigorous plan." Ron crossed his arms and looked serious. "After all, Abe is alive. If he is suddenly caught, he will definitely resist violently. It would be bad if he makes a fuss."

"Yeah!" Harry nodded, "I think Hagrid will have a good idea."


The next day they arrived at the gamekeeper's hut.

After explaining the purpose of his visit to Hagrid, the honest giant showed a troubled expression on his face, "Isn't your idea a bit unreliable? Why don't you forget it!"

"Then tell us who participated in the design of the Philosopher's Stone's mechanism." Harry said immediately.

"This...of course not." Hagrid found it even more difficult, his thick beard all crowded together.

Telling them directly would definitely not work. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Harry and the others to continue to get involved. It would take one day to delay.

But he is not willing to study novel species. His intuition tells him that Aaron's pets are definitely not simple, and are not even inferior to some magical creatures.

"That's it." Harry said helplessly.

"But why are you looking for me? I can't help you!"

"No, Hagrid, you are the only one in all of Hogwarts who can help.

No one knows animals better than you, so you must have something to put Abe to sleep. "

"Shh!" Hagrid looked around guiltily, "Who told you?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other and smiled, "It seems you really have."

Hagrid rolled his eyes at the two of them, then rummaged through a box in the corner. About half a minute later, he took out a small purple bottle.

"Special sleeping pill, this thing is only useful for pets, not people.

But if it is a magical animal, the effect may not be that great. The more powerful the magical animal, the lower the effectiveness.

For example, for magical animals such as dragons and phoenixes, as long as they are not cubs, this sleeping pill is just like plain water. "

"That's enough. What we want to put down is a cat, not a dragon." Ron said with a smile, but he didn't know that what they wanted to put down was a dragon.

"Okay! I can give you something, but you have to pay attention to the dosage." Hagrid reminded, "With Abe's physique, just one drop is enough for him to sleep for two hours.

Moreover, you must return this bottle of medicine to me after using it. "

"Got it!" Harry took the medicine bottle and pulled Ron out of Hagrid's hut.

The two of them returned to the common room without stopping and began to discuss the battle plan. Looking at the purple vial on the table, they became more and more excited as they talked.

Although I know it's a bit unkind to do this, they are eleven-year-old children after all, and such interesting and exciting things have an inexplicable attraction to them.

"What are you two doing? Why are you so happy?" Hermione came over holding a stack of review materials.

Ron quickly put away the sleeping pills on the table, "Nothing, we were just discussing the Quidditch game."

"Really?" Hermione was a little skeptical.

"Of course it's true, otherwise what do you think would make us happy?" Harry said, "Unless Malfoy fell into the toilet, or Snape was fired."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I won't talk about Snape, but Draco hasn't offended you recently, has he?"

"But he offended us when school started?" Ron said unhappily, "That bossy attitude is exactly the same as his father Lucius Malfoy."

Harry nodded with deep understanding, he didn't like Malfoy's condescending attitude.

"It's up to you!" Hermione slapped the information in her hand on the table. "This is prepared for you. As long as you memorize these final exams, you will be absolutely fine."

"Hermione!" Ron's eyes twitched, "Are you sure this is for the final exam?

Our textbooks stacked together should not be this high! "

"What kind of attitude do you have? These are my study notes. Many people asked me for them but I didn't give them to them!"

"No! But this is too much!" Harry said with a wry smile. The two of them had no academic talent. They would be satisfied as long as they could pass. However, Hermione arranged a hell difficulty for them. This was to get a perfect score in all subjects. Go ahead!

Hermione also knew that it was unrealistic to ask them to read. "You don't have to memorize it all, but you should at least read it a few times to avoid not knowing what to write in the exam."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, but they were speechless. No matter how unhappy they were with the scumbag, they still had to bow their heads when facing the top students.

"By the way, has Hagrid relaxed?"

"No!" Harry shook his head, "He is still in the same condition."

"What about Abe?"

At this time, the two scumbags showed a clear understanding and shook their heads at the same time, with a little bitterness on their faces.

Although the acting is not perfect, it is full of confusion.

"Alas!" Harry sighed dejectedly.

Ron also cooperated and said: "That cat doesn't give us any chance."

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