A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 463: The House of Requests, Forming a Defense Association (1/2)

Chapter 463 Room of Requirement, Formation of Defense Association

Gryffindor common room.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were gathered around the fireplace when a face suddenly appeared in the red flames just after midnight.

"Sirius." Harry looked at him excitedly.

"how are things?"

"It's both good and bad!" Hermione said with a stern face, "Aaron promised to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts, but... there were almost thirty people. He was so angry that he almost turned against us on the spot."

"He doesn't like trouble. It's understandable that he can't stand it when you call so many people."

"We don't call people that." Ron said.

"Shut up!" Hermione said unhappily, "I didn't expect there would be so many people."

"But Umbridge has issued a new law prohibiting group activities of more than three people." Harry said with a sad face, "The Quidditch team has to reapply, and our Defense Against the Dark Arts team also... ....”

"So you should be careful when choosing a party venue." Sirius grinned, "The Pig's Head Bar, as you can imagine, Three Broomsticks is better than that place."

"How do you know?" Harry said solemnly.

"While you were having a meeting, Mundungus happened to be there drinking.

He dressed up as a witch wearing a gauze scarf. It's normal if you don't recognize him. "

"He...is he spying on me?" Harry asked angrily.

"This is necessary, Harry." Sirius said seriously, "Molly knows that you almost demolished the house when you formed the Defense Against the Dark Arts team.

She made me swear to deliver a message to you, especially you Ron. "


Ron swallowed and said with difficulty: "What is she going to say?"

"Do not join an illegal Defense Against the Dark Arts group under any circumstances. If you are caught, you will definitely be expelled."

"What do you think?" Harry asked.

"Exactly the opposite of her, otherwise I would have stopped you from the beginning."

"But what if...you are really fired?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"I personally feel that being expelled for self-defense is better than doing nothing." Sirius said, "Besides, Umbridge will not expel thirty students at once. This will have a negative impact on her reputation." certain influence.”

"You heard me, Hermione." Ron said carelessly, "It's not a big problem. The worst is being locked up."

"Confinement is quite scary." Harry said sarcastically, "I have a better say in this aspect."

"We still have a problem," Hermione said. "We don't know where we can go."

"How about the Shrieking Shack?" Sirius suggested excitedly, "James, Lupine and I often have gatherings there."

"No, there are thirty of us and the place is too small."

"Well... there is a pretty big secret passage on the fifth floor..."

"I'm afraid that won't work either." Harry sighed slightly, "That place collapsed two years ago."

"Okay! I'll think about it again."

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression became extremely frightened and he turned his head nervously.

The next moment he disappeared into the fireplace, and the three of them stared at the flames for a moment. Before they could react, a big hand covered with rings stretched out from the flames as if to grab something.

The three people's eyes widened and they ran away without saying a word.

Because this hand belongs to Umbridge, the ring on it can fully prove the identity of its owner.


The next day, the Charms classroom.

Professor Flitwick gave each student a frog and asked them to use it to practice the Silencing Charm.

At this time, the classroom will be noisy, and no one will listen to what you say.

"You three...didn't you sleep all night?" Aaron joked, looking at the dark circles under Harry's eyes.

The three of them nodded in unison, and then told him what happened last night.

After hearing this, Aaron was speechless and complained: "Is he crazy, or are you crazy, or are you all crazy?

You know that the communication channels and Floo network are being monitored, and you still talk to each other. You can't do this in pursuit of excitement! "

"We don't know either!" Harry said weakly.

"Pull him down! I'm afraid you don't believe this yourself." Aaron said angrily, "It's okay to deceive yourself and others, but there is a limit."

"Umbridge may have read his letter," Hermione guessed.

"Be more confident and leave out the word "possible".

But he probably didn't catch Sirius, otherwise she would be interviewing reporters now and caught a notorious serial murderer. "

"He's not," Harry said angrily.

"But in the eyes of most people who don't know, he is." Aaron said patiently, "After what happened last night, he should be more restrained."

"Have you found the training location?"

"Not yet." Hermione shook her head, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"Um...I was saying you better hurry up because I'm giving Draco and Siren their third lesson this week."

The three of them looked at each other and opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

You can't let Malfoy and the others stop training just because they haven't found a place!

However, their work efficiency greatly exceeded Aaron's expectations. He thought it would take at least ten days and a half to find a suitable training location, but he did not expect that they found enough for thirty people to train in the afternoon of the next day. secret location.

"Come and go room?" Draco looked at Aaron suspiciously, "That's what they said? You must have been deceived. How could there be a place like this in Hogwarts?"

“They wouldn’t joke about it.

Besides, there are indeed rumors about the Room of Requirement circulating in Hogwarts. "

"But isn't this too exaggerated?" Xilin was a little confused. "A house that can satisfy all wishes is impossible even if you think about it."

"It is impossible to fulfill all wishes, but it is not possible to fulfill some simple wishes." Aaron said thoughtfully, "Don't forget that the founders of Hogwarts were the four greatest magicians of that era.

With their level of magic, it is not impossible to create a room that can read thoughts and materialize them.

There is a certain upper limit for what you want, but if you just want a classroom, you can still satisfy it. "

After hearing what Aaron said, the two of them no longer had any doubts.

"When is that time?" Draco asked.

"Seven o'clock in the evening, on the eighth floor, opposite the troll tapestry." Aaron said, staring at Draco seriously, "I only have one request for you, keep your mouth in check."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because your mouth offends people so easily." Siren rolled her eyes speechlessly, "The people at the party included Harry Potter, the Weasley brothers and sisters, and about twenty wizards from different schools.

If you insist on acting superior to others and bossing everyone around, when they hit you...I will just watch. "

"That's what I mean." Aaron nodded solemnly.

Draco has always lived a life of reaching out for clothes and opening his mouth for food, and he has rarely had to worry about anything.

But his background was too good, he was too deeply influenced by Lucius, and he had too little experience to be severely beaten by society. This resulted in his character as a rich young man being difficult to break out of for a while.

Draco's mouth twitched slightly and he said depressedly: "I promise not to provoke anyone! But what if they provoke me?"

"You don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean you are afraid of trouble."

"Oh, I understand that."

At half past six in the afternoon, Aaron left the common room with Abe and two Slytherins.

When they arrived on the eighth floor of the castle, Harry was holding the Marauder's Map and stopped in front of a section of white wall, with Hermione and Ron standing next to him.

"You're here." Harry greeted simply.

"Where is the Room of Requirement?" Aaron opened the door and asked God, "Don't tell me it's behind the wall."

"Dobby said we had to walk across this section of the wall three times to concentrate on what we need?" Harry said, then walked back and forth along the wall, mumbling something.

"More than?"

"He's your house elf." Ron smiled playfully, "He's quite useful, isn't he?"

Hearing this, several black lines suddenly appeared on Draco's forehead.

To be honest, he didn't care about the house elf leaving. After all, the status of elves in their family was lower than that of pets, but he could not accept his former servant helping his nemesis.

Just when Draco was about to curse, Siren glared at him fiercely, "Don't forget what you promised."

"I...I can't bear it," Draco said aggrievedly.

Ron's eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he had discovered a new world.

"Did I hear you correctly? Are you really Malfoy?

Hahaha, are you under the Imperius Curse or have your brain been injured? "

"Ron." Hermione glared at him fiercely, "Don't forget that we are just grasshoppers on the same rope now. Let's put aside the past grudges."

"I know." Ron waved his hand, then looked at Draco, "Just treat him as a stranger for now, and treat him like he has never met before."

"Exactly, that's what I thought too."

"The door is open." Harry shouted excitedly.

A dark blue door slowly appeared on the blank wall. Harry took a deep breath and took the lead in walking in.

Inside the door is a spacious room, larger than a classroom, which can accommodate thirty people for training.

Two rows of torches lit up, illuminating the room.

After a few people entered, a row of bookshelves suddenly appeared in the empty room, filled with books related to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Large silk cushions covered the floor. The shelves at the other end were filled with various detection instruments. .

"The legend is true." Hermione said excitedly, "Everything we need can be found here."

"Correction, not everything," Aaron said, "just basic needs."

"What do you want?" Hermione asked curiously.

"A dragon egg, but this room obviously cannot meet my needs."

"Well...even the Room of Requirement can't conjure life for no reason!"


There was a knock on the door and several Gryffindors walked in.

They looked at the room in amazement and couldn't help but exclaimed.

After that, other people came in one after another. After everyone arrived, Harry closed the door and the blue door gradually disappeared into the wall.

“This is where we found our training location, the Room of Requirement.

Privacy, security, and most importantly...it's all there. Harry said a little cautiously, then looked at Aaron, "Would you like to say a few words too?" "

Aaron rolled his eyes, "I'm only responsible for teaching, not mobilization."

"I think we should have a name before the formal class begins." Hermione said. "This can strengthen the collective spirit and make it easier for us to mention it outside."

"What about the 'Union Against Umbridge'?" Angelina said.

"Idiot." Draco smiled contemptuously.

"What do you mean, Malfoy?"

"That's just the way he is, don't mind it." Aaron said a little tiredly, "The name is a code name, it's best to keep it secret so that others don't know what we are doing.

To put it bluntly, the more idiotic the name, the safer we are. "

"That's right." Draco nodded, "'Anti-Umbridge Alliance'. If she hears this name, she might come directly with her people to arrest us."

"Then call it the 'Ministry of Magic Idiots' team," Fred suggested.

"This is even worse. Yours is even more unreliable than the 'Anti-Umbridge Alliance'."

"How about the 'Defense Association'?" Qiu Zhang said.

"Okay." Harry clapped decisively in support.

"What's good?" Aaron rolled his eyes at him speechlessly. Cedric is still alive and well. Even if you want to take advantage of it, you shouldn't be so impatient!

"The 'Defense Association' is indeed quite good!" Harry said seriously.

"It's so good that it directly expresses the essence of our organization. People will know what we are doing as soon as they hear it."

"Um...Aaron, I meant to use the abbreviation of two words." Qiu said a little embarrassed, "The abbreviation is D.A., there are only two letters, no one should be able to understand it."

"This..." Aaron was stunned for a moment, "If others agree, I have no objection."

"D.A. is good," Ginny said. "It can also mean Dumbledore's Army."

"I object." Draco said angrily, "Why should I join this Dumbledore's Army?"

"I almost forgot that there is a Slytherin in our team who doesn't like Dumbledore." Fred said in a sinister tone, "Then the minority must obey the majority, Malfoy."

"If you agree to be called D.A., please raise your hands."

George said loudly, and then he was the first to raise his right hand.

Among the remaining thirty people, only three Slytherins did not move. The others raised their right hands unhurriedly.

"Almost nine to one, that's called D.A."

Draco's eyes turned black. He always felt that Dumbledore's being the principal was the biggest failure of Hogwarts, but he didn't expect that he would join Dumbledore's Army inexplicably today. This was too ironic.

"It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense." Draco cursed, "What's so good about this name?"

Aaron patted him on the shoulder and consoled him: "This means that the situation is stronger than the person, and you have to give in when you should follow your heart.

Besides, it's just a code name, no big deal. "

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