A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 454 Umbridge, Bowtruckle, who only teaches theory (1/2)

Chapter 454 Umbridge, who only teaches theory, Bowtruckle

"Do you think you'd be attacked in my class?"

"No, but..."

"You should raise your hand, Mr. Thomas." Umbridge interrupted, "I have to say that students of your generation have been exposed to several irresponsible teachers.

Forgetting that a half-man, half-animal is in danger to himself, the knowledge he teaches you is extremely complicated. "

"Professor Lupine is the best teacher we have ever encountered." Hermione said angrily.

"Raise your hand, Miss Granger." Umbridge emphasized, "As for my predecessor, it was even more exaggerated. I actually handed over three Unforgivable Curses to you and even experimented on you."

"It turned out that he was a lunatic, didn't he?" Dean raised his right hand this time, "But then again, we learned a lot from him!"

Hearing this, anger rose in Umbridge's eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

"The Ministry of Magic thinks so." Umbridge forced an exaggerated smile, "Mastering theoretical knowledge is enough to cope with various examinations.

Of course, aren't you here just for the exam? "

Parvati raised her right hand, "Isn't there any practical content in our Defense Against the Dark Arts exam?"

"As long as you have learned the theory very solidly, there is no reason why you can't cast spells under strictly controlled examination conditions."


Aaron sneered. Originally, he didn't care about this subject at all.

You taught me what you learned, and I learned what I taught you. Even if you don’t mess with the river, you still can’t help but laugh when you hear such ridiculous remarks.

If learning magic was as easy as she said, he wouldn't have been drawing magic circles for four consecutive years.

Umbridge frowned slightly and asked with a smile, "Mr. Gaius, is there any problem?"

"No problem, no problem at all." Aaron waved his hand, "I just thought of something funny and it has nothing to do with the professor at all."

Umbridge wanted to curse in her heart, but when she thought of her immediate boss Fudge's instructions, she still put on a fake smile on her face, "Then go to class well."

"Professor." Parvati continued to ask, with disbelief in her voice, "You just didn't mean to say that the first time we cast those spells was during the exam, right? Don't we need practice for practice? "

"I'll say it again, as long as you learn the theory solidly..."

"How can you fight against external threats with theoretical knowledge alone?" Harry couldn't help but interrupt.

“There’s no threat out there, honey.

Who do you think would attack a child, like you? "

"Oh! I don't know, maybe...Voldemort!" Harry said lightly, but there was an uproar in the classroom.

Many students were very afraid of Voldemort, and even when they called him, they only dared to say the three words "You-Know-Who" cautiously. However, Harry calling Voldemort's name directly was no less than dropping a depth charge.

Urimqi's face twitched, and the fake smile on his face became very stiff. "Let me make it clear to you. Someone told you that a certain dark wizard is on the loose again. This is purely a lie."

"This is not a lie, he is really back." Harry said angrily.

"Ten points from Gryffindor.

That's nonsense, Mr. Potter. "

"No, I saw him with my own eyes."

"Confinement, one week." Umbridge said coldly, "Come to my office at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Okay, please continue reading now. "


When the bell rang, Umbridge took her small bag and walked out of the classroom, followed by most of the students.

They looked at Harry with different expressions, including suspicion, ridicule, and sympathy.

Aaron put away his little notebook and woke up Abe who was napping on the table.

He stopped when he passed by Harry Potter who was depressed and being comforted by Hermione and Ron, "I admit that telling the truth is quite pleasant sometimes, but you should think about the consequences!

A week of confinement will definitely be easy for you. "

"I'm right." Harry said stubbornly.

"Of course you're right, you're just too stupid." Aaron shrugged indifferently, "But some things are not right or wrong, otherwise why would the rest of us remain silent.

Do you know what it means that the situation is stronger than the person? You should understand that people have to bow their heads when they are under the roof.

You know who sent Umbridge, but it's not pleasant for you to go and look for her. "

"I'm just telling the truth." Harry said angrily, "Voldemort is indeed back."

"Do you think she doesn't know?" Aaron asked, "The problem is that you have no evidence, and she won't admit it."

"I..." Harry opened his mouth, but was speechless.

"You should really learn from Dumbledore. Our headmaster is definitely the most anxious about Voldemort resurrecting him. He is definitely not less criticized than you, but he doesn't complain about it.

I'm sure he didn't take the Daily Prophet to heart and was just doing his best to prevent Voldemort from regaining his former power. "

The three of them looked at each other. During their summer vacation, they were taken into Dumbledore's secret organization, the Order of the Phoenix, and they knew very well that Dumbledore was indeed preparing to fight against Voldemort.

"Let's first think about how to deal with the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam!" Hermione changed the topic, "If you only study theory without practice, few people will be able to pass the exam."

"This is simple, just practice more and you'll be fine," Aaron said nonchalantly.

"It's not as simple as you said. Trying it out yourself and being taught by a teacher are completely different things."

Aaron smacked his lips and said hesitantly: "If you have any questions you don't understand, you can come to me."

"You?" Ron was a little surprised, "Are you sure?"

"What? Can't you trust me?" Aaron laughed dumbly. He is now the Grand Magister. All the spells he should learn from grades one to seven have already been taught by himself through the two libraries of Hogwarts and Gaius Castle. .

Perhaps there is still some gap between him and the real masters in terms of potions, botany, astronomy, etc., but it is definitely more than enough to teach a few fifth-year students.

"This is the only good news." Harry forced a smile.

"But forget it."

"Huh?" Harry asked in confusion, "Why?"

"Your performance in the Triwizard Tournament has proven your ability. Passing the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam will definitely not be a problem."


The next day, in the Transfiguration and Potions classes, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick specifically emphasized the importance of the O.W.L. exam.

They taught the disappearing spell and the summoning spell respectively, and then assigned a lot of homework in a tacit understanding.

This is where fifth grade wizards feel distressed. The Ordinary Wizard Level Examination is the biggest hurdle they have encountered since going to school.

Teachers are more anxious than they are. In order for students to get good grades, in addition to a full class schedule, they usually assign more homework than before.

At this time, the privileges of outstanding students will also be reflected. If the disappearing spell and summoning spell can be operated correctly in practice, they can be exempted from homework.

Aaron was a first-time success, which greatly pleased the two professors.

While others were hard at work practicing spells and worrying about homework, he was lying on the table carving magic circles for four years.

There was a Care of Magical Creatures class in the afternoon. Aaron walked out of the dormitory and walked to Hagrid's hut with the fifth-year Slytherin.

"Is that stupid guy...?"

"Ahem!" Aaron coughed, interrupting Pansy who was speaking.

"Okay! Professor Hagrid, that's it!" Pansy said reluctantly, "I wonder what Professor Grapeland will teach us this time."

"It's definitely not a big and dangerous monster." Draco smiled, "But Mr. Potter's favorite Care of Magical Creatures professor is gone, so he won't be in a good mood."

"Then why don't we go and comfort him?" Crabbe suggested.

"Don't meddle in other people's business." Aaron said angrily. "As long as you spend half of your time making things difficult and making fun of Harry Potter on your studies, you won't have to worry about exams now."

"They are no match for you." Draco said speechlessly, "Besides you, the only one who was exempted from homework was Granger, but it took her several attempts to successfully cast those spells.

To be honest, it's a good thing you are Slytherin, otherwise our class would be overwhelmed by a Gryffindor. "

"Excuse!" Aaron rolled his eyes, "Lack of talent can be made up for by hard work, but mocking Harry Potter takes up a lot of your hard work time.

If you want to get good results in next year's O.W.L. exam, just do it yourself! "

"Did you hear that, you two?" Draco looked at Crabbe and Goyle with hatred, "Don't embarrass me."

"We'll try our best, boss." Crabbe and Goyle said guiltily.

"And you, to be precise, you." Aaron reminded, "Don't embarrass Slytherin."

"I know." Draco said coquettishly, and then changed the subject, "But we will probably not get good grades in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. Umbridge will only teach us theory."

"If you have any questions about practice, you can come to me." Aaron said angrily.

"Do you... have time?" Pansy asked in surprise, and the other Slytherins were a little unable to react.

They used to ask Aaron when they encountered problems in their studies, but they don’t know when he started to have a notebook in his hand, and he would often write and draw in it.

They didn't dare to ask more questions, and they were even embarrassed to interrupt. As time went by, they would subconsciously think that Aaron didn't have time.

"Who made me a prefect?" Aaron said helplessly, "Since I am in this position, I cannot really turn a blind eye to some things."

It is also the prefect's obligation to solve students' learning doubts, which involves a reward of 1,200 magic points. It doesn't take much time to take the time to guide a few students.

"Great." Draco said happily, and the other Slytherins also looked surprised.

Seeing their eyes gleaming, Aaron couldn't help but have a few black lines appear on his forehead, and added: "But my time is also limited. It's best not to ask me for small things that can be solved by yourself."

A few minutes later, Slytherin stopped in front of Hagrid's hut, where the fifth-year Gryffindor was also.

Professor Grapeland stood behind a long trestle table covered with many slender branches.

"It seems that everyone is here." Professor Graplan said, pointing to the thin branches, "Can anyone tell me what this is called?"

"Bowtruckles," Aaron said, "are magical animals that protect trees."

"Yes, five points for Slytherin."

As soon as the words fell, the thin branches on the table suddenly jumped up.

They have two brown eyes, are only seven or eight inches tall, and have thin and long branch-like limbs.

Many students looked at these wood elves with interest. They unconsciously compared Hagrid and Grubbly-Plank, and felt that the latter was more suitable to be their professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Even Harry and the others had to admit that Hagrid's teaching level was a little worse than the other.

"Bowworms usually live on trees whose branches can be used to make wands." Professor Grubbly-Plank said, "Does anyone know what they eat?"

Hermione raised her right hand quickly and replied, "Insects and beetles are their favorites."

"Very good, five points for Gryffindor.

Bowworms are peaceful and extremely shy animals.

If you need to get materials from the trees where they live, it is recommended to offer beetles to them, which can appease them.

But if the tree where it lives is threatened, it will jump down and dig into people's eyes with its long and sharp fingers. I believe you don't want to try it."

"If you are willing to get closer, you can come here to get some beetles to lead a bowworm.

Three people at most share one, so that you can study them more carefully.

Before the end of get out of class, each person should hand in a sketch and mark each part of the body of the bowworm."

Aaron was the first to walk over, grabbed a handful of beetles and threw them to the best-looking bowworm, and then stretched out his right hand to it.

The Bowtruckle hesitated for a moment and jumped onto Aaron's palm.

Other students followed suit, but they targeted the larger Bowtruckles, which made it easier to draw.

Aaron gently poked the Bowtruckle's fingers on his palm and carefully placed it on his shoulder.

Abe's eyes flashed with resentment. It used to lie on its owner's shoulder, but since it got fat, no, it grew up and that place seemed a bit crowded for it.

"Is it that serious? Look at your little achievement." Aaron laughed dumbly, asked Abe to squat down, stretched out his front paws and held the Bowtruckle on his right paw.

After getting the pose right, he took out a large piece of parchment and a carbon pen from Abe's pocket.

He didn't learn much about painting, but at least he had been drawing magic circles for four years, so his foundation was much better than others.

After a while, a vivid sketch was completed, but the silly and cute holy dragon occupied most of the area, and the bowtruckle only occupied a small part of the upper left corner.

"This homework can be considered as barely completed." Aaron murmured, and Abei nodded with satisfaction, and his clear eyes narrowed into a crescent shape.

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