A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 449 The professor arranged by the Ministry of Magic, Malfoy’s escape route (1/2)

Chapter 449 The professor arranged by the Ministry of Magic, Malfoy’s escape route

At the door of the first courtroom, Aaron looked at Cornelius Fudge in front of him meaningfully, "I wonder what the Minister of Magic wants to talk to me about?"

Fudge grinned and asked hesitantly: "Mr. Gaius, what do you think of Dumbledore?"

"Excellent talent, powerful strength, kindness, gentleness, wisdom and excellent insight, but..."

Every time Aaron said something, the expressions of Fudge and Umbridge beside him sank a little lower. It wasn't until there was a turn of events that their eyes showed surprise.

"But what?" Fudge asked hurriedly.

"But I don't like him very much." Aaron spread his hands and said, "I know this sounds contradictory, but it is true.

Dumbledore's ability, wisdom, and behavior are all worthy of my admiration and learning, but he is so shrewd that every time I interact with him, I feel that he wants to get something from me. "

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Fudge clapped his hands excitedly, "As expected of the heir to the Gaius family, Aaron, your vision is really impeccable.

I also feel this way, especially during this time, this feeling is so clear that it scares me. "

Hearing this, Aaron sneered secretly in his heart.

What he said was really shameless, and he made his evaluation based on reality, but Fudge was simply afraid that Dumbledore would take away the power in his hands.

"Mr. Gaius." Fudge pointed to Umbridge, "Let me introduce to you. This is Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic. I plan to make her the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"First time meeting, Mr. Gaius." Umbridge gave Aaron what she thought was a kind smile, which made him so disgusted that he almost spit out his breakfast.

Because the deputy minister is short, fat and looks like a toad.

It would be fine if she was just ugly and scary, but Aaron could read a strong sense of hypocrisy from her smile, and he was definitely not a good person.

"I would like to ask, does Professor Dumbledore know about this?"

"Him?" Fudge chuckled and shook his head, "I don't know yet, but I think he won't refuse."

"Then I have no objection." Aaron raised his eyebrows.

He could certainly see that Fudge wanted to get his hands into Hogwarts, but he was not worried because Umbridge was going to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

However, the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts is cursed, and so far no one has been able to survive a year.

One of the first four professors died, one was arrested, one was forced to resign, and one was imprisoned for a year. He was quite interested in the future outcome of the deputy minister.

"Great, I think you and Umbridge will be able to work well together at Hogwarts."

"Forget about cooperation." Aaron said immediately, "I only have two simple requests."

"You said." Fudge used the honorific. As long as Aaron didn't ruin his arrangements for Hogwarts, let alone two requests, it didn't matter if he had two more.

"First of all, I have free reign over Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"No problem." Umbridge said immediately, "It is natural to treat geniuses with preferential treatment."

Aaron secretly complained in his mind that Umbridge was definitely not a teacher.

When he made this request to Gilderoy Lockhart, he still knew how to struggle to protect his face as a professor, but this man immediately handed over the teaching rights without even a moment's hesitation.

"Second, I'm too lazy to care what the Ministry of Magic does, but it can't control me."

"This..." Umbridge was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Fudge, "Minister, what do you think?"

"Okay." Fudge nodded thoughtfully. He asked Umbridge to go there because he just wanted to target Dumbledore. A student who was neither controlled nor controlled was harmless.

Aaron and Fudge were separated in the Department of Mysteries on Level 9, seemingly unrelated.

"Master, do you think Umbridge can't teach you?"

"Nonsense." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you can't see her beauty. She had one face in the courtroom, and immediately changed her face after she came out. This face-changing skill is even worse than Fudge's. superior."

"That's true. It's a miracle that she became the Deputy Minister of Magic."

"This only proves that there is something wrong with the leadership of the Ministry of Magic. Their disgusting face will make anyone sick to their stomachs." Aaron said sarcastically, "Fudge, the Minister of Magic, will not be the Minister of Magic for much longer. He will spend all his time He has been deceiving himself, but Voldemort will not never appear because of his will.

Once Voldemort appears in front of the public, all his efforts, including smearing Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, will become a joke. "

"Young master can think of this, it is really gratifying for my subordinates!"

"Tch!" Aaron curled his lips, "Can you please stop treating me like a child?"

"Before the young master gets married and has children, you are just a child in the eyes of your subordinates."


The two got on the elevator and saw Lucius Malfoy as soon as they entered the main hall.

"Um...I guess we could talk?"

Aaron: ...

"Interesting, really interesting, I'm really busy today.

First Dumbledore wanted to talk to me, then Fudge wanted to talk to me, and now Uncle Lucius you want to talk to me.

If I hadn't known about your relationship, I would have suspected that you had negotiated this. "

The corner of Lucius's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "This just proves your ability, doesn't it?"

Aaron shrugged, "What does Uncle Lucius want to talk to me about?"

Lucius pursed his lips as he hesitated to speak, "There are many people here and it's best to find another place."

"Go to my house!" Aaron said, "Uncle Genes, please."

"Wait, if anyone sees me leaving with you..."

Lucius didn't finish his sentence, but they both could read him.

There is a reason why the Malfoy family is so prosperous, and Aaron feels a little ashamed of his cautious attitude.

"Uncle Lucius, if anyone reports to Voldemort, just say that you took it upon yourself to persuade me to surrender to him, but I did not agree."

"This..." Lucius thought for a moment and nodded heavily.

Jeans sent Aaron into the fireplace, then grabbed Lucius's arm, "The floo network of Gaius Castle has certain restrictions. Only authorized people can enter and exit freely through the floo network, and they cannot phantom. Unless someone is authorized to carry it.”

"I see."


As the green flames rose, Jeans phantomed with Lucius.

The next moment, the three of them appeared together in the hall of Gaius Castle.

"Please sit down, Uncle Genes." Aaron made a gesture of invitation, then snapped his fingers, and a cup of tea automatically appeared in front of Genes.


"You don't have to be so reserved." Aaron smiled, "We don't have Voldemort's eyes and ears in our family. If you have anything to say, you can say it directly and speak freely."

Lucius hesitated for a moment and looked directly into Aaron's eyes, "The mysterious man is resurrected, and my identity is a Death Eater..."

"I know this."

"Yes, of course you know." Lucius sighed, and then opened his sleeves. The Dark Mark was particularly clear on his arms. "Narcissa and I both have this mark on our arms. The reason why we followed Voldemort in the first place It's for the benefit of purebloods."

"But it turns out you were wrong."

"Yes." Lucius smiled self-deprecatingly, "We gradually recognized his true face. He is a madman, so crazy that it makes people afraid.

But it is useless to recognize it. Once the Malfoy family quits the Death Eaters, they will only die. "

"Understand, the situation is stronger than the person. If you want to survive, you can only take this path, even if you know it is a road of no return."

"Voldemort still trusts me, but I know this trust will not last long."

"So you want me to help Malfoy?" Aaron said meaningfully.

"I hesitated for a long time before deciding to ask you for help."

"If I'm not wrong, you have been thinking about the Malfoy family's options since you learned about the relationship between Draco and me!"

Lucius nodded without denying it.

After a moment of silence, he continued: "I also know some of the rules of the Gaius family. You can't save a wizard family for no reason.

But if anything happens to Narcissa and I, I hope you can help Draco. "

Aaron sighed slightly, "He is one of the few friends I have at Hogwarts, and I will help him when he needs to.

But first of all, I cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents. "

"That's enough." Lucius felt relieved, "We can make a covenant. As long as Draco is fine, I can make the decision to give half of the Malfoy family's wealth to Gaius, and you and Draco will share the other half. Decide what to do with it.”

"That's no need." Aaron waved his hand, "That little bit of gold is just a drop in the bucket for our family."

Lucius was speechless for a moment. He didn't doubt Aaron's words, but his biggest bargaining chip was ignored by others, which was very heartbreaking.

"Uncle Lucius, I will do my best to protect Draco, but only if he doesn't fall in too deep, otherwise I won't be able to pull him out of the quagmire."

"you mean?"

"Let him spend less time with Death Eaters."

"I see."

"Also, if you and Aunt Narcissa want to escape unscathed, try not to do those outrageous things, or you can consider double agents."

Lucius was stunned for a moment, "This is too dangerous...is it possible?"

"Of course it can be done." Aaron said seriously, "You don't need to pass on any information. You can also follow Voldemort's orders, but it is up to you to decide how hard you complete it or whether to leave a trap.

Past experience has taught me that tiny details can determine the outcome of a battle. "

"I'll think about it." Lucius said solemnly.

"If Uncle Lucius doesn't want to take risks, there is another way. Take Aunt Narcissa and hide in my house."

Before he finished speaking, Lucius suddenly stood up.

Happiness comes so suddenly that no dog would be willing to take risks if it were not forced.

But he calmed down the next moment. Malfoy knew better than anyone that there was no such thing as a free lunch. "What does Malfoy have to pay?"

"First of all, half of the Malfoy family's wealth." Aaron said calmly, "Don't get me wrong, Gaius has no interest in Malfoy's accumulation, but gains and losses are often directly proportional.

For the sake of my friends, I can help Draco, but I can't help his parents for free because of this. "

"anything else?"

"You can only stay in Gaius Castle until the Wizarding War is over.

I can't make any guarantees about your safety after the war is over. "

Hearing this, Lucius fell into silence.

Wealth, he could grit his teeth and give it up. Malfoy's wealth had been accumulated for almost ten centuries. Even if half of it was thrown away, the other half would not be completely lost in five hundred years, even if the subsequent heirs were all prodigal sons.

But after the war, Malfoy's safety could not be guaranteed and he couldn't accept it, because hiding in Gaius Castle was regarded as a deserter by the Death Eater camp.

As the Dark Lord, Voldemort never lacked die-hard loyalists.

Even if he is completely dead, these diehards without a leader will pose a considerable threat to Malfoy.

"Phew!" Lucius took a deep breath and finally made a decision, "Draco, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, I will do what I say."

"Thank you, Malfoy will never forget this kindness." Lucius said sincerely, and was about to get up and leave.

"Wait a moment." A flash of purple light flashed in Aaron's eyes, which happened to meet Lucius's pupils.

Lucius looked panicked and staggered for a moment before standing there blankly.

"Uncle Genes, you know what I'm going to do, right?" Aaron pointed out.

"You can guess it." Genes said with a somewhat unnatural expression, "And most likely, I will do it."

"It's good to know."

Genes shook his head helplessly, pointed his wand at Lucius's temple, slowly pulled out a few rays of silver-white light, and carefully sealed it in a glass bottle.

"Okay, this memory cannot be explored by anyone except himself.

In addition, I also implanted a false memory, and even Voldemort's ingestion of divine thoughts could not find any flaws. "

After a few seconds, Lucius came to his senses.

He looked at the glass bottle in Jeans' hand and realized what had just happened. "Actually, tell me and I will definitely cooperate closely."

"The result is the same." Aaron said nonchalantly, "You and Aunt Narcissa take care of each other. Draco can come to me at any time if he encounters problems."

Lucius nodded immediately and left through the Floo Network.

"The Malfoy family is interesting enough." Aaron lay lazily on the sofa, "They are indeed the best among the twenty-eight pure-blood families. Before Voldemort's preparations were completed, he was thinking of finding a way out. "

"Master, I have to remind you." Jeans said hesitantly, "The ancestral precepts of the Gaius family clearly stipulate that you cannot interfere in disputes in the magic world, so..."

"I know what you want to say, this matter has nothing to do with the family.

I will abide by the rules, and if you need help, I will only do what I can. "

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