A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 437 This arrow is shot beautifully, and it can be saved (1/2)

Chapter 437 This arrow was shot beautifully, and it can still be saved

"Aaron, are you kidding?" Edmund asked nervously.

"No, I'm very serious." Aaron looked at Nikaburi meaningfully, "Go ahead, give him a quick death, I promise you will die just as quickly."

"No, don't come over." Nikaburi's eyes were filled with fear, and the sword pressing on Caspian's neck also drew a trace of blood.

"Stop." Susan shouted worriedly.

"Nikaburi has gone crazy." Tripkin said seriously, "He will really kill Caspian."

"It doesn't matter, Caspian and I have only known each other for a few days, and our friendship is not that deep.

If he dies, I will mourn for him for a minute, but I will also avenge him so that he can die with his eyes closed." Aaron said lightly and continued to move forward.

Nikaburi was horrified, "Stop him, or I will kill Caspian immediately."

Susan pulled the bow and arrow, aiming at Aaron, "Stop."

Aaron rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Can you have some brains?

He won't kill Caspian. To release the White Witch, you need the blood of a living person. The blood of a dead person is useless."

Nikaburi's heart skipped a beat. He really couldn't kill Caspian if he wanted to rescue the queen.

"Don't move, both of you. I will shoot whoever moves." Susan said helplessly. She didn't know whether Aaron was true or false, but she didn't dare to bet on Caspian's life.

"You don't have much time. The Tanmore army will attack soon." The White Witch said lightly, "It's unwise to waste time."

"I'm afraid you're just waiting for them to come and kill us now!" Aaron said disdainfully, "We haven't made adequate defense preparations yet. If the Tanmore army arrives, we can only cooperate with you."

The White Witch smiled but said nothing. The choice is always in their hands, but the longer they delay, the greater her advantage.

"What should we do?" Edmund asked helplessly.

"It's very simple. You go stop Susan, and I'll kill Nikabri." Aaron said with a hint of meaning, "You don't want the White Witch to rule Narnia again!"

"What?" Susan was caught off guard, "Too bad!"


"Don't hesitate at this time. She is your sister, she won't shoot you with an arrow."

"But what about Caspian?" Peter asked.

"He won't die. Nikabri won't dare to kill him if he wants to release the White Witch."

"Don't force me." Nikabri shouted fiercely, "If I can't survive, I don't mind dragging someone down with me."

Aaron saw that the other people were still hesitant, and he was speechless.

"As long as you are fast enough, there is a chance.

Don't forget, Queen Lucy still has a small medicine bottle!"

Hearing this, the smile on the White Witch's face quickly withdrew, and she stretched out her right hand eagerly, "Hurry up, give me the blood, the blood can give me freedom."

Nikaburi didn't care about that anymore, and pushed Caspian directly to the ice wall.

"You wish." Aaron rushed forward and kicked Caspian out of the circle with a flying kick.

Susan immediately released her right hand, and a red arrow shot through Nikaburi's knee.

He screamed in pain, and Trangbukin immediately stepped forward to control him.

"I, what happened just now?" Caspian shook his head in confusion, and recalled the previous memory in his mind, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva in fear.

"Fortunately you stopped me from releasing her, otherwise I would be the sinner of the whole Narnia."

"You're welcome."

"You just...really don't care about my life?"

"How is that possible?" Aaron said seriously, "That's just a strategy. I will never take my friend's life lightly."

Caspian smiled far-fetchedly. He didn't think it was a strategy. He, the hostage, might really be worthless in Aaron's eyes.

"Okay, it's over." Aaron gave the White Witch a harmless smile, and then drew the long sword from Caspian's waist, "Goodbye, no, never see you again."

"Wait." The White Witch said hurriedly, "You can release me, and I will obey you."

"Sorry, I'm not a naive little brat, you can't fool me."


I feel implied.

"You are different from them, wizard."

"Are you a wizard?" Peter looked at Aaron seriously and asked.

"How is that possible? Don't listen to her nonsense."

"He is indeed a wizard, Peter." The White Witch said calmly, "and his magic power is not weak, even I can't tell the depth."

"Nonsense." Aaron immediately raised his sword and stabbed. He didn't want to be stripped of his vest. A teenager and a young wizard are two completely different concepts.


The red arrow hit the sword, and the long sword scratched a crack on the ice wall, but did not hurt the White Witch inside.

"Fuck!" Aaron stared at Susan angrily and said unceremoniously: "Are you sick?"

"There is still time, listen to her." Susan said guiltily.

"You would rather believe your former mortal enemy than me?"

"We just want to figure it out." Edmund stammered, "The White Witch is quite insidious and cunning, but even if she wants to deceive us, she doesn't need to be so perfunctory!"

"It's because of the absurdity that she can deceive you!" Aaron said angrily.

"But you are really special." Peter said, "In our understanding, it is impossible for a fifteen-year-old boy to carry an iron door weighing several thousand kilograms, nor does he have such exaggerated sword skills."

"Isn't it okay to be gifted with divine power?"

"A wizard infiltrated into your team and deliberately hid his strength." The White Witch smiled meaningfully, "Could there be any ulterior purpose?

You know everything about me, but how much do you know about him?

What does a powerful wizard mean when the Narnian army and the Tammers are both defeated? "

"Shut up." Aaron's face turned dark, and just when he was about to attack again, a red arrow fell in front of him.

"Don't move yet."

"You... are really unreasonable." Aaron felt his head was buzzing and turned to look at the White Witch with a playful face. "Don't think that you can escape by delaying time."

"I didn't mean that." The White Witch said, and then confidently stretched out her right hand, "Peter, the strange wizard is a threat to Narnia. You need the power to fight against him."

"I don't believe you." Peter pursed his lips and said.

"But he can't believe it, can he?"

"I trust him." Lucy suddenly interrupted, "Aaron can be trusted, Aslan told me."

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, "I would be very happy if it weren't for your last half sentence.

But for your little trust, I will save your life before I leave this world. As for the others... wish yourself well! "

After the words fell, Aaron looked at Susan, a purple light flashed in his pupils.

She immediately put down the bow and arrow in her hand and stood there blankly.

"What did you do to her?" Peter pointed his sword at Aaron vigilantly and asked.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt her, this is a little bit of hypnosis."

"Why?" Edmund frowned slightly.

"Do you like being pointed at with bows and arrows all the time?" Aaron asked, and then changed the subject, "Actually, I am quite generous, but magnanimity does not mean that I have no temper."

Edmund was speechless for a moment. If he stood under someone else's arrow, he probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Are you really a wizard?" Lucy asked with interest.

"The fourth grade wizard in the magic school will be promoted to fifth grade after the holidays." Aaron said calmly, "I am a wizard. Are you satisfied?"

"There is also a magic school?" Lucy's mouth opened wide, "How come we have never heard of it?"

"According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, ordinary people generally do not know the existence of wizards."

"Then why didn't you tell us?" Peter slowly put down his sword, "If you had made it clear earlier, there wouldn't have been so many misunderstandings."

“This is a rule passed down from my family’s ancestors, and it is also to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

In the Middle Ages, ordinary people who caught wizards would be burned alive. The cities and lives of the Tammer people were not much different from that period. Do I dare to say anything casually? Aaron said angrily, "I came to Narnia inexplicably. All I wanted to do was go home, but I didn't expect to join a war in a daze."

Having said that, I saved you last night, right? Is this how you treat your savior? "

Several people looked at each other and lowered their heads silently, not daring to look at him.

When the scene fell into embarrassment, no one noticed that the White Witch quietly winked at Nikabuli.

The other party understood immediately, but made no extra moves, for fear that Chuan Bujin would find out, and just kept searching for something.

"I'm going to attack her now, who of you has any objections?"

Several people, including Susan, who had come to her senses, shook their heads and no longer objected.

"Perhaps we can cooperate." The White Witch smiled, "Ordinary people will gradually fall under my control, but wizards are different.

I can recognize you as Lord and serve you. "

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! To be honest, I'm a little excited.

But you are a bit more sinister than the dark wizards I have met, and I cannot trust you. Aaron said, holding his sword in front of him and aiming it at the white witch's abdomen.

"Wait, you'd better think about it carefully." The White Witch was a little more nervous. "I have some of Narnia's supreme grimoires and can help you rule Narnia."

"Haha! If someone in our family rules other worlds, they will be expelled from the family tree." Aaron sneered, "Goodbye."

Just when he was about to kill the White Witch, Nikabuli suddenly shouted loudly, broke away from Chuanbujin's hands holding him, picked up the long sword on the ground and stabbed Aaron.


A red arrow suddenly shot at Nikabuli.

"No." Aaron was shocked, but it was still a step too late. The arrow had already penetrated Nikaburi's chest.

"Uh..." Susan didn't know why, "You're welcome."

"Thank you, thank you sir."

"I saved you!"

"I don't need your rescue, and..." Aaron looked at the ice wall that sealed the White Witch, his expression turned particularly ugly, "How about we continue to discuss your conditions just now."

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me now, child." A sneer appeared on the corner of the White Witch's mouth, which was completely different from the groveling just now.

Click! Click!

There were a few more cracks on the ice wall, and the white cold air spread rapidly in the hall.

"Because Adam did not directly give blood, it will take a longer time for the seal to be released, but it is enough."

"When?" Peter asked in shock.

"Just now," Aaron said angrily, "the sword in Nikabuli was stained with Caspian's blood.

I could have stopped him, but Queen Susan's arrow was so beautiful that he threw the sword against the ice wall before he died. "

"I...I didn't mean it." Susan said aggrievedly.

"The dwarves served me hundreds of years ago. I didn't expect that they would still be loyal hundreds of years later."

"Don't slander all dwarves just because of one or two scum." Chuan Bujin said coldly.

"What should we do now?" Lucy asked anxiously.

"Kill her quickly before the seal is completely released." Edmund said. He and Peter looked at each other, and at the same time he drew his sword and stabbed the White Witch.

But before they could take a few steps, the white cold air turned into ice spikes and knocked them away.

"Idiot, if it were that easy, I would have done it a long time ago." Aaron curled his lips disdainfully.

"Stop talking sarcastically and think of a solution quickly!" Lucy said anxiously.

"There is still a way." Aaron took a deep breath and turned to look at Caspian, "Your Highness, you should not mind making a small sacrifice for Narnia!"

Hearing this, Caspian couldn't help but trembled, "What do you want to do?"

“The condition for breaking the seal is the blood of Adam, the blood of human males.

But the blood of the dead has no effect. In other words, as long as you die, the lifting of the seal will be suspended. "

"Stop." The white witch's face changed drastically, and she yelled angrily, "You have nothing to lose by releasing me. At least it will be better than dying under the iron heel of the Tamer people."

"If my death can solve this big trouble, I can die." Caspian said seriously, and then changed the subject, "But is there really no other way?"

"This is the easiest way."

"What about the complicated one?" Lucy asked, "What's the complicated method?"

"Kill her before she breaks the seal."

"But we can't even get close to her."

"You are a wizard." Chuan Bujin looked at Aaron and said, "Maybe..."

"That's too much effort, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested killing Caspian."

"Does that mean it's possible to succeed?" Peter asked in surprise.

"That's what I said, but I'm not absolutely sure." Aaron said awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it so much at this time." Susan said anxiously, "We have to try even if there is one percent hope. We can't risk Caspian's life."

"But I need time. If I fail, it will be too late to kill Caspian."

"Let me do it!" Caspian took a deep breath. "It's about the future of Narnia. We can't delay, let alone take risks."

"This realization is correct." Aaron said with a look of relief, "Although I am only 90% sure..."

"Wait a minute." Peter immediately interrupted him, "How much do you say? 90% sure?"

Aaron nodded, "But we can't afford to lose the remaining ten percent. I think Caspian must think so too."

Everyone looked at each other, and Caspian's face was covered with black lines. He weakly raised his left hand that was still bleeding, "Well... I think I can still save it."

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