A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 43 Nicolas Flamel - Maker of the Philosopher's Stone

The Mirror of Erised is a magical magical object that deeply attracted Harry Potter, causing him to spend most of his time and energy on useless fantasies.

For several days, Harry would go to that classroom whenever he had free time, and then sit alone in front of the mirror, staring at his parents in a daze.

Although he knew it was false content, he still enjoyed it.

Until the third night, Dumbledore appeared in that classroom.

"Are you here again, Harry?" Dumbledore stood at the window, his shadow spreading on the wall next to Harry under the moonlight.

Harry was startled when he saw the sudden appearance of the figure, turned around immediately, and then stood obediently next to the mirror, silent and speechless.

"It seems to me that you, like so many others, have discovered the endless joy of the Mirror of Erised.

I'm sure you know its magic by now. "Dumbledore walked slowly to Harry Potter, "Let me give you a hint. When the happiest person in the world looks in this mirror, he sees himself, his own appearance. "

"I know." Harry said, "Just like this sentence on the mirror, it allows us to see the most urgent and strongest desires hidden deep in our hearts."

Hearing this, Dumbledore smiled happily and said, "Harry, you are a little smarter than I thought."

Harry Potter scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, I didn't discover this, it was..."

Harry stopped mid-sentence, and then he remembered that Aaron had followed him here secretly. This was a violation of school rules, and it would be bad if Dumbledore knew about it.

"Oh! It seems that there is someone else besides you who has seen this mirror.

Harry, can you tell me who it is? "

Seeing the kind smile on Dumbledore's face, Harry breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the matter might not be that serious, but just in case, he still said: "Then you must promise me not to tell anyone, and not to say anything to me." He takes any punishment.”

"Of course, I completely understand your desire to take care of your friends, and that's totally fine.

To be honest, sneaking over to look in the mirror in the middle of the night is not a big deal, not to mention that you haven't been caught by Filch, which is equivalent to doing nothing. "

Harry was stunned for a moment, unable to believe that such words came from the headmaster's mouth.

"What? Are you surprised?

I used to be a Gryffindor, and breaking school rules was commonplace.

But for your own sake, you should do less of this kind of thing in the future. If you are caught, I can only do it on a business-like basis. The most I can do is to beg for mercy for the students. Of course, this depends on the situation. "

"Okay!" Harry felt a lot more relaxed, "Headmaster, let me tell you.

Aaron discovered the secret of the mirror first. "

"Aaron? Aaron Gaius?" Dumbledore's expression froze for a moment, then returned to normal the next moment.

"I know him, he's impeccable on the Quidditch pitch."

"Yes, that's him.

And professor, he only saw himself in front of this mirror. "

"Really? Then it seems that I will have to pay more attention to this outstanding little wizard in the future." Dumbledore said with a smile.

At this time, Aaron, who was in the Slytherin dormitory, sneezed violently, opened his eyes from his deep sleep, and then shivered involuntarily.

"Why do you feel like you're being watched?" Aaron said to himself, without paying much attention, tightened the quilt and continued to sleep.


"Harry, you have to remember that this mirror cannot give us knowledge or truth.

People waste their time and even go crazy in front of it. "There was a hint of intimidation in Dumbledore's words, which made Harry turn his head with a guilty conscience.

"So! Let's move this mirror away tomorrow.

I must advise you not to search for it painstakingly in the future.

It will not do you any good if you become obsessed with your dreams and forget about life. "

Harry nodded silently, then put on the invisibility cloak and left the classroom.

Dumbledore slowly closed the door and looked at himself in the Mirror of Erised, a cheerful old man holding a pair of thick wool socks in his hand.

“Aaron Gaius?

Being a Slytherin and a member of the Gaius family is a bit difficult to deal with!

I hope it won't affect my plan, otherwise... I'll have to make some adjustments. "Dumbledore's eyes flashed with wisdom, then he raised his hand slightly and put away the Mirror of Erised.


The holidays are over, the white snow covering Hogwarts gradually melts, and students of all grades return to the castle and begin their respective study careers.


Aaron opened the dragon illustrated book sent by Jeans, held Abe and introduced its kind one by one.

Across from him, Draco was also holding a book and reading, but his two followers stretched their hips a little and fell asleep directly on the table.

"Aaron, I really don't understand why you gave Abe a book about dragons. It would be better to read a book about cats."

As soon as he finished speaking, Abe jumped up on the table and grinned at Draco.

If it weren't for the crowd here, it would definitely fly up and slap him hard twice with its wings to let him know what the dignity of a dragon is.

Seeing Abe like this, Draco also felt a little embarrassed and smiled coquettishly.

At this time, Hermione passed behind Draco holding a thick old book. When she saw Aaron, she paused and said, "Well, Aaron, can you come over here? I have something to ask you."

"Oh!" Aaron carried Abe and then closed the dragon illustration, "Draco, don't wait for me for a while."


Hermione led Aaron to an empty table, then slapped the book in her hand on the table. After hesitating for a moment, she said, "I found Nico Flamel."

"Wow!" Aaron raised his eyebrows and smiled: "This is really great news.

Harry and Ron go to the library every day these days, but every time they come there in joy and return disappointed, I feel anxious for them.

By the way, you found the information about Nico Flamel in this book? "

"That's right! This is what I plan to do during the Christmas holidays." Hermione turned to the introduction of Nicolas Flamel, "Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone is a magical substance with amazing magical power. It can turn any metal into gold, and it can also create the elixir of life. Anyone who drinks it can live forever.

The only remaining Philosopher's Stone belongs to the famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel, who celebrated his 665th birthday last year. "

Aaron's mouth twitched, "It's a bit exaggerated to say that the Philosopher's Stone can make people immortal, but I really never thought that he actually lived for more than six hundred years."

"That's not the point. The point is Nicolas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone." Hermione was a little confused, "I don't know now whether I should tell Harry and the others Nicolas Flamel's identity.

This may involve a priceless treasure like the Magic Stone, and the water is too deep. "

“Well... I think it’s better if you tell them.

I don’t know anything else, but I am certain that there are more books about Nico Flamel in this library than the one you have.

In other words, it was only a matter of time before they found Nico Flamel.

Since we can't keep it a secret, it's better to tell them in advance so that we can save a lot of effort. "

"It seems like this is the only way."

"You are looking for Nico Flamel because of the Philosopher's Stone, right?"

Hermione hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "You should be able to guess it too!"

"The Philosopher's Stone is in the school, and someone is trying to get it?"

"Yes, the Philosopher's Stone was originally in Gringotts, but now it is placed in a room on the right side of the fourth floor by Professor Dumbledore, watched over by a three-headed dog.

Harry and the others would definitely have the preconception that Snape wanted to steal it. "

"This is normal. After all, in the entire Hogwarts, only Professor Snape, who is the worst or even hostile to them, fits his guess.

There are two things that are certain. First, the people behind the scenes have not succeeded yet.

Secondly, the hiding place of the Magic Stone must not only be watched by a three-headed dog, but also by other defensive forces.

That thing is too precious, what if the dog accidentally falls asleep? "

"Aaron, do you want to tell Professor Dumbledore about this?"

"It's best not." Aaron interrupted her immediately, "At least now is not the time."

"Why?" Hermione was a little confused.

"First of all, you have no evidence that anyone wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and there is no direct evidence that the person who wants to steal it is Professor Snape.

Secondly, how did you know there was a magic stone in the school?

This should be considered a secret! Don't tell me you're just guessing. "

Hermione pursed her lips and said, "Hagrid accidentally let it slip."

"Beautiful!" Aaron shook his head speechlessly, "If you tell Dumbledore, Hagrid will definitely be punished, there is no doubt about it.

Of course, the most important point is that once you tell Dumbledore, it may alert the snake.

You must know that the magic stone is now protected by layers, but if it is to be moved, the defensive strength will be greatly reduced, which will give people an opportunity to take advantage of it. "

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