A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 400 The trophy is equal to the door key, fake Moody is exposed

When Aaron and Fleur arrived at the finish line according to the map, Cedric and Harry were fighting with civet cats, but they were all injured and obviously at a disadvantage.

"Come and help." Cedric said hurriedly.

"It's not impossible to help, but... there is a small condition." Aaron said meaningfully, "How about we all touch the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament together?"

"Hey! This is a bit of taking advantage of others!" Cedric said angrily, "We finally got to the finish line."

"I arrived fifteen minutes before you came. I opened a golden treasure chest to release these civet cats.

If it weren't for someone's special request, if I really wanted to win the championship alone, what would you have to do with it?"


"We agree." Harry said directly, he really couldn't hold on.

These civet cats will automatically split when attacked by magic, and each split body is the same as the original body, with sharp teeth and claws and agile movements. The few spells he mastered have almost no effect, and he can only fight and retreat.

Aaron did not help immediately, but looked at Cedric, "What about you?"

Cedric was still a little hesitant. After all, he was really close to the trophy now, less than ten meters away, almost within reach. It was really unwilling to give up in this situation.

"It doesn't matter, you can think about it slowly, I'm not in a hurry.

Anyway, Harry and Fleur have agreed. It's not too late for me to take action after you are exhausted by the civet cats."

Hearing this, Cedric was stunned for a moment, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face.

He also understood that even without these civet cats, Aaron would not give him the opportunity to touch the trophy.

At this point in the game, the result is already very obvious, and it is futile to insist.

"I agree."

"Very good." Aaron clapped his hands, "You made a very wise decision."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Harry shouted.


Aaron waved his wand, and the ground under Harry and Cedric's feet rose rapidly and turned into a ten-meter-high cylinder.

Seeing this, the civet cats showed off their flexible bodies and terrifying jumping ability, and pounced on the cylinder. The height of ten meters did not seem difficult for them to overcome.

Cedric and Harry struggled to resist, constantly using spells to repel them, but this also increased the speed of their splitting.

"It really adds to my workload!" Aaron smacked his lips and waved his wand again.

Fences appeared on the ground, separating all the civet cats, and soon a circular cage was created in the center of the maze.

As all the civet cats were locked up, the cylinder under Harry and Cedric's feet began to slowly descend.

Huh! ×2.

Harry and Cedric breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the ground in a very ungraceful manner.

"It's really exciting." Cedric said with lingering fear. His clothes were torn by the cat's claws, and he could see seven or eight bloodstains at a glance.

Harry nodded in agreement. The last time he felt this way was in the nest of the eight-eyed giant spider.

"Fortunately I agreed quickly, otherwise I would have to lie here like them." Fleur thought to herself.

Aaron walked up to the two and helped them up, "Now we still need Krum. Before that, the two, no, three of you should have a good rest!"

The three looked at each other, and their eyes unconsciously glanced at the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament in the center.

It was very beautiful, but this honor had little to do with them.

Although they touched the trophy together, it was more like buy one get four free, and they were the four who were sent out.

Aaron looked at the Marauder's Map in his hand and couldn't help frowning.

Krum's position should be near the end, but he went around two hundred meters away, and there were not many magical animals around.

"Is there any problem?" Fleur asked, "Victor is not weak, as long as he doesn't encounter too much danger, it shouldn't be difficult to get out calmly!"

"How should I put it? Something is not right."

At this time, the maze began to move as a whole. Except for a few hedge walls near the center, other places made a faint rustling sound.

Krum started to speed up in the Marauder's Map. He seemed to know the most correct route. He was flying with sparks and lightning, bypassing all the magical animals and approaching the finish line quickly.

"This... shouldn't be the case!" Aaron frowned even more. He felt that if Krum had the ability, he should have won the trophy long ago. There was no need to be the last one!

An ominous premonition lingered in Aaron's heart. Krum might have a problem.

But after looking at the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament, he felt that there was no need to think too much.

There were hundreds of people watching this game. Even if Krum had any bad intentions, he could only suppress them in his heart.

Besides, all the fear came from insufficient firepower.

With his current strength, unless the Dark Lord was resurrected, there were not many people who could make him feel afraid.

When Aaron set up an inexplicable Flag, Krum came to the finish line panting.

He looked at the three men and one woman sitting next to the trophy, his expression became extremely complicated, "Is the game... over?"

"Not yet, but soon." Cedric shrugged and said, "We have been waiting for you for several minutes."


"Let's touch the trophy together!" Harry advised. "The game is not officially over yet, but we have lost. Now we are just helping Aaron reach certain conditions."

Krum nodded blankly without making any rebuttal, as if this was a matter of course.

Five people surrounded the Triwizard Tournament trophy.

"I count three, two, one, let's touch the trophy together." Aaron said, and the other four people also reached out their hands in tacit understanding, only one palm away from the trophy.

"Three, two, one..."

The moment the words fell, Aaron suddenly noticed that Krum showed a strange smile, and his pupils seemed to have lost all color, like a puppet on strings.

Aaron's heart was pounding wildly, but it seemed that it was too late.

Their feet left the ground, the sound of howling wind filled their ears, and the surrounding scenery began to rotate rapidly.

The spectators outside the field had dull eyes and failed to react to this sudden scene. They thought the referee had set another test.

"Portkey." Adrian stood up from the referee's seat, her face extremely cold, "Professor Dumbledore, I hope you can give me an explanation, why did the Triwizard Tournament trophy become a portkey?"

"Isn't this your arrangement?" Dumbledore asked in confusion.

"I don't remember making such an arrangement." Adrian sneered. "It was the people from Hogwarts who put the Triwizard Tournament trophy into the maze, and it was the people from Hogwarts who were responsible for inspecting the venue."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then turned around as if he thought of something, and looked towards the maze, "Alastor, you..."

"I don't know what's going on." Moody shouted anxiously and angrily.

"Excuse me, Uncle Jeans."

Genes waved his wand expressionlessly, and a white light hit Moody, sending him flying against the hedge wall of the maze.

Moody got up in embarrassment, his face completely changed his expression, worry and anxiety turned into a ferocious sneer, "When did you find out that I was fake?"

"I didn't find anything, I just don't want to let go of any suspects." Adrian said calmly, "Dumbledore believes you, but you are indeed the most suspect."

"Sir, can you tell me where you teleported my young master?"

"He won't be in danger for the time being, but others may not be so lucky, especially Harry Potter." Fake Moody laughed loudly as he spoke, and the sick laughter made the audience feel terrified.

"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked with suppressed anger, "Where is Alastor?"

"For some reason, I still need him, so he's still alive."

"Polyjuice Potion?"

Fake Moody didn't deny it, just looked at him mockingly, "Goodbye, Dumbledore, I'm going to greet my master."

"It's not that easy to leave!" Genes waved his wand expressionlessly, and a ray of blue light shot out from his wand.

Fake Moody immediately raised his wand to fight back, but the scarlet spell he cast was easily defeated by the cyan light, and he flew out again and landed on top of the hedge.

"Hahaha... Very strong. I'm really no match for you." Fake Moody endured the severe pain in his body and wiped the blood on his forehead. "But it's too late. The Dark Lord is about to make a comeback. He It will bring about a new order.”

After saying that, he jumped into the maze and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore, please organize the order on the scene." Genes simply reminded him and poked the wand heavily on the ground.

The green wave swept forward and spread to the entire maze in an instant.

The next moment, the walls of the maze began to rotate, and the speed continued to increase while also decreasing, forming a giant green vortex.

The entire audience opened their mouths in astonishment, and even Dumbledore was very surprised.

Even an ordinary great mage may not be able to use this level of magic. The strength of a butler in Jeans is actually so terrifying.

After a while, the dementors, trolls, manticores and other magical animals in the maze were squeezed out of the whirlpool, but they all stood in place tremblingly, not daring to move.

Finally, the fake Moody appeared in the center of the whirlpool. He was entangled in countless green hedges, and his body was covered with wounds of all sizes.

"Confinement quickly!"

Lupine conjured a rope to pull him up, then pointed his wand at his forehead, "Where is Harry?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?

Harry Potter is the person the Dark Lord wants by name! "

Lupine gritted his teeth angrily, and just as he was thinking about how to force him to speak, Dumbledore came over.

"Severus has Veritaserum, and I think Fudge will give him temporary permission to use it."

"Ah?" Fudge was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, "Yes, approval, must be approved."

"You have no chance." Fake Moody said with a proud smile, "The time is almost up."

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have entered the center of the storm, his body twisted a few times and then disappeared.

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