A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 391 Abe’s highlight moment, facing the Explosive-Ended Skrewt?

The three Harrys sent Percy a letter asking him about Barty Crouch's current situation.

In the next period of time, apart from using owls to regularly bring food to Sirius, they waited for Percy's reply.

In the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid finished teaching about unicorns.

This time he took out some more boxes. Just when everyone was worried about whether there were newly hatched snails inside, Hagrid opened the boxes proudly.

Inside are many creatures that look like platypuses. They have black hair and flat front paws, like shovels.

"Is this... Sniff?"

"You are very discerning, Mr. Gaius." Hagrid praised, "They can usually be found underground in mines. Xiu Xiu likes shiny things the most..."

At this time, Xiu Xiu in the box seemed to smell something.

Dozens of sniffers suddenly jumped out of the box and rushed towards Aaron.


Aaron subconsciously cursed.

Before he could react, Abe jumped out of his arms and rushed towards him with a roar.

It was an eye-opener for the fourth-year students of Slytherin and Gryffindor Houses. Except for a few people who knew Abe's race, to others, it was a story about a cat fighting dozens of platypuses.

Abe was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, waving his claws and tail quickly, killing in all directions. The black sniffs were thrown away one by one by the white holy dragons.

Two minutes later, there was only one white cat standing proudly in the middle of the field. It was sniffing one cat with one of its front paws and holding another one in its mouth.

"It's so, so awesome. This class is really worth it." Simo said in admiration and couldn't help but applaud.

Others did the same and burst into applause.

Abe became the prettiest cub in the room, completely regaining the spotlight that was stolen by the two unicorn cubs. If the situation was not right, he would have the urge to look up to the sky and roar.


A big hand directly pressed on its faucet and lifted it up.

The two subdued Nifflers, as if they had received an amnesty, quickly ran to Hagrid's side, obviously knowing who had the ability to protect them.

"Hagrid, I'm sorry." Aaron said sheepishly, and then waved his wand, and all the Sniffs in the field flew into Hagrid's box.

"Uh...it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter." Hagrid said excitedly.

His favorite thing is dragons, and it was quite exciting to see Abe's battle up close.

Besides, Abe was very measured in his actions, and his sniffers were not harmed.

Aaron looked at Abe with a bad expression, "Explain it!"

"Don't embarrass it, I might know what's going on." Hagrid said with a smile, "Xiu Xiu's favorite thing is gold coins. It must be something in Abe's pocket that attracted them."

Hearing this, the corners of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly.

But Abe nodded vigorously. Last year, the owner spent a lot of money on those magical animal feathers, but it made his body hurt for a long time.

That time it was reluctant but had nothing to say, but this time it couldn't bear it anymore.

A group of platypuses actually dared to covet its wealth, and even dared to rush to snatch it openly. Do they really think that the holy dragon has no temper?

"Continue class. Niffler is a famous treasure hunter. You can have a good time today." Hagrid smiled, then pointed to a large piece of newly opened land, "I buried some gold coins there, you guys You can pick one and sniff it.

I will give a prize to whoever picks and digs out the most gold coins.

You must be careful to take away all valuable things from your body, otherwise a sniff will steal them if you are not careful. "

The students took off their watches and necklaces one after another, took out all the money in their pockets, and then stepped forward to receive the sniffs.

These magical platypus-like animals are not as dangerous as snails, nor are they as wary of humans as unicorns. On the contrary, they are very docile and very affectionate to humans.

Soon the treasure digging began. Xiu Xiu dug in the soil as fast as a marmot. They dug out gold coins one by one and handed them to the owner.

Ron gained the most. The gold coins dug out by him were several times more than others. It was a rare experience for him to experience the happiness of the rich.

The one who gained the least was Aaron, because after his Sniff dug a few times, he looked back at Abe's pocket. Obviously, a severe beating could not stop him from loving gold coins.

At the end of get out of class, Hagrid took back all the gold coins and gave Ron a large piece of chocolate as a reward.

"I really want to buy one as a pet." Ron said from the bottom of his heart.

"It's best not to," Hagrid said. "Nifflers are great at treasure hunting, but they are also among the best at house demolition. I don't want your mother to write me scolding me."

Ron smiled coquettishly and reluctantly gave the sniff back.

In the following weeks, everything seemed to be particularly smooth, except that Hermione often received some malicious letters accusing her of playing with other people's feelings, which made her patience with Rita Skeeter reach the limit.

At the end of the Easter vacation, Harry's owl Hedwig flew back and brought a reply from Percy.

Harry called Aaron and opened the letter in the Transfiguration classroom.

His letter was not long, only a few lines, but it seemed quite impatient.

Mr. Crouch worked so hard that I never saw him in person. Owls were sent to deliver instructions on many things, but I would never mistake my boss's handwriting.

I'm very busy at the moment, so don't disturb me unless there's something urgent.

"Well..." After reading the letter, Aaron rubbed his chin and pondered for a while, "My intuition tells me that something has probably happened to Barty Crouch."

"But Percy said there was nothing wrong with his handwriting." Ron said in confusion, "Maybe he is really seriously ill."

"Maybe! But I still trust my instincts."

"It's best not to make casual guesses without definite evidence." Hermione said seriously. "Mr. Crouch is the Director of the Ministry of Magic after all, and we are just a few fourth-year wizards. No one will believe us without reason."

Aaron couldn't comment, then looked at Harry, "No matter what Crouch's current situation is, we can't control it, but you need to make preparations early."

"I understand." Harry nodded, and then said depressedly: "But the last event of the Triwizard Tournament has not been announced yet. Even if I want to prepare, I don't know how to do it."

"Then find ways to improve your own strength. The last project must be related to the strength of the Warriors."

"Are you so sure?" Ron said doubtfully.

"Do you still remember what Hagrid said when he took out the Blast-Ended Skrewt for the first time?" Aaron said meaningfully, "It was prepared for a big project."

The three of them looked at each other, then thought of something, and all swallowed.

Hermione frowned and said solemnly: "Are you saying that the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament might have to face the Blast-Ended Skrewt?"

"Correction, it's an adult snail.

If nothing else, they should be able to grow to more than three meters tall. "

Hearing this, Harry turned pale. He didn't think he could defeat such a monster.

"It's okay!" Ron forced a smile and said with a stiff face: "The squids are almost dead, there shouldn't be many left now!"

"I don't deny this, but it also shows that the third project is not just about blast-ended snails, but there may be other dangerous creatures. At least five warriors must have one!"

Harry pursed his lips with difficulty and said forcefully: "Any suggestions?"

"Haha!" Aaron twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly: "I won't talk about the attack spells. You know some of them, but the defensive ones..."

"Iron Armor Curse?" Hermione said without thinking.

"Yes, there are still almost two months left, you'd better learn this spell.

It is a kind of guarantee for life safety. "

Harry Potter:…


Time flies by and it’s the last week of May in a blink of an eye.

That day Professor Snape told Aaron to go to the Quidditch pitch at nine o'clock in the evening, and Mr. Bagman would tell the warriors what the third event was.

That night, Aaron set off half an hour early and met Harry and Cedric in the foyer.

"What do you think it will be?" Cedric asked with interest. "Fleur said it would be an underground tunnel. She thought we were looking for treasure."

"Eighty percent of it was Ms. Maxim who told her." Aaron smiled and shook his head. "We learned about the creature Niffler in the Care of Magical Creatures class some time ago. It seems that Ms. Maxim misunderstood something."

"The situation may be more difficult to deal with than you think." Harry glanced at Aaron without any trace, and seeing that he had no reaction, he continued: "If nothing else happens, we may have to deal with the Explosive-Ended Skrewts."

"What?" Cedric suddenly lost his composure, "Are you kidding me?"

Although he was in seventh grade, he knew a little bit about Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewt. Rita Skeeter had also written about the ferocity of that creature in the newspaper.

"Not sure, but very likely."

The three of them crossed the lawn and entered the confines of the stadium.

But as soon as they entered, Harry and Cedric became angry, and the Quidditch field seemed to be gone.

The court is no longer smooth and smooth, and the goals have been removed and replaced by a patch of green foliage.

These plants form walls, intricately connected and stretching in all directions.

"This is interesting." Aaron said half-jokingly, "But I don't really like this kind of level. It's too convoluted."

"Especially when there are all kinds of monsters in there." Harry added with a wry smile.

"You're here," Bagman shouted as he stood in the middle of the court, with Krum and Fleur standing next to him.

The three of them looked at each other, walked through these not-so-high plants, and walked to the middle.

"I believe you have guessed what the last item is, right?"

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