A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 356 Signing up for the competition is not limited to just one star or a little bit.

Early the next morning, Aaron prepared the parchment with his name and the name of his school.

As soon as he opened the dormitory door, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were blocking him at the door.

"I knew you would definitely participate." Draco said proudly.

"Haha!" Aaron smiled bitterly and shook his head, "There are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, and what I encountered last night was the remaining one or two, which were particularly unsatisfactory."

"Pull him down! The referee is your sister.

Although Adrian is not involved in scoring, he can give you some inside information. This kind of game advantage is very important. "

The smile on Aaron's face became increasingly bitter, "If you know my sister, you will know that what she despises the most is this kind of unscrupulous little trick.

She won't care about other people, but she won't provide me with any beneficial information. "

"No way!" Draco frowned slightly, a little unbelievable.

Aaron patted him on the shoulder, without saying anything, and led Abe towards the foyer.

Maybe because today is registration day, many people got up very early even on Saturday.

When Aaron arrived, there were twenty or thirty people in the foyer. They were discussing something around the Goblet of Fire, but there were not many people who crossed the age line.

"Has anyone signed up?" Aaron asked looking at the three Harrys who came earlier than him.

"Professor Karkaroff has completed registration with Durmstrang students. Hogwarts has Diggory and Summers from Hufflepuff, and Fawcett from Ravenclaw, all in sixth grade. "The above wizards." Harry said, "But I guess someone must have signed up secretly last night so that no one could see it. It wouldn't be a shame if they didn't get selected."

"You're not among these people, are you, Potter?" Draco teased.

"Guess." Harry replied unceremoniously, "Malfoy must not be such a sneaky person. He must have signed up on the spot, right?"

"Don't show off such little tricks." Draco sneered, "I came here with Aaron, he wants to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament."

"You want to participate?" Ron was stunned for a moment, but quickly accepted the fact that Aaron was definitely qualified to participate.

"Why don't you think about it again?" Hermione said in embarrassment, "I know you are very powerful, but the Triwizard Tournament is obviously prepared for seventeen-year-old genius wizards, and fourteen-year-olds do not have an advantage.

And if he is selected, there is no way out. "

"Thank you for your concern, but I have a reason to participate." Aaron said helplessly, then crossed the age line and threw his name into the blue and white flames.

"That's great," Draco applauded. "Slytherin champion."

"Don't speak too early, Malfoy." Warrington came over and threw his name into the Goblet of Fire. "Slytherin is not ready to let fourth-year wizards support their appearance."

"we are coming."

Fred and George strode into the hall, followed by their good friend Lee Jordan and several Gryffindor Quidditch players.

Several people put their names into it one after another, and then high-fived each other.

"This is our Gryffindor warrior." Ron said excitedly, while not forgetting to give Draco a provocative look.

"Hmph! I still don't know if I can be selected!" Draco curled his lips indifferently, "Maybe he will be selected, but it's hard to say whether he can stick to it until the end.

If Weasley can get the trophy, then the gold content of the Triwizard Tournament is too low. "

"At least we dare to sign up."

"What's there to be proud of? If I were as old as you, I would dare to sign up." Draco said angrily.

George and Fred looked at each other, ignored him, and left with a few friends talking and laughing.

At this moment, the people surrounding the Goblet of Fire suddenly moved out of the way, and Madam Maxime led the Beauxbatons students into the foyer.

She ordered them to line up and throw their names into the Goblet of Fire one by one.

"Let's go! There's no need to stay here any longer. The results will come out tonight."

"You seem to be very confident." A beautiful girl with silver hair walked out of the Beauxbatons student team, "Is it because you have a sister who is a referee?"

"Uh... not really." Aaron spread his hands, "In fact, I don't have much interest in this so-called Triwizard Tournament, I just have to participate for some reasons.

In addition, don’t think that my sister will provide me with any conveniences. She is eager to see my jokes.

To tell you the truth, if I am unfortunate enough to be selected, I will probably be the most difficult one among the Warriors. "

"Everyone can say nice things."

"Fleur." Ms. Maxim said suddenly, and the silver-haired girl stopped talking.

"Mr. Gaius, Fleur doesn't mean anything else, it's just..."

"I understand, Principal Maxim." Aaron interrupted her with a smile, "Many people will have this idea, but I don't care, because the facts will speak for themselves."

"Hmph!" Fleur snorted, obviously doubting Aaron's words.

After all, Adrian is Aaron's sister and a special referee, so who knows what rights she will have.

If she helps her brother secretly, they may not find out, which is not fair to others.

"Principal Maxim, I have to say that this student of yours is really arrogant. If I guess correctly, she should be the most likely Beauxbatons warrior to be selected for the competition, right?"

"So what?"

"Not very good." Aaron smiled, "But before you doubt that I will go through the back door, please think about your principal first. She is also a referee!"

Fleur glanced at Ms. Maxim and was speechless.

"If you still doubt me, we can make a contract." Aaron said playfully, "How about rejecting any favorable conditions provided by the referee?

This is also fair to me. "

The corners of Furong's eyes twitched slightly, and she wanted to say something, but the words couldn't come out.

Aaron smiled and led Abe towards the auditorium.

"Alas!" Maxim patted his student on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Your worries are completely unnecessary. The fact that he can talk about this means that he will not get any convenience."


"Don't worry, don't forget that Miss Klein is not involved in the scoring.

And you may not have noticed that he is not affected by your charm. It is already rare for a fourth-year male wizard to do this. "

Fleur looked at Aaron's leaving figure and couldn't help but fall into self-doubt. She was a quarter of Veela blood, and most boys were attracted by her appearance, but why could Aaron talk to her as an equal?


"She judges a gentleman with a villain's heart." Draco complained about Fleur's distrust of Adrien and Aaron while eating breakfast.

"Honestly, I would have been very moved if you could have said this in the hall." Aaron said speechlessly. Draco, like other students, lost three points of his momentum in front of Fleur.

"Uh... you can't blame me." Draco smiled awkwardly, "That girl must have some special blood, and at least I'm not like Weasley, but he didn't even move his eyes away and almost laughed. "

Aaron rolled his eyes and secretly sighed that he had made careless friends.

Back in the common room, Aaron opened the Hall of Divine Sound, went to meet his missing body, and explained to him some of Adrian's requirements for him.

"Hahaha..." The missing body laughed loudly, "Although I am a clone, many times I feel that your main body is more like a tool than me."

“This is not the time to say this, the Triwizard Tournament is no joke.

Now that you have signed up, you must be fully prepared. "

The missing person's smile faded, "What preparations do you want to make?

If you need to take me back, you can take me back at any time. No one can tell when wearing the magic sealing ring. "

"Sister, I can do it." Aaron said helplessly, "Hermione can do it too, and we don't rule out that Genes will come to watch the game.

If they find out, I'm afraid they won't give up easily until they figure it out. "

"Then what do you want to do?" Missing Body asked meaningfully, "Expose a few trump cards?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. The question is how much it will be exposed." Aaron sat down depressedly, "I carefully calculated it. We now have a lot of advanced magic, but many of it cannot be seen."

The missing body nodded, then clasped his fingers and said, "Animagus, we have not registered. Although this is not a problem for Gaius, it is somewhat of a trouble.

We don’t have a legal certificate for phantom migration, and it’s not easy to use it in public.

The Patronus Charm is okay, but it's too easy to be in the limelight, and the difference between a Dragon Patronus and a Raven Patronus is too great.

The Hall of Divine Calling could probably burn the entire arena to the ground, and Dumbledore would probably not even be able to stand it.

Fudge will probably invite us to tea at the Ministry of Magic once we use the Fire Charm, this kind of advanced black magic.

The elemental magic circle won't be too eye-catching for intermediate and below levels, but it's not expected to be useful.

Once the advanced or ultimate level is used, the fourteen-year-old wizard at Hogwarts releases magic that is comparable to a natural disaster. You don't need to think about it to know that it will be the headline of the "Daily Prophet".

And dragon-slaying magic..."

The missing body's voice suddenly stopped as it spoke, and it just looked at its own body with sympathy and pity.

"Understood?" Aaron smiled bitterly, "This game is for us..."

"It's for you." The missing body said immediately, "I am just a clone. If there is an accident on the field, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Okay! This game is so unfair to me. It's not limited to just one star or the slightest.

Even if I don't use these abilities, I have a certain degree of certainty that I can outperform other warriors based on my level as a junior magister.

But you also know Adrian's demands. In a sense, the pressure I have to face is the sum of everyone else's. "

"The eldest sister wants to use the Triwizard Tournament to test our strength." The missing body muttered, "I don't know what her purpose is, but we must not let her succeed, otherwise we will definitely not be able to survive."

"That's why I came here to discuss it with you. It's impossible without exposing something.

But you have to make a list and prioritize it. Even if you want to expose your trump card, you can only throw out the ones that have little influence, and the rest cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. "

"I know, I will try my best to fix it." Missing Body said seriously, "But you also have to get as much game information as possible, so that it can be easier for me to sort it out."

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