A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 349 Big project? movement of planets

In the dark dormitory, Aaron suddenly opened his eyes, purple light flashed in the black pupils.

"So this is ah!"

Aaron covered his face and tried his best to suppress his laughter, but he still couldn't help it.

He always thought that this kind of magic was related to charm, but after learning it, he realized that the principle of this magic was quite similar to hypnosis.

However, he uses magic power to influence the consciousness and subconscious mind. He does not need to use any props, just glance at it and it's done.

Although it won't have much effect on people who are stronger and more determined than him, it is already a magical skill for ordinary people.

I spent 500 magic points to add a top-level hypnotist to my secondary job. It’s a great profit!

Aaron woke up Abe, who was lying in the basket, his pupils flashing with purple light, "Take out the snacks you have stored up."

Abe was stunned for a moment, subconsciously closed his pockets, and then shook his head.

Aaron blinked blankly, thinking that charm magic had limited effect on magical animals, but he didn't know if it had any effect on ordinary animals.


The next day, normal classes began at Hogwarts.

During the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid took out several open wooden boxes, which contained the animals that Gryffindor and Slytherin needed to know about in this class.

Aaron looked at the slimy creature in the box that looked like a freshly shelled lobster, without hiding the disgust in his eyes.

He must admit that creatures in the magical world can always refresh his knowledge.

These creatures are only a dozen centimeters long and have no heads, but they have the characteristics of scorpions and crabs, and exude a strong odor.

"Hagrid...Professor, may I ask, what is this disgusting thing?"

"This is a newly hatched snail, Aaron." Hagrid explained with a smile, "It is a hybrid between a manticore and a fire crab."


A spark flashed away, followed by a faint explosion.

"The tail of the squid will shoot sparks, which will push them forward." Hagrid said with a flash of pride in his eyes, "You can raise them yourself. A big project will come in handy."

"Why do we raise them?" Draco asked puzzledly, "Do they have any purpose?"

"Ah this..."

Hagrid was a little embarrassed for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Draco." Aaron winked at him, "This question is not important."

"You have to at least know why you keep this thing, right?"

Aaron rolled his eyes, and then looked at his lips moving slightly without making any sound.

But Draco's pupils were slightly dilated because he could barely read Aaron's lips: big project.

So far, the only big event related to Hogwarts is the Triwizard Tournament, which means that the Blast-Ended Skrewt will appear in the Triwizard Tournament.

After understanding this, Draco immediately shut up and asked no more questions.

Knowing the test questions in advance made the squid look cuter in his eyes, and even Hagrid, the comrade who leaked the questions, became more pleasing to his eyes.

"Hagrid, how do we raise it?" Harry stepped forward to smooth things over and gave Hagrid a step up.

"I've never raised them before." Hagrid smiled honestly, "But these creatures generally like to eat the same things, such as ant eggs, frog livers, and green snakes. You'll know after you try them all. ”

"Anything to note?" Draco asked seriously.

Hearing this, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all looked in disbelief, and even Crabbe and Goyle were a little stunned.

Is this Malfoy? When did he become so polite?

Hagrid was stunned for a moment before reacting. He was also surprised as to why Malfoy had changed his gender, but as a professor, students' questions must be answered seriously.

"Of course there are some things to note. First of all, their tails will explode. Secondly, the male snail has thorns on its body, and the female has a sucker on its belly, which may be used to suck blood.

So be careful when feeding and try not to touch them. "

Draco's mouth twitched slightly, he just wanted to understand the test questions, but it can burn people, sting and bite people... This creature is so cruel, it is more normal to appear in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class!

"Hagrid, you still like these dangerous creatures as before." Aaron said with a forced smile.

"They are not dangerous now." Hagrid said seriously, "They are a few inches long and can be killed with a slap."

"How big can they get?" Hermione asked.

"It's not that exaggerated." Hagrid waved his hand calmly, "It's only about ten feet at most."


Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment. She looked at the densely packed snails in the box and felt her scalp tingle.

Now they are only the size of a finger, but in the future their size will expand dozens of times, and they will be full-fledged monsters!

After class, students from the two houses left Hagrid's hut and returned to Hogwarts Castle.

"It's so disgusting, I can't believe I would feed such disgusting things to even more disgusting creatures." Draco walked into the bathroom and said with disgust while washing his hands.

"I hope I can give something back, otherwise I will have nightmares."

"Can this be rewarded?" Crabbe asked doubtfully.

"Silly, these Blast-Ended Skrewts are prepared for big projects, which means you can see them at the Triwizard Tournament."

"Really?" Gall asked.

"It's almost certain. Hagrid is simple-minded, strong-limbed, and has a loose mouth." Draco smiled confidently, "But we may be the only ones who noticed this. Don't tell anyone." Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other and nodded solemnly, "We promise not to tell anyone." "You are not really planning to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, are you?" Aaron asked playfully. "I didn't want to participate originally, but the Ministry of Magic guaranteed that there would be no danger to life, and there was no limit on the number of participants, so this opportunity could not be missed." Draco said proudly, "I don't expect to win the championship. Although I don't want to admit it, I am not a match for those senior wizards.

But Harry Potter will probably participate, as well as Granger and Weasley. I don't want them to be in the spotlight."

Hearing this, Aaron smiled and shook his head, "Good luck."

"Wait, you won't decide not to participate after all?" Draco was a little puzzled, "With your strength, even those senior wizards can compete."

"It's a lie to say that you are not interested, but I really don't think it's necessary." Aaron said very bluntly, "Also, don't be too happy too early. We only have the right to register, and we don't know if we can be selected!"

Draco scratched his head, "Forget it, there is still a month before the Triwizard Tournament, you can think about it slowly."

Aaron shrugged, it was impossible to consider it, he always stayed away from the show that was in the spotlight.

After lunch, it was Professor Trelawney's divination class.

The crystal ball was the subject of last semester, and this time she will teach some new content.

"Dear, we should study the stars.

The movement of the planets and the mysterious signs they show can only be understood by those who understand the rules of the dance steps of the sky. The fate of mankind can be deciphered through the radiation light of the planets, which blend with each other..."

Aaron listened very seriously. Although he didn't understand these mysterious words, it didn't mean that they were worthless.

Observing the sky at night is just four simple words, but if you can involve the movement of constellations and seasonal changes, you will have some confidence to fool people in the future.

Professor Trelawney gave everyone a complex circular chart to fill in the position of the planets when they were born.

This task made everyone look sad, which meant that they had to spend a lot of time calculating the angles of the planets.

"I have two Neptunes here." Harry said with a bitter face, "But it doesn't seem right. Professor Trelawney said that when I was born, I was affected by the ominous influence of Saturn, and that star dominated." "Don't listen to the nonsense of that old bat. She even predicted your birthday wrong." Ron said impatiently. "There is only one Neptune." Aaron put down the quill and said indifferently, "Your birth can actually give birth to a star in the universe. Merlin will probably cry when he sees you." Puff! Ron patted Harry's shoulder with a smile, "The appearance of two Neptunes in the sky indicates that a little man wearing glasses is about to be born, hahaha..." Ron just laughed for a few seconds, and a thin face appeared in front of him, startling him and falling off the chair. "Mr. Weasley." Professor Trelawney blinked, "I just heard you say that a little man with glasses was born. You are not referring to me, are you?"

"No, Professor."

"Have you finished the drawing?"

"Not yet, Professor." Ron said guiltily, there was not a single planet on his chart.

"Mr. Weasley." Professor Trelawney looked at him with a look of disappointment, and said sadly: "Your talent is not bad, but why don't you study hard?"

"That depends on who teaches you." Ron thought secretly, he just had no interest in divination class.

"Learn from your deskmate." Professor Trelawney picked up Aaron's chart and put it in front of Ron, on which the positions of the eight planets were clearly arranged.

"Mr. Gaius, tell them how you drew it in such a short time?"

"This... There is this picture in my family tree.

Not only the eight planets, but also the sun, moon, and tides are recorded in detail."


Okay! I am short-sighted.

After the bell rang, Professor Trelawney stood up, "Refer to your respective charts, and analyze in detail the planetary movements that will affect you next month.

Submit it next Monday, and no excuses are allowed."

"Hateful old bat." Ron cursed angrily while having dinner in the hall, "Our weekend is over."

"A bunch of homework?" Hermione said gloatingly, "You really should have signed up for Arithmancy with me. Professor Victor didn't give any homework."

"It's just that there is no homework now." Aaron said disapprovingly.

"That's better than what you have now, isn't it?

Aren't you worried about the homework assigned by Trelawney?"

"Don't worry." Aaron said meaningfully, "I'm sure I can finish it."

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