A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 310 Restarting the Secret Room and Promoting to Grand Mage

Harry Potter thought about it again and again, and reluctantly handed the remains of Nimbus 2000 to Aaron, asking him to restore its 'life' image as much as possible.

In this regard, Aaron patted his chest and made a promise. This was a delicate job for him, but it was a little more difficult than a jigsaw puzzle, and what he lacked most was patience.

On Monday, Professor Lupine returned to class. The first thing he did in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was to announce that the two pages of parchment assigned by Snape did not need to be handed in. This made the students who had not finished their homework feel uncomfortable. Feel good.

Malfoy finally took off his bandages to celebrate Gryffindor's defeat.

However, he was happy a little early. At the end of November, Hufflepuff lost in the match with Ravenclaw, which meant that Gryffindor got some blood back in time and also won Quidditch. Odd cup opportunity.

Although the hope was a little slim, the Gryffindor team started training like crazy as if they were full of blood.


Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

Aaron and Missing Body were sitting on the sofa, warming themselves by the warm fire, feeling full of accomplishment.

Last semester, the heir of Slytherin caused panic with several attacks.

It wasn't until the basilisk was killed and Voldemort's sixteen-year-old diary (horcrux) was destroyed that Hogwarts returned to normal order.

But after that, the secret room seemed to have lost its value and significance, and everyone including Albus Dumbledore selectively forgot about it.

But before Halloween, Aaron decided to reopen the secret room and let his missing body spend a lot of time to transform it.

First of all, the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is no longer Myrtle's girls' bathroom.

The Missing Body studied the pipes extending in all directions in the secret room and found the one closest to the bottom of the Black Lake. It used earth-attribute elemental magic arrays to continuously dig and modify, and finally built a passage that was stable enough to connect to its dormitory.

Secondly, he made full use of the building materials in the secret room and used the deformation technique to transform it into a brand new secret base. It has a huge space, complete functions, and basic living facilities.

Again, he drained the blood from the basilisk corpse and used this special blood to carve dozens of giant defensive magic arrays. Although it was incomparable to Wicht's secret room, as long as there was enough magic power, even the Dark Lord could Completely resurrected, it won't be possible to attack for a while.

In the end, he destroyed all the passages, leaving only one connecting to his dormitory. Apart from the dragon language, the only thing that could open this passage was a key, which was given to him by the dwarf king Thorin Oakenshield.

"Thank you to the great Salazar Slytherin." Aaron toasted a glass of wine to the statue of Slytherin.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade. If Slytherin hadn't laid the foundation for him, it would have taken him at least a year and a half to build a base, and the safety and practicality couldn't be compared at all.

"Thank you also to the great ancestors of Gaius." The missing body smiled proudly.

Good family education is the key to success. If it weren't for the earnest teachings of more than twenty ancestors, even with the legacy of Salazar Slytherin, he wouldn't have been able to transform it. At most, he could only make use of it, and he had to sneak into the girls' bathroom every time.

"Finally, thank you to our dragon cub."×2.

Aaron and Missing Body said in unison, because more than half of their yearly rations in this base were taken from Abe's dragon's mouth.


Abe cried loudly, covering his shriveled pocket with only money left.

No more, nothing left.

It hit the ground hard, and big tears fell down.

I thought that the food stored in the last school year could be kept for a year, but I didn't expect that it would be confiscated in less than three months.

This is not the most disgusting thing. The most disgusting thing is that it has not been able to keep the food it has saved bit by bit this semester.

"Just look away!

What's yours is mine, and what's mine is..."

Abe barely stopped crying and looked at his master with hope.

"My...my..." Aaron said, his face couldn't help but twitch, and he sat on the ground a little decadently, "I would like to share it with you, but I sadly discovered that I can't A fact that I don't want to admit.

It seems that most of the time, my master is much poorer than you. "


Seeing Long Mu shed tears, Aaron immediately added: “What’s mine is ours.

Don't cry. I'll buy you some more snacks next time you go to Hogsmeade to keep you satisfied. "

Abe wiped his tears and stood up reluctantly.

Although the money spent will definitely be money from his own pocket, 'what's mine is ours' still gives it a certain psychological comfort.

"System, open the personal panel."

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: Body 5036, primary magister; Thought body 5036, primary magister; total 10072 (primary great magister, a rare existence in the magic world)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-lifetime (the magic energy increases by 4 points every day, the body increases by 2 points, and the thoughts body increases by 2 points)]

[Items: Moon Drops (2/3 can remove any negative spells), Resurrection Potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour)]

[Magic Points: 1700]

Seeing the five-digit amount of magic power, Aaron's heart surged, and he even had the urge to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

Great Magister, this is the Great Magister!

Although it was only the beginning, it also meant that he had become a truly powerful person in the wizarding world.

In fact, he had reached this stage more than half a month ago, but he did not dare to be promoted casually in Hogwarts, because there was a wizard here who could enter the holy realm at any time - Albus Dumbledore.

If the White Demon King notices it, all his previous hiding methods will be meaningless.

A thirteen-year-old magister is already conspicuous enough. The old bastard on the next level will definitely pay more attention to him, and he may have to dig a big hole for him!

In order to prevent trouble in the bud, he established this secret base deep underground in Hogwarts. Coupled with the isolation aura and perception of many magic circles, he dared to be promoted to Grand Magister with confidence.

Aaron took several deep breaths and turned to look at the missing body, "Are you ready?"


The missing body smiled lightly, and its body gradually became transparent, turning into countless golden light spots and integrating into the main body.

After a few seconds, Aaron slowly opened his eyes.

He seriously felt his own magic power and felt that his strength had improved by at least 50% compared to the time of the Magister.

It may not seem like much, but the increase in magic power and the reduction in magic energy consumption are enough for him to beat himself at the peak of the magister.

In addition to magic power, he also fully accepted the knowledge of the elective courses that the missing body had learned in the past three months, as well as the experience of carving magic circles.

In the blink of an eye, a complex crimson magic circle appeared in front of him, and fierce flames spurted out and hit the wall heavily.


The defensive magic circle was activated instantly, and the huge light yellow magic circle blocked the flames in front of the wall.

Until the fire dissipated, the wall was still intact.

"The instantaneous use of advanced magic arrays is now possible." Aaron muttered to himself with some relief, feeling that his efforts over the past few months had not been in vain.

The next step is to shorten the drawing time of the ultimate elemental magic circle until it can be cast instantly. This is ten times more difficult than the advanced magic circle, but as long as he can do it, his combat power can far exceed that of the same level, and it is not difficult to fight beyond the level. .

After reaching the Grand Magister, it is not that easy to improve his strength, but he still has some confidence in himself, and he will try to be 50-50 with Dumbledore before graduation!

"By the way, we have to try superposition." Aaron stretched out his right hand and released an intermediate fire-attribute magic array, but the next moment a green wind-attribute magic array was attached to it.

The wind assisted the fire, which was obviously just two intermediate elemental magic arrays, but together they exploded with a power no less than that of a high-level magic array.

"As expected of me." Aaron nodded with satisfaction, "It really worked."

"System, open the mall, you should buy some things."

"Okay, support host consumption."

[Magic Category: @Shenming Temple (1500 magic points, converts magic into magic crystals, and concentrates them in a certain space. When activated, a large number of lightning strikes will be generated. Destroying the magic crystal will also exert a huge reaction force on the destroyer. Lightning strikes ); @Air Control (100 magic points, flying speed depends on personal strength); @Fire Spell (200 magic points, generates a huge and hot magic flame, which can destroy almost anything in its burning path) ; @Charm (500 magic points, literally, but ineffective for those with a strong will); @Out-of-body experience (300 magic points)]

[Material type:

@Phoenix Feather (30 magic points); @Mithril (100 magic points); @Mandrake (5 magic points); @Bezoar (1 magic point); @Rhino Horn (3 magic points)]

[Item category:

@Niga Mask (2500 magic points, the wearer can summon the Shadow Corps Ninja Group, Note: Collecting ten masks can control the Shadow Kingdom); @Pensieve (500 magic points, save the thoughts in the mind and memory); @Wizard's chess (1 magic point); @Jelani's emerald (50 magic points, whoever gets the gem will be in bad luck); @Muggle wand (50 magic points, to The magic crystal is infused with magic power. Before the magic power is consumed, even Muggles can use it to use the simplest floating spell)]

"Alas! It's true that money will only be spent when it is used!"

Aaron sighed and shook his head, then placed an order on Shen Ming Palace and Li Fire Spell.

All the magic points are cleared, and it can be said that you are back to before liberation overnight.

During this period of time, he refreshed the blank product column dozens of times before finding magic or props worth buying.

Among them, the Nijia mask is what he wants most. Others need to use a specific magic solution to take off this mask, otherwise they will gradually be controlled by the mask. But as long as he buys it, he can completely absorb the power in it, and there will be no any side effects.

However, the number of magic points is a flaw. It takes too long to just sign in, and the system tasks have not been released for a long time, so I simply use them to improve my strength first.

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