A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 296 Dementors get on the car to check

"Dementors." Ron was shocked, and his face turned extremely pale. "Are you sure they are dementors? They are not in Azkaban, why are they on our train?"

"how could I know?"

"I remembered," Harry said suddenly, "Mr. Weasley seemed to have said that the guards of Azkaban were coming to Hogwarts to garrison, and they guessed that Sirius might come to the school."

"Good guy, you transferred all these jailers just for a wanted criminal." Aaron said speechlessly, "But that's not right, there is no reason for dementors to get on our train!"


The private room suddenly shook.

A figure more than three meters tall and wearing a shabby black cloak stopped outside the door.


Aaron pulled out his wand, and white light illuminated the entire compartment and the figures outside.


Aaron felt a little nauseous just by looking at it. He had seen disgusting ones, but never such a disgusting one.

Except for the cloak, the Dementor's whole body seemed to have been soaked in water.

A gray-white bone palm slowly stretched out from the cloak and opened the sliding door.

A strange atmosphere spread in the private room. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were trembling nervously, and Crookshanks and Scabbers were also hiding in the arms of their master.

"Mr. Dementor, there is no one you are looking for here." Aaron said calmly, "We didn't invite you here, so please close the door."

The Dementor ignored him, glanced briefly around, and turned his head towards Harry Potter, seemingly showing great interest.

It began to inhale, and a gurgling sound came from its throat, like a howling wind.

Harry felt a gloomy chill envelope him, his fear was infinitely amplified, his whole body was falling in the darkness, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.


Abe roared and knocked the Dementor out of the workshop with a flying swoop.

Harry reacted, breathing heavily, and his whole body was soaked in sweat.

Before he could experience the feeling of surviving the disaster, he saw the Dementor looking over, which scared him so much that he kept shrinking back.

What he was most fortunate about at this time was that there was a college professor in this private room. No matter whether this year's Defense Against Dark Arts professor was reliable or not, he had to be reliable at this time.

Professor Luping seemed to have heard his appeal and suddenly opened his eyes.

He quickly drew out his wand, and a thick white mist swirled at the tip. The Dementor seemed to have seen its natural enemy and decisively chose to retreat.

"It seems that our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is reliable this year." Aaron smiled pointedly, then put a piece of chocolate into Harry's hand, "Eat it, after being attacked by a dementor Chocolate is even better than a tranquilizer."

Harry nodded, blankly tore open the wrapping paper and took a bite.

Feeling his body getting warmer, he reluctantly sat back down in his seat.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ron asked nervously.

"It's okay." Harry said with lingering fear, "I heard a woman's scream, and for some reason, I felt particularly heartbroken."

"That's when the dementors are sucking your soul, and you will see the memories you least want to see." Lupine explained, "You should be grateful to this cat. If it hadn't knocked the dementors out in time, you would have lost your soul." At least he will fall into a coma."

Harry was stunned for a moment and gave Abe a grateful smile.

"Is it really a cat?" Lupine looked at Aaron in confusion, "Forgive me, but a normal cat should be like that."

Lupine pointed at Crookshanks. The big orange cat was hiding in the basket and shivering, as if he hadn't gotten over the fear yet.

"Of course Abe is a cat." Aaron's face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat. "I've raised him since he was born."

Abe raised his head in displeasure. It was a dragon and had the arrogance of being a dragon.

Aaron immediately glared at it and pushed down its proud dragon head.

"It seems to be an unusual cat." Lu Ping didn't have much doubt, "I'll excuse you for a while and go have a word with the driver."

After Lupine left, Harry looked at the three of them depressedly, "I feel like the dementors are targeting me."

"Be confident and forget about feeling." Aaron held Abe in his arms. "Compared to other people like you who have lived for more than ten years but have not experienced much happiness, it is easier to become a photographer. The target of the spirit monster's attack.

If you don't want to be unable to fight back when facing Dementors, you need to learn a defensive spell, a difficult defensive spell. "

"The one where Professor Lupin drove away the dementors?" Hermione asked curiously.

"That's right." Aaron nodded, "That's called the Patronus Charm, it can drive away dementors."

"Thank God." Ron breathed a sigh of relief, "Our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor happens to know this spell, and he will definitely be willing to teach us."

"This is not easy to learn." Aaron gave Harry a meaningful look, "Especially for you."

"What's the meaning?"

"The most important factor in casting a Patronus Spell is happiness or hope.

Not to knock you, but how many happy memories do you think you have in these thirteen years? "

Hearing this, Harry pursed his lips.

After he was one year old, he moved into the Dursley's home, which was not even comparable to an orphanage. Because of this, his life for the next twelve years was not very good, it could even be said to be dire straits.

"You can think about Quidditch." Ron reminded. "You will definitely be happiest when you are riding a broomstick."

Harry's eyes suddenly flashed with light, "Thank you, Ron, I almost forgot that there are still bright spots in my life."

The corners of Ron's mouth twitched, and he felt deep resentment towards Harry's uncle's family.

This family was definitely not a good person, and Harry didn't feel the slightest bit happy in their home.

"Aaron, do you know this spell?" Hermione asked.

"You know how to do it!" Aaron nodded sheepishly. He was much more playful than Lupine.

"Then you can teach us." Ron said excitedly.

"Uh...not available."

"Hey, you're still a friend, why don't you do this little favor?"

"But I'm not a teacher." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Learning the Patronus Charm takes a long time, and I have my own things to do.

Not to mention anything else, I have signed up for five elective courses this semester, and I am really overwhelmed. "

"You also signed up for five courses?" Hermione asked in surprise.


Aaron looked at Hermione with a little doubt in his eyes.

He had a missing body clone and could barely take five classes. Hermione was just one person and could not take five classes.

"She also signed up for five courses." Ron said speechlessly. "The most terrible thing is that she, a Muggle-born wizard, actually wants to study Muggle studies."

"I personally think that Muggle research is the most valuable." Aaron said seriously. His identity destined him to deal with all kinds of Muggles. If he knows more about it now, he will suffer less in the future.

At this time the sliding door opened, Lupine sat in his previous seat, picked up the bottle by the window and took a sip.

"I talked to the driver and the train can leave soon."

After a while, the lights in the private room came on, the floor shook slightly, and the Hogwarts Express started again, and it didn't stop at Hogsmeade Station until more than ten minutes later.

Aaron dug out an umbrella from his suitcase and got off the train holding it.

Because of the rain, the platform was a little more chaotic than before. In addition, a dementor got on the bus midway, and many people were still in panic.

"First years, go this way." Hagrid shouted, asking the first years to cross the river in the traditional way.

As for the first-year students and above, they went another way and rode the carriage pulled by the Thestral to Hogwarts.

"Aaron, are you okay?" Draco asked curiously, "Many people saw dementors entering your private room."

"It's okay. Professor Luping just needs to move faster, otherwise Abe will definitely beat him away with one breath of dragon breath."

"Professor?" Draco seemed to have thought of something and frowned slightly: "The man in your private room is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"You seem a little dissatisfied with him. Did Professor Luping offend you in any way?"

"He is dressed in rags, his clothes are patched, and his box is in tatters. He is definitely at the bottom of the wizarding world. I don't think he has any abilities."

"Haha!" Aaron shook his head, "Lockhart is considered a top figure in the wizarding world, but in reality?

I think Professor Lupine is qualified for this position, at least... he can drive away the dementors. "

Draco was speechless, unable to reply.

As the carriage approached the gate, the students felt an inexplicable chill when they saw several dementors patrolling in the sky.

Passing through the gate, the carriage went up a ramp and stopped in front of the steps leading to the castle.

Everyone walked up the steps one after another, passed through a majestic oak door, and then entered the auditorium through a marble staircase.

Students from first grade and above sat down on the long tables belonging to their colleges one after another. The ceiling corresponded to the weather tonight, with dark clouds, but no rain.

"Potter! Granger! Gaius! Come with me." Professor McGonagall walked down from the teacher's chair and said.

"Uh...what's the matter?" Aaron asked in surprise. He didn't think he had committed anything and needed the vice principal to personally come forward.

"Don't be nervous, you didn't break school rules, you just have some things you need to talk about."

The three of them looked at each other and followed Professor McGonagall.

When they arrived at Professor McGonagall's office, she motioned for them to sit down, and she herself sat on the office chair.

"Harry, Professor Lupin told me that you encountered a Dementor in the car." Professor McGonagall said with concern, "So I informed Madam Pomfrey and she will be here soon."

"I'm fine, I'm really fine." Harry said anxiously. It was not a good thing to meet the school doctor when he first came to school.

The campus hospital has almost become an unbreakable curse for him. He visits it almost every semester for various reasons. He is the student that Madam Pomfrey sees the most. No one.

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