A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 293 Omen of death before school starts

As the date for the start of Hogwarts got closer, Harry Potter's work gradually became more arduous, but Aaron considered himself a kind capitalist and was very humane and gave him a small bonus.

Harry would go out at noon every day and come back on time at two o'clock, but he seemed a little distracted.

"What's wrong with you?" Aaron asked curiously, "You've been feeling a little weird since a few days ago."

"Firebolt." Harry said after struggling for a while. "The new magic broomstick in the Quidditch boutique. I have never seen such a majestic broomstick. It can accelerate from standstill to one hundred per hour in ten seconds." Fifty miles.”

Aaron raised his eyebrows, "You want it?"

"Of course I want to." Harry said subconsciously, but a trace of frustration quickly flashed across his face, "But I can't afford it. The product description says the price is negotiable."

"You are very self-aware." Aaron nodded. "Unless you empty out the inheritance your parents left you now, with the current rate of making money, it will take at least ten years to buy it."

"so long?"

"You have to stop eating and drinking."

Harry couldn't help but take a breath. No matter how much he loved Quidditch, he couldn't live without eating or drinking for ten years.

I hope he can find a high-paying job after graduation, otherwise he will never have a chance to fly a broomstick in his life.

"Actually, there is no way to make money quickly." Aaron said, putting today's "Daily Prophet" into Harry's hand, "Look carefully."

"Sirius Black?" Harry looked at the photo in the newspaper and looked at Aaron with some surprise, "Wait, you are not talking about the reward order, are you?"

"If you catch him, the Ministry of Magic will give you a large sum of money, so the Firebolt won't be a problem."

"Let's forget it!" Harry felt sad, "It would be best never to meet him. It would be too unfair if he kills me then."

Hearing what he said, Aaron nodded with satisfaction.

It's okay to be afraid. The Ministry of Magic is now particularly worried about Sirius seeking revenge against Harry Potter. This can be regarded as a warning to Harry in advance.

"By the way, I have to take a few hours off." Harry said a little embarrassed, "School is about to start, but I haven't bought my wizard robes and textbooks yet."

"Got it." Aaron waved his hand empathetically, then handed the shop to Jeans, and he took Abe to the back room to study.

During this period of time, he has been focusing on the carving of advanced magic circles. His proficiency is constantly increasing, and the time required is getting less and less. He can almost complete it in one or two seconds. He is confident that he will be able to break through to the Great Mage. In the past, it could be done instantly, but in the future, elemental magic comparable to difficult spells can be released casually, which is exciting just thinking about it.

Moreover, he is already familiar with the primary and intermediate magic arrays, and can release them as he pleases, without even having to draw the magic arrays.

It's just that it's still a bit difficult for him to release multiple magic circles at once, and he can only continue to improve through practice.

In the afternoon, Harry came back with the textbooks and daily necessities needed for the new school year, but his mood was very heavy, as if he was possessed by a god of decay.

"Mr. Jeans, are you well-informed and aware of the omens of death?" Harry asked nervously.

"Why do you ask this?" Genes frowned.

"I saw a book cover at Flourish and Blotts that had a black dog the size of a bear on it, and I think I saw the exact same creature the night I left Privet Drive."

"That might be a coincidence!" Genes said nonchalantly, "Maybe you just saw a stray dog."


Harry breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Although he might be a little self-deceiving, he thought so in his heart.

But Genes' next words made him suppress his luck again.

"There is another possibility, maybe the death you encounter next is related to that stray dog.

But there is actually no need to think so much, otherwise all wizards who see stray dogs will have a sign of death. "

Harry smiled forcefully, "That seems to make sense."

"Where's Aaron?"

"It's still inside." Genes pointed to the door at the back of the shop. "The young master may be finishing his homework, so it's best if we don't disturb him."

"But he seems to be in there seven or eight hours a day, wouldn't it be boring?" Harry asked worriedly.

“The young master is measured, he knows what he is doing, I have no doubt about it.

In addition, there is a professional doctor in the family who will ensure the young master's mental health. "

At this moment Aaron walked out of the room, "You're back. Have you bought everything you need to buy?"

"I bought it, but I found that my salary was not enough." Harry showed an innocent look, "I even went to Gringotts specifically for this."

"That can't be helped." Aaron said confidently, "You have spent a lot of money on enjoying life these days, on magic story books, wizard toys, and the most outrageous thing is that you even arranged a nutritional meal for Hedwig.

hehe! Harry Potter, do you think you are rich? "


Harry scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing how to explain it.

He ran away from home for the first time and succeeded unexpectedly.

The Ministry of Magic did not hold him responsible for anything, and arranged him to the Leaky Cauldron, which allowed him to completely get away from the Dursleys for the past three weeks.

Opportunities like this don't come around all the time, and since this is the well-known Diagon Alley in the wizarding world, he has to seize the time to have fun and spend money.

"This is your own business, I have nothing to do with it, as long as you don't forget your work."

Harry nodded hastily and immediately got into work.


The time has quickly come to the last day of summer vacation.

Aaron gave Harry a day off in advance and asked him to pack his suitcase. If he couldn't catch the train tomorrow, he might not have the same luck as last semester.

"Master, it's lunch time." Genes knocked on the door.


A strong hurricane suddenly came from the room, but this wind blew in front of Jeans but was separated to both sides, without any impact on him.

"As expected." Aaron walked out helplessly, "It seems you still have a long way to go to defeat the butler!"

"The young master can definitely do it before he reaches adulthood." Genes smiled.

Aaron rolled his eyes, but did not deny what Genes said.

He is still very confident in himself. He may not reach the realm of Holy Magister before graduation, but he will definitely be the best among Grand Magisters.

"Aaron, we're here to see you."

Harry Potter's voice rang in his ears, and he turned to see him walking over with Ron and Hermione.

"Thank God you haven't left yet." Harry said to the two people beside him: "I just said he must still be here."

"How come you three...are together?" Aaron asked in surprise.

"My dad said he lived in the Leaky Cauldron," Ron said carelessly. "Our family just came back from a trip to Egypt, and we happened to stay in the Leaky Cauldron."

"I came this morning, and I happened to bump into the two of them when I entered the Leaky Cauldron." Hermione said with some joy, "But I didn't expect you to be here.

I heard from Harry that you had been staying in the store for a month, and I couldn't see you when I came to Diagon Alley before. "

"That's just half of the summer vacation." Aaron said with a smile. He had completed a trip to another world to get the remaining free time during the vacation, but he would definitely not be able to avoid the cram school next year.

"Have you bought all the things you need for school?" Ron asked, "My dad won the Daily Prophet's jackpot. He bought brand new textbooks for us brothers and sisters, and also bought me a brand new The wand is made of willow wood and has a unicorn tail hair core.”

"Congratulations." Aaron closed the door. "I happen to have lunch. If you come a few minutes late, you might not be able to see me."

"That's great, we can go to the Leaky Cauldron together." Harry suggested, "The Weasley family will be very happy to see you."

"Ah this..." Aaron turned his head and gave Genes a look: Don't follow him on this occasion.

After hesitating for a moment, Jeans nodded.

The young master is not weak now and does not need him to follow him all the time.

Besides, this is Diagon Alley, and there are two magicians secretly protecting it, so safety is guaranteed.

Walking out of the store, Aaron suddenly felt relaxed. Although there were two brown candies secretly left, he reluctantly picked off the largest piece.

"We have to go to the Magical Creatures Shop first." Hermione said calmly, "My parents left me ten galleons and asked me to buy myself a birthday gift in advance. I plan to buy an owl. "

"Then should we prepare a gift for you?" Aaron asked, but Harry and Ron felt a little headache. Gifts for girls must be carefully considered, and their wallets have never been bulging.

A blush flashed across Hermione's face, "Let's wait until the birthday!"


Harry and Ron both breathed a sigh of relief, but then they met Hermione's resentful eyes: What do you mean? Is it difficult to prepare a gift for me?

Sensing the death question in Hermione's eyes, Harry immediately laughed and led the way, "The Fantastic Beasts Shop is right in front. I know it very well."

Ron also mentioned his mouse Scabbers, "I was just planning to take it there for a checkup. Scabbers seemed to be acclimated in Egypt. After he came back, he was even thinner than before and couldn't even eat."

Hermione rolled her eyes in disgust, silently lamenting in her heart that she had made careless friends, and then pulled Aaron to follow.

"Where did you go during the summer vacation?" Hermione asked curiously, "When I called you, your mother said you were traveling."

"It is indeed a profound journey." Aaron said with emotion, but he soon realized something, his heart skipped a beat, and his expression became unnatural, "My mother didn't say anything else, right?"

"No, she was just a little too enthusiastic. She also asked about some of my preferences." Hermione said with her fingers, "Including the food I like to eat, the colors I like, the scenery I like, and..."

As she spoke, she noticed that Aaron's expression was particularly wonderful, "Is there any problem?"

"No, not at all." Aaron was about to cry. He thought of his parents' arrangement for a fiancée for him before departure. He sternly refused at the time, but he didn't expect Lisanna to be so unruly, but he I am even more worried that my mother has contacted more than one girl. It is not impossible for her to do such a thing.

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