A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 287 Chivalry is a lie

Borg hesitated to speak, worried that Asog would not be able to accept the reality.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm still alive." Aaron's proud voice came from above, catching Azog off guard.

"Borg, where are our troops?"

"If nothing else goes wrong, the entire army will have been wiped out." Aaron said calmly, with a hint of regret in his tone, "But there was still an accident, and there were dozens of people who were relatively close to dying.

But after winning this battle, I believe the dwarves will be happy to do the last hit. "

Azog was stunned. He turned to look at Borg. When he saw that he didn't say a word, he immediately understood that this was not a lie. I'm afraid his army was really doomed.

"Why are you still alive?" Azog grabbed Borg's neck angrily, "Why didn't you die with them?"

"Because of the quick reaction." Borg explained guiltily, "You have no idea what just happened. That damn wizard released a flame more terrifying than dragon flames and burned our army to the ground.

The flames also melted the ice on Raven Ridge, and the soldiers who survived were swallowed by the lake. "

Hearing this, Azog suppressed the anger in his heart.

He wanted to ask why he didn't kill the wizard for revenge, but the magic carpet above his head made him speechless.

Borg is undoubtedly the top warrior among the orcs, but no matter how powerful he is and can't fly, he can't defeat enemies in the air.

"I won't kill you, not because you are my son, but because there is really no one available now." Asog pushed Borg away coldly, "There is only one way to make the merits go away. Do you understand what it is? !”

Borg nodded, then picked up the weapon and looked at the elf prince Legolas, "It's time to settle the grudges in Lake Town."

"Stay with me until the end." Legolas narrowed his eyes.

On the night when he was chasing the orcs in Changhu Town, he accidentally got a nosebleed from Borg.

The son of the Elf King was actually injured in the battle with the Orc King's son. This was a great shame and could only be washed away with the other's life.

Tariel wanted to help, but Legolas refused.

Borg is not weak, but he is confident that he can kill the opponent without anyone's help.

"Thorin Oakenshield." Azog looked at Thorin and asked provocatively: "Are you planning to fight alone or together?

I almost forgot, you Turin royal family are all here, you must be bullying the smaller ones! "

"I'll come." Fili volunteered, "Uncle, let me go. Dwarves can't be looked down upon."

"I'll do it, Fili, don't fight with me."

"No, you are no match for him." Thorin shook his head, "I'll do it!"

Damn it! Your brain is flooded!

Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, and told the half-orc some morality, and he would kill him together.

"Bilbo, you are good at throwing stones.

If you get the chance, hit Asog on the head. Don't be merciful. "

After the words fell, everyone raised their heads and looked at the blanket in mid-air. They couldn't believe that this was said by a teenage child.

"Oakshield, do you, the dwarf royal family, have this much capacity?" Azog roared angrily. He had always thought that sneak attacks from behind and stabbing people in the back were the preserve of their half-orcs, but today he discovered that his strategy was too small.

"If you don't want a one-on-one fight, just say so. I'm not afraid of you both coming together. Why bother with these despicable tricks?"

Thorin's old face darkened, "Bilbo, don't interfere.

This is a matter for the Turin family and should be resolved by ourselves. "


I don’t think I said I agreed!

"Idiot." Aaron complained secretly, "If you give him a chance, he will be useless!"

"That's what I say, but sneak attacks and so on... are somewhat unkind." Bilbo pursed his lips, "The heroes in the book will abide by the spirit of chivalry, let alone King Thorin."

"Get down! Chivalry is a lie.

If you can beat it, you won't die, so you can play chivalry. If you can't beat it, you will definitely die, and you can also play chivalry.

But what about Thorin? He was a 30-70 opponent against Asog, and even though he had an absolute advantage, he fought with his life to the death. I wouldn't believe it unless he lost his mind.

Look at Legolas, he is sure to win in a one-on-one challenge with Borg. If I say anything more, it will be disrespectful to him. "

Legolas: ...

This sounds weird.

"Shut up."

Azog roared angrily at Aaron, and then rushed towards Thorin desperately.

He didn't dare to let Aaron continue talking. It would be tragic if Thorin was fooled and the one-on-one fight turned into a group fight.

But people in the sky can't stop him even if they want to, so they can only start with Thorin. As long as the fight starts, he won't think so much.

Asog pulled the stone hammer with a chain and swung it at Thorin. Thorin also knew that he was no match for Asog in terms of strength, so he could only dodge hastily.

The stone hammer was very powerful, but the inertia it brought was also large. After dodging two attacks, Thorin struck Azog's left hand with his sword, but it was blocked by the sharp blade on his left arm.

Azog laughed ferociously, and continued to wield his giant hammer to deal crazy damage to Thorin. Faced with such a powerful and heavy attack, Thorin could only dodge.

Stone hammers kept hitting the lake, and the ice was gradually covered with cracks.

Upon seeing this, Thorin immediately decided to use the ice to reverse the situation. He moved around Azog and guided his attack.

Soon the ice under their feet broke away from the ice, floating like a boat on the water and shaking constantly.

Thorin lost his footing and slipped and fell on the ice. As soon as he regained his footing, the stone hammer slashed across the ice and hit his legs.

Thorin fell again, rolling to avoid Azog's attack.

After several times in a row, Thorin stood up quickly and found the opportunity to slash Azog in the abdomen with his sword.

However, his armor was extremely hard, and the sword did not cause much damage to him, but instead angered him.

Azog turned around angrily and threw out the stone hammer, but this time he used too much force. The stone hammer hit the ice and could not be pulled out.

Azog looked at Thorin and suddenly thrust out the sharp blade in his left hand, but Thorin ducked and dodged it.

Just when he was about to attack again, a group of giant eagles flew from behind Thorin.

The brown-robed wizard Radagast joined the battlefield with reinforcements. The giant bat was like a chicken in front of the giant eagle, but was torn to pieces by the giant eagle in just one attack.

In addition, the skin-changing Beorn also transformed into a giant bear, venting his hatred against the orcs like a meat grinder.

The half-orcs who had just gained an upper hand instantly felt despair spreading in their hearts, and the balance of victory was completely tilted towards the dwarves, elves and humans.

"I won, I definitely won this time." Bilbo shouted excitedly.

Aaron controlled the magic carpet to land in front of Gandalf, and said with a satisfied smile: "This wave of reinforcements is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow. The Orcs' behemoth army has been completely damaged. They have no power to fight back and will undoubtedly die."

The old god Gandalf was there and winked at Aaron proudly, "You came in time."

"It's quite timely, but it would be better if it could be done earlier."

Gandalf: ...

Azog watched the giant eagle fly away and knew that the orcs were gone.

But just for severely damaging the dwarf and elven armies, he had to pay such a heavy price. Naturally, he was unwilling to do anything about it. He had to at least take the heads of the dwarf king and the elf prince to barely make up for his losses.

But just when he came back to his senses and wanted to deal with Thorin, he found that Thorin quickly picked up the stone hammer on the ice and threw it to him.

Azog hugged the stone hammer and was filled with doubts.

what's the situation? Oakenshield gave up his resistance and actually gave him his weapon back.

At this time, Thorin suddenly took a step back and jumped onto the stable ice.

As he left, the ice floe under Asog's feet completely lost its balance and tilted downward uncontrollably.

He immediately threw away the stone hammer, but it was too late and he struggled and fell into the cold lake water.

"Win, Thorin wins." Dvalin laughed and cheered, and Fili and Kili were also excited.

"Don't be too happy too soon." Aaron said with a sullen face, "Asog is not an ordinary half-orc. He did not suffer any injuries. It can be said that he fell into the icy lake in an intact state.

With your physique, you can struggle for several minutes if you fall in. However, the majestic King of Orcs can't even lift a wave. It's really... incredible. "

When several people heard this, their expressions changed greatly.

They looked at the relieved Thorin sitting on the ice, and an ominous premonition arose.

"Thorin, get out of there," Gandalf shouted.

Thorin was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, but as soon as he stood up, a sharp blade pierced the sole of his foot.

Azog broke through the ice, knocked Thorin down, and then stabbed him hard with the sharp blade of his left arm.


Thorin instinctively held the weapon in front of him, barely blocking the fatal blow, but his strength was not as strong as Azog, so he could only watch the sharp blade close to his chest.



Dwalin, Fili, and Kili rushed over quickly. There was no morality at this time. The king was in danger, so who could talk about a fair fight?

However, they had only run less than halfway when a short sword emitting blue light arrived first and pierced Azog's temple heavily.


Azog let out a shrill scream. The huge pain made him forget to kill Thorin. He pulled out the sting inserted in his temple and threw it aside. He staggered back a few steps and fell heavily to the ground.

But his blue pupils were wide open, showing his strong unwillingness before death.

If he died at the hands of Oakenshield, he would admit it. He was the dwarf king after all, and dying at his hands would not be considered as burying his identity.

But just when he was about to kill Thorin Oakenshield and get his arm broken, his life was actually taken away by an unknown dagger. Is there anything more frustrating than that?

"Gaius." Bilbo looked at his empty right hand and shook his head in confusion, "I don't want to say this, but...well done."

"Thank you for the compliment. The story of your great-great-great-uncle Roaring Bull Tuk and killing the Orc King is just a legend, but today's story is true.

The hobbit Bilbo Baggins indirectly helped the dwarf king kill the Orc king Azog, and Stinging can also go down in history, enough for you, the master, to brag about for a lifetime. "

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